1. With IBM Security zSecure Admin option “RA.4”, you can perform mass updates to the RACF database. The “Mass update” feature supports various mass copy, mass delete, and mass recreate options for RACF profiles.

    Using option RA.4.0, try generating 5 new user IDs by using user ID <ZPU001> as a model. You must assign at least a password and a name to your new user IDs. Do not worry about populating fields “Owner”, “Dfltgrp”, and “Data” because these fields are automatically copied from the model user ID when they are omitted.

    __ a. You must specify 5 new user IDs to generate. For example, ZPA001 through ZPA005.
  2. When you successfully generated the commands in the CKRCMD work data set, press F3 to exit to the “RESULTS” panel. Next, select the “COMMANDS” work data set with line-command “E”. This command allows you to display and/or edit the CARLa code used to clone a model user ID to generate 5 new user IDs
  3. Suppose that there is now a requirement to generate 15 user IDs by using the same CARLa program. Unfortunately the ISPF panel in option RA.4.0 supports only to generate up to 10 new user IDs in one go. Using the CARLa program shown in step 2, generate the requested 15 user IDs by cloning and adjusting the appropriate program lines.

    __ a. You must specify 10 additional user IDs to generate. For example, ZPA006 through ZPA015.

In real life situations, you would probably also select options “Copy catalog aliases”, “Issue ADDSD/RDEF…”, and “Copy RACFVARS” when using this mass copy option. The use of these options saves much manual labor too. That selection results in generating similar DATASET, GENERAL resource profiles, and RACF variables (RACFVARS) for the new user IDs. These profiles are based on the pertinent profiles that the model user possesses. During this CARLa lab, however, please do not select these options.

Hopefully with this exercise, you experience what a labor saving device the CARLa programming language can be. Imagine if you need to generate over 100 training user IDs or something similar. See how quickly you can generate them compared to doing this manually using the ADDUSER command or the native RACF panels!



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