User and user group management

You can administer users and user groups using the command-line interface.

You can manage the system by working with the following objects on the command-line interface:
See Users object for more information.
See User object for more information.
See Groups object for more information.
See Group object for more information.
See Roles object for more information.

Users object

A Users object represents the collection of users defined to the PureApplication® Software. Objects of this type are used to create, delete, iterate over, list and search for users on the PureApplication Software.

Help is available on the command-line interface for the users object. To get help, pass the Users object as an argument to the help() function, as shown in the following example:
>>> help(admin.users)

For more information about working with resource objects on the command-line interface, see Related concepts section.

Users methods

The Users object has the following methods:
Returns a User object representing the administrative user on the system. For additional help on the User object returned, enter the following command:
 >>> help(admin.users.admin())
Returns a User object representing the current user of the command-line interface on the system. For additional help on the User object returned, enter the following command:
>>> help(admin.users.self())

User object

A User object represents a particular user defined to the PureApplication Software system. Use this object to query and manipulate the user definition on the system. Attributes of the User object and relationships between the User object and other resources in PureApplication Software are represented as Jython attributes on the User object. Manipulate these Jython attributes using standard Jython mechanisms to change the corresponding PureApplication Software data.

The User object can contain many of each type of the following objects:

The cloud groups owned by this user.
The environment profiles that are owned by this user are available. For more information, see the Related reference section.
The groups to which this user belongs. The Groups object has the following attribute:
The groups owned by this user.
The parts owned by this user.
The patterns owned by this user.
The script packages owned by this user.
The virtual images owned by this user.
The classic virtual system instances owned by this user.
Help is available on the command-line interface for the User object. To get help, pass the User object as an argument to the help() function, as shown in the following example:
>>> help(admin.user)

User Attributes

When creating a user, the username, fullname and email attributes are required. The password attribute is optional. The User object has the following attributes:
The cloud groups owned by this user.
The message associated with the status of the user. This field is an eight character string value that is automatically generated by the system. This field is read-only.
Specifies the textual representation of currentmessage. This field is a string representation of currentmessage in the preferred language of the requester and is automatically generated by the system.
The status of the user. This field is an eight character string value that is automatically generated by the system. This field is read-only.
Specifies the textual representation of currentstatus. This field is a string representation of currentstatus in the preferred language of the requester and is automatically generated by the system.
Indicates what deployment options are available to this user: cloud, environment profile, or all of these options. Valid values are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
The email address of the user. This field is a string value and has a maximum length of 128 characters.
The environment profiles owned by this user.
The full name of the user. This field is a string value and has a maximum length of 64 characters.
The groups to which this user belongs. This attribute specifies the list of unfirm resource identifiers (URIs) of the groups to which this user belongs. The URIs are relative and must be resolved against the URI of the user that contains them.
The ID of the user. This field is read-only. This value is numeric and is automatically generated by the system.
The parts owned by this user.
The password of the user. This field is a write-only string value and has a maximum length of 128 characters.
The patterns owned by this user.
The roles currently assigned to this user. See the description of the roles object for more information.
The script packages owned by this user.
The login name for the user. This field is a string value and has a maximum length of 64 characters.
The virtual images owned by this user.
The classic virtual system instances owned by this user.

Roles object

Use the Roles object to view and manipulate the roles assigned to a particular PureApplication Software user. Roles are specified using the following string values:
  • admin.ILMT_USER_ROLE
  • admin.AUDIT_ROLE
Help is available on the command-line interface for the Roles object. To get help, pass the name of the object as an argument to the help() function, as shown in the following example:
>>> help(admin.user.roles)

Roles methods

You can use the following methods on a Roles object:

This method is started implicitly by Jython when you use the += operator on a roles object. It accepts a single parameter that can be either a role or a list of roles. The roles or list of roles are added to the set of roles for the user, as shown in the following example:
>>> user1.roles += admin.CLOUD_ADMIN_ROLE
This method is started implicitly by Jython when you use the -= operator on a roles object. It accepts a single parameter that can be either a role or a list of roles. The roles or list of roles are removed from the set of roles for the user, as shown in the following example:
>>> user1.roles -= admin.CLOUD_ADMIN_ROLE
This method is started implicitly by Jython when a roles object is used in a context that requires iterating over its elements. It returns an iterator that lists the roles assigned to the user.
This method is started implicitly by Jython when you use the left shift operator ('<<') on a roles object. Its single parameter can be either a role or a list of roles. The roles or list of roles are added to the set of roles for the user, as shown in the following example:
>>> user2.roles << admin.CLOUD_ADMIN_ROLE
Returns a string representation of the roles for the user.
This method is started implicitly by Jython when you use the right shift operator ('>>') on a roles object. Its single parameter can be either a role or a list of roles. The roles or list of roles are removed from the set of roles for the user, as shown in the following example:
>>> user2.roles >> admin.CLOUD_ADMIN_ROLE
Returns a string representation of the roles for the user.
Returns a string representation of the roles for the user.

Groups object

A Groups object represents the collection of user groups defined to the PureApplication Software. Objects of this type are used to create, delete, iterate over, list and search for user groups on the PureApplication Software.

Help is available on the command-line interface for the Groups object. To get help, pass the Groups object as an argument to the help() function, as shown in the following example:
>>> help(admin.groups)

Group object

A Group object represents a particular user group defined on the PureApplication Software. Use the Group object to query and manipulate the user group definition on the system. Attributes of the user group and relationships between the user group and other resources are represented, by PureApplication Software, as Jython attributes on the Group object. Manipulate these Jython attributes using standard Jython mechanisms to change the corresponding PureApplication Software data.

The Group object belongs to the User object and can have many links to the User object.

Help is available on the command-line interface for the Group object. To get help, pass the Group object as an argument to the help() function, as shown in the following example:
>>> help(

Group Attributes

When creating a group, the name and description attributes are required. The Group object has the following attributes:
Creation time of the user group, as number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. When the user group is displayed, this value is shown as the date and time in the local timezone. This value is numeric and is automatically generated by the system. This attribute is read-only.
The description of the user group. This attribute is a string value with a maximum of 128 characters.
The ID of the user group. This value is numeric and is automatically generated by the system. This attribute is read-only.
The name associated with this user group. Each user group must have a unique name. This field is a string value with a maximum of 64 characters.
A user object that references the owner of this group. For more information about the properties and methods supported by user objects, enter the following command:
 >>> help(admin.user)
The roles currently assigned to this group. See the description of the roles object for more information.
The time the user group was last updated, as number of seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. When the user group is displayed, this value is shown as the date and time in the local timezone. This value is numeric and is automatically generated by the system. This attribute is read-only.
The users that belong to this group.

Group.Roles object

Use the Group.Roles object to view and manipulate the roles assigned to a particular group on the PureApplication Software system. Roles are specified using the following constants:
  • admin.ILMT_USER_ROLE
  • admin.AUDIT_ROLE
Help is available on the command-line interface for the Roles object. To get help, pass the name of the object as an argument to the help() function, as shown in the following example:
>>> help(admin.self().roles)

Group.Roles methods

You can use the following methods on a Group.Roles object:

This method is started implicitly by Jython when you use the += operator on a Group.Roles object. It accepts a single parameter that can be either a role or a list of roles. Roles or lists of roles are added to the set of roles for the group. For example:
>>> group1.roles += admin.CLOUD_ADMIN_ROLE
This method is started implicitly by Jython when you use the -= operator on a Group.Roles object. This method accepts a single parameter that can be either a role or a list of roles. The role or roles are removed from the set of roles for the group, as shown in the following example:
 >>> group1.roles -= admin.CLOUD_ADMIN_ROLE
This method is started implicitly by Jython when a Group.Roles object is used in a context that requires iterating over its elements. It returns an iterator that lists the roles assigned to the group.
This method is started implicitly by Jython when you use the left shift operator ('<<') on a Group.Roles object. Its single parameter can be either a role or a list of roles, all of which are added to the set of roles for the group. For example:
>>> group2.roles << admin.CLOUD_ADMIN_ROLE
Returns a string representation of the roles for the group.
This method is started implicitly by Jython when you use the right shift operator ('>>') on a Roles object. This method has a single parameter that can be either a role or a list of roles. The roles, or list of roles, are removed from the set of roles for the group, as shown in the following example:
>>> group2.roles >> admin.CLOUD_ADMIN_ROLE
Returns a string representation of the roles for the group.
Returns a string representation of the roles for the user.