Objective: Use this exercise to set different customization options.

Start with the following example:

This example program produces a sorted list of the RACF groups, with their connected user IDs and the creation date. The output looks like this screen capture:


  1. Try this same example using the LIST command instead of SORTLIST. What do you see? Can you explain why?
  2. Change the LIST command to list the superior group and owner instead.
  3. Repeat step 1 using the DISPLAY command.
  4. Staying with the DISPLAY example, change the output so that the columns appear in different colors. Hint: try some “Display output modifiers”.
  5. Return to the original example, and use the RETAIN keyword on the NEWLIST statement. How did the output change? Why might you want to use the RETAIN keyword?
  6. Review the possible formatting options in the CARLa User Reference Manual and try:
    1. Changing the length of the date field and seeing how its format changes.
    2. Adding a title and top title to the display.
    3. Changing the default column headers.
    4. Try a few more!


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