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Open collaborative settings provide an environment to meet when acoustical privacy isn’t critical. These spaces can be used in more ad hoc, informal ways—whether for team workshop or impromptu collaboration. In some instances, open collaborative settings may be used for a combination of both individual and collective work across the day.


There are several options for creating small open collaboration spaces. The furniture within each space best suits the type of communication performed. Whether brainstorming, engaging in informal conversations or presenting to a small audience, these options are built to help teams accomplish their goals.


The small brainstorming space supports dynamic collaboration in a semiprivate area. Intentional technology enables IBM employees to utilize the space in an analog way to support their needs.

small brainstorming axon
13 sm (144 sf)3.6 m x 3.6 m (12 ft x 12 ft)5 seatsBookable
    • Ergonomic task chairs on casters
    • Ottomans to provide seating for additional team members
    • Table with convenience power
    • Wireless network throughout
    • Optional flexible divider—consider a planter, fabric panel or writable surface


The small enclosed spaces for conversing can contain one of two furniture options—one for a quick chat and the other better suited for more people and longer discussions.

Option 1

In a small conversing environment, IBM employees can engage with one another in a relaxed setting. The absence of technology enables colleagues to connect without distractions.

small conversing axon - option 1
4.3 sm (48 sf)1.8 m x 2.4 m (6 ft x 8 ft)2 seatsNonbookable

Option 2

In the conversing small space, teams can focus on connecting, collaborating and sharing content from a monitor while in a comfortable setting. Green walls divide the space to provide a unique setting while supporting well-being.

small conversing axon - option 2
13 sm (144 sf)3.6 m x 3.6 m (12 ft x 12 ft)5 seatsNonbookable
    • Two styles of informal seating to support individual preferences
    • Booth with convenience power
    • Wireless network throughout
    • Optional flexible divider—consider a planter, fabric panel or writable surface


The presenting small space provides an energetic connection to the surroundings. Intentional technology enables IBM employees to share content whether in person or remotely.

small presenting axon
13 sm (144 sf)3.6 m x 3.6 m (12 ft x 12 ft)4 seatsNonbookable


The medium open collaboration spaces can host larger teams in brainstorming, conversation or presentation meeting modes.


The medium brainstorming space enables an informal environment that supports spontaneous collaboration and creativity. A mobile whiteboard and monitor stand enable IBM employees to choose the environment that best supports their needs.

medium brainstorming axon
26.3 sm (288 sf)3.6 m x 7.3 m (12 ft x 24 ft)10 seatsNonbookable


The medium conversing space provides an informal environment that utilizes multiple furniture settings. Monitors and mobile whiteboards are readily accessible to share content, enable collaboration and include remote participants.

medium conversing axon
26.3 sm (288 sf)3.6 m x 7.3 m (12 ft x 24 ft)8 seatsNonbookable
    • Informal seating arrangement with two styles of seating
    • Mobile whiteboard
    • Credenza for storing AV equipment and providing a space for food and beverages
    • Laptop tables to provide a work surface
    • Optional flexible divider—consider a planter, fabric panel or writable surface


The medium presenting space provides multiple seating arrangements for users to view content. Intentional technology enables various size groups to coordinate, connect and collaborate.

medium presenting axon
26.3 sm (288 sf)3.6 m x 7.3 m (12 ft x 24 ft)5 seatsNonbookable
    • Two-tier seating for all users to view the screen
    • Two styles of seating for comfort
    • Table with convenience power
    • Wireless network throughout
    • Laptop tables to provide a work surface
    • Optional flexible divider—consider a planter, fabric panel or writable surface


Large open collaboration spaces support larger teams in active engagements, such as brainstorming and presentations.


The large brainstorming space provides a workshop-style setting for teams to meet in an informal, flexible environment. Mobile whiteboards and digital tools enable multiple working styles while in a semi-enclosed space.

large brainstorming axon
51.8 sm (576 sf)7.2 m x 7.2 m (24 ft x 24 ft)16 seatsNonbookable
    • Two styles of easily moveable seating options
    • Two styles of table options with power and data access—consider one style to be easily moveable
    • Mobile whiteboard
    • Optional flexible divider—consider a planter, fabric panel or writable surface


The large presenting space offers multiple furniture settings to support engagement in creative sessions. Digital and analog tools support multiple methods of creating and collaborating.

large presenting axon
51.8 sm (576 sf)7.2 m x 7.2 m (24 ft x 24 ft)16 seatsNonbookable
    • Two-tier seating for all users to view the screen
    • Two styles of seating for comfort
    • Table with convenience power
    • Wireless network throughout
    • Laptop tables to provide a work surface
    • Optional flexible divider—consider a planter, fabric panel or writable surface