Storage Toolkit Requests

The Storage Toolkit Requests attributes provide details regarding actions that you have created and about the status of those actions.

Action Name: Name of the request as given by user.

Associated With Situation: The request is currently associated with the situation, if applicable.

Command: The command that the Storage Toolkit runs.

Command Property: The command properties to use for command resubmission.

Creator Name: Name of user who created action request.

Date Created: Date/time that the request was created.

Description: Description of the request as given by user.

Last Completed: Date/time that the most recent action completed.

Last Return Code: Return code for the most recently completed action.

Managed System: An internal node name used to identify the system from which this row of data was obtained.

Request ID: An ID number for the request.

Run Count: Number of times that the request has run.

Schedule: Dates and times when the action request runs. The value is a character string and specifies either a time or an interval. An AT, IN, or EV prefix in a schedule specification identifies the type of schedule for running action requests:
  • The AT prefix is followed by a specific date and time, as in these examples. Each of the following example lines represents a separate example:
    • AT:hh:mm
    • AT:YY.DDD.hh:mm
    • AT:YY.MM.DD:hh: mm
    • AT:D1234567:hh: mm
    (Go to the end of this bullet list for descriptions of the preceding variables.)
  • The IN prefix is followed by an interval value, as in these examples. Each of the following example lines represents a separate example:
    • IN:hh:mm
    • IN:DDD:hh: mm
    (Go to the end of this bullet list for descriptions of the preceding variables.)
  • The EV (Every) prefix is followed by specific days and times of the week, as in this example: EV:D1234567 :hh:mmwhere:
    • hh:mm is the hour and minute time or interval
    • YY is the two-digit year (00 to 99)
    • MM is the two-digit month (01 to 12)
    • DD is the two-digit day of the month (01 to 31)
    • DDD is the three-digit day of the year (001 to 366)
    • D1234567 indicates the days of the week (1=Monday to 7=Sunday). You can specify from 1 to 7 digits (days) after the letter D.

Situation Name: The situation name associated with the toolkit command, if applicable.

Status: The status for the action request.

Type: Type of request. The request types are as follows:
  • DFSMShsm Volume Migration
  • DFSMShsm Volume Backup
  • DFSMShsm Dataset Migrate to Level 1
  • DFSMShsm Dataset Migrate to Level 2
  • DFSMShsm Dataset Backup
  • DFSMShsm Dataset Recover
  • DFSMShsm Dataset Recall
  • DFSMSdss Volume Release
  • DFSMSdss Volume Convert Test
  • DFSMSdss Volume Convert Prepare
  • DFSMSdss Volume Convert
  • DFSMSdss Dataset Copy or Move
  • DFSMSdss Dataset Release
  • DFSMSdss Dataset Compress
  • DFSMSdss Volume Defrag
  • DFSMSdss Release
  • DFSMShsm Dataset Migrate
  • DFSMShsm Cancel Request
  • DFSMSdss Compress
  • DFSMShsm
  • DFSMSdss
  • DFSMSrmm
  • DFSMSrmm AddDataset
  • DFSMSrmm ChangeDataset
  • DFSMSrmm DeleteDataset
  • DFSMSrmm AddOwner
  • DFSMSrmm ChangeOwner
  • DFSMSrmm DeleteOwner
  • DFSMSrmm AddVolume
  • DFSMSrmm ChangeVolume Confirm
  • DFSMSrmm ChangeVolume
  • DFSMSrmm DeleteVolume
  • DFSMSrmm AddVRS
  • DFSMSrmm ChangeVRS
  • DFSMSrmm DeleteVRS
  • TSO
  • Mainframe
  • Batch Job
  • IDCAMS Dataset Delete
  • IDCAMS Dataset Alter
  • IDCAMS Dataset Catalog
  • IDCAMS Dataset Allocate
  • IDCAMS Dataset Define Cluster
  • IDCAMS Dataset ListCat
  • IDCAMS Dataset Print
  • IDCAMS Dataset Repro
  • IDCAMS Dataset Verify