IBM Support

WebSphere z/OS Optimized Local Adapters

White Papers


WebSphere Optimized Local Adapters (or "WOLA") is a high-speed memory-to-memory transfer technology function provided with WebSphere Application Server for z/OS. It provides an excellent mechanism for communicating between WAS z/OS and other systems such as CICS, IMS and Batch programs. WOLA first came available in and has been enhanced several times since then.With the release of WebSphere Liberty Profile z/OS, WOLA is also supported for use with Liberty Profile z/OS servers. See below for documentation on that functionality.


 Executive Introduction and Overview 

The following two-page brochure provides a good overview of WOLA. When printed duplex in color on good paper stock, it makes an excellent handout for meetings and events.

WP101490 - Brochure - WOLA Executive Overview.pdf
WP101490 - Brochure - WOLA Executive Overview.pdf

 History of Updates to WOLA 

Many functional enhancements have been added to the WOLA support since introduction in The following chart deck provides a graphic timeline of the enhancements, with functional details and pointers to the product InfoCenter where additional details can be found.

WP101490 - WOLA History of Updates Timeline.pdf
WP101490 - WOLA History of Updates Timeline.pdf

 Overview and Usage Presentation 

This presentation walks you through WOLA, starting from a high-level and drilling down to details on specific functionality. One file consists of charts only; the second file consists of charts with speaker notes.



 Liberty Profile z/OS WOLA Quick Start Guide 

With the release of WebSphere Liberty Profile z/OS, WOLA is also supported with Liberty. The following document guides you through setting up and validating a basic Liberty WOLA environment.

WP101490 - Liberty Profile zOS WOLA Quick Start.002.pdf
WP101490 - Liberty Profile zOS WOLA Quick Start.002.pdf

 Full Function WAS z/OS WOLA Quick Start Guide 

This "Quick Start Guide" provides a set of step-by-step instructions to enable WOLA in your WAS z/OS environment as well as in a CICS region, and it shows the essentials of usage for CICS and Batch. Included as well is an EAR file containing the OLASample2 application enabled for Basic Authorization. This is useful when testing identity assertion WAS into CICS with V7.

WP101490 - WOLA Quick Start Guide.pdf
WP101490 - WOLA Quick Start Guide.pdf


We are often asked about using WOLA with EJB 3.0 applications. That is possible. The following short document illustrates how that is done. Two sample applications are provided: one with no JNDI bindings for the EJB, and one with a bindings file.

WP101490 - WOLA EJB 3.0 Sample Illustration.pdf
WP101490 - WOLA EJB 3.0 Sample Illustration.pdf



 Native API Primer 

Ready to start coding to the native APIs? This primer offers a guided walkthrough of the APIs, from simple to increasingly sophisticated.

WP101490 - The WOLA Native APIs ... a COBOL Primer.pdf
WP101490 - The WOLA Native APIs ... a COBOL Primer.pdf



Edware McCarthy has produced a Techdoc on using REXX with the Optimized Local Adapters. The URL for his Techdoc is:


From the abstract of that Techdoc: "In this Techdoc we supply a set of REXX programs that invoke the WOLA APIs providing another option for developing applications that take advantage of WOLA."

 ALCS Brochure 

For those involved with ALCS, here is a two page brochure of the support offered by WOLA for it:

WP101490 - ALCS and OLA Brochure.pdf
WP101490 - ALCS and OLA Brochure.pdf

 ATS Produced Videos 

A five-part series of videos on WOLA has been produced and is available for you to view and learn about WOLA.

The five parts are:

The Essentials of WOLA

CICS Support

IMS Support

WOLA Native APIs, Part 1 of 2, and WOLA Native APIs, Part 2 of 2

Java-side Coding Considerations

The following PDF provides a summary of each video with hiperlinks to the videos on YouTube:

WP101490 - WOLA YouTube Videos Catalog Sheet.pdf
WP101490 - WOLA YouTube Videos Catalog Sheet.pdf

For those who can't access YouTube from work, the videos are provided here as well:

The Essentials of WOLA
CICS Support
IMS Support
WOLA Native APIs (two videos)
Java-side Coding Considerations

 Other Source of Information 

 WAS z/OS InfoCenter 

V7 --

V8 --

V8.5 --

(Search on string container_implementing_ola for a good starting point on WOLA topics)

 IBM developerWork Articles --…

 Redbooks --

 YouTube --

(Jim Mulvey, the lead architect and lead developer for the Optimized Local Adapters, provides a series of recorded demos, from an overview of its functionality to examples of development using Rational Application Developer.)

 Wikipedia --

 Previous V7 Documents 

The following document was written for V7. The InfoCenter search strings provided are still good for V8 and V8.5. The document references V7-only things such as the "" script rather than the newer "" shell script. This document is deprecated in favor of the "Quick Start Guide" provided above.


Original Publication Date

03 September 2015

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SS7K4U","label":"WebSphere Application Server for z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"z\/OS","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SS7K4U","label":"WebSphere Application Server for z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":",z\/OS","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG90","label":"z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"z\/OS","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB56","label":"Z HW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 September 2015

