Dataset Delete dialog box

You use this dialog box to issue an IDCAMS DELETE request to delete the data sets that you select in the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal. To learn about the standard capabilities of a dialog box, see Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit. The topic includes a link to the Reference guides for commands that are used in the Storage Toolkit.

The dialog box provides the following options:
  • Entry type: Select an option in this drop-down list to identify the type of object or entry to be deleted. If the object to be deleted is a catalog, truename entry, or VSAM volume record, you must specify its entry type as USERCATALOG, TRUENAME, NVR, or VVR. If you delete a migrated data set without specifying the entry type, DFSMShsm deletes the data set without recalling it.
  • Catalog: Type the name of the catalog that contains the entries to be deleted.
  • Erase: Select this option to cause the deleted entries to be overwritten with binary zeros.
  • Force: Select this option to enable deletion of entries, even if they are not empty.
  • Purge: Select this option to enable deletion of entries, even when a retention date has been specified.
  • Recovery: Select this option to enable retention of information regarding the deleted records, in anticipation of a recovery operation. When you select Recovery, the Erase, Force, Purge, and Noscratch options are disabled.
  • Noscratch: Select this option to enable deletion of the catalog entry from the catalog without mounting the volume that contains the object defined by the entry.