Dataset Listcat dialog box

You use this dialog box to issue an IDCAMS LISTCAT request for the data sets that you select in the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal. The dialog box provides the options shown in Table 1.

To learn about the standard capabilities of a dialog box, see Standard tabs in the dialog boxes of the Storage Toolkit. The topic includes a link to the Reference guides for commands that are used in the Storage Toolkit.

Table 1. IDCAMS LISTCAT options that are available in the Dataset Listcat dialog box of the Storage Toolkit
Option Description
Target Entries
  • Use selected row entries: Select this option to run the LISTCAT command against the data sets that you selected in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
  • Level: Select this option to run the LISTCAT command against data sets that match the level of qualification that you specify in the text field.
Entry Type:
  • Alias: Select this option to cause alias data sets to be listed.
  • Alternate index: Select this option to specify that entries for alternate indexes are to be listed. If Alternate index is specified and Data and Index are not also specified, entries for the data and index components of the alternate index are not listed.
  • Cluster: Select this option to specify that cluster entries are to be listed. If Cluster is specified and Data and Index are not also specified, entries for the data and index components of the cluster are not listed.
  • Data: Select this option to specify that entries for data components of clusters and alternate indexes are to be listed.
  • Generation group: Select this option to specify that entries for generation data groups are to be listed. GDSs in the active state, existing at the time the LISTCAT command is entered, are identified as such when ALL is specified
  • Index: Select this option to specify that entries for index components of key-sequenced clusters and alternate indexes are to be listed. If a VSAM name of the object is specified and INDEX is coded, only the index component entry of the object is listed. When INDEX is the only entry type parameter coded, the index component of the catalog is not listed.
  • Non-VSAM: Select this option to specify that entries for non-VSAM data sets are to be listed.
  • Page space: Select this option to specify that entries for page spaces are to be listed.
  • Path: Select this option to specify that entries for paths are to be listed.
  • User catalog: Select this option to specify that catalog connectors are to be listed. The user catalog connector entries are in the master catalog. (User catalog connector entries can also be in a user catalog, but the operating system does not recognize them when searching for a user catalog.)
Creation (days) Type a days value to cause entries of the indicated type (CLUSTER, DATA, and so on) to be listed only if they were created in the specified number of days ago or earlier. The maximum number that can be specified is 9999. Zero indicates that all entries are to be listed.
Expiration (days) Type a days value to cause entries of the indicated type (CLUSTER, DATA, and so on) to be listed only if they expire in the specified number of days or earlier. The maximum number that can be specified is 9999 and it indicates that all entries are to be listed. Zero indicates that only entries that have already expired are to be listed.
Listing type Select this option to specify the fields to be included for each entry listed. The following list shows the options that are available:
  • Name specifies that the name and entry type of the entries are to be listed. Some entry types are listed with their associated entries. The entry type and name of the associated entry follow the name of the listed entry.
  • History specifies that only the following information is to be listed for each entry: name, entry type, ownerid, creation date, expiration date, and release.
  • Volume specifies that the information provided by specifying HISTORY, plus the volume serial numbers and device types allocated to the entries, are to be listed.
  • Allocation specifies that the information provided by specifying VOLUME plus detailed information about the allocation are to be listed.
  • All specifies that all fields are to be listed.
Catalog Specifies the name of the catalog that contains the entries that are to be listed. If Catalog is coded, only the entries from that catalog are listed. See the "Catalog Search Order for LISTCAT" topic in the IDCAMS documentation for information about the order in which catalogs are searched.