Copy Services Collection Control dialog box

You use this dialog box to configure the data collection settings for the Copy Services feature.

Account for the following issues when you install Version 4.2.0 of OMEGAMON® for Storage to ensure that the Copy Services feature operates correctly:
  • You must delete, reallocate, and initialize the RKS3DSAx persistent data stores. Otherwise, the new Copy Services tables cannot be correctly defined for historical collection.
The Copy Services Status feature is turned off by default. It is recommended that you first run a collection cycle off-hours to test how the feature may affect performance. Use the information from this test session to estimate the impact of collection on the address space of the Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Server and on the overall z/OS® system. This estimate can help you choose optimal configuration settings, such as what time of day to start collection of data, what deadline (if any) to impose for completion of collection, and whether to include data-set-level attributes in the collection.

Details regarding the Collection Control dialog box

Use the Copy Services Collection Control dialog box to configure data collection for the Copy Services feature. Right-click in a row of the Copy Services Status workspace and select Copy Services Collection Control to launch the dialog box.
Table 1. Copy Services Collection Control dialog box
Section/option Comments
Collection Scheduling
Start collection at (hh:mm) Select this check box to activate most of the other fields in the dialog box. hh is an integer from 1 to 12, and mm is an integer from 0 to 60.

By default, collection is set to run daily. You deselect specific days of the week in the Every area to prevent collection on specific days.

Start collection at causes the backend controller to schedule Summary Collection to begin at the specified time on the specified days of the week. If unchecked, Summary collection does not automatically run.

Stop collection at (hh:mm) Use this setting to prevent data collection from continuing into a time period when critical jobs run that require significant amounts of system resources. You can also use this setting to prevent collection when the Copy Services subsystem itself is in heavy use and requires exclusive access to its CDS. hh is an integer from 1 to 12, and mm is an integer from 0 to 60.

If you specify a stop time and collection is halted because that time is reached, attributes and reports for every volume and data set processed up to the point that collection was halted are available for viewing from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

Stop collection at causes the backend controller to halt the Copy Services Summary Collection process at the indicated time of day. This response can be useful in environments where the Copy Services CDS is extremely large and the summary process interferes with normal Copy Services processing, or where a limit should be placed on the amount of elapsed time/resources consumed by the summary collection process.

Collection Options
Summarize Copy Services data set attributes When you deselect this check box, no Copy Services information is obtained for any tape data set. You continue to see a total data set count, however, because this metric is obtained by accumulating the total number of data sets on each processed volume.
Note: By deselecting this option, you reduce resource consumption and elapsed time. However, several summary report workspaces are empty when you do not collect this data, specifically, Job and Program summary.
Collection Status
Status message: Force Start button or Force Stop button Status messages include, Collection not active, Collection in progress, Collection waiting, Collection failed, Collection completed, Collection halted due to deadline, and Collection halted by user or operator.

Click Force Start to manually force data collection to start. A Force Stop button is available while data collection is running to manually force data collection to stop. Results are displayed that include all volumes and data sets processed up to the point that collection was halted. And the status shown is Collection completed.

If you stop the collection by clicking on Force Stop button, the state in the Collection Status area is Collection halted by user or operator. The status is not Stopped.

To learn about the standard capabilities of a dialog box, see Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit. The topic includes a link to the Reference guides for commands that are used in the Storage Toolkit.