Dataset Backup dialog box

You use this dialog box to issue the DFSMShsm BACKDS command to create a backup version of specific data sets. The action that you define targets the data sets that you select. To learn about the standard capabilities of a dialog box, see Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit. The topic includes a link to the Reference guides for commands that are used in the Storage Toolkit.

This works with the following information:

With OMEGAMON® for Storage on z/OS® Version 4.2.0 Interim Feature 3 or later, you can select *DSNG or *DSNAG as an attribute of the command variable on the Command tab of the Dataset Backup dialog box. *DSNG represents a dynamic set of data sets within the data set group which will be resolved at job submission time. *DSNAG represents a dynamic set of data sets within the data set attribute group which will be resolved at job submission time.