Issue Command dialog box

You use this dialog box to issue arbitrary commands, including IDCAMS, ICKDSF, DFSMSrmm, DFSMShsm, DFSMSdss, TSO, and mainframe console commands in text format.

Note: An MVS™ command that you issue through the Issue Command dialog box is submitted through SDSF. A forward slash (/) must precede MVS commands, as in this example, which cancels a time-sharing user (tso_user_ID):
/C U=tso_user_ID
Also see Authentication and authorization for running Storage Toolkit commands regarding the authorization that is required for the action requests of the Storage Toolkit.

Typically you use this feature when you are familiar with the syntax and parameters of a command. You construct and issue a mainframe command directly from the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal, without having to directly access the mainframe environment. See Authentication and authorization for running Storage Toolkit commands for a description of the relevant requirements for your portal user ID.

You supply the command details in the following fields of the dialog box:
  • Command Type drop-down list
  • Command text box
  • Substitution variables and their run-time replacement values table
For additional information, see the description of the generic Command tab.
In the generic Command tab you enter supplemental parameters to a basic command that you specify in a graphical user interface. In contrast, the Command tab of the Issue Command dialog box is used to enter a complete command in text form. Because you specify all options for the command in the text box, the Issue Command dialog box does not have an Options tab.
Command tab
Use this tab to construct the raw text of the command that you want to issue.
  1. Select one of the following types of command in the Command type drop-down list:
    • DFSMSdss (Device Support Services)
    • DFSMShsm (Hierarchical Storage Manager)
    • ICKDSF (Device Support Facilities)
    • IDCAMS (Access Method Services)
    • DFSMSrmm (Removable Media Manager)
    • Mainframe (z/OS® console command)
    • TSO (Time Sharing Option)
    You must select the type of command (corresponding to the type of facility in the mainframe environment) that matches the command type that you enter in the Command text box. Otherwise, the command is not processed successfully in the mainframe environment.
  2. Type the command and its parameters in the Command text box. Use substitution variables as needed.
  3. Define substitution variables, as needed, in the Substitution variables and their run-time replacement values table.
  4. Click the Show Data button to access the Data View dialog box, where you can review the scope of the substitution variables that you specify.

To learn about the standard capabilities of a dialog box, see Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit. The topic includes a link to the Reference guides for commands that are used in the Storage Toolkit.