Description of data sources

This section starts with a brief description of the types of information sources that the CARLa programming language can use as input.

Please review the information in the table.

Data Source


RACF data

Supported RACF data includes:

  • The active primary or backup RACF database.
  • An unloaded RACF database, unloaded by zSecure Admin (CKRCARLA). Be aware a zSecure RACF UNLOAD data set does not contain any password information.
  • A RACF database copy taken with the standard IBM RACF utilities IRRUT200 or IRRUT400.

SMF data

Supported SMF data includes:

  • The active SMF data sets.
  • SMF records in their original format dumped by the IBM utility IFASMFDP or the zSecure Audit utility C2RJFUNL.


Supported CKFREEZE data includes:

  • Live settings, based on information directly read from the control blocks of the current live system. Please be aware that this live settings information is limited, not all available audit reports can be generated using the live settings.
  • One or more data sets containing resource information gathered by the IBM Security zSecure Collect job (CKFCOLL).

Access Monitor data

Access data sets are generated by the Access Monitor started task. These data sets contain a collection of all RACF access decisions taken in the timeslot that it covers. Access data sets can be used for access reporting and cleaning up access control lists or entire resource profiles.

External Files

Supported data sets are any installation defined data sets, which can be referenced in CARLa programs. Prerequisite for using external files is that you must define all variables yourself in your CARLa program to enable the program to work with external data.

Input files are allocated through the “SETUP FILES” command or option “SE.1” in your zSecure Admin or zSecure Audit ISPF session. If, however, you are running a CARLa program as a batch job, you must allocate input files in your JCL by using the ALLOC statement. This same ALLOC statement is also used in the foreground to allocate external files.


Description of CARLa statements reference

This section is not an exercise. A table is provided here showing some of the CARLa statements, keywords, and field names used by programs that you create throughout this lab. It is suggested that you briefly review this table.

CARLa statement



Marks the start of a new CARLa report.


Select the type of NEWLIST to be used as an input for the report. You use TYPE=RACF, for example, to extract and report RACF information. The RACF NEWLIST is the default if you omit the TYPE= statement.

There are many other NEWLIST types (currently 68 for RACF systems) that you can use to generate reports. You can use command “FIELDS” in the command line. Select report “BUILTIN” that is automatically generated and shown, to display the supported NEWLIST types. This report also contains the field names available within each supported NEWLIST TYPE.


Define your own CARLa variables or fields to use in your program.


This operand is used to select/filter records that match all the conditions specified in the select statement.


Select the RACF profile class to report on.


Select the segment to report on from the RACF profile. For example, BASE, TSO, CICS, or OMVS.


Select profiles by using a mask (wildcard or joker) on the profile key.


Specify the fields to be shown for the selected records in your report, based on the selection criteria.


The profile name found that matches your selection criteria.


The default group of the pertinent user profile.


The owner of the profile.


Produce statistical values to include in your report.

/* ………….. */

Comments in your CARLa code.


Continue with the Output customization and modifiers


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