Add Dataset dialog box

You use this dialog box to issue the DFSMSrmm ADDDATASET command from RMM data-set-oriented workspaces. You must specify a fully-qualified name for the data set.

You can specify the following details for the data set that you add:
  • Fully Qualified DSN
  • Volser
  • Retention area:
    • Retention days
    • Expires on
  • File sequence
  • Block size
  • Logical record length
  • Record format

The Options tab contains the most commonly used keywords of this command. Not all keywords are presented in the Options tab. If a command keyword that you need is not presented, access the Command tab for this dialog box and enter the appropriate keyword and parameters in the Command input area.

To learn about the standard capabilities of a dialog box, see Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit. The topic includes a link to the Reference guides for commands that are used in the Storage Toolkit.