Dataset Repro dialog box

You use this dialog box to issue an IDCAMS REPRO request for the data set that you select in the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal. The dialog box displays options in the Repro and Merge/DBCS tabs that are located in the Options tab.

To learn about the standard capabilities of a dialog box, see Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit. The topic includes a link to the Reference guides for commands that are used in the Storage Toolkit.

Table 1. IDCAMS REPRO options that are available in the Dataset Repro dialog box of the Storage Toolkit, Part 1 of 2, Repro tab
Option Description
Target Dataset section Specify the fully qualified name of the target data set in the Fully Qualified Dataset field.
Source Dataset Copy Options section
Volume entries Use this option to copy/merge a tape volume catalog to another tape volume catalog. Specify the entries of the source tape volume catalogs to be merged or copied in this field.
Error limit Type a failure limit in this field. Use this parameter to set a limit to the number of errors that REPRO copy tolerates.
Replace Select this option to indicate that a record in the source cluster is to replace a record in the target cluster when the source cluster is copied into the target cluster.
Reuse Select this option if the target data set is to be opened as a reusable data set. This parameter is valid only for VSAM data sets.
Repro Range Attributes Choose a From/To range or a Skip/Count range or All of the records.
  • From/To: When you choose the From/To range type, specify the following values:
    • Range Type: This drop-down list offers the following options:
      • Key: To specify the keys of the first and the last record you want to copy.
      • Address: To specify the relative byte address (RBA) of the first and the last record to be copied.
      • Number: To specify the relative record number of the first and the last record to be copied.
    • From and To fields: Enter values that correspond to the Range Type that you specified:
      • To target multiple items that have similar key names, you can specify an initial character string followed by a wildcard character (*).
      • Other valid range values include decimal, hexadecimal, and binary numeric.
  • Skip/Count: When you choose the Skip/Count range type, specify the following values:
    • Number of records to skip: Zero (0) is the default.
    • Count of records to copy: The number of subsequent records to copy. All records, except those skipped, are copied by default.
  • All: Copy all of the records.
To copy all of the records, choose All or either of the From/To and Skip/Count radio buttons, and leave the other fields blank.
Table 2. IDCAMS REPRO options that are available in the Dataset Repro dialog box of the Storage Toolkit, Part 2 of 2, Merge/DBCS tab
Option Description
Merge Entries section Mergecat: You cannot select this option when Use DBCS support is selected. Select Mergecat to specify that the source catalog entries are to be merged with the target catalog entries and that the merged entries are to be deleted from the source catalog upon a successful merge operation.

You can specify the entries to be merged either as the list of Entries (entry names or generic names) or as a single Level of qualification.

  • You can specify a list of names and generic names in the Entries field to match all the entries to be merged. When using a generic name with the ENTRIES parameter, entries must have one qualifier in addition to those specified in the command.
  • You can specify a Level value in order that all entries matching the level of qualification you indicated are to be merged.
Use DBCS support Use this option to specify that bytes in the logical record contain DBCS characters. The Repro command checks to ensure the DBCS data meets DBCS criteria. This parameter cannot be specified with MERGECAT.
Skip section Use the Skip DBCS check options in this section to indicate that characters between Offset1 and Offset2 are not to be checked for DBCS criteria during Repro command processing. You can specify several Offset1-Offset2 pairs here.
  • Offset1 indicates the byte offset in the logical record to be copied at which checking is to cease until offset2 is reached.
  • Offset2 indicates the byte offset in the logical record after which checking is to resume. Offset2 must be greater than Offset1.
No DBCS check: Select this option to disable DBCS verification checking.
Shift section Specify insertion of a DBCS shift in this section. Select Insert Shift to specify offsets. If SO and SI characters are not present, you must specify shift values. (By default, the logical record is assumed to already contain SO and SI characters, and the Repro command checks during copying to ensure that the DBCS data meets DBCS criteria.)
  • Offset1 indicates the byte offset in the logical record to be copied before which a SO character is to be inserted.
  • Offset2 Indicates the byte offset in the logical record to be copied after which a SI character is to be inserted. Offset2 must be greater than Offset1 and the difference must be an odd number.
Select Insert all to specify that the entire logical record is assumed to contain only DBCS characters.