Storage Toolkit

This topic describes the Storage Toolkit feature, which enables you to use actions in the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal. The Storage Toolkit actions provide convenient access to mainframe operations that let you target resources such as volumes and mainframe data sets. For example, you use the actions to migrate data sets or release free space.

The Situation Storage Toolkit Extension enhancement provides you with the ability to associate a Storage Toolkit command with a situation. This means that the Storage Toolkit command will be run when the situation becomes true. All of the capabilities of the Storage Toolkit can now be associated with a situation including the ability to issue custom commands, batch JCL, and Storage Toolkit generated commands. See Associating Storage Toolkit commands with situations for more information.

Product-provided menus and dialog boxes enable you to initiate a broad range of commonly used mainframe commands. You can also issue custom commands. Using the Storage Toolkit, you can invoke commands from the following facilities in a z/OS® system:
  • DFSMSdss (Device Support Services)
  • DFSMShsm (Hierarchical Storage Manager)
  • ICKDSF (Device Support Facilities)
  • IDCAMS (Access Method Services)
  • DFSMSrmm (DFSMS Removable Media Manager)
  • Mainframe (z/OS console command)
  • TSO (Time Sharing Option)
The Storage Toolkit also enables you to create and submit user-defined JCL streams.

Storage Toolkit menus and dialog boxes

This section describes the actions that are available in the context menus of the Storage Toolkit.

To access the actions, you select and right-click rows in the workspaces that have action menus. A context menu is displayed where you now select an item such as Dataset Actions. Then you choose the appropriate action from the submenu. When you select an action, a dialog box is displayed where you configure the action and submit the request.

The items on the context menu vary depending on the selected resources, however the following items are always available:
  • Create Command
  • Create Batch Job
  • Submit Command or Job
These items do not have submenus. When you select them, you proceed directly to the corresponding dialog box.
Some actions can process multiple resources in a single request. In other words, you can run a single action against multiple resources. For example, to migrate multiple data sets you can proceed as follows:
  1. Select the target resources in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
  2. Right-click and select Dataset Actions > Migrate.
  3. Configure the command.
  4. Submit the request. The Migrate command is issued against each resource.
When you select an action, the Storage Toolkit launches a dialog box where you configure the action. The dialog boxes contain a set of standard tabs, which are described in Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit.
Custom commands and jobs
Name of menu item Corresponding dialog box
Create Batch Job Create Batch Job dialog box
Create Command Issue Command dialog box
Submit Command or Job Submit Command or Job dialog box
Actions related to volumes that are displayed in workspaces of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Name of menu item Corresponding dialog box
Backup Volume Backup dialog box
Convert Volume Conversion dialog box
Migrate Volume Migration dialog box
Release Space Volume Space Release dialog box
Compress Compress dialog box
Defrag Defrag dialog box
Actions related to data sets that are displayed in workspaces of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Actions related to data set attribute groups that are displayed in workspaces of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Name of menu item Corresponding dialog box
Extract Attributes Dataset Attribute Group Extract dialog box
Actions related to DFSMShsm

Cancel HSM Request dialog box. The menu item that corresponds to this dialog box is available when all the selected items are either queued or active. If the state of any selected item is complete, abended, or cancelled, the menu is not available.

Actions related to DFSMSrmm
Name of menu item Corresponding dialog box
Actions related to DFSMSrmm-related data sets
Add Dataset Add Dataset dialog box
Change Dataset Change Dataset dialog box
Delete Dataset Delete Dataset dialog box
Actions related to DFSMSrmm-related owners
Add Owner Add Owner dialog box
Change Owner Change Owner dialog box
Delete Owner Delete Owner dialog box
Actions related to DFSMSrmm-related volumes
Add Volume Add Volume dialog box
Change Volume Change Volume dialog box
Confirm Actions Confirm Actions for All Volumes dialog box
Delete Volume Delete Volume dialog box
Actions related to DFSMSrmm-related VRS resources
Add VRS Add VRS dialog box
Change VRS Change VRS dialog box
Delete VRS Delete VRS dialog box

The documentation for the z/OS operating system includes reference information for the commands and parameters that the Storage Toolkit uses. You can access documentation for the version of z/OS that you use through the following Web page:

How the Storage Toolkit processes action requests

This section briefly describes how the OMEGAMON® for Storage on z/OS monitoring agent handles an action request.
Note: You can use the Storage Toolkit to target resources in a separate z/OS environment. However, this activity is valid only when that separate environment is located on DASD that is shared between the separate z/OS environments.

All actions, not only the actions that submit user-defined JCL streams, run as batch jobs on the z/OS system. Each type of command has a batch job interface which the Storage Toolkit uses to execute the action. The JCL for each command type is defined by PARMGEN and is subsequently used to run the command. PARMGEN is also used to define a default JOB card which is applied to each batch job, but can be overridden with a custom JOB card that you provide on the Storage Toolkit dialog box.

When you submit an action request, the Storage Toolkit starts a thread on z/OS to handle the execution of the request. The thread generates the JCL, substituting values for variables and expanding )DOT )ENDDOT clauses, submits the batch job for execution using the MVS™ Internal Reader, and waits for its completion. At the beginning of each JCL stream, the Storage Toolkit inserts a step that executes code to monitor the rest of the steps in the job. As each step completes, this code collects command output or, in the case when your request is to run user-defined JCL, it collects the contents of corresponding data sets and DD names that you specified be copied for later viewing. DD names that are routed to a SYSOUT class are not collected until the final job step.

At the end of each JCL stream, the Storage Toolkit adds a final step that also executes Storage Toolkit code. The code in the final step collects SYSOUT from each step where it was requested, collects the return code of the batch job, and optionally, collects the JES output. Additionally, it notifies the Storage Toolkit thread that the batch job is complete. The thread then stores the results of the execution into the checkpoint database and terminates.

To accomplish this, the Storage Toolkit thread creates temporary data sets to contain the JCL, the results of the batch job and other files. The data sets are transient and are shared between the thread and the batch job. When the batch job completes, the data sets are deleted.

Activities required to process your request are executed under a security environment that the Storage Toolkit establishes using your Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID. Because the security environment is established on the z/OS system where the monitoring agent runs, your portal user ID must match your mainframe ID on that system. If this ID is not a valid mainframe user ID, a security environment cannot be established and the action request fails.

The Storage Toolkit performs the following operations within the context of your security environment:
  • Create and access all temporary data sets required by the batch job.
  • Submit the batch job.
When your action request runs user-defined JCL, the Storage Toolkit also uses your security context to access the JCL data set and any other data sets you identify as containing substitution variables. If you are not authorized to the data sets, the action request fails.
Note: To ensure the security of Storage Toolkit commands, some type of security authentication must govern the users who log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. You set up authentication on the hub monitoring server in the IBM® Tivoli Monitoring environment. For further information, see Authentication and authorization for running Storage Toolkit commands.