Snap shots on the command-line interface

Use the command-line interface to administer snap shots of classic virtual system instances.

Snapshots object

A Snapshots object represents the collection of snapshots taken for a particular classic virtual system instance. Objects of this type are accessed using the snapshots property of the VirtualSystem object in which they are contained, as shown in the following example:
>>> myvs = deployer.virtualsystems['my virtualsystem'][0]
>>> myvs.snapshots
Objects of this type are used to create, delete, iterate over, list and search for snapshots on the system.
Snapshots are created, as shown in the following example:
The following example accesses snapshots:
To get help on the command-line interface for the snapshots object, pass the name of the object as an argument to the help() function. See the following example:
>>> help(deployer.snapshots)

Snapshot object

A Snapshot object represents a particular snapshot defined on the system. Use the Snapshot object to query and manipulate the snapshot definition on the system. Attributes of the Snapshot object are represented as Jython attributes on the Snapshot object. Relationships between the Snapshot object and other resources on the system are also represented as Jython attributes on the Snapshot object. Manipulate these Jython attributes using standard Jython mechanisms to change the corresponding data on the system.

Help is available on the command-line interface for the Snapshot object. To get help, pass the Snapshot object as an argument to the help() function, as shown in the following example:
>>> help(deployer.snapshot)
The Snapshot object has the following method:
Restores this snapshot.
The Snapshot object has the following attribute:
A VirtualSystem object that references the classic virtual system instance to which this Snapshot object belongs. For more information about the properties and methods supported by VirtualSystem objects, enter the following command:
>>> help(deployer.virtualsystem)

You can control user and user group access to classic virtual system instances using the ACL object. For more information, see the Related reference section.