RLS Collection Control dialog box

You use this dialog box to configure the data collection settings for the Record Level Sharing feature.

See Working with the DFSMSrmm Status feature for additional information.

Details regarding the Collection Control dialog box

Use the RLS Collection Control dialog box to configure data collection for the Record Level Sharing feature. Right-click in a row of the Record Level Sharing Status workspace and select RLS Collection Control to launch the dialog box.
Table 1. RLS Collection Control dialog box
Section/option Comments
RLS Collection Interval
RMF™ Interval Select this option to use the RMF Interval as the RLS collection interval
On Demand Select this option to collect RLS data on demand.
Mins (5 - 360) Select this option to set a time interval for RLS collection. Specify a time in minutes between 5 and 360.

To learn about the standard capabilities of a dialog box, see Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit. The topic includes a link to the Reference guides for commands that are used in the Storage Toolkit.