Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit

The dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit have similar layouts. This topic describes the tabs that are standard in most of the dialog boxes.

To access the dialog boxes, you select and right-click one or more rows in the workspaces that have action menus. Then you choose one of the Storage Toolkit options in the pop-up menu to access the corresponding dialog box.

Options tab

Use this tab to choose configuration settings for the action that you want to run. The Options tab provides a subset of the available command parameters. Table 1 describes where to go for complete documentation of the available command parameters.
Table 1. Command reference guides

The documentation for the z/OS® operating system includes reference information for the commands and parameters that the Storage Toolkit uses. You can access documentation for the version of z/OS that you use through the following Web page:

The options that you select on the Options tab are rendered as parameters on the command. You can view the raw text of the command including your options on the Command tab.
Note: If you make any modifications in the Command tab, further modifications in the Options tab are disabled. If you want to use the Options tab again, click Cancel to dismiss the dialog box, and begin constructing a new command in a new invocation of the dialog box.

Refer to Setting substitution variables for toolkit commands for a scenario that describes how the Options tab and the Command tab interrelate.

The following exceptions exist regarding the Options tab of the Storage Toolkit:
  • The Options tab for the Create Batch Job dialog box enables you to define substitution variables. You can click the Show Data button to access the Data View dialog box, where you can review the scope of the variables that you specify.
  • The Options tab is not provided in the following dialog boxes, because they have no options to set: Dataset Space Release dialog box, Dataset Verify dialog box, Dataset Uncatalog dialog box, and Cancel HSM Request dialog box.
  • The Options tab is not provided in the Issue Command dialog box, because you specify the command and its parameters as raw text in the Command tab of that dialog box.

General tab

Use the General tab to set name and description values for the action. Also use this tab to set the following options:
  • Run Options:
    • Run now, if no schedule:
      • Select this option to cause the action request to run when you click OK in the dialog box. Keep in mind that any schedule that you specify in the Schedule tab takes precedence over the Run now, if no schedule option.
      • To save a Storage Toolkit action for later use, clear the Run now, if no schedule check box. The toolkit action request is saved, but it does not run. You can run the action later using the Submit Request or the Submit Command or Job context menu items. See Reusing action requests for related information.
    • Delete request and results after one run: Select this option to cause deletion of the action request and results when the action request completes. If you do not need to review the results of a request and only intend to run the request one time, you might want to use this option. For example, you might want to delete the request and results for an MVS™ operator command that you need to run only one time. If you do not select this option, the request and results, persist until you delete them, as described in Managing actions.
    • Use request's default data: When you reuse an existing action, select this option to resubmit it using the same resources that were used when the action was initially created. See Reusing action requests for additional details.
    • Run on situation firing: This option is disabled and not checked for all non-situational requests. It is checked only for situational requests. It is included for information purposes only.
  • Results:
    Note: Use the dialog box options that are listed here to manage the results of requests. You must manage the buildup of old results and unused requests. Otherwise, this data can build up and actually cause the Toolkit Checkpoint Database to run out of space.
    • Delete after (days): This value determines the number of days after the toolkit action request completes that the results are automatically deleted. If the value is 0, no results are saved. If you do not specify a value, the results persist until you delete them.
    • Maximum output lines: This value determines the number of lines that are saved from the execution of the action request. If the value is 0, no output lines are saved. If this field is blank, all of the output lines are saved, up to a maximum defined by configuration options that are chosen for your production environment. If you specify a value other than 0, the number of output lines that are saved may also be reduced based on the configuration options. See Storage Toolkit limitations and hints for additional information.

Scheduling tab

Use this tab to schedule the action in one of the following ways:
Note: Time is in 12-hour format, so you must specify morning (am) or afternoon/night (pm).
  • At a specific time and date OR
  • At a specific time and days of the week. (Select the Every check box to enable the action to run every week on the schedule you specify.) OR
  • In a specific time frame, when a specific amount of time has passed.
For details regarding the syntax of scheduling specifications, see the description of the Schedule attribute in the section Storage Toolkit Requests.

JCL tab

Use this tab to specify changes to JCL (job control language) characteristics as follows:
  • Replacement JCL JOB card: Use this text box to define a new JCL JOB card specification to override the installation-specific JOB card. This job card can include substitution variables.
  • Extra JCL statements: Use this text box to specify JCL statements to append to the JCL stream. For example, you can add DD statements to supplement a command in addition to control statements. This JCL can include substitution variables.
  • Dataset prefix for temp files: Use this field to specify the prefix to use for the names of the temporary data sets that the Storage Toolkit creates to process the action request. The Storage Toolkit assigns unique names to the temporary data sets using this prefix as the high level qualifier. The Storage Toolkit accesses the temporary data sets under your security context. Therefore your user ID must have authority to create, read, write, and delete data sets whose names begin with the prefix. If you do not specify a value, the default is your user ID.
  • Copy JCL and JES logs for later viewing: Select this option to save a copy of the submitted JCL as well as the various JES files (JESMSGLG, JESJCL, and JESYSMSG) that are produced when the batch job runs. You can view these files in the Action Results Details view of the Storage Toolkit Result Detail workspace.

Command tab

Use this tab to review and modify the command that you construct using the Storage Toolkit.

For most dialog boxes of the toolkit, this tab displays a command that summarizes the selections that you make in the Options tab. However, there are two exceptions from the standard behavior of the Command tab:
  • When you use the Issue Command dialog box (by selecting the Create Command option in the pop-up menu of a product workspace) the Command tab is blank, ready for you to manually enter all the specifications for a new command.
  • When you use the Create Batch Job dialog box, the Command tab is not present. The functionality to run user-defined JCL is provided in the Options tab of that dialog box.
  1. The Command type drop-down list displays the command type that corresponds to the type of toolkit action that you are constructing:
    • DFSMSdss (Device Support Services)
    • DFSMShsm (Hierarchical Storage Manager)
    • ICKDSF (Device Support Facilities)
    • IDCAMS (Access Method Services)
    • DFSMSrmm (Removable Media Manager)
    • Mainframe (z/OS console command)
    • TSO (Time Sharing Option)
    The type of command is selected automatically while you are using any of the dialog boxes of the toolkit. (The exception is the Issue Command dialog box, where the command type field can be configured. By default, DFSMSdss (Device Support Services) is selected, but you can select any of the command types in the drop-down list.)
  2. Experienced users can modify the command and parameters that are displayed in the Command text box.
    Note: If you make any modifications in the Command tab, further modifications in the Options tab are disabled. If you want to use the Options tab again, click Cancel to dismiss the dialog box, and begin constructing a new command in a new invocation of the dialog box.
  3. Define substitution variables, as needed, in the Substitution variables and their run-time replacement values table. The following guidelines apply to the use of substitution variables:
    • OMEGAMON® for Storage on z/OS uses the percent sign (%) for the default substitution variables that it provides.
    • The product provides generic attribute names, such as *DSN and *ROWNUMBER.
    Note: The IBM® OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS: User's Guide describes how to use substitution variables.
    Setting substitution variables for toolkit commands includes a description of how the Options tab and the Command tab interrelate.

Authentication and authorization for running Storage Toolkit commands

The user ID for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal is fundamental to Storage Toolkit functionality. The following principles determine the success of Storage Toolkit operations:
  • The user ID for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal enables toolkit activity in the mainframe environment.
  • Authorization is achieved when the portal user ID matches a valid user ID in the z/OS system.
  • You ensure the security of the z/OS environment by enabling user authentication on the hub monitoring server.
Keep in mind the following details regarding the portal user ID:
  • The following list provides examples of the types of authentication that you could use to secure the use of the Storage Toolkit:
    • For a z/OS hub monitoring server, RACF®, ACF2, Top-Secret, or equivalent hub-server authentication.
    • For a distributed hub monitoring server, user IDs can be authenticated either by the local system registry or by an external LDAP-enabled central registry.
  • The Storage Toolkit does not have access to lists of valid user IDs in the mainframe environment. The toolkit depends on you to use a portal ID that matches a valid ID in the z/OS environment.
  • For UNIX-based monitoring environments, you must ensure that the user ID exactly matches the user ID in the z/OS environment, including case sensitivity. For example, if the user ID in the z/OS system is USER1 (and not user1), you must log in to UNIX-based Tivoli Enterprise Portal with a USER1 user account. If you log in to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal with a user1 user account, Storage Toolkit actions would fail because user1 is not equivalent to USER1 on the z/OS system.
  • You have the option to use various methods to resubmit actions that you defined previously. Authorization of a resubmission depends on the currently active user ID. (Resubmission does not depend on the ID used when the action was originally run.)
  • To enable use of the temp files that are configured in the JCL tab, see the guidelines that are provided in the JCL tab section. The names of the target data sets start with the data set prefix that is specified for temp files. Keep in mind that the user ID must have the required authority to work with these data sets in the mainframe environment.