IBM Support

MustGather: Liberty on Docker



This is a problem determination document to help collect data for Liberty on Docker.

Diagnosing The Problem

Table of contents:

Gather logs and configuration

Perform the following steps to gather logs and configuration:
  1. Find the relevant containers:
    docker ps
  2. For each relevant container, send the standard logs to a local file, replacing $CONTAINER twice based on the CONTAINER ID in the previous step:
    docker logs $CONTAINER > $CONTAINER.txt
  3. For each relevant container, replace $CONTAINER based on the output above to remote into it:
    docker exec -it $CONTAINER -- /bin/sh
  4. Optional: Copy some useful process information into /tmp
    cp -R --no-preserve=all --parents /proc/cpuinfo /proc/stat /proc/schedstat /proc/vmstat /proc/meminfo /proc/version /proc/pressure /proc/loadavg /proc/[0-9]*/cgroup /proc/[0-9]*/environ /proc/[0-9]*/cmdline /proc/[0-9]*/smaps /proc/[0-9]*/limits /proc/[0-9]*/stat /proc/[0-9]*/status /proc/[0-9]*/sched /proc/[0-9]*/schedstat /proc/[0-9]*/wchan /proc/[0-9]*/task/*/stat /proc/[0-9]*/task/*/wchan /proc/[0-9]*/task/*/sched /proc/[0-9]*/task/*/status /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu* /sys/fs/cgroup/memory* /sys/fs/cgroup/*/*/cpu* /sys/fs/cgroup/*/*/memory* /tmp/ 2>/dev/null
  5. Create a compressed file with all logs and configuration:
    tar czhf /tmp/liberty_${HOSTNAME}_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).tar.gz /logs /config /serviceability/*/${HOSTNAME} /opt/*/wlp/usr/servers/*/logs /opt/*/wlp/usr/servers/*/configDropins /opt/*/wlp/usr/servers/*/*xml /opt/*/wlp/usr/servers/*/*options /opt/*/wlp/usr/servers/*/*env /opt/*/wlp/usr/servers/*/*properties /opt/*/wlp/usr/servers/*/javacore* /opt/*/wlp/usr/servers/*/verbosegc* /opt/*/wlp/usr/servers/*/heapdump* /opt/*/wlp/usr/servers/*/core* ${LOG_DIR} ${X_LOG_DIR} ${WLP_OUTPUT_DIR} ${SERVER_WORKING_DIR} ${VARIABLE_SOURCE_DIRS} ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/ /tmp/proc /tmp/sys 2>/dev/null
  6. Optional: If you performed step 5 Delete only the temporary files produced in step 5:
    rm -rf /tmp/proc /tmp/sys
  7. List the compressed file and then exit the container:
    cd /tmp; ls *.tar.gz; exit &>/dev/null
  8. Download the compressed file, replacing $CONTAINER with the container name and $FILE twice from the output of the previous step:
    docker cp $CONTAINER:/tmp/$FILE $FILE
  9. Gather various resource state:
    1. For each relevant container, describe the container, replacing $CONTAINER twice with the container name:
      docker inspect $CONTAINER > $CONTAINER_inspect.json
  10. Upload:
    1. Container standard logs (step 3)
    2. Liberty logs and configuration (step 9)
    3. Resource state text files (step 10)

Enable diagnostic trace at runtime

Perform the following steps to enable diagnostic trace at runtime:
  1. If runtime configuration updates are not enabled, then you must enable diagnostic trace at startup.
  2. If runtime configuration updates are enabled (as they are by default):
    1. Find the relevant containers:
      docker ps
    2. For each of the relevant containers, replace $CONTAINER based on the output above and replace $TRACE with an IBM support-requested trace specification or your desired trace specification:
      docker exec -it $CONTAINER -- /bin/sh -c "echo '<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><server><logging traceSpecification=\"*=info:$TRACE\" maxFileSize=\"100\" maxFiles=\"10\" /></server>' > /config/configDropins/overrides/trace.xml"
    3. Reproduce the problem
    4. Disable the diagnostic trace:
      docker exec -it $CONTAINER -- /bin/sh -c "rm /config/configDropins/overrides/trace.xml"
    5. Gather and upload all logs

Enable diagnostic trace at startup

Perform the following steps to enable diagnostic trace at startup:
  1. Create a local file named tracefromstartup.xml with the following contents and replace $TRACE with an IBM support-requested trace specification or your desired trace specification:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <logging traceSpecification="*=info:$TRACE" maxFileSize="100" maxFiles="10" />
  2. Rebuild the image with this file in the configDropins overrides directory such as /config/configDropins/overrides/
  3. Start the new container
  4. Reproduce the problem
  5. Gather and upload all logs

Change Java options at startup

The JVM_ARGS Liberty environment variable may be configured at container startup to change JVM options. Perform the following steps to add Java options at startup:
  1. First, check if this environment variable is already set:
    1. Find the relevant containers:
      docker ps
    2. For one of the relevant containers, replace $CONTAINER based on the output above to search its environment variables:
      docker exec -it $CONTAINER -- /bin/sh -c "cat /proc/[0-9]*/environ | tr '\0' '\n' | grep JVM_ARGS="
  2. Append your desired arguments to the value found in the above steps (if any).
  3. Restart the container with the updated JVM_ARGS environment variable specified (steps will differ depending on how you are starting the container).
  4. Reproduce the problem
  5. Gather and upload all logs

Execute a server dump

Perform the following steps to execute and gather a Liberty server dump.
Warning: These commands will start a new process which will consume some memory (likely in the range of dozens of MB). If your container has a memory limit and it is near its limit, this may cause the container to crash. Alternatively, you may gather logs and configuration manually.
  1. Find the relevant containers:
    docker ps
  2. For each of the relevant containers, replace $CONTAINER based on the output above:
    docker exec -it $CONTAINER -- /bin/sh -c "/opt/*/wlp/bin/server dump --include=thread"
  3. The output of the command should state where the server dump is written; for example:
    Dumping server defaultServer.
    Server defaultServer dump complete in /opt/ibm/wlp/output/defaultServer/
  4. Download the file, replacing $CONTAINER with the container name and $PATH with the full path from the output of the previous step (without the period at the end):
    docker cp $CONTAINER:$PATH

Notes & Tips

  1. If you are on macOS or Linux (or Cygwin on Windows), then you may use variables to simplify the above commands. For example, various commands use $CONTAINER for the target pod, so you may first execute a statement to set the CONTAINER variable and then future references of $CONTAINER in this terminal window will be replaced with what you specified. In the following example, CONTAINER is set to 60578bd402be and therefore the final command of podman logs $CONTAINER will use the specified value and thus you can just copy/paste commands from the instructions above without needing to modify them.
    $ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                     COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS         PORTS       NAMES
    60578bd402be  websphere-liberty:latest  /bin/sh     10 minutes ago  Up 10 minutes              test
    $ CONTAINER=60578bd402be
    $ docker logs $CONTAINER

Document Location


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8mKe000000GmbMIAS","label":"IBM WebSphere Liberty-All Platforms-\u003EContainers"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 May 2024

