Suggested CARLa program samples - customization and output modifiers


Answers and explanations with regard to CARLa output customization and modifiers questions

  1. Try this same example by using the LIST command instead of SORTLIST. What do you see? Can you explain why?

    You receive error message CKR0382 explaining that you cannot use the field CONNECTS on a LIST command. This restriction occurs because the field CONNECTS is a CARLa composed field that uses a LOOKUP function to retrieve detailed information. The LOOKUP function is not supported on the LIST command.
  2. Change the LIST command to list the superior group and owner instead.

    This CARLa program successfully produces output. However, when you look at the output closely, you discover that the records are no longer sorted. Furthermore, the LIST command does not generate column headers.
  3. Repeat 1 using the DISPLAY command.

    Your report is now generated in ISPF output format. The information stored in a repeat group (connects is a repeat group) is not shown on the overview panel. To access the information regarding the connected user IDs, you must specify line-command “S” preceding the pertaining group profile and press Enter.
  4. Staying with the DISPLAY example, change the output so that the columns appear in different colors. Hint: try some “Display output modifiers”.

    The suggested output WT (for Warning Text) modifier results in the “Profile” column being shown highlighted on a monochrome terminal and red on a color terminal.
  5. Return to the original example, and use the RETAIN keyword on the NEWLIST statement. How did the output change? Why might you want to use the RETAIN keyword?

    The use of the RETAIN keyword causes that fields that normally are not repeated, are now repeated just as many times as there are repeat group entries. The result is that for group profiles with multiple connected user IDs, the group name is repeated in each report line. The RETAIN keyword is especially useful when you use CARLa to generate RACF commands that require the group name in each generated RACF command.
  6. Review the possible formatting options in the CARLa User Reference Manual and try:
    __ a. Changing the length of the date field and seeing how its format changes.
    __ b. Adding a title and top title to the display.
    __ c. Changing the default column headers.
    __ d. Try a few more!

    These examples show how to add a customized top title and a title line to your report. In addition, you see how default column width and header can be adjusted by applying output modifiers to the fields on the SORTLIST statement.

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