Objective: Show profile information that is stored in several application segments of a RACF profile in a single output line of a CARLa report.

Using the standard IBM Security zSecure Admin panels, you can list profiles based on values stored in the BASE or other application segments. It is even possible to report the information from multiple segments. However, in the zSecure ISPF interface or when using the “Print format”, this information is shown in separate reports (ISPF) or report lines (Print format).

Suppose that you want to generate a user ID overview that shows the user name, default group, revoke status, TSO region size, and assigned UID value. This objective means that you must extract information from the BASE, TSO, and OMVS segments simultaneously.

This task can be accomplished by using the following CARLa code:

The colon (:) notation is often referred to as an ‘implicit lookup’. Using the implicit lookup function, it is possible to access field values stored in segments that are not currently selected for the pertinent profile. In this example, the values of fields TLSIZE and UID are retrieved from respectively the TSO and OMVS segments of the pertinent user IDs.

The output of this CARLa program must look similar to:


  1. Now attempt to produce a report that shows all user IDs that are assigned a UID of “0” on this system. For each user ID found with UID(0), show the following information: user ID, user name, revoke status, and UID.
  2. Replace the column UID (because it shows only 0) with a top title that explains that this report shows user IDs that are assigned UID(0).


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