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Supporting employee wellness is a key element of every workplace environment. Wellness spaces not only accommodate employees’ specific health needs, but also provide rooms for them to practice mindfulness, decompression or prayer. The requirements for these spaces may vary by region. Consult with local site leads to understand the context around needs.

Lactation | Parent’s room

The lactation | parent’s room supports new mothers as they transition back into the office while still providing nutrition for their new child. There’s an absence of technology to provide respite and functionality.

Lactation | Parent's room axon
5.8 sm (64 sf)2.4 m x 2.4 m (8 ft x 8 ft)1 seatBookable

Reflection room

Reflection rooms enable IBM employees to take a moment for their spiritual needs. Distractions are eliminated to provide complete rest, respite and refresh experiences throughout the day. The size of these rooms will vary based on local conditions. Confirm the requirement for adjacent ablution space with site reps.

prayer room axon
14 sm (150 sf)3 m x 4.6 m (10 ft x 15 ft)3 seatsBookable

Mindfulness | Meditation room

The mindfulness | meditation room eliminates outside distractions, enabling IBM employees to fully decompress in a mindful way to benefit their overall well-being.

Mindfulness | Reflection room axon
5.8 sm (64 sf)2.4 m x 2.4 m (8 ft x 8 ft)1 seatBookable

Telehealth room

The telehealth room provides support to receive virtual health consultations in a private, technology-enabled environment. This space can diminish the time to visit a doctor, limiting disruptions to an IBM employee’s workflow and minimizing stress.

Mindfulness | Reflection room axon
5.8 sm (64 sf)2.4 m x 2.4 m (8 ft x 8 ft)1 seatNonbookable