Print dialog box

You use this dialog box to issue an IDCAMS PRINT request to print the data sets that you select in the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal. To learn about the standard capabilities of a dialog box, see Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit. The topic includes a link to the Reference guides for commands that are used in the Storage Toolkit.

The dialog box provides the following options:
Print tab
Access the Print tab in the Options tab of this dialog box to set attributes for format and range of printing:
  • Format of Output: Select Character, Dump, or Hex.
  • Print Range Attributes: Choose a From/To range or a Skip/Count range or All of the records.
    • From/To: When you choose the From/To range type, specify the following values:
      • Range Type: This drop-down menu offers the following options:
        • Key: To specify the keys of the first and the last record you want to print.
        • Address: To specify the relative byte address (RBA) of the first and the last record to be printed.
        • Number: To specify the relative record number of the first and the last record to be printed.
      • From and To fields: Enter values that correspond to the Range Type that you specified:
        • To target multiple items that have similar key names, you can specify an initial character string followed by a wildcard character (*).
        • Other valid range values include decimal, hexadecimal, and binary numeric.
    • Skip/Count: When you choose the Skip/Count range type, specify the following values:
      • Number of records to skip: Zero (0) is the default.
      • Count of records to print: The number of subsequent records to print. All records, except those skipped, are printed by default
    • All: Print all of the records.
To print all of the records, choose All or either of the From/To and Skip/Count radio buttons, and leave the other fields blank.
Note: When you are working in the Print dialog box and you select the From/To or Skip/Count radio buttons, the radio buttons remain selected. If you decide to deselect one of the radio buttons, you must click Cancel to dismiss the dialog box. Access the dialog box again and make the revised selections that you want.
DBCS tab
Access the DBCS tab to configure printing of dual-byte character sets (DBCS):
  • Use DBCS handling: Select this check box to enable the printing of dual-byte characters.
    • Skip Options: Specify skip options in this area. Select the Skip DBCS check option to specify a table of Offset1 and Offset2 pairs, which are byte offsets in the logical record that define the beginning and the end of an area where DBCS checking is not performed. Select the No DBCS check option to disable validity checking for dual-byte characters.

      To omit any Skip Options in the IDCAMS PRINT command select the Skip DBCS check option and leave the offset table blank.

    • Shift Options: Specify shift options in this area. These options serve the scenario in which SO (shift out) and SI (shift in) characters are not present already in the record that you are printing. Select the Insert shift option to specify a table of Offset1 and Offset2 pairs, which are byte offsets in the logical record that indicate where the DBCS characters begin (Offset1) and end (Offset2).

      Select Insert all when the record to be printed consists of only dual-byte characters. This option causes a single SO character to be inserted at the beginning of each record and SI to be inserted at the end of the record.

      To omit any Shift Options in the IDCAMS PRINT command select the Insert shift option and leave the offset table blank.