
This topic alphabetically lists all of the Content Engine API properties. Each property has a See Also section that lists the classes to which the property applies, and provides links to the list of properties for each class. Note that because the metadata for a property is class-specific, you must navigate to the list of properties by class for property metadata information.

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X]



Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the API subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


The number of seconds between cleanups of the inbound directory. The inbound directory is one of the temporary locations where content is stored during the first stage of content upload. A cleanup deletes those files considered abandoned; specifically, those files that have not been committed and are not participating in an existing transaction.

This property works in conjunction with the TempFileLifetime property to determine which files get deleted as part of a periodic cleanup.

See Also


The frequency (in seconds) with which database tables containing temporary content will be scrubbed to eliminate abandoned content. Abandoned content is content not participating in an existing transaction and not committed as part of a previous transaction.

This property works in conjunction with the TempDBContentLifetime property to determine which temporary content gets deleted as part of a periodic cleanup.

See Also


The frequency (in seconds) with which abandoned thumbnail-generation temporary files are removed from the system.

See Also


A bitmask combining bit values representing the security access rights granted on a given object. The property behavior is as follows:

See Also


Indicates the security access type (Allow or Deny) that a user has for a given AccessPermission object.

See Also


Specifies the DNS site name listed under the Active Directory container. For each site, set the value of this property to one DNS site under the Active Directory container "CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=...".

Each FileNet P8 Site instance can be mapped to no specific DNS site or exactly one DNS site. If more than one site is configured for the FileNet P8 domain, and these sites are in different geographical locations, LDAP communication between the application server and the directory server might go across a WAN and performance might suffer. To alleviate this, you can set this property, which causes the API to search for all domain controllers for the given domain under that site. For example, you could set the value of this property to "Chicago". All domain controllers for the given domain under "CN=Chicago,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=..." are tested by attempting a connection. The first running domain controller is selected.

See Also


The list of ActiveMarking objects currently applied to a given object. Each ActiveMarking object represents a marking that is in a MarkingSet associated with a property on the object.

See Also


Specifies the add-on associated with this installation record.

See Also


Specifies a list of AddOnInstallationRecord objects corresponding to this object store.

See Also


Specifies the name of the add-on associated with this installation record.

See Also


Specifies whether the addon is optional or recommended for installation into an object store. During object store creation, Administration Console for Content Platform Engine selects for installation those addons having a type of recommended. Therefore, you should define an addon as recommended only if the functionality it provides is very likely to be required in most installations. The majority of addons should be defined as optional and must be explicitly selected for installation. Note that although the default Administration Console behavior is to install recommended addons, this is not required; you can deselect a recommended addon if you do not need the functionality it provides.

See Also


Specifies the add-ons (including upgrade add-ons) registered with a domain.

See Also


Applies only to object stores with one or more advanced storage areas. This property specifies the period in seconds that the content deletion queue sweep waits before it processes newly enqueued content deletion requests. When the delay period expires, the queue sweep processes the requests.

This property allows you to set up a potential content restore point for backups. Content that is deleted from an advanced storage area will not be deleted from the storage device(s) until this deletion delay period has expired. Hence, the content is still available so that its associated document object can be restored from a database backup up to this deletion delay.

For example, if this property is set to 12 hours, then a point-in-time snapshot of the database has a 12-hour window to restore any documents that have been deleted. So if a point-in-time snapshot of the database is taken at 10 a.m., then all the content that is deleted since 10 a.m. can still be retrieved -- as long as a database restore back to the 10 a.m. snapshot is performed before 10 p.m. If the database restore is done after 10 p.m., then some of the content deleted since this snapshot was taken might no longer be available if that content was already removed from the underlying storage device.

See Also


A CmTextSearchAffinityGroup object representing the affinity group with which the IBM® Content Search Services server or IBM Content Search Services index area is associated. An affinity group is a group of one or more servers that is dedicated to one or more index areas. Assigning IBM Content Search Services servers and index areas to affinity groups allow you to override the built-in index load-balancing feature of the Content Engine server.

See Also


A ReplicationDirection constant that specifies the direction in which mapping applies for this class or property alias: inbound, outbound, or both.

See Also


Specifies an IdList object containing a list of optional alias IDs for this class definition, property definition, or property template. Depending on the type of object to which it belongs, an alias ID is set equal to the PrimaryId of another property definition, the Id of another property template, or the Id of another class definition in another object store to equate the two properties or classes as being the same entity in multiple object store searches (see the SearchScope class).

See Also


A collection of all Realm objects for the EntireNetwork object.

See Also


A boolean that specifies whether an Active Directory configuration can use an email address or User Principal Name (UPN) as the user short name.

If the value of this property is false, the Active Directory security provider parses login user names (principal names) to determine if the name is in UPN format, meaning that it contains an @ character followed by at least one dot character (for example, If the principal name is in UPN format, it is assumed to take the form name@domain, where name is the user name and domain is the name of an Active Directory domain configured in Administration Console for Content Platform Engine. This special handling can be useful in some large Active Directory forest and domain setups, but prevents email addresses and certain UPNs from being used as the user short name.

If the value of this property is true, the Active Directory security provider does not parse the principal name, which allows email addresses and UPNs to be used as the user short name. Setting this property to true implies that ReturnNameAsDN is also set to true.

This property has a global effect. Therefore, it must be set the same (either all true or all false) for all Active Directory configurations defined for a Content Engine. If this property is not set the same for all configurations, the property value is implicitly false.

See Also


A flag that indicates whether or not retention on retainable objects can be reduced. If this property is false, attempts to reduce retention are ignored.

This property is settable only on the CmRetentionUpdateJob class definition. The MODIFY_RETENTION permission is required on the object store to change the property.

See Also


Specifies whether string-valued property values in the background search result can be truncated if their length exceeds the maximum length of the corresponding property of the search result class. If this property is set to false, the search fails if it contains string values that exceed the maximum string length. The default value is false.

See Also


Specifies if and and under what condition the content data in this storage area can be cached. The property takes a CachedContentOption constant value.

See Also


Indicates whether content can be deleted from a storage area. The default is true (deletes are allowed). When false, any attempt to delete (or move) content from the storage area will result in an exception.

See Also


Specifies whether an object-valued property is permitted to reference an object in another object store (true) or not (false).

See Also


Indicates whether an application can create an object instance of a given class. If this property is false, only the Content Engine server can instantiate the class.

See Also


Indicates whether the column permits null values.

See Also


Specifies whether user-defined properties can be added to a class defined by a given class definition (true) or not (false).

See Also


Specifies whether you can create subclasses from a class defined by a given class definition (true) or not (false).

See Also


For Case Analyzer, the number of dimension rows to cache in memory for each analysis exporter. In IBM Content Foundation, Case Analyzer is not supported, and this property is ignored.

See Also


For Case Analyzer, indicates whether the analysis exporter associated with the the server hierarchy object is currently enabled. This property allows you to isolate the Case Analyzer to a particular object in the server hierarchy, for example, VirtualServer or ServerInstance. In IBM Content Foundation, Case Analyzer is not supported, and this property is ignored.

See Also


For Case Analyzer, the number of fact table rows to cache in memory for each analysis exporter. In IBM Content Foundation, Case Analyzer is not supported, and this property is ignored.

See Also


Identifies the document content element to which this annotation applies. This property is intended only as a means by which an application can match an annotation with a document content element. The server does not use it in any way other than storing the application-provided value. The application is responsible for how it interprets AnnotatedContentElement values. It is not a required property.

Because the positional index of a given content element within a document's ContentElementList collection is subject to change, it is recommended that you populate this property with the value of the content element's ElementSequenceNumber property rather than its positional index. If you instead choose to use a positional index, it is up to your application to ensure that it accurately reflects the correct index of the content element to which the annotation applies. For example, if the AnnotatedContentElement property specifies the positional index of the third content element of a document with five content elements, and the second content element is then removed, the property will consequently reference the wrong content element.

See Also


Specifies an IndependentObject object of type Document, Folder, or CustomObject to which this annotation has been applied.

See Also


Specifies an AnnotationSet object that contains the annotations associated with this object.

See Also


One or more log4j class names identifying the output destinations to use for the trace logging data. Multiple appender names are separated by commas. It is expected that the use of multiple names will be to specify a console appender and a file appender. If the class names are specified using package prefixes, the class names are interpreted absolutely; otherwise, the class names are prefixed with "org.apache.log4j" during processing. Validation of appender names occurs when they are persisted, rather than when logging is configured.

If no appender name is specified, RollingFileAppender is used by default. In this way, you need only enable the TraceLoggingEnabled property and set the appropriate fields in TraceFlags to initiate useful trace logging.

Note The error log "filenet_error" (the default) is updated to reference the configured appenders. If the base error log file is not "filenet_error", error log messages are not written to the trace logs.

The supported output destinations (class names) are as follows:

For more information, see org.apache.log4j.FileAppender.

See Also


Specifies the unique number identifying this IBM® Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD) application group.

See Also


Identifies the client application used to create the object.

See Also


Specifies an XML string that defines the class, properties, and security to apply to the target document. This property's value is not supplied by the caller when the request is created, but is instead based on the parameters specified in the publish options and publish template at the time the request is submitted (it provides a snap-shot of the relevant properties and security that is to be applied to the publication document).

See Also


Unique identifier for the version state to which a given security template applies. For a VersioningSecurityTemplate, the state can be one of the following:

For an ApplicationSecurityTemplate, the state is defined by your application.

See Also


Specifies whether to apply the permissions associated with the security template to a given object on transition to a given document state.

See Also


For internal use only. The type of the asynchronous upgrade.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Asynchronous Processing subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Atmos shared secret associated to the given UID and Subtenant that is used for authentication when the Content Platform Engine server logs into the Atmos fixed content device, for example MBqhzSzhZJCQHE9U4RBK9ze3K7U=.

See Also


Atmos system-generated subtenant ID, for example, 34e70f3247404b249d688b23e2e79b25.

See Also


Application ID or user ID to the Atmos fixed content device.

See Also


HTTP or HTTPS URL to Atmos fixed content device. If a HTTPS URL is specified, the transport between Content Platform Engine and Atmos will be encrypted via SSL.

See Also


References a PropertyTemplate that represents an individual property to be audited in a class. An audited source property in a class is mapped to an event property in an audit record of the Event table. By default, AuditAs is set to null.

Custom properties can be audited by setting PropertyDefinition.AuditAs to an existing PropertyTemplate, which typically is the same object from which the PropertyDefinition was created. However, system properties do not have pre-existing property templates, so you must create a new property template for a system property that you want to audit. For code examples, see Configuring Property Auditing.

AuditAs is settable on a PropertyDefinition as long as that PropertyDefinition does not already inherit an AuditAs value. Once set, its value is automatically inherited as read-only in subclasses. If the PropertyDefinition referenced by an AuditAs property is deleted, then that AuditAs property becomes settable on all immediate subclasses. For example, if root class A has a property P that is audited, and also has immediate subclasses A1 and A2, then P on A1 and P on A2 (referred to as P1 and P2) are inherited, with the same AuditAs value as set on A.P. If A.P is deleted, P1 and P2 get promoted to non-inherited properties on A1 and A2, respectively. As non-inherited properties, P1 and P2 now have AuditAs values that can be modified to point to a different property, independently of each other.

On PropertyDescription, AuditAs is read only.

See Also


A list of the AuditDefinition objects that shows the events to be audited for this class.

See Also


Indicates the size of batch used for deletion of audited events that are ready for disposition. Enter a value between 10 and 1000 inclusive. The default is 100.

See Also


Indicates whether or not audit disposition processing is enabled. The default is false.

See Also


Enumeration of the audit disposition policies defined in this ObjectStore object. Each CmAuditDispositionPolicy object in the enumeration defines the criteria in which audit records are identified for disposition (deletion).

See Also


Indicates the number of records selected for deletion that satisfy an object store's disposition policy rules and its lowest-valued audit bookmark. Enter a value between 1 and 1000 inclusive. The default is 100. For more efficient dispostion of audit records, enter a value that's at least the size of AuditDispositionBatchSize.

See Also


A list of CmTimeslot objects, with each object specifying a weekday, start time, and duration for audit disposition to run.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags for controlling audit disposition logging. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Indicates the number of seconds the audit disposition thread waits to check if an unexpired timeslot exists to begin the disposition process. The minimum value is 10 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.

See Also


A boolean value that indicates whether auditing for failed event operations is enabled (true) or not (false). Currently, auditable failures are limited to an access-denied result of an operation.

NOTE If all audit definitions for a class specify that neither failed nor successful operations should be logged, then auditing for the class is effectively disabled.

See Also


The level of auditing on the object store on which this object is persisted. A value of 0 is returned if auditing is disabled; a value of 1 is returned if auditing is enabled. You can change the auditing level by setting this property on the ObjectStore object.

See Also


Enumeration of the audit processing bookmarks defined in this ObjectStore object. Each CmAuditProcessingBookmark object in the enumeration represents a leave-off point in the audit log (Event table) by an audit processing client.

See Also


A boolean value that indicates whether auditing for successful event operations is enabled (true) or not (false).

NOTE If all audit definitions for a class specify that neither failed nor successful operations should be logged, then auditing for the class is effectively disabled.

See Also


Specifies a prefix string to use when deleting a C-Clip using the audited delete function for a CenteraFixedContentDevice object. If the string is blank, audited delete will not be invoked (FPClip.Delete will be used). Otherwise, the string will be used as the prefix of the delete reason passed to FPClip.AuditedDelete (the document ID GUID is appended to the prefix string to form the complete delete reason text).

See Also


An EventSet collection of the Event objects containing the audited events that have occurred for the object.

See Also


The realm name that is used to confirm that a user that is making requests of this domain has authenticated in the appropriate manner for that domain. Content Platform Engine enforces the following requirements:

See Also



The background search instance to which the search result of this CmAbstractSearchResult subclass instance corresponds. The background search instance is instantiated from a CmBackgroundSearch subclass.

See Also


The amount of time, in seconds, that a background search request is allowed to run before another thread attempts to reissue the request.

See Also


A CmBackgroundSearchSet object that represents the current enumeration of CmBackgroundSearch objects that belong to this object store. Each CmBackgroundSearch object represents a background search that is being performed.

See Also


The IDs of the base classes associated with this CmTextSearchIndex object.

See Also


The symbolic name of a date property defined on the class specified by the sweep target, for example, DateCreated or DateModified. The date property specified is a base date that is used with the RetentionDurationUpdate and RetenionPeriodUnits properties to compute a new retention date on the retainable objects. The BaseDatePropertyName property can be set only when the SpecificRetentionDate property is not set.

The server computes the new retention date by adding the value of the RetentionDurationUpdate property, expressed in the units specified by the RetentionPeriodUnits property, to the value of the date property specified by the BaseDatePropertyName property.

If the AllowRetentionReduction property is set to true, you can use the BaseDatePropertyName property to reduce retention. Set the BaseDatePropertyName property to a date property other than the CmRetentionDate property. Then set the RetentionDurationUpdate and RetenionPeriodUnits properties so that the new retention date computes to a value that is less than the current CmRetentionDate property value of the retainable objects.

See Also


Specifies the time in milliseconds that an Import Agent waits between batches when processing batch requests.

See Also


The unique identifier of the content ID batch represented by this object.

See Also


Attention: Do not change the value of this property without guidance from a support representative. Doing so might adversely affect system performance.

The maximum number of batches that are selected by the import agent dispatcher from the database in a single database round trip.

See Also


Specifies the maximum buffer size used to determine if the entire content blob should be read with a single call to FPTag.BlobRead. If the content size is less than or equal to the parameter value, the entire blob is read using a single call (a buffer of content size must be allocated), and the data is passed back via the callers data stream as requested. If the content size is greater than the parameter value, FPTag.BlobReadPartial is used to read only the data of the size requested by the caller (no buffer is created).

See Also


Specifies the collision avoidance option for a CenteraFixedContentDevice object. When creating Centera content, the provider combines this value with FP_OPTION_CLIENT_CALCID_STREAMING to form the options parameter of FPTag.BlobWrite. There are three possible values:

See Also


The service port number used to access this isolated region.

See Also



The Verity locale used for the object store. Before you can set a value for this property on the object store, a VerityDomainConfiguration object must exist.

Any valid locale name supported by Verity can be used. This value must be set before any VerityIndexArea objects are created, and may not be modified while any VerityIndexArea objects exist. If the locale is "uni" the default language code can optionally be appended to this name (such as "uni/fr" for French). When a language code is appended, queries use the specified language as the default language for word stemming and other language-specific features.

Specifying a language code here applies only to the default language used. It does not preclude the use of additional languages for the object store. Multiple languages can be indexed into Verity collections in the same object store.

See Also


A boolean that enables or disables Content Engine text extraction for purposes of building content-based retrieval (CBR) indexes. Text extraction refers to the extraction of text from documents of various types, such as Microsoft Word, PDF, and so on. Set the value of this property to true to extract text from documents using Content Engine and false to extract text using the text search engine. The text search engine builds the CBR indexes using the extracted text in both cases.

Set the property value to true only if the Content Engine text extraction capabilities have been installed. If those capabilities have not be installed, Content Engine logs the error "CBRPreFilter is not deployed" to the FileNet P8 log file when it attempts to filter the text for a document.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options for Content Engine text extraction

Content Engine creates a separate subprocess to filter the text for each document. On occasion, a malformed document might cause a subprocess to enter an unstable state such that it can never complete its text extraction task. You can configure how long Content Engine allows a subprocess to run by setting the CBRPreFilterInitialTimeout JVM option. When a timeout occurs, Content Engine terminates the subprocess and can retry the filter operation by creating another subprocess. Use the CBRPreFilterMaxRetryCount JVM option to specify the maximum number of retry subprocesses. The descriptions for these JVM options follow:

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the CBR propagation type for the property.

See Also


Specifies the threshold for the CBR query dynamic switching optimization, used for queries that combine both a content-based retrieval (CBR) search and a relational search on a database (DB). Dynamic switching optimization determines whether the CBR search or the DB search occurs first.

This property applies only if the CBRQueryOptimization property is set to DYNAMIC_SWITCHING, and if a query does not include a SQL optimization option. If this property is not set, the CBR search always executes first. If this propety is set to zero, the DB search always executes first.

For more information, see CBR Query Optimization.

See Also


Specifies how searches that combine both full text and relational query conditions are executed. The property takes a CBRQueryOptimization value. The property applies to the IBM Content Search Services engine only.

A full-text search on indexed content is a content-based retrieval (CBR) search. A relational search on properties is a database (DB) search. If the property is set to NONE (0 or null), the Content Engine always performs the CBR search first and the DB search second. If the property is set to DYNAMIC_SWITCHING (1), then the Content Engine dynamically determines whether to issue the CBR search first or the DB search first, optimizing performance for these types of searches.

In dynamic switching mode, the Content Engine switches from CBR first to DB first based on an estimated number of CBR hits. The estimate is compared to a threshold value, set in the CBRQueryDynamicThreshold property. If you set this property to DYNAMIC_SWITCHING, then you must also set the CBRQueryDynamicThreshold property.

In dynamic switching mode, CBR-first behavior can be forced by CBR searches that request rank order. To maintain dynamic switching behavior, you must enable the CBRQueryRankOverride property.

You can also set this property in combination with other object store properties to force DB-first search behavior. For information about configuring the server for a particular behavior, the tradeoffs involved, and the SQL query options to override this property, see CBR Query Optimization.

See Also


Specifies rank ordering behavior for content-based retrieval (CBR) queries that request rank order. The possible values are as follows, set with a CBRQueryRankOverride value.

For more information, see CBR Query Optimization.

See Also


The type of content-based retrieval (CBR) search engine enabled for the object store. Call the ObjectStore.get_CBRSearchType method to retrieve the value. If CBR is not enabled for the object store, the returned value is NONE. Otherwise, the value identifies the currently configured search engine. (See the related constants in com.filenet.api.constants.CBRSearchType.)

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the maximum size of text to be retained in the text index from which to generate a summary.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the maximum size of summary text to be returned in a text search result.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Defines the type of summary text to be available in text search results.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the CBR (Content-Based Retrieval) subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the CFS Daemon (Content Federation System) subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Trace flags corresponding to the CFS Import Agent subsystem. This value consists of a combination of TraceFlag constants.

See Also


For an external (non-FileNet P8) repository, the UTF-8 encoded, non-encrypted password component of the credentials that the Content Federation Service (CFS) uses to log on to perform CFS functions. For more information about these credentials, including the name component, see the CFSUserName property. To maintain password security, you can use this property only to set a password, not to read its value. Instead of returning a password value, this property returns a zero-length byte array if it has been set with a password and returns a null value if it has never been set.

See Also


For an external (non-FileNet-P8) repository, the name component of the credentials that CFS uses to logon in order to perform CFS functions. (For information on specifying the password component of these credentials, see the CFSPassword property.) CFS expects these credentials to be for a security principal with the requisite security privileges. Specifically, CFS needs privileges for reading documents in order to export document metadata and content from the external repository, and privileges for changing document security permissions in order to lockdown documents. Insufficient privileges result in failures when attempting to perform these functions.

For more information on CFS interaction with an external IBM Content Integrator repository, see the IICEFixedContentDevice interface.

See Also


Specifies a CMODApplicationGroupSet object containing the set collection of application groups defined in the IBM® Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD) external repository associated with this CMOD fixed content device.

See Also


Specifies the language of the output messages from the IBM® Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD) server associated with this fixed content device.

See Also


Specifies the password for the security principal identified by the CMODUserName property.

See Also


Specifies the port number on which the IBM® Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD) server associated with this CMOD fixed content device is listening. A value of 0 indicates the default CMOD port.

See Also


Specifies the name of the IBM® Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD) server associated with this CMOD fixed content device.

See Also


Specifies the amount of trace information that will be gathered by the IBM® Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD) server associated with this fixed content device. This property can have one of the following values:

See Also


Specifies the name of the security principal for accessing the IBM® Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD) server associated with this CMOD fixed content device.

See Also


Specifies the NCH 3-part name of the CSM cache that is nearer to the site than the default cache. Each part of the name is separated by a colon and takes the form page_cache<n>:<domain>:<organization>. There must be no more than one local CSM cache name for a given value of <domain>:<organization>.

For example, for domain ntvaga and organization FileNet, the names are of the form page_cache<n>:ntvaga:FileNet, where <n> is an unsigned decimal integer greater than or equal to 2. The default CSM cache on the document server is page cache number 1 (for example, page_cache1:ntvaga:FileNet).

This property will be used when the Content Engine server is running within the site identified by this object's Site property.

If a FileNet Image Services fixed content device is made available across multiple sites in a FileNet P8 domain, you should create an ImageServicesSiteSettings object for each site that has a local CSM cache. This SiteSettings object will override the value of the CSMCache property for the site to enable a local CSM cache to be utilized.

See Also


The setting that enables or disables a cache area for active use. The CacheStatus class has constants defined for the cache status settings.

Valid settings are:

See Also


Determines if a Site accepts forwarded requests. The value of this property is true if the Site accepts forwarded requests; otherwise, it is false (the default). The property value must be explicitly set to true when configuring the domain for request forwarding.

Request forwarding must be enabled at the site level (both for forwarding requests and for receiving forwarded requests), and each virtual server within the site must have a valid URI specified in its EJBForwardingEndPoint property to be able to receive forwarded requests.

See Also


Specifies whether a document, while in a given lifecycle state (as defined by its document lifecycle policy), can be demoted (true) or not (false). A value of true indicates that a document's lifecycle state can be changed to the previous state that is defined by its document lifecycle policy.

See Also


Determines if requests may be forwarded from a Site. The value of this property is true if the Site can forward requests; otherwise, it is false (the default). The property value must be explicitly set to true when configuring the domain for request forwarding. Note: If the value is false, no requests may be forwarded from any virtual server in the site.

See Also


Specifies a Cardinality constant, which indicates whether an object property can hold a single value (single cardinality) or a collection of multiple values (list or enumeration cardinality). You can only set the Cardinality property when you create a new property template. When you create a property definition from a property template, its Cardinality property will be automatically populated with the same value as that of the property template on which it is based. Once you have instantiated an object from the class to which the property definition belongs, the property defined by the property definition will have the specified cardinality.

For PropertyDescription and PropertyDefinition object types, this property is read-only:

For PropertyTemplate object types, this property is settable on create:

The Cardinality property can have one of the values in the following table.

Name Value Description
ENUM 1 Specifies a property with enumeration cardinality. A property with enumeration cardinality is an object-valued property that returns a set collection. A set collection is a read-only collection of unique, unordered, independent objects that must be traversed sequentially. You can iterate through the items of a set collection one page of elements at a time from the server to your client application. However, if the collection changes on the server while you are iterating through it, the number, order, and values of the items in your client copy can change, even if you maintain the same reference to it. A set collection cannot hold any items other than independent objects. By contrast, a list collection can hold items of any data type, with the exception of independent objects.
LIST 2 Specifies a property with list cardinality. A property with list cardinality returns a list collection. A list collection is a collection of ordered items that can either be modifiable (allowing items to be inserted, replaced, or deleted) or read-only. These items need not be unique and can be traversed in any order. When you access a list collection from the server, a complete copy of it is created on your client application, which you can iterate through one element at a time. The items in a list collection must all be of the same data type and must match the data type of the property that returns it. If the property returning a list collection is an object-valued property, all of the objects in the list collection must be dependent objects. A list collection can hold items of any data type (provided each item is of the same data type. However, if a list collection holds objects, they must all be dependent objects; only a set collection can hold independent objects. You cannot create a custom property with list cardinality.
SINGLE 0 Specifies a property with single cardinality. A property with single cardinality returns a single value of the data type that the property can hold.

See Also


The change preprocessor action object that references the code handler to be invoked when a class instance is created or updated.

See Also


A collection of change preprocessor actions associated with an ObjectStore object.

See Also


A list of the definition objects to configure change preprocessing on this class.

See Also


The Document object designated as the child in a component relationship. This property applies when the ComponentRelationshipType property setting is STATIC_CR, DYNAMIC_CR, or DYNAMIC_LABEL_CR. For all other component relationship types the value of this property is null. For a URI component relationship type, you designate the child component by setting the URIValue property.

For a ComponentRelationship object whose relationship type is STATIC_CR, set the value of this property to the specific document version to bind to the parent component document.

For a ComponentRelationship object whose relationship type is DYNAMIC_CR, some version of the child document must be eligible-for-binding; otherwise, calling the save method on the ComponentRelationship object throws an exception. For example, a major version of the document must exist when the version bind rule specifies only major versions can be bound. For information on the version bind rule, see VersionBindType Property. When you call the save method, the ChildComponent property is automatically updated to reflect the actual document version bound.

For a ComponentRelationship object whose relationship type is DYNAMIC_LABEL_CR, no version of the child document need be eligible-for-binding. When you call the save method, the value of the ChildComponent property is automatically updated to null or to the actual document version bound. This bound version is the most recent version of the child document satisfying the version bind rule that has a ComponentBindingLabel property value matching the LabelBindValue property value. For more information on document binding, see ComponentRelationshipType Property. Note that, when the ChildComponent property value has been updated to null, you can still determine the child document for this relationship by using the ChildVersionSeries property.

See Also


A DocumentSet collection object that contains the child Document objects bound to this parent document. The collection contains only those child documents for which the user has read access. For each ComponentRelationship object that references this document as the parent component document, the collection contains the version of the child component document that is bound to this parent document. The same child document can be in the collection more than once.

For information on the ordering of the collection, see ComponentSortOrder Property.

See Also


A ComponentRelationshipSet collection object that contains the ComponentRelationship objects referencing this document as the parent component document.

For information on the ordering of the collection, see ComponentSortOrder Property.

See Also


The VersionSeries object that is the version series of the child component document. Retrieving this property's value is equivalent to calling get_ChildComponent().get_VersionSeries(). This property applies when the ComponentRelationshipType property setting is DYNAMIC_CR or DYNAMIC_LABEL_CR; otherwise, the property value is null.

See Also


The value of a Choice object that holds an integer data type in a choice list.

See Also


Specifies a ChoiceList object that represents the discrete set of possible values that this property can hold.

See Also


Specifies a ChoiceListSet object containing the set of ChoiceList objects defined in this object store.

See Also


The value of a Choice object that holds a string data type in a choice list.

See Also


Specifies a ChoiceType constant that determines the type of data that a Choice object represents: an integer-type choice item, a string-type choice item, a group node for a nested collection of integer-type Choice objects, or a group node for a nested collection of string-type Choice objects.

The ChoiceType property can have one of the values in the following table.

Name Value Description
INTEGER 0 Specifies a Choice object that represents an integer-type choice item.
MIDNODE_INTEGER 2 Specifies a Choice object that acts as a group node for a nested collection of integer-type Choice objects. Each Choice object in this collection must represent either an integer-type choice item or a group node for a nested collection of integer-type Choice objects.
MIDNODE_STRING 3 Specifies a Choice object that acts as a group node for a nested collection of string-type Choice objects. Each Choice object in this collection must represent either a string-type choice item or a group node for a nested collection of string-type Choice objects.
STRING 1 Specifies a Choice object that represents a string-type choice item.

See Also


A ChoiceList object representing a set of allowable values. If it is associated with a property, ChoiceValues provides a discrete set of possible values that the property can hold. Otherwise, if a ChoiceValues is associated with a Choice object, it defines the set of possible values in a choice list group.

See Also


The Class Definition of the class to be indexed. Note that you do not have to fetch the ClassDefinition to set this property; instead, call the set_ClassDefinition(Factory.ClassDefinition.getInstance) method on this IndexJobClassItem instance.

See Also


Specifies a ClassDescription object containing the fixed description (immutable metadata) of the class from which this object is instantiated.

See Also


Specifies a ClassDescriptionSet object, which contains a collection of the ClassDescription objects associated with a given object store. The ClassDescriptions property returns a "snapshot" of the latest class metadata for a given object store. If you make changes to a class, it will not be reflected in the ClassDescriptions collection until you refresh the object store.

See Also


Specifies the symbolic name of the Content Engine root class (for example, "Document") to which the class described by this external class description corresponds. This property can be null if no corresponding root class exists.

See Also


Specifies one of the following:

For ExternalClassDescription objects only, this string is immutable and is unique within the repository in which the external class description belongs.

See Also


Specifies a DocClassificationStatus constant that indicates the auto-classification status for this document. The ClassificationStatus property is used to provide client applications a means of discovering whether a particular document is subject to auto-classification, and if so, whether or not the operation was successful.

This property can hold one of the following values:

See Also


Specifies the date and time when the storage area will close and no longer accept new content.

See Also


Indicates the relative (ascending) order this event was audited relative to other audited events. Used for audit disposition, the property is retrieved by an audit processing client to set the sequence number of the last record processed on the client's CmAuditProcessingBookmark object.

See Also


Specifies whether content in this storage area should be compressed. Content compression reduces the space consumed in a storage area of any type, but there are performance tradeoffs in using it. For more information, see Content compression.

If you enable content compression, you can modify default operation settings with the CmCompressionThresholdPercent and CompressionBlockSize properties.

See Also


Specifies as a percentage of the original size the minimum to which the first block of a content stream must be compressed in order for the entire stream to be compressed. For example, for a compression ratio of 80%, the entire data stream will be compressed if the first block of uploaded data, when compressed, is 80% or less of the original uncompressed size.

Some data formats, such as JPEG and ZIP, do not compress well, and the server compression overhead might not be worth the marginal savings of storage space for such formats. This property allows you to define the threshold at which data will not be compressed. You can also define the block size of the content stream to be compressed, as set in the CompressionBlockSize property.

This property requires that content compression be turned on, as set in the CmCompressionEnabled property. For administrator-related information, see Content compression.

See Also


The size of batches of content IDs allocated for upload. As part of the process of uploading and committing content to storage devices, an advanced storage area generates in-memory batches of content IDs, and stores the batch as an entry in the abandoned content backout queue.

See Also


The time to live for a content ID batch, in seconds. When an advanced storage area generates an in-memory batch of content IDs, it sets the expiration time of the batch, which exists as a queue item in the abandoned content backout queue. A batch of content IDs will be used for uploading content up until the expiration time of the batch, at which point a new batch of content IDs will be generated.

See Also


Content integrity options are supported only on advanced storage areas. The options cannot be set on file, fixed, and database storage areas.

Specifies content validation on a storage area with a bitmask of ContentIntegrityOption values. Depending on the options specified, the server validates on content creation, content retrieval, and when the validateContent method is invoked on StorageArea.

For advanced storage areas, options are provided for auto-repair of invalid content.

See Also


Indicates whether the referenced predecessor is one of a set of alternates for the successor task.

If false, the predecessor task in the relationship is required, meaning that the predecessor task must be completed before the successor task is allowed to advance. If true, the predecessor task in the relationship is not required, but rather serves as an alternate in a group of multiple alternates associated with the same successor task. If any of the alternate predecessor tasks are completed, the successor task is allowed to advance, subject to any required predecessors having also completed.

See Also


A DeviceRetentionMode constant that specifies the retention mode of this fixed storage area relative to a fixed content device. Both retention modes apply only to checked-in documents that have their content stored on a fixed content device.

This property can have one of the following values:

See Also


The name of this custom SQL search function as it appears in an SQL expression. The search function name must be of the form <namespace>::<name> where both <namespace> and <name> must have a nonzero length, adhere to the Content Engine symbolic name conventions, and be unique relative to other search function names.

See Also


An enumeration of CmHoldRelationship objects associated with this object.

See Also


A bitmask of IndexingFailureCode constants that identify the types of indexing failures that have occurred as a result of an index request for a CBR-enabled object. If there are no indexing failures, the CmIndexingFailureCode property returns a value of zero.

If you set the value of the IndexingFailureRecordingLevel property of an ObjectStore object to PROPAGATE_TO_SOURCE, the error information is propagated to the CmIndexingFailureCode property of all CBR-enabled objects.

See Also


Indicates whether permissions should be inherited from the Coordinator property.

See Also


Indicates whether the object is marked (flagged) for deletion. If true, the object is the original object explicitly marked for deletion by a user, or the object is referenced by the original object through an object-valued property (OVP), and, therefore, was marked for deletion by the server.

Objects marked for deletion are represented by a CmRecoveryItem object, through which the objects can be either recovered or purged (removed from the object store database).

See Recovery Bin Concepts

See Also


The maximum amount of time, in seconds, to locate replicas and open a content element for retrieval. If the time limit is exceeded, the content retrieval request fails.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the content type of the text extract produced by the preprocessor.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the output conversion produced by the handler by reference to the class definition for the Content Conversion Settings subclass that defines the conversion.

See Also


The recovery item associated with this event's source object.

See Also


The retention expiration date and time of this object. This object can be deleted only after the expiration date and time has passed. If this property is null, this object is not held under retention and there are no restrictions on when it can be deleted.

When you create an object, the Content Engine server automatically sets the CmRetentionDate property to the default retention date and time. The Content Engine server calculates the default retention date and time by adding the retention period (DefaultRetentionPeriod property of the object's class definition) expressed in the selected duration units (RetentionPeriodUnits property of the object's class definition) to the date and time when the object was created. Alternatively, you can override the default value by setting the CmRetentionDate property of the object to a specific date and time. Once an object has been created, you cannot change the value of its CmRetentionDate property to a smaller value; that is, the retention period of the object cannot be shortened.

An object that has related objects under retention cannot be deleted until all of its related objects have been deleted. For example, a document with annotations cannot be deleted until all of its annotations have been deleted. The retention dates of a document and its annotations are independent of each other.

When a document is checked out, its CmRetentionDate property value is not applied to the resulting reservation object. If you set the CmRetentionDate property of the reservation object, the property value is applied to the new document version when you check in the reservation object. Note that setting the CmRetentionDate property of the reservation object does not prevent the reservation object from being deleted. If you do not set the CmRetentionDate property of the reservation object when you check it in, the CmRetentionDate property of the new document version is automatically set to the default retention date and time.

The CmRetentionDate property can be set to a specific date and time, or it can be set to one of the following RetentionConstants constants:

To set the CmRetentionDate property value on an object, you must have the following permissions:

See Also


Identifies the stored search schema version used to specify the XML query for the StoredSearch object.

See Also


The storage area from which the move content request was issued.

See Also


The priority for changing this index area from a standby index area to an open index area. The higher the value of this property, the lower the priority. The highest priority is 0, which is the default value.

When an open index area becomes full, the Content Engine server chooses the standby index area with the highest priority and sets it to open. If two or more index areas exist with the same priority, one of these standby index areas is chosen randomly by the server.

You can control this feature by setting the JVM parameter com.filenet.engine.cbr.LegacyStandbyActivationPolicy on your application server. By default, this JVM parameter is false, which instructs the Content Engine server to open a standby index area when an index area becomes full. Set this JVM parameter to true to instruct the Content Engine server to open a standby index area only when all the index areas are either full or closed. For information about how to assign JVM parameter values for your application server, see Setting JVM parameters.

See Also


The list of connections to advanced storage devices associated with this area.

See Also


This property is not supported.

A list of content types from which a conversion handler is able to produce a particular target content type.

See Also


The maximum number of replicas to which content is written synchronously during upload.

The desired number of replicas must be greater than or equal to the required number of replicas, and cannot exceed the number of primary and secondary storage devices associated with the advanced storage area.

A larger number increases the immediate redundancy of the document, but can increase the time required to complete the save transaction.

See Replication configuration.

See Also


The minimum number of replicas to which content must be written synchronously during upload. If content cannot be uploaded synchronously to the required number of replicas, the upload fails.

The required number of replicas cannot exceed the number of primary and secondary storage devices associated with the advanced storage area.

A larger number increases the immediate redundancy of the document. A smaller number increases the likelihood that the document will be successfully saved if a device failure occurs.

See Replication configuration.

See Also


The storage area to which the move content request was issued.

See Also


Contains the set of thumbnail images corresponding to this document. Deleting the document deletes all of the thumbnails associated with it.

See Also


Indicates the transaction timeout value in seconds used during the asynchronous event handling of this event action. This property overrides the default timeout value for asynchronous processing in the GCD, set with AsyncProcessingConfiguration.get_QueueItemDatabaseTimeout. Minimum value is 30 seconds; maximum value is 3600 seconds (60 minutes).

See Also


This property is not supported.

A list of content types from which a conversion handler is unable to produce a particular target content type.

See Also


The Javaâ„¢ action handler that is executed when an Action-based object is invoked. A CodeModule object represents a user-implemented Java action handler that is checked into the Content Engine.

See Creating a CodeModule Object.

See Also


Specifies the Time-To-Live (TTL) in seconds that an entry may remain in the code module cache.

See Also


Specifies the maximum file space (in MB) to allocate for code module cache entries that overflow from memory to disk. The default value is 10 GB.

See Also


Specifies the maximum memory to allocate for code module cache entries as a percentage of the maximum memory configured for the current Javaâ„¢ Virtual Machine (JVM). The default is 10%.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Code Module subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


The name assigned to the Verity collection.

See Also


A ColumnDefinitionList collection object containing the ColumnDefinition objects that describe the columns in the table.

See Also


The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the column in which the value of the property is stored.

See Also


The name of the indexed column.

See Also


The size of the column.

See Also


The number of sweep iterations that have occurred for a policy-controlled sweep.

See Also


The duration, in seconds, that the audit disposition background task should wait upon successful completion of a full sweep prior to initiating another. The audit disposition background task can only initiate a sweep if an unexpired timeslot exists; otherwise, it will wait for an available timeslot, so the total delay might be longer. A setting of 0 results in a full sweep as soon as the CmAuditingConfiguration.AuditDispositionWaitInterval is up (assuming an unexpired timeslot exists). The default value is 86,400 seconds (24 hours).

See Also


The setting for controlling the deletion of the child component document as an automatic response to the deletion of the parent component document. The ComponentCascadeDeleteAction class has constants defined for the component cascade delete settings.

Valid settings are:

See Also


The setting for the delete behavior for parent and child components. The prevention settings protect a document from deletion by causing an exception to be thrown on a deletion attempt. The ComponentPreventDeleteAction class has constants defined for the component prevent delete settings.

Valid settings are:

See Also


The setting that determines the type of component relationship between a child document and parent document. The ComponentRelationshipType class has constants defined for the relationship type settings.

Valid settings are:

When you modify the ComponentRelationshipType property from one setting to another, be aware that the previously set values for some properties might be lost:

For an overview of document binding, see the ComponentRelationship class.

See Also


The ascending sort order number that determines the position of this ComponentRelationship object within the ChildRelationships collection as well as the position of the child component document within the ChildDocuments collection. These collections belong to the parent component document. Relative to any other object having the same sort order number, the binary value of the ComponentRelationship object's Id property determines the ascending sort order position for this object and the associated child component.

This property cannot be set to null.

For a new ComponentRelationship object with no explicitly set component sort order, calling the save method on the object assigns a value to this property equal to the highest component sort order in the ChildRelationships collection plus 1000. For example, if you did not explicitly set the ComponentSortOrder property for any ComponentRelationship objects within the collection, the first object added to the ChildRelationships collection has a component sort order of 1000; the second, 2000; the third, 3000; and so on.

See Also


The setting that determines whether a document can be a parent component in a compound document. The CompoundDocumentState class has constants defined for the compound document state settings.

Valid settings are:

See Also


Specifies the maximum size of uncompressed content that will form a single block in a compressed content stream written by the server. Larger blocks will compress more effectively than smaller blocks, but will require more memory during retrieval.

This property requires that content compression be turned on, as set in the CmCompressionEnabled property. For administrator-related information, see Content compression.

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent Centera reader threads allowed in the object store service process.

See Also


Specifies the configuration parameters for a GenericFixedContentDevice object. There is no fixed format for this property, other than it must be a string that the custom implementation of the fixed content provider can understand and parse.

See Also


Specifies the current state (enabled, suspended, or uninitialized) of this rendition engine connection.

See Also


Specifies the Active Directory Service provider connection timeout in milliseconds. The default is 500 milliseconds. If the connection is across a WAN, consider increasing the value.

When getting back a collection of domain controllers for a given domain, use this property in an LDAP connection request to determine if a given domain controller in the domain is up and running. If a timeout exception occurs in the specified time, assume the domain controller is not running and try the next one.

See Also


A bitmask defining the access permission associated with a given marking.

If a given user does not have the appropriate rights to perform marking-related operations on the object, the access rights specified in the marking's ConstraintMask property are removed from the user's access rights for that object.

See Also


A DocumentSet collection object containing the Document objects contained within this folder.

See Also


A ReferentialContainmentRelationshipSet collection object containing the ReferentialContainmentRelationship objects contained within this folder.

See Also


A ReferentialContainmentRelationshipSet collection object containing the ReferentialContainmentRelationship objects that identify the containers of this object.

See Also


The name of the contained object.

For a DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship or ReferentialContainmentRelationship object, this is the name of the Head object in the relationship. The default value is supplied as follows:

The following characters are not allowed:

    \  /  :  *  ?  "  <  >  | 

For an Event object generated from the FileEvent and UnfileEvent classes, the value of this property is the name of the Containable object that was added or removed, respectively.

In the following scenarios, the server looks for naming collisions and makes the containment name unique:

If a naming collision is detected when AutoUniqueName.AUTO_UNIQUE is set, or when an object that's marked for deletion object is restored, the server resolves the conflict by appending a unique suffix to the the containment name, as follows:

See Also


Specifies the frequency of recording updates to the DateContentLastAccessed property (that is, the time of the last content access). Recording frequency can be none, immediate, hourly, or daily.

Note Enabling content access recording (that is, setting to an option other than "None") impacts system performance. The more frequent the updates to the DateContentLastAccessed property, the greater the impact is to the system.

The DateContentLastAccessed property on a document or annotation is updated based on the value of a given object store's ContentAccessRecordingLevel property. The update occurs whenever content on a ContentTransfer object on the document or annotation is accessed. Content on a ContentTransfer object is considered accessed when:

Note that even if the content is larger than the specified chunk size (default or user-specified) and multiple trips to the database or cache are performed, the DateContentLastAccessed property is set to the time when the content is first accessed.

See Also


The configured content cache area. This file storage area stores duplicates of the document content most frequently requested, and permits those duplicates to be accessed in lieu of the originals in order to enhance the document retrieval performance of local servers. For more information on the content cache area, see the ContentCacheArea interface.

See Also


A collection of all ContentCacheArea objects associated with the FileNet P8 domain.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Content Cache subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Trace settings for the content conversion subsystem.

See Also


The number of content elements stored in this storage area.

For a ContentCacheArea object, this property returns null when the server cannot physically access the cache storage area and the CacheStatus property setting is Closed. Also, this statistic, along with the statistic concerning content element size (the ContentElementKBytes property), can become inaccurate as the result of power failures; properly timed failures will prevent servers from keeping the statistics in perfect sync with content creations and deletions. A cache sweep updates the statistics every 60 days to keep them reasonably accurate.

See Also


The size of all content elements stored in this storage area (in kilobytes). If content compression is turned on for a StorageArea object, this property reflects the compressed size of the content.

For the ContentCacheArea object, this property returns null when the server cannot physically access the cache storage area and the CacheStatus property setting is Closed. Also, this statistic can become inaccurate; for more information, see the ContentElementCount property.

See Also


Specifies a ContentElementList object containing the list of content elements associated with this document or annotation. Each content element represents content data, which can either be local to an object store and stored in a file store or database (represented by a ContentTransfer object) or external to an object store and therefore outside the control of the Content Engine server (represented by a ContentReference object).

See Also


Total content elements created in a Storage Area.

See Also


The number of content elements deleted from this storage area.

For the ContentCacheArea object, a cache clearing operation initializes this number to 0 (zero). For information on cache clearing, see the CacheStatus property. For information on the potential inaccuracy of this number, see the ContentCacheArea class.

See Also


Specifies a StringList object containing the MIME type of each content element associated with this document or annotation at the time it was last saved.

See Also


The unique identifier of the content item to be replicated.

See Also


Specifies, in URL format, the name of the resource that contains the content data represented by this ContentReference object.

See Also


The maximum number of workers that can exist simultaneously per object store. The primary function of the workers is to carry out the second stage of the content upload process. Workers process work from the content queue in batches of one or more queue items.

See Also


Specifies the date until which this checked-in document must be retained, as determined by the content storage subsystem. This document can be deleted only after this date has passed.

This property is maintained for compatibility with earlier versions and is automatically populated by the server with the same value as the document’s CmRetentionDate property.

See Also


The SHA-256 hash signature used for content validation. The property on CmContentReplicationQueueEntry is used by the asynchronous (queued) replication sweep.

The property on ContentTransfer is used by StorageArea if any of the signature verification options are set on the CmContentIntegrityOptions property. In addition, the property can be used by applications for end-to-end retrieval validation.

See Also


Specifies the size in bytes of the content data associated with this document, annotation, or ContentTransfer object. Note that if the document or annotation has more than one content element, then the size is the sum of all of the content elements.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Content Storage subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Represents a document's content summary.

When performing a full-text (CBR) search, avoid referencing the ContentSummary column. The retrieval of this text column can slow the execution of the search.

See Also


The root of the directory structure that holds temporary content. Specify a fully qualified location for the root directory local to the server, such as a mount point (/mount/root) or drive (c:\data\root), and give the server exclusive permissions to access the root directory. The server must have sufficient permissions to create subdirectories; it creates the inbound directory off of this root directory.

When the value for this property is null, the server uses the FileNet working directory as the directory root for temporary content.

See Also


Specifies the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format string of the content data carried by this content element, indicating the kind of data this content element represents. MIME is a communications protocol that allows for the transmission of data in many forms, such as audio, binary, or video.

You can set the ContentType property of a specific content element when you create it and attach it to a document version. The ContentType property requires a value. If you do not provide a value for the ContentType property of a ContentReference object, an error occurs. By contrast, if you do not provide a value for the ContentType property of a ContentTransfer object, the Content Platform Engine attempts to discover the MIME type of the content data, and automatically sets the property to an estimated MIME type value. However, it is not always possible for the Content Platform Engine to make a correct determination of the content data that the ContentTransfer object holds. Therefore, IBM recommends that you always set this property to the correct MIME type value when you add the content element. At a minimum, if you do not specify the MIME type value of the ContentType property, ensure that the path specified by the RetrievalName property of the ContentTransfer object contains the correct filename extension for the type of content data.

Although the Content Platform Engine does not enforce the format of this property's value, a MIME format string consists of a content type, a content subtype, and an optional parameter in the following format: "content type/subtype[;parameter]", for example, "text/html". Interpretation of the value is up to retrieving applications.

MIME defines the following content types:

The following MIME types are specific to FileNet:

See Also


The maximum period of time in seconds that a single content chunk upload request can be delayed waiting for content to be read from the source or written to a destination replica.

See Also


The sweep policy or job that incurred the failure.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the maximum period in seconds for which a background content conversion worker can be idle before terminating.

See Also


The enumeration of tasks coordinated by the Containable object. Each CmTask object in the enumeration represents a single piece of work in a business process. A CmTask object with a Coordinator property set to this Containable object is added to the enumeration value of this property.

See Also


A reference to the Containable object that is acting as the coordinator for this and other related tasks. To return an enumeration of all related tasks coordinated by the object, call Containable.get_CoordinatedTasks.

See Also


Specifies whether moving of content subject to fixed device retention is copied to another storage area, leaving the retained content on the source device. This property is solely intended for moving content on a fixed content device that you want to retire. The property is ignored for source storage areas that are not fixed storage areas.

When this property is set to TRUE, the bulk move content job copies both retained and unretained content that meet the filter expression critera of the job. The job does not delete content that it moves from the fixed content device. This is true of both content that is under retention and content that is not under retention. Copied content retains its retention date. Only users with the Modify Retention permission can set the property to TRUE.

When this property is set to FALSE, the bulk move content job successfully copies only unretained content to another storage area, then deletes the unretained content from the source fixed content device.

Content that is copied using the CopyRetainedContent property can be tracked with auditing. To do so, add an audit definition for CmMoveContentEvent. The SourceContentRetained property is set to TRUE on CmMoveContentEvent instances for device-retained content.

See Also


A value indicating whether some particular document feature gets passed on as a default feature for the next document version. The passed-on feature can be a property value or a component relationship. When the CopyToReservation property value is true, source document checkout causes the source feature to be replicated for the newly created document reservation object.

For a PropertyDefinition object, a value indicating whether the value of the property defined by this property definition should be copied, during checkout, from the source document to the newly created reservation object. For a PropertyDescription object, CopyToReservation is read only.

For a ComponentRelationship object, a value indicating whether this object gets copied, during checkout of the parent component source document, for the newly created reservation object. The reservation object becomes the parent component for the new copy of this ComponentRelationship object. Consequently, both the reservation object and the source document have an equivalent component relationship with the same child document. Note that the reservation object behaves like any other document with respect to compound document properties and relationships.

See Also


Indicates the name of the user assigned as the creator of the object.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is settable only on create. After initial object creation, this property is read-only for all users.

See Also


The number of objects for which the processing has been deferred during the current or most recent sweep iteration.

See Also


The number of objects that were examined during the current sweep iteration of an ongoing sweep.

See Also


The number of objects for which the processing failed during the current sweep iteration of an ongoing sweep.

See Also


The ID of the IBM® Content Search Services server that is assigned to use this IBM Content Search Services index. If the assigned IBM Content Search Services server becomes unavailable, the Content Engine server automatically chooses another server to assign to this index.

See Also


The number of objects that were processed during the current sweep iteration of an ongoing sweep.

See Also


Specifies the name of the current lifecycle state of this document as defined by its document lifecycle policy. Each document lifecycle policy defines a set of states through which a document can transition into during its lifecycle. This property is equal to the value of the StateName property of the DocumentState object representing the current lifecycle state of this document.

See Also


The current user. The current user is the user under whose credentials RPCs are being performed. When returned within an asynchronous event handler, the current user is the one who triggered the event, and not the user in the JAAS security context.

See Also


Specifies a document version that represents the latest checked-in version associated with this document or version series. The current version can be either a major version or a minor version.

See Also



Specifies the database transaction timeout in seconds for DITA-specific publishing requests.

See Also


Specifies the fully qualified path to the directory where the DITA Open Toolkit is installed. The path can be a local mount point, a local path, or a UNC path.

See Also


Specifies optional Java Virtual Machine (JVM) arguments that will be used to invoke the DITA Open Toolkit when publishing DITA content. For example, if you are publishing a large DITA information set, you can specify additional JVM memory by setting the value of this property to -Xmx512m.

See Also


Contains a reference to the DITARenditionEngineConnection object used by this publishing configuration.

See Also


Contains a reference to the DITARenditionEngineConnectionSet object that lists the DITA Rendition Engine connections for this domain.

See Also


Specifies the fully qualified path to the working directory where DITA component documents will be downloaded from the Content Engine for publishing via the DITA Open Toolkit. The path can be a local mount point, a local path, or a UNC path.

See Also


The DNS (Domain Name System) name of the Process Engine server used to access this isolated region.

See Also


Specifies a TypeID constant, which indicates the data type of the value that an object can hold.

For PropertyDescription, PropertyDefinition, and PropertyTemplate objects, this property is read-only and specifies the data type of the value that an object property can hold. Because the value of the DataType property is automatically set by the Content Engine server to correspond to the specific object type of the PropertyDescription, PropertyDefinition, or PropertyTemplate object, you do not need to set it when you are creating a property template or property definition. For example, in a PropertyDescriptionBinary, PropertyDefinitionBinary, or PropertyTemplateBinary object, the server automatically sets the DataType property to a value of BINARY.

For ChoiceList objects, this property is settable on create and must be a LONG or STRING constant value. This property determines whether a choice list is an integer-type choice list, which holds integer-type choice items or a string-type choice list, which holds string-type choice items.

For ColumnDefinition objects, this property is read-only and specifies the data type of the object property value that is stored in the represented database table column.

For CmIndexPartitionConstraint objects, this property is read-only and specifies the data type of an index partition constraint. Only the following values are valid:

The DataType property can have one of the values in the following table.

Name Value Description
BINARY 1 Specifies a binary data type. Represents binary data by using an array of unsigned 8-bit bytes.
BOOLEAN 2 Specifies a Boolean data type. Represents Boolean data having a value of true or false.
DATE 3 Specifies a DateTime data type. Represents an instance in time as a date and time of day in accordance with ISO 8601.
DOUBLE 4 Specifies a double (Float64) data type. Represents an IEEE-standard 64-bit floating-point number, which has a value ranging from -1.79769313486232e308 to +1.79769313486232e308.
GUID 5 Specifies a GUID (ID) data type. Represents a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) or DCE Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which is a unique 128-bit number, as a string of 32 hexadecimal characters enclosed by brackets in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}. For example, {3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301}.
LONG 6 Specifies an integer data type. Represents a signed 32-bit integer, which has a value ranging from -2,147, 483,648 to +2,147,483,647.
OBJECT 7 Specifies an object data type. Represents an object that is instantiated from a Content Engine class.
STRING 8 Specifies a string data type. Represents text consisting of a sequential collection of 16-bit Unicode characters.

See Also


Defines the database connection attributes used by this object. Set this property to a CmDatabaseConnection object, which defines the data sources to be used by the object. For database connection sharing, set the same CmDatabaseConnection object on all object stores, event export stores, and isolated regions that will share the same database.

For an isolated region, if the ObjectStore property is set, then the server automatically sets this property and the DatabaseSchemaName property to the same values as the object store's properties of the same name. You cannot change the object store-derived values on this or the DatabaseSchemaName property.

If the isolated region is used by IBM Case Manager, you must set the ObjectStore property. For an isolated region that uses a legacy workflow system, set DatabaseConnection and DatabaseSchemaName to values that reference the legacy system.

See Also


An enumeration of database connections associated with this domain.

See Also



See Also


Specifies the location in which index information is created and referenced.

For an ObjectStore object, this property specifies the location within the database. If this property is set during creation of the object store, the Content Engine server uses the value to control where indexes are located. A change to the property value after the object store is created affects only the location of indexes that are added after the change. You can override the value of this property by specifying a custom schema script during object store creation. See Factory.ObjectStore.createInstance(domain, admins, users, schemaScript).

For a CmIndexDefinition object, this property specifies the tablespace or filegroup in which the index is located. If you do not provide a value for this property, the server sets the value to the index storage location specified in the corresponding ObjectStore property (if set). Otherwise, the location will be set to the default index storage location specified by the underlying database.

See Also


Specifies the location within the database in which Large Object (LOB) data is to be created and referenced. If this property is set during creation of the object store, Content Engine uses the value to control where LOB data is placed. A change to the property value after the object store is created affects only the location of LOBs that are added after the change. You can override the value of this property by specifying a custom schema script during object store creation. See Factory.ObjectStore.createInstance(domain, admins, users, schemaScript).

Note This property is ignored on DB2 for z/OS.

See Also


Specifies the name of the database to which the Rendition Engine connection is made.

See Also


Specifies the name of the schema in which the tables and indexes for an object store, isolated region, or event export store reside. The value serves as a qualified name for the database entities.

A unique value is required for database connection sharing. Database connection sharing is initiated when two or more objects are configured to use the same CmDatabaseConnection object.

To distinguish between identically named tables associated with multiple objects that share a database connection, enter a unique, case-insensitive value. The value cannot duplicate the DatabaseSchemaName value of another object using the same database connection. The value will be prepended to database entities, for example, <schema name>.<table name>.

If you do not set a value for an object store, the object store is initialized using the default schema applied by the database server, and this property is set to that default schema name provided it is not already in use by another object store using the same CmDatabaseConnection object.

For an isolated region, if the ObjectStore property is set, then the server automatically sets this property and the DatabaseConnection property to the same values as the object store's properties of the same name. You cannot change the object store-derived values on this or the DatabaseConnection property.

If the isolated region is used by IBM Case Manager, you must set the ObjectStore property. For an isolated region that uses a legacy workflow system, set DatabaseConnection and DatabaseSchemaName to values that reference the legacy system.

See Also


Specifies the name of the host for the database to which the Rendition Engine connection is made.

See Also


Specifies the port number for a database server connection.

See Also


Specifies the location within the database in which new tables are to be created and referenced. If this property is set during creation of the object store, Content Engine uses the value to control where tables are located. A change to the property value after the object store is created affects only the location of tables that are added after the change. You can override the value of this property by specifying a custom schema script during object store creation. See Factory.ObjectStore.createInstance(domain, admins, users, schemaScript).

Note This property is ignored on DB2 for z/OS.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Database subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Specifies the database type (DB2, MSSQL, or ORACLE).

For ObjectStore, this property is deprecated. Use CmDatabaseConnection.DatabaseType.

See Also


Specifies the date and time that this document was checked in. The Content Engine stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

The server sets this property on a document version when it is checked in and it remains set throughout the life of the document version. When a document is checked out, the server sets this property on the document's reservation object to null.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. Users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE) can set this property on a document while it is being checked in. Note that although the settability of this property for users with privileged write access is SETTABLE_ONLY_BEFORE_CHECKIN, those users can not set this property on a document prior to check in; it can be set only while a document is being checked in.

See Also


The date and time at which the task changed to the COMPLETE state.

See Also


Specifies the date and time when the content data (represented by a ContentTransfer object) associated with this document or annotation was last accessed. The Content Engine stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

The recording granularity of the date and time returned by this property is determined by the setting of the object store's ContentAccessRecordingLevel property. The content data associated with a document or annotation object is considered to be accessed when one of the following events occur:

Each of these events will update the date of the DateContentLastAccessed property. Note that even if the content data is larger than the user-specified chunk size and multiple trips to the database or cache are required, the DateContentLastAccessed property will be set only to the date and time that the content data was first accessed. Applications that access content data frequently will cause continual updates of the DateContentLastAccessed property by the server, which can result in degraded performance. Therefore, it is recommended that you set the ContentAccessRecordingLevel property to control the frequency that the DateContentLastAccessed property is updated.

See Also


Indicates the date and time the object was created. The Content Engine server stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is settable only on create. After initial object creation, this property is read-only for all users.

See Also


Indicates the date and time the object was last modified. The Content Engine server stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is read/write. (The read/write access for those users can only change if a change is made to the ACL on the object store that controls who has privileged write access to objects in that object store).

See Also


Indicates the date and time of the index request.

See Also


The date and time at which the task transitioned into the WORKING state.

See Also


The default length of time in seconds between the end of one sweep pass and the beginning of the next one.

See Also


Specifies the default string used in the From: field for email sent by the system to the SMTP server. Examples: WorkflowEngine, ContentEngine,

The value of the EmsFromName property on an individual Email Queue entry (if set) will override the value set in the DefaultFromName property. (The Email Queue entry class, EmsEmailQueueEntry, is installed as part of the Email Services Extensions add-on.)

See Also


Specifies the name of the Image Services (IS) document class that controls native content. The IS document class definition has default values that control the IS document content security and media family where the content will be stored. The default document class is used for documents that are created in Content Platform Engine and are stored in FileNet® Image Services.

See Also


The default security owner for an object of a given class. This property is useful if you want a group or user other than the object's creator to have owner security rights.

See Also


A list of descriptions of default permissions to be used when creating an instance of a given class.

See Also


The default discretionary permissions to be used when creating an instance of a given class.

See Also


The default value (in seconds) for the maximum amount of time that the server allows a query to run before canceling the query. This property, in conjunction with the MaxQueryTimeLimit property and the SQL TIMELIMIT option , limit a Content Engine search for a client-to-server RPC; that is, they limit the total time it takes to retrieve one page to the client. Query time limits help to prevent excessive server resource usage by a single user.

The effective time limit is the minimum of this property and the MaxQueryTimeLimit property.

The SQL Timelimit option in a query overrides DefaultQueryTimeLimit. In that case, the effective limit is the minimum of the Timelimit option and the MaxQueryTimeLimit property.

If the Timelimit option is not set, and neither property is set, the query time is unlimited.

In addition to the time limits that impact client-to-server RPCs, you can set the QueryDatabaseTimeout property, which limits query execution at the database level.

For more information, see Server Query-Timeout Behavior.

See Also


Specifies the default string used in the Reply-To: field for email sent by the system to the SMTP server. Examples: WorkflowEngine, ContentEngine,

The value of the EmsReplyToName property on an individual Email Queue entry (if set) will override the value set in the DefaultReplyToName property. (The Email Queue entry class, EmsEmailQueueEntry, is installed as part of the Email Services Extensions add-on.)

See Also


Specifies a ReservationType constant that indicates, if an explicit choice is not made when a document is checked out, the default type of reservation to create (collaborative or exclusive) in this object store. For a newly created object store, this property is initialized to EXCLUSIVE.

The DefaultReservationType property can have one of the following values:

See Also


Specifies the default retention period. A positive value represents the number of days the content element must be retained. Other possible values are:

See Also


Specifies whether the retention period is set to the current Centera system setting (true) or not (false). This flag only applies when a fixed storage area's retention period is configured to use the retention period of the fixed content device (that is, when the fixed storage area's RetentionPeriod property is set to -2). Normally the provider will examine the value of the FP_RETENTION pool capability and explicitly set the retention period to either zero or infinite, depending on the capability setting. When DefaultRetentionPassThrough is set to 1, the retention period is set to RETENTION_PERIOD_DEFAULT (meaning that the Clips use the current Centera system setting, which can be altered by changing the compliance mode of the system).

See Also


The duration of the default retention period for the class defined by this class definition. The time unit (days, for example) in which the value of the DefaultRetentionPeriod property is expressed is determined by the value of the RetentionPeriodUnits property. For a new instance of the class defined by this class definition, the Content Engine server calculates the default retention date and time of the instance by adding the retention duration, expressed in the specified period units, to the date and time when the instance is created. The CmRetentionDate property of the instance is initially set to the default retention date and time, unless it is overridden.

Instead of a retention period, the DefaultRetentionPeriod property can be set to one of the following RetentionConstants constants:

See Also


Identifies the default geographical site associated with the FileNet P8 domain. The value of this property is initialized to "Initial Site" when the Content Engine server is initialized and the GCD is created. Initial Site is a system-generated instance of the Site class that holds the Virtual Server (and thus, Server Instance) of the current application server instance. A user with system administrator rights can subsequently assign a different site to be the default, if desired.

If you do not specify a site when creating a site-related object (such as an ObjectStore object), the created object's Site property is set to the value of the DefaultSite property.

See Also


The number of times that the queue entry has been deferred for later processing. This count is incremented when the queue sweep handler determines that the entry cannot currently be processed because of a correctable problem. For example, when an advanced storage area is used, a content deletion request is deferred if the content is on a storage device that the Content Platform Engine has determined to be offline.

The deferred count is separate from the failure count, and does not affect the maximum failures. A deferral is an expected problem that is correctable, whereas a failure is an unexpected problem.

Deferred items are scheduled for retry in 5 minutes (specifically, the HeldUntilDate property is set to the current time plus 5 minutes).

See Also


Data that has been saved in the queue entry for use in subsequent deferred processing.

See Also


The total number of objects for which processing has been deferred by the sweep.

See Also


Indicates the deletion method for content in this storage area, as specified by a AreaDeleteMethod constant.

See Also


Indicates the maximum level of secure deletion supported by the storage device, as specified by a AreaDeleteMethod constant.

For each advanced storage device that is connected to an advanced storage area, this property setting must meet the minimum deletion level as set on the advanced storage area. That is, each device must have an equal or greater level of destruction capability than what is specified on the advanced storage area's DeletionMethod property.

For example, if an advanced storage area has a delete method setting of Purge, then all of the devices connected to it must support the purge level of delete. If an advanced storage area has a delete method setting of Standard, then any storage device that supports standard or above levels of deletion can be connected to the advanced storage area.

See Also


Specifies the action to be taken with respect to a given object-valued property when an attempt is made to delete the object that contains the property. The value of this property can specify that a cascading delete action be taken on all objects referenced by the property (for example, if you delete a document, the Content Engine automatically deletes all of the annotations associated with it); or that the deletion action be prevented (for example, the Content Engine will not allow you to delete a folder until all of its associated sub-folders are deleted); or that no special action be taken during a delete (for example, the Content Engine will not prevent you from deleting an annotation that is associated with a document).

See Also


Specifies a DocumentSet collection object that contains all of the publication documents to which this document is the owner document.

See Also


Specifies the host name of the server responsible for dequeuing the item. Note that a retried queue item might have a different DequeueHost value for each retry, depending on which server actually processed the queue item.

See Also


Specifies a string that describes this object.

See Also


User-readable text that describes an object.

The text is not locale-specific to the retrieving user except for the following classes:

See Also


Specifies a LocalizedStringList object containing a collection of LocalizedString objects, each of which represents a locale-specific, user-readable description of a class or property.

See Also


Specifies documents that are publications of this document. This property is a reflective property of the SourceDocument property.

See Also


The destination repository for the source object of the replication operation that generates this journal entry.

See Also


Specifies an IP address or fully qualified domain name.

See Also


Specifies the URL to the namespace access point for the device.

For the EMC Isilon fixed content device, the URL is in the format of https://<isilon_cluster>:<port>/namespace/<access_point>/<resource_path>.

For the OpenStack-conformant object storage service, the URL is

See Also


Password associated with a storage device object. For CmIsilonFixedContentDevice, the user must have RAN access privileges.

See Also


Specifies the absolute path to the SnapLock volume used to store content (from the perspective of the SnapLock device). The path starts from the volume name (for example, /snap_volume/v16) and corresponds to the same physical location that is referenced by the RootDirectoryPath property, which is the path as viewed from the Content Engine server.

See Also


Specifies the name of the user that will be used to access the storage device. For the EMC Isilon fixed content device, the user must be granted with RAN (RESTful Access to the Namespace) access privileges.

See Also


A DirectoryConfigurationList object that specifies the collection of directory server configurations for a given FileNet P8 domain. This collection represents the type-specific directory server configurations for the supported directory servers (Microsoft Active Directory, ADAM, CA eTrust, IBM Tivoli, Novell eDirectory, Oracle Internet Directory (OID), and Oracle Directory Server) that will be queried by the Content Engine server when authorizing user and group names for login.

See Also


Identifies the LDAP directory server or servers to use. See also the DirectoryServerPort property.

The value of this property can be any one of the following:

See Also


The UTF-8 encoded, non-encrypted user password for authenticating to a given directory server. To maintain password security, you can use this property only to set a password, not to read its value. Instead of returning a password value, this property returns a zero-length byte array if it has been set with a password and returns a null value if it has never been set.

See Also


The port number of the directory server.

Content Engine ignores this property when the value of the DirectoryServerHost property is a failover list. For information about failover lists, see the DirectoryServerHost property.

See Also


Specifies the directory server provider class name. The value of this property defaults to the following strings for the directory server types that the FileNet® P8 Content Engine supports:

See Also


The type of directory server for the directory server configuration. The value for this property is one of the following:

See Also


Specifies the user name for authenticating to the directory server. The following are examples of strings for Active Directory and Oracle Directory Server:

See Also


The setting that determines the directory structure type for this storage area. The DirectoryStructure class has constants defined for the directory structure type settings.

Valid settings are:

See Also


A boolean value that controls the run enabled status of the dispatcher. When true, the dispatcher runs. When false, the dispatcher does not run.

For the CFSImportAgentConfiguration interface, when the value of this property is true, the dispatcher runs, but the importer as a whole might still not process import requests when the import agent sub-component has not also been enabled. For more information, see the IsImportAgentEnabled property on the CFSSiteSettings interface. For a discussion of the importer sub-components, see the CFSImportAgentConfiguration interface.

See Also


The period in seconds that a thread in the dispatcher thread pool can be idle before being terminated.

See Also


Attention: Do not change the value of this property without guidance from a support representative. Doing so might adversely affect system performance.

An interval, in seconds, between processing runs for the dispatcher; during this time, the dispatcher remains idle and waits for incoming work. The value specified by this property can represent differing wait intervals depending on the class on which the property occurs, as follows:

The interaction between the minimum and maximum intervals occurs in this manner: if in the previous processing run the dispatcher had work to perform, the duration of the subsequent wait interval that the dispatcher actually remains idle is the minimum interval; otherwise, if the dispatcher had no work to perform, the duration is the shorter of these two intervals: (a) Double the previous wait interval or (b) the maximum wait interval. As an example, assuming the minimum interval to be 35 seconds and the maximum as 120, the dispatcher remains idle for 35 seconds, detects no available work, remains idle for 70 seconds (double the previous wait interval), detects no available work, remains idle for 120 seconds (the maximum interval), detects no available work, remains idle for 120 seconds, detects incoming work and processes the work, remains idle for 35 seconds, and so on. Note that, when the minimal interval equals the maximum interval (as is always the case for the AsyncProcessingConfiguration interface), this example can be simplified. If both the minimum and maximum interval is 35 seconds, the dispatcher remains idle for 35 seconds, detects no available work, remains idle for 35 seconds, detects incoming work and processes the work, remains idle for 35 seconds, and so on.

For the CFSImportAgentConfiguration interface, this property, despite the name, applies to the importer sub-component known as the import agent and not to the import dispatcher; for information on the importer sub-components, see the CFSImportAgentConfiguration interface.

See Also


The user-readable, provider-specific name of an object. This property is usually the designated Name property of the object's class.

For CmAuditProcessingBookmark and AuditDefinition objects, this property is intended to identify client applications that process the audit log. For CmAuditProcessingBookmark objects, this property, in support of the audit disposition feature, identifies the client that created the object. For AuditDefinition objects, this property identifies a set of audit definitions for a given client or client functionality.

For CmAuditProcessingBookmark and AuditDefinition objects, it is recommended that you set this property. Specify a unique value to distinguish one client application from another. Note, however, that the server does not prevent identical display names across multiple CmAuditProcessingBookmark or AuditDefinition objects. Therefore, the client application is responsible for enforcing uniqueness.

See Also


Specifies a LocalizedStringList object containing a collection of LocalizedString objects, each of which represents a locale-specific, user-readable display name for a class definition, property template, or choice.

See Also


Contains the expression used to identify the audited records to delete from the Event table. A disposition rule must be a fragment of a SQL WHERE-clause expression. If the value of the expression evaluates to true, the audited event is deleted.

The disposition rule is evaluated as a filter expression, and has the same syntax requirements as the FilterExpression property.

The properties referenced in a disposition rule are relative to the event object, not to the event's source object. However, you can reference source object properties that are directly on the event object, for example, the source object class or ID. You can also reference source object properties that have been added to the event as the result of Property Auditing.

See Also


The name that uniquely identifies a given group or user. The distinguished name (DN) consists of a group or user's short name and the name of the domain to which it belongs. For example, for a group with the short name "Managers", the distinguished name might be "CN=Managers,DC=example,DC=com".

See Also


Specifies a DocumentClassificationActionSet object that contains the collection of DocumentClassificationAction objects that have been created in this object store. Each DocumentClassificationAction object represents Javaâ„¢ code for auto-classifying documents that hold a particular type of content data.

See Also


Specifies the DocumentLifecycleAction object associated with this DocumentLifecyclePolicy object that holds the definition of the actions to take when a document's lifecycle state changes.

See Also


Specifies a DocumentLifecycleActionSet object that contains the collection of DocumentLifecycleAction objects defined in this object store.

See Also


Specifies a DocumentLifecyclePolicySet object that contains the collection of DocumentLifecyclePolicy objects associated with this object store or DocumentLifecycleAction object.

See Also


Specifies the DocumentLifecyclePolicy object that represents the lifecycle policy that has been applied to this document. A document lifecycle policy defines a set of valid lifecycle states for a document, controls the changes of those states, and specifies the actions to be taken when a document's lifecycle state changes.

See Also


Specifies a DocumentStateList object that contains the complete set of valid document states (each of which is represented by a DocumentState object) defined by this DocumentLifecyclePolicy object. Each document lifecycle policy defines a set of states through which a document can move into during its lifecycle.

See Also


The base URL for the IBM® documentation that is associated with the FileNet P8 domain. The property allows client applications that provide help links to retrieve the base URL from a central location, rather than each client locally storing the URL.

To use the IBM documentation, you can link either to IBM Knowledge Center on, or to a local information center that you install and deploy. For successful retrieval of a help topic, the client must concatenate the plug-in path of the applicable topic to the base URL of the documentation server.

For more information about setting the base URL for the IBM documentation, see Updating the base documentation URL for the FileNet P8 domain.

See Also


The maximum number of documents placed into a batch.

See Also


The FileNet P8 domain to which a given object belongs.

See Also


Specifies the unique identifier of a domain.

See Also


A DomainType object that indicates the type of this domain. A DomainType property can have one of the following values:

See Also


Provides single instancing at the storage area level of the Content Engine. For incoming content, the property indicates whether the Content Engine should check the storage area for duplicate content. If set to true, incoming content is not added to the storage area if identical content already exists in the storage area; only unique content is added.

Consider setting this property to true for high-volume content ingestion, such as when archiving emails to a Content Engine repository. However, because this feature impacts server performance, you might want to keep the default setting if the frequency of duplicate content is low.

For the FixedStorageArea interface, you cannot set the value to true in this release.

For more information, see Content duplication suppression.

See Also


Indicates the length of time that the background task will run for a timeslot. Time is set in minutes, so a value of 60 indicates that the duration of the timeslot is one hour. Integer values of 1 and greater are allowed, but if the value is 10080 (the number of minutes in a week) or greater, the background task will run continuously.

See Also


The directory server attribute that holds the static members of a dynamic group. A dynamic group is often a hybrid group that contains both static and dynamic members. As an example, this property might identify the uniquemember attribute as that which holds the static members of the associated hybrid group.

See Also


The type of dynamic group to search, for example, dxDynamicGroupOfUniqueNames.

See Also


The attribute in the dynamic group that holds the dynamic LDAP query. An example is the dxMemberURL attribute. Content Engine server runs this query to retrieve the dynamic members of the group.

See Also



Holds the EJB forwarding URI endpoint for a VirtualServer. This property must specify a valid URI in order for the virtual servers within a site to receive forwarded requests.

A VirtualServer is the only addressable unit for forwarded requests. A VirtualServer must provide connection strings so that a remote server can connect to it. You supply this connection information in the EJBForwardingEndpoint property. If this property is empty, it is assumed that the administrator does not want the VirtualServer to accept forwarded requests. Request forwarding will not occur even if the Site is configured to accept forwarded requests via its CanAcceptForwardedRequests property.

The following are URI examples for the specified application server environments (host name can be specified as the name or IP address):

The maximum length of the URI string is 2083 characters.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the EJB subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


The date and time after which this sweep rule becomes no longer eligible to run. If this property is not set on a sweep policy, the policy runs continuously.

If you set this property on a sweep job, which runs one time only, be careful to allow sufficient time for the the job to process the entire table, especially if the table is very large. If the effective end date does not allow the necessary time, then the job will end before it completely processes the table.

Similarly, If you set this property on a run-once background search, be careful to allow sufficient time for the query to complete; otherwise, the sweep will end before returning all of the search results.

See Also


The system-generated SQL statement that is used for this background search. The SQL statement is generated when the server performs parameter substitution on the user-defined SQL statement that is set in the SearchExpression property.

See Also


The date and time that this sweep rule becomes effective and eligible to run. If this property is not set, then the sweep is eligible to start immediately. (It will not start immediately if, for example, the sweep is disabled, or if timeslots are set to times in the future.)

See Also


A unique sequence number for a content element in a particular document or annotation version. Server-generated, the number serves as an unchanging identity for the content element. For annotations, on which you can change content, the element sequence number for a content element will not change. For example, if you were to change a content element's relative position within the list of content elements, the element's sequence number would be retained. Or if you were to replace the first content element with updated content, the content element would receive a new element sequence number. Element sequence numbers are not reused.

This property can be accessed from a ContentElement-based object, or from GetContentEvent, representing the event fired when the content element specified in this property is retrieved.

For CmVerityIndexRequest, this property is deprecated.

See Also


Represents the user's email address. The value of this property is returned by User.get_Email().

See Also


Specifies whether email services is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If disabled, then the handlers and email queue that are installed as part of the Email Services Extensions add-on are ignored.

See Also


Specifies the maximum size threshold in bytes for embedding content in the C-Clip. By default this value is zero (content is never embedded). The maximum value for this parameter is 102400 (bytes). If a greater value is supplied, it will be reduced to 102400 internally by the Centera provider. Note that this limit is per content element. The overall size of embedded data can exceed this limit if multiple content elements are embedded in a single Clip (up to the maximum size of the C-Clip).

See Also


Specifies if documents replicated to or from the external repository should be prevented from being deleted in that repository.

See Also


Indicates whether the workflow for a subscription object can be launched manually (true) or not (false).

See Also


Specifies whether content in this storage area should be encrypted.

Setting this property to true generates a new encryption key, which is used to encrypt new content. For more information on how content encryption works, see Content encryption.

See Also


Sets the key used for encrypting content in the storage area. Setting this property overrides the existing encryption key. The value of this property is not persisted, and a call to retrieve its value returns null.

This property is intended for external management of encryption keys by supporting IBM products. In general, a custom application should not use this property, unless there is a compelling reason to supply its own key rather than use a server-generated key.

An encryption key must be 128 bits in length. An incorrect length results in a E_BAD_VALUE exception. It is recommended that a Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-compliant algorithm be used to generate an encryption key.

Note that an encryption key is used only if the EncryptionEnabled property is set to true. If the EncryptionEnabled property is set to false, the value set on this property is ignored. If the EncryptionEnabled property is set to true but this property is not set, then the server automatically generates the encryption key.

For more information on how content encryption works, see Content encryption.

See Also


The end date, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format, of the date range of a date-partitioned IBM Content Search Services index. Objects indexed in this index will have partitioning dates no later than this date. This property is set by the Content Engine server when the index is created. If there is no date partition constraint on this index, the value of this property is null.

See Also


A flag that indicates that replication will be permanently disabled on documents and annotations after the content has been moved. This property supports the use case of decommissioning an external repository that is no longer needed.

Set this property to true to disable replication on federated documents and annotations after the content is moved to a P8 storage area. After moving the content, the server sets the ReplicationGroup property to null on documents and annotations.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Engine subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Specifies an error code for a publish request that is in an error state.

See Also


Specifies an error description for a publish request that is in an error state.

See Also


Trace flags corresponding to the Error subsystem. This value consists of a combination of TraceFlag constants.

See Also


The event action object that defines the actions to be taken when a event occurs that is subscribed to by a Subscription-based object (ClassSubscription, ClassWorkflowSubscription, InstanceSubscription, InstanceWorkflowSubscription). You set the property with an EventAction object, which must already exist in the object store. You then specify the property when you create the Subscription-based object.

Once this property is set, the Content Engine adds the Subscription-based object to the EventAction object's Subscriptions collection property.

See Also


A collection of the the EventAction objects associated with an ObjectStore object.

See Also


The class definition of the event that's being subscribed to or audited.

See Also


An enumeration of CmEventExportStore objects that exist in this domain.

See Also


For Case Analyzer and Case History, the period (in seconds) that the event exporter framework will wait before store accounting. Do not modify the value of this property unless instructed to do so by IBM Support.

See Also


For Case Analyzer and Case History, the period in seconds that the event exporter will wait to acquire a lease for processing.

See Also


For Case Analyzer and Case History, the period (in seconds) that the event exporter will sleep when there is no activity. Do not modify the value of this property unless instructed to do so by IBM Support.

See Also


The Event object that triggered the queued event action.

See Also


For a system event, this property indicates whether the operation that caused the creation of this event was successful. Zero (0) indicates a successful operation; otherwise, an error code is returned.

For a custom event, this property can be set by a client application to convey state to the event action handler. Therefore, it is up to the client application and event action handler to define and interpret the value of this property. In the event action handler, this property can be retrieved from the event object passed to the handler.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is settable only on create. After initial object creation, this property is read-only for all users.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Events subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


For a sweep job, which runs only once, the number of objects that were examined in the iteration. For an ongoing sweep, the cumulative number of objects that were examined in the current iteration plus in all of the previous iterations.

For a background search, the number of query result rows that have been returned at this point in the search. This number reflects the setting in the MaximumExaminedRowCount property.

See Also


The names of any Verity brokers that the IBM Legacy Content Search Engine will exclude from search requests. By default, the content search engine discovers and uses all available brokers. These brokers are configured using Verity tools and are associated with the Verity domain.

See Also


Batch selection size used when updating expired requests. An item in the Content Queue is said to expire when its LeaseDuration has been exceeded. Expired items must be updated so they can be retried. Expired queue items are updated in batches, the size of which is dependent on the value of this property.

See Also


The type of event export store to create for Case Analyzer, Case History, or Process Simulator. The property takes a value of EventExporterType.

In IBM Content Foundation, Case Analyzer and Process Simulator are not supported.

See Also


Specifies an ExternalPropertyAliasList collection of the external aliases defined for this property definition or replicable class definition.

See Also


Specifies an ExternalClassDescriptionSet object containing the set collection of ExternalClassDescription objects associated with this external repository. Each of these ExternalClassDescription objects represents the description of a class in this external repository.

See Also


Specifies the unique identity of this external replicated object, relative to an external repository in which a replica of the object exists.

See Also


Specifies an ExternalPropertyDescriptionSet object containing the set collection of ExternalPropertyDescription objects associated with this external class description.

See Also


Specifies an ExternalIdentityList collection of the read-only ExternalIdentity objects that represent the identities of replicas of this object in external repositories.

See Also


Specifies an ExternalRepositorySet object containing the set collection of ExternalRepository objects associated with this domain.

See Also


An ExternalRepository object that represents one of the following items:

An external repository is a repository that is external to the Content Engine server, such as an IBM® Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD) repository or an IBM® FileNet® Image Services repository.

See Also


This property is not supported.

The locale name for the language in which the text extract is written, if known.

See Also


This property is not supported.

A list of name and value pairs for properties extracted from the content during text extraction.

See Also


This property is not supported.

The status of the text extraction operation.

See Also



The fully qualified name of a configuration file used to configure the native logging performed by the Centera fixed content device. If native logging is not enabled, Content Engine ignores this property. If native logging is enabled, Content Engine passes the configuration file name specified by this property to the Centera fixed content device. The specified file must exist and have valid configuration parameters. To enable native logging, set the FPLogEnabled property to true.

For example, if you define the Centera log file name and other logging parameters in a file named CenteraLogging.cfg, you would set the value of this property to be the fully qualified name for that file, such as C:\config\CenteraLogging.cfg, and Content Engine would then pass that file name to Centera. The information logged by Centera to your specified log file can be useful for diagnosing connectivity and performance issues between Content Engine and the Centera fixed content device.

For information on the configuration parameters, see the Centera documentation. The following are some of the parameters currently available:

For example, a configuration file might specify these parameters and values:

See Also


A boolean that enables or disables the native logging performed by the Centera fixed content device. Set the value of this property to true to enable logging and false to disable logging.

When you enable Centera native logging, you must set the value of the FPLogConfigFile property appropriately.

See Also


Specifies the approach used by FPPool.Open to open connections. Possible values are:

See Also


Specifies the size in bytes of the internal C-Clip buffer. The default value is 16*1024.

See Also


Specifies the time in seconds that a cluster is marked as not available before retrying with a probe. Other clusters in the pool will be used while the cluster is unavailable. The default value is 600 (10 minutes).

See Also


Indicates whether collision avoidance is enabled at the pool level (true) or not (false). By default, collision avoidance is not enabled. If enabled, an additional blob discriminator for read and write operations of C-Clips and blobs will be used. (BlobWriteCollisionAvoidanceFlag is used in tag write and only applies to blobs.)

See Also


Specifies whether multi-cluster failover is enabled (true) or not (false). By default, multi-cluster failover is enabled.

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of sockets that will be allocated. (Sockets are used to communicate with the Centera clusters managed in each pool object.) The default value is 100.

See Also


Specifies the failover strategy for delete operations (FPClip.Delete and FPClip.AuditedDelete) and the deprecated purge operations (FPClip.Purge and FPTag.BlobPurge). Possible values are:

See Also


Specifies the failover strategy for exists operations (FPClip.Exists and FPTag.BlobExists). Possible values are:

See Also


Specifies the failover strategy for query operations (FPPoolQuery.Open). Possible values are:

See Also


Specifies the failover strategy for read operations (FPClip.Open, FPTag.BlobRead, and FPTag.BlobReadPartial). Possible values are:

See Also


Specifies the failover strategy for write operations (FPClip.Write and FPTag.BlobWrite). Possible values are:

See Also


Specifies the size of the prefetch buffer. (The buffer is used to assist in determining the size of the blob.) The default size is 32 KB.

See Also


Specifies the number of times an operation will be retried before failure is reported. The default value is 6. If the first execution of the function fails, the system will retry the function 6 more times (for a total of 7 tries).

See Also


Specifies the time to wait in milliseconds before a failed API function should be retried. If not specified, an exponential back-off scheme is used where the sleep time increases after each retry, starting at 1 second and then doubling after each subsequent try.

See Also


Specifies the TCP/IP Connection timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 120000 (2 minutes).

See Also


For a sweep job, which runs only once, the number of objects that failed when applying the sweep action. For an ongoing sweep, the cumulative number of objects that failed in the current iteration plus in all of the previous iterations.

For a background search, the value of this property is always zero.

See Also


The number of times this object has failed.

For a queue entry, when this property is equal to or exceeds the MaximumFailures property on CmQueueSweep, the QueueEntryStatus property is set to FAILED, and the sweep service no longer selects the entry for processing. To restart processing of a queue entry with a FAILED status, reset this property to zero, and the QueueEntryStatus property is changed from FAILED to RETRY_WAIT.

For a background search (CmBackgroundSearch), when this property is equal to or exceeds the MaximumFailures property on CmBackgroundSearch, the background search stops.

See Also


A description of a processing failure for a sweep that executed in normal mode. This property is not set for sweeps that execute in preview mode.

See Also


The number of seconds an idle connection can remain in the fixed content device provider pool before being eligible to be closed and removed from the pool. An idle connection will be closed when the next operation to the same fixed content device is performed after this idle period.

See Also


The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed for the fixed content device. A value of -1 indicates that there is no limit.

See Also


The maximum number of seconds to wait for a connection once the limit specified by the FcpPoolMaxInUse property has been reached. If a connection from the fixed content device provider pool does become available before this wait time expires, the request is allowed to proceed.

See Also


The minimum size to which the fixed content device provider pool will be allowed to shrink after the idle timeout has expired.

See Also


The JNDI name of the data source for the federator database associated with the external (non-FileNet-P8) repository.

For a related JNDI name, see the FederationJNDIXADataSource property. For information on specifying the external repository, see the SourceRepositoryName property.

See Also


The JNDI name of the XA data source for the federator database associated with the external (non-FileNet-P8) repository.

For a related JNDI name, see the FederationJNDIDataSource property. For information on specifying the external repository, see the SourceRepositoryName property.

See Also


A boolean value that specifies whether CFS, when importing document metadata from an external (non-FileNet-P8) repository into a FileNet P8 repository, treats the changes made to documents residing in the external repository as having greater priority than any changes made to corresponding FileNet P8 documents. When the value of this property is true, the external document changes have priority, and CFS unconditionally updates FileNet P8 documents with the imported metadata. When false, CFS updates a FileNet P8 document only if the document has not been changed more recently than the corresponding external document.

Suppose, for example, that a FileNet P8 document X exists with a corresponding external document Y, a user within the FileNet P8 repository has changed the metadata for X yesterday, a user within the external repository has changed the metadata for Y the day before yesterday, and CFS, as scheduled, imports metadata today from the external repository into the FileNet P8 repository. CFS discovers that X has been changed more recently than Y, and therefore does not update X with the metadata from Y (presuming that the FederationUpdateHasPriority property has a value of false).

CFS performs the change date comparison based on the FileNet P8 DateLastModified property and the corresponding property on the external document. If the external document has no such corresponding property, CFS unconditionally updates FileNet P8 documents with imported metadata regardless of the value of this property.

See Also


The text of a filter expression that, when evaluated, determines the action to be taken on the source object. This property applies to StoragePolicy, Subscription, AuditDefinition CmSweepPolicy, and CmSweepJob objects.

For StoragePolicy, FilterExpression is used as the selection criteria for determining into which storage area the content for a document or annotation should be stored. The expression is evaluated against all storage areas to determine which ones are deemed "equivalent" in terms of this storage policy. For more information, see Storage policies.

For Subscription, FilterExpression is used to determine whether the event action should be launched. For AuditDefinition, FilterExpression is used to determine whether an event should be audited. The filter is applied to either the source object, or, optionally, to the object specified in the FilteredPropertyId property of Subscription or AuditDefinition. Note that for version series subscriptions, the filter is applied to the document version in the transaction and not to the version series.

For Subscription, the Content Engine server evaluates the filter expression, as follows:

For a sweep job or sweep policy, FilterExpression is used to evaluate each instance of the sweep-target class. If the value of the expression evaluates to true, an operation is applied to the instance. The operation performed depends on the type of sweep.

For AuditDefinition objects, FilterExpression is only applicable to events of type ObjectChangeEvent. If the value of the expression evaluates to true, the event is audited; otherwise, it is not audited.

The syntax of this property must be a fragment of a SQL where-clause expression (for example, VersionStatus = 1) and use supported operators. See SQL Syntax Reference.

Note that some operators that are valid in an ad hoc SQL query are not supported in FilterExpression. The following operators are not supported.

Note that a filter expression can include conditions expressed against non-queryable and non-persistent properties. For example, the following is a valid expression: Owner='jsmith'

For Subscription and AuditDefinition objects only, you can use the IsModified predicate, for filtering events based on modified properties of the source object.

A filter expression using the IsModified predicate must be constructed as follows: IsModified(property), where property can be in any form supported elsewhere in the query, for example, table_alias.property_alias.

Note that the IsModified predicate can only be used in a filter expression. It cannot be used in an ad hoc SQL query.

See Also


The symbolic name of a singleton, object-valued property defined on the source object for use in evaluation by the filter expression. (The filter expression is defined by the FilterExpression property). For example, an event on a ReferentialContainmentRelationship can specify Head in the FilterPropertyId property to have the containable object -- rather than the ReferentialContainmentRelationship -- used for filtering.

The use of a filter expression is optional. If FilterPropertyId is null, the source object itself is evaluated by the filter expression.

NOTE For PublishRequestEvent, apply the filter expression on the InputDocument property of the PublishRequest object, not on an object-valued property of the source object being published. When you publish a document, a PublishRequest object is created, which, at runtime, is the source object on which PublishRequestEvent is triggered.

See Also


Indicates whether the queries issued during a sweep iteration include the conditions of the filter expression (as defined in the FilterExpression property). FilteredQueryTimeout can be used to optimize job and policy sweep performance.

When FilteredQueryTimeout is set to the default value of 0, a sweep first issues queries to retrieve candidate objects from the database, and next applies the filter expression conditions on the candidate objects to determine which objects to process.

When the FilteredQueryTimeout value is greater than 0, then the queries issued to the database include the conditions of the filter expression in the WHERE clause. The value of the FilteredQueryTimeout property is used to set a time limit on the query. The time limit is applied only to the first query of the sweep iteration. If the query time limit is exceeded, then the query terminates and the sweep falls back to using a query that does not contain the filter expression in the WHERE clause.

The use of the FilteredQueryTimeout property is a trade-off between the sweep issuing longer-running database queries or evaluating candidate objects before processing them. For more information, see Optimizing sweeps with FilteredQueryTimeout.

See Also


Specifies a fixed content device associated with this FixedStorageArea object or external repository.

See Also


Specifies the collection of fixed content devices defined for a domain.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Fixed Content Provider subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also



The maximum number of milliseconds difference (delta) in the timestamps (age) of entries in the cache to allow for age equality of the entries. This value is used by the cache-purging algorithm associated with FolderCacheReapFrequency.

Folder entries that have this number of milliseconds or less difference in their timestamps will be considered equal, for the purposes of comparison when determining which entries to purge from the cache.

See Also


The maximum number of folders in the folder cache for the object store. Each object store has only one folder cache. The folder cache is incrementally added to as queries are made of the cache to find folders. As requests are made of the folder cache for information, that information is read from the object store. The folder information is then stored in the folder cache and returned to the caller.

See Also



The frequency with which the folder cache is to be purged when the cache exceeds the value of FolderCacheMaxEntries. A usage algorithm determines which folder entries are to be removed. Folder entries are removed from the cache until the number of entries in the cache is less than or equal to the value of FolderCacheMaxEntries.

The value for this property indicates that, whenever the cache exceeds the value of FolderCacheMaxEntries, n (the value specified) entries can be added to the cache before the purging algorithm will run.

See Also


The name of the folder. This cannot be an empty string. The following characters are not allowed:
    *  \  /  :  ?  "  <  >  | 

See Also


A FolderSet collection object containing the Folder objects in which this document is filed.

See Also


Indicates whether the index is case-insensitive or not.

If you set the value of this property to true, the server will retain the value only if the underlying database is capable of handling expression-based indexes and if string-valued columns have been included in the index definition. Otherwise, the server will set the value of this property to false, and a message indicating this change is posted to the p8_server_error.log file.

If you do not specify a value for this property, the server sets the value to true if all of the following conditions are met:

Otherwise, the server sets the value of this property to false.

See Also


Determines whether searches operate in case-insensitive mode regardless of the configured behavior of the database.

For an ObjectStore object, this property determines whether searches in the represented object store operate in case-insensitive mode.

For an IsolatedRegion object, this property determines whether searches in the represented isolated region operate in case-insensitive mode. This setting can be configured independently of the case-insensitive mode setting of the object store that is associated with the isolated region. If this property is not set on an isolated region, the default behavior is to use the setting of the ForceCaseInsensitiveSearch property on the object store that is associated with the isolated region.

See Also


Specifies a list of IDs that identify the add-on versions upgraded by an UpgradeAddOn object. The list must contain one or more IDs (and will usually contain only one).

See Also


The default number of rows that can be returned from the indexing data during a search. This value can be exceeded using the FULLTEXTROWLIMIT option for a SQL statement. As this value is increased, the amount of system resources used in a full text search operation goes up, as does the time to execute a full text search that results in a large number of hits. As this value is decreased, the accuracy of full text searches may be reduced.

See Also


The maximum number of rows that can be returned from the indexing data during a search. If the FULLTEXTROWLIMIT option is specified for a SQL statement, the lesser of this property value and the value specified for FULLTEXTROWLIMIT is used as the maximum number of rows that can be returned.

Setting this limit prevents excessive resource use during a search operation. If not changed by the system administrator, the value of this property defaults to infinity.

See Also



Specifies the Time-To-Live value (TTL) value (in seconds) for the Global Configuration Database (GCD) cache. The range of values is 1 to 3600 seconds with a default of 30 seconds. The cache is flushed following the completion of a transaction (update) and automatically reloaded on the updating server. Following the expiration of this TTL value a database query is issued, at which time the software determines whether the cached data is stale or not.

Multiple server configurations might require a more frequent cache update polling interval (that is, a smaller TTL value) if GCD updates are a normal occurrence. However, since objects residing in the GCD are designed to be static in nature, updates to GCDCacheTTL are unlikely.

See Also


The revision number of the Global Configuration Database.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the GCD (Global Configuration Data) subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Identifies the LDAP global catalog (GC) or catalogs to use. See also the GCPort property.

The value of this property can be any one of the following:

Failover list format
Format the failover list in the following manner:

        Hostname1:Port1 Hostname2:Port2 Hostname3:Port3 ... HostnameN:PortN

Separate the host name and port number pairs with one space character. In the following example, the first pair specifies LaurelTree as the machine name and 3268 as the port number.

        LaurelTree:3268 OliveTree:3269 FigTree:3268

Content Engine makes connection attempts to GCs based on the order of the pairs in the list. The connection attempts stop when Content Engine either successfully connects to a GC or exhausts the list. The connection attempts resume at the beginning of the list when Content Engine loses a previously established GC connection.

For instance, given the example list, Content Engine first attempts to connect to the GC on the LaurelTree machine on port 3268. If that attempt fails, it attempts to connect to the GC on the OliveTree machine on port 3269. If that attempt succeeds, the connection attempts stop. If, later on, Content Engine loses the connection to the GC on OliveTree, the connection attempts start over again with LaurelTree.

See Also


The port number of a Microsoft® Active Directory global catalog server.

Content Engine ignores this property when the value of the GCHost property is null or is a failover list. For information about failover lists, see the GCHost property.

See Also


The distinguished name (DN) or short name of the user or group to whom an access permission is granted.

See Also


Specifies whether a group or a user is being granted a permission.

See Also


Specifies the base Distinguished Name (DN) for searching for groups in the directory server.

See Also


Specifies the directory server attribute to be used as the display name for a group. The default property value is dependent on the directory service type and is specified by the authentication provider's configuration.

See Also


Specifies the search filter or provider-specific attribute for group membership lookups. When a search filter is specified, Content Platform Engine issues an LDAP query. For some LDAP providers, you can optionally specify a provider-specific attribute instead of a search filter. The use of an attribute speeds up initial logins to Content Platform Engine, especially if the user logging in is a member of many groups.

The following table shows the default value of this property for each of the supported service providers. Note that you can use a lookup attribute for some providers. If you specify an attribute, make sure to include the angle brackets (<attribute>).

Provider Search filter Provider attribute
Active Directory N/A Default: null

Do not change this value.

The provider uses its memberOf attribute to lookup group membership.

ADAM or AD LDS N/A Default: <memberOf>

CPE or later is required.

IBM Tivoli Default:



CPE or later is required.

Check the IBM Tivoli documentation to determine if your version supports this attribute.

Novell eDirectory Default:



CPE or later is required.

Check the Novell eDirectory documentation to determine if your version supports this attribute.

Oracle Internet Directory (OID) Default:


Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition


Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition





Computer Associates eTrust Default:



See Also


Defines the directory server attribute to be used as the short name for a group. The default value of this property is samAccountName for the Active Directory service provider and cn for all other supported directory service providers.

See Also


Specifies the search filter for querying a group or groups. The filter must be in the following format: "(&(objectClass=user_defined_class)(an_attribute={0}))", where user_defined_class is the object class you want (for example, user) and an_attribute is the LDAP server-specific attribute (for example, samAccountName, cn, or uid).

The default value of this property is unique to the directory service provider, as follows:

See Also


Specifies the directory server attribute to be used as the unique identifier for a group, that is, for the Content Engine Group.Id property. The default property value is dependent on the directory server type and is specified by the authentication provider's configuration. See What are access rights? for a list of the default SID attributes for the supported authentication providers.

See Also



A boolean that indicates whether the directory server group unique ID attribute is a binary value or a String value. A value of true indicates that the attribute is a binary type; false indicates it is a String type.

See Also


A collection of Group objects belonging to a given realm or group.

See Also



Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Handlers subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Specifies whether a given choice list has a hierarchical structure (true) or not (false).

See Also


Specifies whether a given class supports queries that include its subclasses (true) or not (false).

See Also


Specifies whether a given class supports queries that include descendant properties (true) or not (false). A descendant property is a property that is added to one or more subclasses of a class.

See Also


The hash sequence number of the content item to be replicated. Depending on the advanced storage device, the hash sequence is used to locate the item in its native storage. For example, the file system storage device uses this value to determine which directory to store the content item in. However, the OpenStack storage device does not use this value.

See Also


The fully qualified path to the root directory for this fixed content device. This path is under the Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) namespace in which content is stored. At this location, Content Engine stores content elements in structured directories, similar to a file storage area. The directory represented by this path must exist before you can create a Hitachi fixed content device store. The system administrator can use the Hitachi Namespace browser to create the directory in your HCP namespace.

See Also


The maximum number of concurrent connections to Hitachi Content Platform (HCP). Content Engine uses this value to determine the maximum number of HTTP connections it can make to the HCP.

See Also


A string representing the HTTP or HTTPS URL of the namespace on the Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) server. If an HTTPS URL is specified, the transport between Content Engine and HCP is encrypted through transport layer security (TLS) but no validation of the HCP server certificate is performed.

See Also


The UTF-8 encoded, non-encrypted password for the security principal identified by the HcpUser property. To maintain password security, you can use this property only to set a password, not to read its value. Instead of returning a password value, this property returns a zero-length byte array if it has been set with a password and returns a null value if it has never been set.

See Also


Specifies the security principal used to access data in the Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) namespace. This user must have full access rights (read, write, delete, and purge privileges) to the namespace.

See Also


An IndependentlyPersistableObject instance that participates in a binary relationship as the logical head (containee) in a relationship between two objects.

For a DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship object, the head is always a Versionable object representing the current document version.

For a ReferentialContainmentRelationship object, the head can be any of the Containable subclasses (such as a CustomObject, Document, or Folder object). In this case, when the head is a Document object, it represents a specific document version.

For a Link object, this property can specify any object that is a subclass of the IndependentObject base class.

See Also


A reference to the CmHoldable instance that represents the held object in this relationship object. For a Document type, this references a specific version, not a version series.

See Also


The date and time when the current lease on this item expires, or when to next retry it following a failure or deferral. The property is set to null when the FailureCount property is set to zero.

See Also


This property is not supported.

The offsets in the summary text of a text search result, which represent fragments that should be highlighted as hits.

See Also


For Case History, indicates whether the history exporter associated with the server hierarchy object is currently enabled. This property allows you to isolate the Case History to a particular object in the server hierarchy, for example, VirtualServer or ServerInstance.

See Also


For Case History, the number of items that can be stored in the update cache when exporting history-based events.

See Also


A reference to the CmHold instance that represents the hold in this relationship object.

See Also


A list of the fully qualified DNS hostnames associated with this Content Engine server instance. Each time this server instance starts, the software ensures that this property reflects the server's current hostname value or values and updates the property as necessary.

Use the value of this property to help identify all of the Content Engine server instances that are configured on the same host.

See Also


Maximum number of concurrent connections to the fixed content device. This value is used by the HTTP connection pool used by Content Platform Engine to communicate with the device.

See Also


Enables hostname and certificate validation over an https connection.

Consider disabling certificate validation when the http device is within the same corporate firewall and using a self-signed certificate. Disabling certificate validation is also useful in testing environments to simplify application server setup so that self-signed certificates do not need to be installed on the application server JVM.

See Also



The URL that needs to be provided to the IBM Content Integrator API in order for it to locate the Configuration Server, for example, rmi://<hostname>:1250/<ConfigurationServerName>.

For highly available environments, enter the URL as follows: rmi://<node1Name>:<node1Port>/<ConfigurationServerName>, <node2Name>:<node2Port>/<ConfigurationServerName>.

See Also


Specifies the domain name component of the NCH name. The NCH name specifies the address of the target Image Services server. It's derived from the ISDomainName and ISOrganization properties.

See Also


Specifies the organization component of the NCH name. The NCH name specifies the address of the target Image Services server. It's derived from the ISDomainName and ISOrganization properties. In most cases, this value will be "FileNet".

See Also


The UTF-8 encoded, non-encrypted password for the security principal identified by the ISUserName property. To maintain password security, you can use this property only to set a password, not to read its value. Instead of returning a password value, this property returns a zero-length byte array if it has been set with a password and returns a null value if it has never been set.

See Also


Specifies the name of the security principal that will be used to access the Image Services server. The name must already exist as an "integration user" in the IS security database used by CFS-IS.

See Also


A representation of the Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), a unique 128-bit number, that is assigned to this Content Engine object when the object is created. When converted to a string, the Id property is typically depicted as 32 hexadecimal characters enclosed by brackets in the following format: {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}. For example, {3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301}.

For User and Group classes, the Id property takes the value of the Security Identifier (SID) rather than the 128-bit GUID. The string representation of the SID is in this example format: S-1-5-21-1559522492-2815155736-3711640725-55269. When Active Directory is used as the directory service for IBM FileNet P8, calls to User.get_Id() and Group.get_Id() always return the current SID for the principal, even if this user or group has only historical SIDs populating the Active Directory server.

For a given property representation, the Id property has the following characteristics:

For a newly created document object, you can override the Id property of its associated VersionSeries object before you save or check in the document for the first time.

See Also


The date and time at which the batch of content IDs is considered expired and the associated content abandoned.

See Also


Specifies an IdList object containing the collection of all of the IDs used to identify this class description or property description. The collection includes the value of this class description or property description's Id property and the values of any assigned alias IDs.

See Also


The thumbnail image corresponding to this object.

See Also


The length in bytes of the thumbnail image.

See Also


Indicates the color scheme to use when generating the thumbnail image. The property takes a value of type ThumbnailImageColor. The default value is ThumbnailImageColor.COLOR.

See Also


Specifies the format of the thumbnail image to be generated. The property takes a value of type ThumbnailImageFormat. The default value is ThumbnailImageFormat.JPEG.

See Also


Specifies an ImageServicesClassDescriptionList object, which contains a collection of the Image Services document class descriptions associated with this FileNet Image Services fixed content device.

See Also


Specifies the name of the class described by this Image Services (IS) document class description, which must corresponds to an existing IS document class defined on the IS server. This property is used by the IS Import Agent to map an IS document class to a Content Engine document class when importing federated documents.

See Also


Specifies the data-type identifier of the property described by this Image Services property description, which is the Content Engine data type corresponding to the Image Services server data type for a given property.

See Also


Specifies an ImageServicesPropertyDescriptionList object containing an ordered collection of all of the Image Services (IS) property descriptions belonging to this IS document class description. This property contains the IS properties associated with an existing IS document class on the IS server and is used by the IS Import Agent to map IS document properties to Content Engine properties when importing federated documents.

See Also


Specifies the name of the property described by this Image Services (IS) property description, which must corresponds to an existing IS property of the same name. This property is used by the IS Import Agent to map the properties of an IS document to Content Engine properties when importing federated documents.

See Also


The size in bytes of the thumbnail image. The property takes a value of type ThumbnailImageSize. The default value is ThumbnailImagesSize.SMALL.

See Also


Specifies a ClassDefinitionSet object, which contains a ClassDefinition object for each class that is an immediate subclass of the class defined by this ClassDefinition object.

See Also


Specifies a ClassDescriptionSet object, which contains a ClassDescription object for each class that is an immediate subclass of the class described by this ClassDescription object.

See Also


Specifies the name of the fixed content provider class that implements the behavior for a fixed content device. The classes include:

See Also


Specifies the number of retries the ImportAgent thread will attempt.

See Also


The batch size for inbound replication processing on this server.

See Also


The delay period, in seconds, between inbound replication processing cycles on this server when the preceding cycle is busy with replication work.

See Also


Specifies whether this server is enabled for inbound replication journal processing (true) or not (false).

See Also


Maximum number of inbound file names to keep in an LRU cache (default 2K).

See Also


The delay period, in seconds, between inbound replication processing cycles on this server when the preceding cycle finds no replication work.

See Also


Indicates whether the operation should apply to the subclasses of the class. For a ClassSubscription object, this property indicates whether the subscription should also apply to the subclasses of the target class. For an AuditDefinition object, this property indicates whether auditing should also apply to the subclasses of the class configured for auditing.

See Also


An IndexArea object representing the index area that contains the IBM® Content Search Services index referenced by the IndexationId property.

See Also


The IndexArea objects that can be used to store full-text indexing information for this object store.

See Also


A CmIndexDefinitionList collection object that specifies the set of index definitions corresponding to this table definition.

See Also


The list of classes or collections to index. All objects in this list are a subclass of IndexJobItem.

See Also


Identifies the index job for which index requests were generated.

See Also


Specifies the name of the index.

For a CmIndexDefinition, if you set the value of this property, the value must conform to all of the constraints on index names enforced by the underlying database. If you do not specify a name, then the server will generate one.

For a CMTextSearchIndex object, the value of this property is the name assigned to this IBM Content Search Services index.

See Also


A list of CmIndexParitionConstraint objects, each of which represents an index partition constraint associated with this IBM® Content Search Services index. This list is read-only and is maintained by the Content Engine server. Only Content Engine objects that satisfy these constraints are indexed into a partitioned IBM Content Search Services index. An IBM Content Search Services index can have a maximum of one date index partition constraint and one string index partition constraint. A date index partition constraint specifies a date range to use to partition this index and a string index partition constraint specifies a name and value to use to partition this index.

See Also


Indicates the status of the index request.

See Also


Identifies the index requests associated with the index job.

See Also


The size, in KB, of this IBM® Content Search Services index.

See Also


The object ID (GUID) of the IBM® Content Search Services index that is used for this object. This value is null for objects that are full-text indexed prior to the 4.0 release.

The server sets this property if a string-valued property of this object is CBR-enabled. An object is considered to be CBR-enabled if you set the PropertyDefinitionString.IsCBREnabled property of the property definition of one of the object's string-valued properties to true.

See Also


A CmIndexedColumnList collection object that specifies the list of objects that define the columns that comprise this index. The order in which the CmIndexedColumn objects appear in the list reflect the order in which the columns are defined in the index. At least one element is required in the list.

The names for any key columns for a given index must be distinct from those for any other index on the same table. Note that the order in which non-key elements appear in the list of the index definition is not important. However, IBM recommends that applications place the non-key elements after the key-defining elements in the list. (A key column is a column that will be present in the ON clause of the CREATE INDEX statement; a non-key column will appear in the INCLUDE clause (or equivalent) of the CREATE INDEX statement.)

See Also


The number of Content Engine objects indexed in this IBM® Content Search Services index.

See Also


Indicates whether or how indexing failures are persisted to the object store.

See Also


A CmTimeslotList collection specifying a list of CmTimeslot objects, each of which represents a timeslot used to schedule a background IBM® Content Search Engine Services indexing task. Each timeslot specifies a local start time and day (relative to the server running the background task), and a duration. The list of timeslots controls when the indexing jobs background task is allowed to run, enabling administrators to schedule heavy indexing loads so they take place during off-peak hours. If there are no timeslots specified (the default), the indexing job task will run unrestricted and can run continuously (given enough indexing jobs).

See Also


An IndexingOperation constant that specifies the type of operation for this IBM® Content Search Services index request. The only user-settable value of the IndexingOperation property is SKIP; otherwise, this property is read-only.

To skip the indexing of a CBR-enabled object, change the index request operation to a SKIP operation. After you set the IndexingOperation property to SKIP, the Content Engine server sets the CmIndexingFailureCode property of the index request to MARKED_AS_SKIPPED and sets the IndexationId property of the CBR-enabled object to null. This property can be set to SKIP only if the IndexRequestStatus property of this index request has a value of NOT_STARTED or IN_PROGRESS.

The IndexingOperation property can have one of the following values:

See Also


An IndexingStatus object that specifies the load-balancing status of this IBM® Content Search Services index. The Content Engine server automatically reassigns an index to another IBM Content Search Services server, if necessary, to balance the indexing workload of the server. The IndexingStatus property can have one of the following values:

See Also


Defines whether a given folder can inherit permissions from its parent folder.

See Also


Indicates whether permissions should be inhertied from the recovery bin.

See Also


The maximum depth to which a permission (ACE) can be inherited. As the ACE gets inherited from a security parent, the value is decremented. Example values are as follows:

A value of -2, -3, and less is only allowed on an ACE that is not inherited (that is, the PermissionSource value is SOURCE_DIRECT, SOURCE_DEFAULT, or SOURCE_TEMPLATE) and can be useful because that InheritableDepth value prevents the permission from affecting the security parent object itself. For instance, if the permission gave a user the DELETE right and the InheritableDepth value was -2, then the user would be able to delete security children objects that inherited that permission, but would not be able to delete the security parent object itself.

If the permission has been inherited (PermissionSource.SOURCE_PARENT), then the InheritableDepth value will always be 0, -1, 1, or other positive value greater than 1. The value will never be -2, -3, or other negative value less than -3.

For more information about inheritable depth values, see Security Inheritance.

See Also


The distinguished name of the user that initiated the event, unless the event is triggered by a server background task. In that case, the property identifies the task using the following format:

[<task name>(<context>)]


task name identifies the function of the background task by name, such as replication, CFS import, or the specific type of sweep policy, sweep job, or queue sweep.

context provides contextual information applicable to the task type, such as the target source repository or target class processed by the task. If the value exceeds the maximum length of the property, the context portion of the string is truncated.

See Also


The limit of the content size returned in a single round-trip from the Content Platform Engine server.

In addition to setting this property in the ContentConfiguration class, you must also set a JVM argument on your Content Platform Engine client application: FileNet.Content.GetBlockSizeKB. By default, this JVM argument is set to 1 MB. The Maximum value allowed is 10 MB. Note that the server-enforced limit set by the InlineContentRetrievalLimit property takes precedence, so if you set the JVM argument to a value that is larger than the value for the InlineContentRetrievalLimit property, the JVM value is ignored.

See Also


Specifies the input document to use for this publish or thumbnail request.

See Also


Specifies a list of input document MIME types supported for this style template.

See Also


Specifies the date and time when the installation was completed.

See Also


Contains the installation report formatted as an XML string. If the installation was successful, the value will be null.

See Also


Specifies the current status of the add-on installation request (either Installed or InstallationFailure).

See Also


Indicates the AddOn that installed this object. If null, this object was either created by the system or an external application.

See Also


Specifies the name of the user who issued the add-on installation request.

See Also


The minimum number of milliseconds a sweep will wait before running back-to-back sweep queries. A sweep iteration consists of multiple queries, each of which returns a batch of candidate items for processing.

The property setting on the CmSweep object overrides the property setting on the CmSweepConfiguration global object. If the property is set to null on the CmSweep object, then the InterBatchDelay setting on the CmSweepConfiguration object is used.

See Also


The minimum number of seconds after a sweep iteration has completed before the next iteration can start.

See Also


The port number used for Process Engine-to-Process Engine communication.

See Also


Specifies whether this class or property is enabled for full text indexing (content-based retrieval).

For classes, the following conditions apply:

For properties, this property can be enabled only on Document, Annotation, CustomObject, and Folder objects.

See Also


Specifies whether this document version is the current (latest) version object of a document's version series (true) or not (false). The current version can be a major version or a minor version.

See Also


Specifies whether this DateTime property should be treated as a date-only property (true) or not (false). Use this property as a hint that your application should treat this DateTime property as a date-only property for presentation or rendering. Note that neither the Content Engine server nor the Content Engine APIs modify stored or retrieved datetime values based on this property setting. For the best interoperability with applications that ignore this property, you should set the time component to noon UTC. The following code fragment illustrates one way to do that for a java.util.Date object:

Date now = new Date();
System.out.println("now " + now);
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "UTC"));
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12);
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
System.out.println(" " + cal.getTime());

See Also


Indicates whether a given object is enabled or disabled. For example, you can globally disable or enable active events by setting an EventAction object's IsEnabled property to false (off) or true (on). Likewise, you can enable or disable a subscription, a security template, an audit definition, an audit disposition policy, a change preprocessor definition, a change preprocessor action, and a sweep. The property defaults to true.

Enabling a security template indicates that it can be applied to an object. A disabled security template remains part of its security policy container, but cannot be applied to an object. Disabling a security template is useful when you are testing or developing the security templates that make up a security policy.

Disabling a subscription prevents the code handler associated with the event from being loaded and executed. You might want to disable a subscription that is undergoing modifications due to a change in business processes, or when you do not want code procedures to execute against federated documents. Note that when you disable an EventAction, all of its associated subscriptions are also disabled. However, when you disable one particular Subscription, you only disable events that are in its subscribed event list.

Disabling a change preprocessor action has system scope, that is, it prevents code handler execution for all class definitions that reference the change preprocessor action. On the other hand, disabling a change preprocessor definition has class scope; it prevents code handler execution for only that class definition, and for any subclass definitions to which the changed property value is propagated.

See Also


Specifies whether this document version is a frozen version (true) or not (false). If a document version is frozen, you cannot modify its custom properties. However, you may be able to modify the custom properties of other versions of that document, provided they have not been frozen. Note that the modifiability of a document's system properties is not affected by a document version's frozen status.

See Also


Indicates whether this class or property should be hidden from non-administrative users (true) or not (false).

See Also


Specifies whether the marking set is hierarchical or not.

A non-hierarchical marking set contains one or more markings, each independent of all others. A hierarchical marking set has an order of precedence to its markings determined by their order in the set. Its markings are arranged in a simple, single branch hierarchy. This order of precedence is followed when evaluating access rights. Each marking has a superior marking (which must be in the same set), except for the top marking (its superior is null). A marking in a hierarchical marking set explicitly grants access rights to a set of security principals. It also implicitly grants the same rights for all markings that are inferior to it in the hierarchy.

See Also


A boolean value that controls the run enabled status of the import agent sub-component of the CFS importer. When false, the agent does not run. When true, the agent runs, but the importer as a whole might still not process import requests when the dispatcher sub-component has not also been enabled. For more information, see the DispatcherEnabled property on the CFSImportAgentConfiguration interface.

For a discussion of the importer sub-components, see the CFSImportAgentConfiguration interface.

See Also


Specifies whether the lifecycle state of this document is in an exception state (true) or not (false). As long as a document is in an exception state, its lifecycle state can neither be promoted nor demoted. To clear a document from an exception state, you must call its changeState method and set the LifecycleChangeFlags parameter to CLEAR_EXCEPTION.

See Also


Specifies whether this index job is for index migration purposes (true) or not (false). If this property is set to true, all of the IndexJobItem objects belonging to this index job must be of type IndexJobCollectionItem (for Verity collections).

See Also


Specifies whether the value of a property provides the name of the object instances of the class to which it belongs (true) or not (false). An object that has a designated name property (the IsNameProperty property of one of its properties is set or the NamePropertyIndex property of the object's class description is set) will have the designated name property's value assigned to its Name property. An object can have only one designated name property.

See Also


Indicates whether this property can appear in the ORDER BY clause of a query.

See Also


Specifies whether you can save the state of the object instantiation of this class (true) or not (false). If this property is false, only the server can save the state of the object.

See Also


Specifies whether you can modify the value of the property described by this property description (true) or not (false). If IsReadOnly is true, the property's value can only be changed by the server.

See Also


Specifies that the property value should be unavailable to be read by applications executing outside the server. Properties of this type can be used to store passwords or other sensitive information that is only available to trusted handler code executing inside the server. Use the getReadProtectedProperty method on the HandlerCallContext class to return the Property object representing the value of the binary-valued, read-protected property.

See Also


For a Document object, specifies whether a user has reserved the right to check in the next version following this version (true) or not (false). For a VersionSeries object, specifies whether the current version in this version series is checked out (true) or not (false).

See Also


Specifies whether the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is enabled (true) or disabled (false) for communication to the SMTP server.

See Also


Specifies whether the class or property can be used as part of the search criteria for a query.

See Also


Identifies whether objects of the described class have independently settable security.

Unlike a dependently securable object, which inherits its security from a parent object, an independently securable object has its own Access Control List (ACL) that specifies its security and ensures that access rights are checked each time a user tries to access the object. As an example, a Document object is the security parent of its dependent ContentElement objects. The value of this property is true if the given object's security is independently settable (as in the case of Document) and is false if the object's security is inherited from a security parent (as in the case of a ContentElement).

See Also


Specifies whether the class or property can be selected in a query result set.

See Also


Manages usage of a user-defined index on this column. Deprecated as of 5.2.1; use CmIndexDefinition instead.

See Also


The method by which the event procedure code is executed for a Subscription-based object (ClassSubscription, ClassWorkflowSubscription, InstanceSubscription, InstanceWorkflowSubscription). To execute the event procedure synchronously, set the property to true. To execute the event procedure asynchronously (in the background), set the property to false. The default is false. Specify the property when you create the Subscription-based object.

When an asynchronous event procedure is triggered, the action occurs on a separate execution thread, allowing the subscription processor to continue without waiting for the results of the action. The Content Engine inserts the event into the QueueItem table, after any other waiting asynchronous operations, and executes it when resources permit. While execution usually occurs instantaneously, there might be a delay if many other asynchronous events or operations (such as security propagation or XML classification) are waiting in the queue. If your application depends on a particular asynchronous event procedure being completed, your application should first test the status of that event to verify its completion.

If the asynchronous event action fails, the exception comes back to the server. The event action transaction rolls back, but the transaction of the originating activity executes.

Note that for domains in which there are multiple Content Engine server instances, any server in the domain can handle a queued asynchronous event, not just the server that generated the event.

When a synchronous event procedure is triggered, the call to execute the event action blocks further processing by the subscription processor until the action completes. The action runs in the same transaction as the originating activity on the target object. If the action fails, the exception comes back to the client. The single transaction rolls back; therefore, the originating activity fails along with the event action.

Note that, for a workflow subscription, this property is read-only with a value of false because a workflow subscription's event is always fired asynchronously on Content Engine.

See Also


For a property description, indicates whether the property described has its value set automatically by the Content Engine server (true) or not (false). In general if IsSystemGenerated is true, the described property either provides system information (for example, DateCreated) or has its value determined by the server according to the results of a method call or some other operation (for example, if you call a folder's CreateSubFolder method, the system will automatically add the newly created folder to the collection of objects returned by the SubFolders property).

For CmThumbnail, indicates whether the thumbnail image was automatically generated by the system. If the image was user generated, that is, generated by a third-party application rather than by the Content Engine, the system cannot overwrite the image with a different one. However, a client application can retrieve a CmThumbnail object and overwrite the existing image, whether or not the image was system- or user-generated.

See Also


Indicates whether a given class or property was originally created by the Content Engine (true), as opposed to user-created (false).

For a CmIndexDefinition object, if the object is system-owned (the value of this property is true), then the object cannot be modified or deleted.

See Also


Indicates whether the property represented by a given property description, property definition, or property template is required to have a value (true) or not (false). If you attempt to save an object containing a property that requires a value and that property does not have a value assigned to it, an exception will result.

See Also


Specifies whether you can create a new version of this object (true) or not (false).

See Also


The isolated region to which this connection point provides access.

See Also


The ID number identifying this isolated region.

If multiple isolated regions are associated with the same object store (as set on the ObjectStore property), then the isolated regions will share the same database connection as the object store. For the server to distinguish between isolated regions in the same database using the same database schema name, this property must be set to a unique value for each isolated region.

A unique value is not required if the isolated region will not share a database connection with other isolated regions using the same database schema name.

See Also


Represents the collection of IsolatedRegion objects associated with a FileNet P8 domain or a database connection.

See Also


The specific iteration on which the multiple-iteration sweep failed.

See Also



Specifies the Javaâ„¢ Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name of the non-XA data source defined in the Javaâ„¢ Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application server.

For ObjectStore, this property is deprecated.

See Also


Specifies the Javaâ„¢ Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name of the XA data source defined in the Javaâ„¢ Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) application server.

For ObjectStore, this property is deprecated.

See Also


Indicates whether this indexing job has been requested to abort.

See Also


Specifies whether this index job is paused (true) or not (false). If this property is set to true, the JobStatus property of the index job is set to IndexJobStatus.PAUSED. Otherwise, this index job is in progress and its JobStatus property is set to IndexJobStatus.IN_PROGRESS.

See Also


The status of the indexing job. This can be one of the following: Pending, InProgress, AbortInProgress, Paused, TerminateNormally, or TerminatedAbnormally. For descriptions of each value, see IndexJobStatus.

See Also



The value matched against the value of the ComponentBindingLabel property on a child component document version that determines whether that version gets bound in a component relationship of type DYNAMIC_LABEL_CR. For all other component relationship types the value of this property is null. For more information, see ComponentRelationshipType Property.

See Also


For IndexJob and CmIndexRequest objects, this property identifies the final failure condition for the index job.

For a ReplicationJournalEntry object, this property provides a description of the latest failure condition, if any, for the replication operation that generates this journal entry.

For a CmThumbnailRequest object, this property states why document thumbnail generation failed.

For a CmBackgroundSearch object, this property provides a description of the latest failure condition, if any, for the background search operation that generates this journal entry.

For a CmTask object, this property indicates why the object has been set to the exception state. This property is settable only during the SET_EXCEPTION changeState transaction, for example:

CmTask.set_LastFailureReason ( "Required document was not attached to workflow.");;

To reset LastFailureReason to a null value, clear the exception: CmTask.changeState(CLEAR_EXCEPTION).

See Also


Indicates the name of the user who last modified this object.

Settability of this property is read-only for most users. For users who have been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE), this property is read/write. (The read/write access for those users could only change if a change is made to the ACL on the object store that controls who has privileged write access to objects in that object store).

See Also


Indicates the last record processed in the audit log (Event table), specified by the record's identity sequence number. Upon completion of processing the audit log, a client should retrieve the CmAuditSequence property on the event object, and set the value on the LastProcessed property.

See Also


Attention: Do not change the value of this property without guidance from a support representative. Doing so might adversely affect system performance.

The maximum interval, in seconds, allowed for a worker to process a batch before the batch is assigned to another worker. Used for multi-server coordination, this interval ensures that any abnormal termination of the worker previously assigned to the batch does not prevent batch completion.

For VerityServerConfiguration, this property is deprecated.

See Also


The expiration time after which the IBM® Content Search Services server assigned to this IBM Content Search Services index no longer has exclusive write access to it. The expiration time is automatically extended as long as documents are still being indexed. After this time expires, the IBM Content Search Services index can be reassigned to another IBM Content Search Services server for load-balancing purposes.

See Also


An id assigned to a batch of objects leased for processing.

See Also


The lifecycle operation performed on the source object. This property is set to a LifecycleChangeFlags constant value, which specifies the state of the lifecycle operation.

See Also


The FileNet P8 domain.

See Also


Indicates the name of the locale in which this object is currently operating. A locale name is an ID that indicates the specific regional language of the text string value of a display name or description. For example, the ID "en-us" or "en_US" indicates United States English. Note that the locale name formats are those supported in IETF RFC-3066, with the addition of support for using underscores (_) in place of hyphens between the regional language and the country code, as shown in the example above. Setting the locale to "C" is also supported, and simply maps to the server's Javaâ„¢ Virtual Machine (JVM) defaults for language and country. Variant information passed in the country code of the locale string is ignored by the Content Engine validation routines and stripped off when the object is saved to the object store. Locale validation logic applies to both the Java UserContext locale-specific operations as well as the WSDL-defined locale for the web services SOAP transport.

See Also


The names of the locales this object supports. Each locale name is a string containing an ID that indicates the specific regional language of the text string value of a display name or description.

See Also


The user-readable text presented in the language of a specific locale. This locale-specific text is used for displaying names or descriptive text. For database-specific information regarding the maximum length allowed for this property, see Database Engine Differences.

See Also


Identifies the owner that exclusively holds the advisory lock on the object. This property is populated as a result of a successful call to the lock method. The value of this property is simply a custom string that has no real effect in determining the user of the lock. The owner specified by this property is not validated against any user or group known to the Content Engine. This property is set to null if the unlock method is called; if the lock expires naturally, then the value remains unchanged.

See Also


The number of seconds beyond the last modified date that the server will retain a lock. This property's value is used to calculate a lock's expiration time. The property's value is populated as a result of a successful call to the lock method; however, the value can be updated by a call to updateLock. The property value is the number of seconds beyond the value in the object's DateLastModified property that the user of the lock can hold the lock on the object. The result of the calculation is measured against the current system time. The lock is considered expired when the value of the object's DateLastModified property plus the value of the LockTimeout property is less than the current system time. (All millisecond components are dropped from the calculation.) This property is set to null if the unlock method is called; if the lock expires naturally, then the value remains unchanged.

See Also


Identifies the token used to signal that a lock exists on an object. The token is a unique identifier (GUID) that represents the lock. When the lock on the object is released (via unlock), the value of LockToken is set to null. (If the lock expires naturally, then the value remains unchanged.)

See Also


The number of directories in the lower level of two-tier structure for storing content in an advanced file system storage device.

See Also



Specifies the major version number of this document version. A document's major version number is set to 1 the first time that you check it in as a major version and then incremented by 1 for each additional time that you check it in as a major version.

See Also


A ReplicationDirection constant that specifies the direction in which the property in an external repository that is described by this external property description can be mapped for replication with respect to a Content Engine property. This mapping direction can be inbound, outbound, or both.

See Also


Specifies a marking that is applied to an object for access control purposes. A call to get_Marking() on a given ActiveMarking object returns this object-valued property.

See Also


Specifies the set of markings for a given string-valued property. A MarkingSet is a container that holds all of the possible values for a particular marking-enabled property. Each Marking object in the marking set represents a different value for the property.

You can retrieve a string-valued property's marking set by calling get_MarkingSet() method on the PropertyDefinitionString, PropertyTemplateString, or PropertyDescriptionString interfaces.

See Also


Specifies the Time-To-Live (TTL) in seconds for entries in the marking set cache. When the TTL has elapsed, cached information that has become stale is discarded and fresh data is obtained.

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of entries in the marking set cache. When the maximum number is exceeded, the least recently used marking set elements are removed to allow more recently used elements to be cached.

See Also


Specifies a collection of MarkingSet objects.

See Also


Contains a bit mask that identifies which access rights have been granted to the current user. A user can be granted "Use", "Remove", and "Add" rights. The "Remove" and "Add" rights determine if the current user can remove or add a marking value on an independent object.

The primary use of the MarkingUseGranted property is to detect whether the current user has the "Use" right. The "Use" right determines whether the presence of the marking on an object constrains access to that object. If the user has "Use" right to the marking, access to associated independent objects will not be constrained by the value of the ConstraintMask property on the Marking object. The absence of the "Use" right means that the values in the ConstraintMask property will be subtracted from the associated object's effective access calculation (which is the value returned by the IndependentlyPersistableObject.getAccessAllowed() method). In this case, the constraint mask of the marking identifies which rights cannot be granted, and will be ignored, which effectively removes those rights granted on the associated independent object's ACL.

See Also


Specifies the value to use when applying a Marking to an object that has a property associated with a MarkingSet. This value of a marking must be unique within a marking set.

See Also


Holds a MarkingList object, which contains a collection of Marking objects.

See Also


The maximum number of objects that can be submitted in a single batch for indexing. Normally, the default value should be used. However, for the best performance in your environment, you might need to adjust the value of this parameter based on your hardware configuration, file system versus database storage, and average document size.

For VerityServerConfiguration, this property is deprecated.

See Also


The maximum number of collections that can be created in this index area. If this number is exceeded, the server sets the IndexArea.ResourceStatus property to "closed", and for this same site and object store, changes to "open" the ResourceStatus value of the first index area found having a ResourceStatus value of "standby".

See Also


The maximum number of threads that can be allocated for processing of background tasks in the dispatcher thread pool.

See Also


The maximum number of threads permitted in the collector pool, used by Case Analyzer and Case History to collect events.

See Also


The maximum number of threads permitted in the exporter pool, used by Case Analyzer and Case History to process events.

See Also


The maximum number of threads permitted in the Process Engine heartbeat pool.

See Also


The maximum number of elements for the in-memory state cache. Each in-memory element corresponds to a content element in the cache.

One in-memory state cache exists per server. The state cache contains state information on content elements in the primary content cache area for a server, and can potentially improve the performance of a server by reducing the number of disk accesses the server must make to retrieve state information. For example, by storing the create date/time for a cache content element, the server can determine whether other previously retrieved information remains valid (thereby possibly avoiding the need to re-retrieve information for the content element).

See Also


Attention: Do not change the value of this property without guidance from a support representative. Doing so might adversely affect system performance.

This value, in combination with the MaxWorkerThreads parameter, establishes a threshold that, when exceeded, prevents additional batches of federation requests from being inserted in the in-memory pre-fetch queue. The number of items in the queue is reduced as batches of work are dispatched to worker threads. The number of batches in the queue will eventually fall below the threshold and the addition of new batches from the database queue will be resumed.

See Also


Maximum [un-dispatched] requests allowed in the in-memory queue (to avoid throwing away batches that expire while held in-memory, this number is kept very low by default, but can be increased under certain circumstances, like content migration to a slow device). Note that this limit is not evaluated until there are at least three in-memory pending batches.

See Also


The maximum number of inbound replication worker threads allowed for this server.

See Also


The maximum number of IBM® Content Search Services indexes that can be created in this IBM Content Search Services index area before it is considered to be at full capacity. If this index area exceeds this maximum, and all its indexes are also full or closed, its resource status (ResourceStatus property) is automatically set to FULL. Setting this property is optional. A value of -1 indicates no limit.

See Also


The maximum number of objects that a Verity collection can contain. Do not set this lower than the default unless testing collection overflow.

For VerityServerConfiguration, this property is deprecated.

See Also


The maximum number of objects that an IBM® Content Search Services index in this IBM Content Search Services index area can contain before it is considered to be at full capacity. If an index exceeds this maximum, its resource status (ResourceStatus property) is automatically set to FULL. Setting this property is optional. A value of -1 indicates no limit.

See Also


The maximum number of outbound replication worker threads allowed for this server.

See Also


The maximum number of threads permitted in the Process Engine primary pool.

See Also


The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the server allows a query to run before canceling the query. This property, in conjunction with the DefaultQueryTimeLimit property and the SQL TIMELIMIT option, limit a Content Engine search for a client-to-server RPC; that is, they limit the total time it takes to retrieve one page to the client.

The effective time limit is the minimum of this property and the SQL Timelimit option. If the SQL Timelimit option is not set, the effective time limit is the minimum of this property and the DefaultQueryTimeLimit property.

If the Timelimit option is not set, and neither property is set, the query time is unlimited.

In addition to the time limits that impact client-to-server RPCs, you can set the QueryDatabaseTimeout property, which limits query execution at the database level.

For more information, see Server Query-Timeout Behavior.

See Also


Specifies the maximum waiting time in milliseconds to get a read semaphore for a read operation before the system fails the operation.

See Also


The maximum number of index requests that are produced by this index job that are allowed to be outstanding (in progress or waiting) at any time.

Maintaining a limit on index requests for an index job can prevent large index jobs from causing performance problems. This index request limit applies only to the number of index requests for the index job that exists in the IndexRequests table; it is not a limit on the total number of index requests that an index job can create.

The default value is 100,000 and the minimum value is 1000. To impose no limits on outstanding index requests, set this property to -1.

See Also


Maximum number of items to resolve within a batch.

See Also


The maximum number of threads permitted in the Process Engine secondary pool.

See Also


The maximum size, in KB, that an IBM® Content Search Services index in this IBM Content Search Services index area is allowed to have before it is considered to be at full capacity. If an index exceeds this maximum, its resource status (ResourceStatus property) is automatically set to FULL. Setting this property is required.

See Also


The maximum number of worker threads to be allocated for processing a sweep.

For a CmBackgroundSearch object, this property is ignored.

See Also


The maximum number of concurrent text filter processes that are allowed per indexing batch.

See Also


The maximum number of concurrent thumbnail generation processes that the server can launch.

See Also


This property applies to CFSImportAgentConfiguration and CmThreadPoolConfiguration objects.

For a CFSImportAgentConfiguration object, the MaxWorkerThreads property is the maximum number of import workers that the import agent is allowed to create. Setting the value of this property appropriately prevents the under- or over-utilization of the Content Engine server on behalf of the CFS importer. For information on the CFS import agent, see the CFSImportAgentConfiguration interface.

For a CmThreadPoolConfiguration object, the MaxWorkerThreads property is the maximum of number of threads that can be allocated for processing of background tasks in the worker thread pool.

See Also


Defines the maximum number of concurrent indexing batches that can be submitted to a IBM Content Search Services server. The setting represents the configured capacity for a Content Search Services server as a whole. Therefore, the number of concurrent batches that a Content Platform Engine instance can send to the server is given by the following formula:

concurrent batches per CPE instance = (property value / CPE instances with indexing enabled)

In this calculation, CPE instances with indexing enabled includes all Content Platform Engine instances that are configured with indexing enabled. The property value is the value of the MaximumConcurrentIndexingBatches property. For example, suppose that the property value is 12 and the number of instances with indexing enabled is 2: 12 / 2 = 6 maximum concurrent indexing batches per Content Platform Engine instance.

The calculation does not take into account Content Platform Engine instances that are not running. If one of the instances stops running (because the instance is shut down, for example), the IBM Content Search Services server operates at less than the configured capacity. In the previous example, if one of the Content Platform Engines instances stops running, the remaining instance still sends a maximum of six concurrent batches. The result is that the server operates at 50% capacity. To keep IBM Content Search Services server running at full capacity, disable indexing for any Content Platform Engine instance that might not resume running soon.

Note that this property works in tandem with the ThreadCount property on the CmTextSearchConfiguration class to control the indexing work load for a Content Platform Engine instance.

See Also


The maximum number of content elements designated for this storage area.

For a content cache area, new content can be added to a cache only if the number-of-content-elements statistic (the ContentElementCount property) is less than this maximum. (This maximum might be slightly exceeded, as statistics are managed on a delayed basis, and multiple servers can be adding content.) The value for this property must be greater than or equal to 1.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the maximum size to which the internal queue of content conversion work items can grow before attempts to insert new items will block.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the maximum number of background workers to be engaged in content conversion activity.

See Also


The maximum number of query result rows that this background search will examine, regardless of the total number of rows in the query result. If this property is set to the default value of 0, all rows are examined.

See Also


For CmQueueSweep, the maximum number of times a dequeue operation for a queue sweep will be retried following a failure. If this property is set to zero, there is no limit on the maximum number of failures.

When QueueEntryStatus on a queue entry (represented by a CmAbstractQueueEntry subclass) is set to FAILED, then the sweep service no longer selects the entry for processing. When the queue sweep handler reports a failure of processing, the sweep service increments the FailureCount property on the queue entry. If the new value equals or exceeds the current MaximumFailures property value on the CmQueueSweep object controlling the sweep, then the QueueEntryStatus property is set to FAILED.

The QueueEntryStatus property is also set to FAILED when a queue sweep handler sets the processing outcome of the entry to SweepItemOutcome.FAILED_NO_RETRY.

To restart processing of a queue entry with a status of FAILED, reset the FailureCount property on the queue entry to zero.

For CmBackgroundSearch, the maximum number of failures tolerated by the sweep service before the CmBackgroundSearch instance is terminated. If this property is set to zero, there is no limit to the maximum number of failures.

See Also


Specifies the maximum length, in bytes, of a value for a property that returns a BINARY data type.

See Also


Specifies the maximum length, in characters (excluding the null terminator), of a value for a property that returns a STRING data type.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the maximum size to which the internal queue of text indexing preprocessing work items can grow before attempts to insert new items will block.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the maximum number of workers to be employed for text indexing preprocessing.

See Also


Specifies the maximum retention period in days.

See Also


The maximum size of all content elements designated for this storage area (in kilobytes).

For a content cache area, new content can be added to a cache only if the size-of-content-elements statistic (the ContentElementKBytes property) is less than this maximum. (This maximum might be slightly exceeded, as statistics are managed on a delayed basis, and multiple servers can be adding content.) The value for this property must be greater than or equal to 1.

See Also


The maximum number of minutes a content element can remain in an unaccessed state in the cache and not be considered an expired file. An expired file is subject to deletion during a prune action. Note that prune actions delete files for other reasons besides expiration. For an overview of pruning and a discussion of the categories of files deleted during a prune action, see the ContentCacheArea class.

A periodic prune occurs at maximum-time-to-live half-intervals. For example, if the specified maximum-time-to-live is two weeks, a periodic prune occurs once a week. The purpose of this prune is to ensure that expired files get deleted on a timely basis. A periodic prune is always a full prune. For a definition of full prune and a detailed discussion of pruning, see the PruneAmount property.

See Also


The maximum amount of memory, in kilobytes, to devote to buffering uploaded content prior to writing to a storage area.

See Also


Represents a collection containing the groups of which a given group or user is a member.

Important: This property is no longer cached on Content Platform Engine server. This could negatively impact performance of client applications that retrieve this property. To mitigate or resolve this potential issue, see MemberOfGroups Property No Longer Cached.

See Also


The maximum number of metadata merged scope caches to be retained in memory. The default is 20 caches.

Use of this property can assist you in preventing excessive memory usage on the Content Engine server. When a merged scope cache is created and the class descriptions are loaded in the cache, the names of the classes are mapped to the first instance of the class encountered in the ordering sequence of the object stores to be merged. As an example, let's say that a class in object store A is named X and has the same GUID as a class named Y in object store B. If you merge object stores A and B, the class name of the merged scope cache (A,B) will be X, whereas the class name of the merged scope cache (B,A) will be Y. As you can see from this example, specifying many different orders of merged object stores could result in an excessive number of merged scope caches being created, and can exceed the server's memory capacity. Set the value of this property to limit the number of metadata merged scope caches that can reside in memory.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Metadata subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Specifies the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format string of the content data carried by this document, annotation, thumbnail, or document classification action. MIME is a communications protocol that allows for the transmission of data in many forms, such as audio, binary, or video.

For Document objects, you can set the MimeType property for a specific document version while it is a reservation object (at creation time and on subsequent check-outs). However, every time you check in a document, its MimeType property value reverts to its system-assigned value unless you explicitly set it again.

For Annotation and CmThumbnail objects, you can set this property at any time.

For DocumentClassificationAction objects, the MimeType property specifies the type of content that a document must hold in order to allow it to be auto-classified; you can set this property at any time.

Each content element that is attached to a document or annotation has its own MIME type, which is specified by its ContentType property. If you do not specify the MimeType property for a document or annotation, it is automatically set by the Content Platform Engine to the value of the first content element, regardless of whether it is a ContentTransfer or ContentReference object.

Although the Content Platform Engine does not enforce the format of this property's value, a MIME format string consists of a content type, a content subtype, and an optional parameter in the following format: "content type/subtype[;parameter]", for example: "text/html".

MIME defines the following content types:

The following MIME types are specific to FileNet:

See Also


Specifies the minimum retention period in days.

See Also


Specifies the minor version number of this document version. A document's minor version number is set to 1 the first time that you check it in as a minor version and then incremented by 1 for each additional time that you check it in as a minor version. Note that if you check in a document as a major version, its minor version number will be reset to 0.

See Also


Specifies the access rights that are required to change the value of a given property on the object instances on which the property occurs. To specify access rights, use the AccessRightclass in the com.filenet.api.constants package. You can:

See Also


A list of the symbolic names of the properties modified during a given event.

See Also


The number of seconds that must be remaining on the version series row lease to allow a move content operation to proceed.

When the Import Agent assigns a queued import request to a worker thread, the worker thread acquires a lease on the request. The lease is the number of seconds allotted by the Import Dispatcher for the worker thread to complete its work. If the time expires before the work is completed, the dispatcher can assign the request to another thread. A move operation can take considerable time and can potentially exceed the allotted time. Before attempting the move operation, the worker thread determines how much time remains on the lease, and compares that value to the MoveContentLeaseThreshold property value. If the amount of time is greater than the MoveContentLeaseThreshold value, the worker thread proceeds to execute the work. If the amount of time left is less than the MoveContentLeaseThreshold value, the worker thread relinquishes the lease and allows the Import Dispatcher to reassign the request to another thread.

Attention: Do not change the value of this property without guidance from a support representative. Doing so might adversely affect system performance.

See Also


The current user's realm. The current user is the user under whose credentials RPCs are being performed.

See Also



The name for this object.

For most classes, this property is read-only and returns the value of the designated name property for the object, or its ID if there is no name property. If ClassDescription.NamePropertyIndex has a value, this property contains the value of the designated name property. If there is no designated name property value, and the object has an Id property, this property contains the string value of the Id property. If neither of these conditions is satisfied, this property contains an empty string.

For a ComponentRelationship object, this property is read/write and specifies the name of the object.

See Also


Specifies the 0-based index of the PropertyDescription object in this ClassDescription object's PropertyDescriptions collection that serves as the name property for object instances of the class. If NamePropertyIndex is null, the class will not have a designated name property; in this case, the Name property of the object instantiation of the class will be set to the value of its Id property.

See Also


Indicates whether a CenteraFixedContentDevice object prevents the deletion of Clips or Blobs on the Centera device (true) or not (false). If true, the provider never attempts to delete Clips or Blobs and all content is left completely intact on the Centera device. Note that normally this setting has no impact on enforcement of the retention period (the storage area honors the retention period and prevents deletion when appropriate).

See Also


Applies to DB2 only. References the table definition corresponding to the table that was created as a result of overflow table creation. The property returns null if an overflow table does not exist.

See Also


Specifies the date and time that a retry will be attempted to process a queue item (pending action) on a target object. The value of this property is set by the server to indicate the time at which the server can retry the queued item. For newly added queue items or "dead" queue items (that is, those items which have no retries left), the value is null.

See Also


The earliest time the next sweep iteration can start.

See Also


Specifies the time in milliseconds that an import agent waits when there is no work.

See Also


The maximum size in rows of a non-paged query result set. This value cannot be overridden by an individual query.

See Also


Specifies the number of ImportAgent worker threads per object store and Image Services fixed content device.

See Also



Specifies the Time-To-Live (TTL) in seconds for entries in the object security cache. Once the TTL has elapsed, cached information that has become stale is discarded and fresh data is obtained from the database.

For more information about this cache, see Security Caching.

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of entries in the object security cache. When the maximum number is exceeded, the least recently used elements are removed to allow more recently used elements to be cached.

For more information about this cache, see Security Caching.

See Also


Specifies the audit recording level of the source object for an event of type ObjectChangeEvent. (The source object is the object on which the event is fired.) The recording levels are ORIGINAL_AND_MODIFIED_OBJECTS (both the original, pre-event object and the modified, post-event object are recorded), MODIFIED_OBJECT (only the modified, post-event object is recorded), and NONE (no source objects are recorded). If MODIFIED_OBJECT is set, the event's OriginalObject property will be null. If NONE is specified, the event's OriginalObject and SourceObject properties will be null, and the event's ModifiedProperties property will be empty.

NOTE Persisting audited source objects in a database can result in substantial consumption of large object (LOB) storage.

See Also


For ObjectStoreParticipant, the object store of this object store participant of a replication group.

For an IsolatedRegion, the object store associated with the isolated region. If you set this property, the server automatically sets the DatabaseConnection and DatabaseSchemaName properties to the same values as the object store's properties of the same name, even if DatabaseConnection and DatabaseSchemaName were previously set to different values. Once set, this property cannot be modified.

If the isolated region is used by IBM Case Manager, you must set the ObjectStore property.

See Also


Specifies the persistent ID (GUID) that identifies the given object store.

See Also


Specifies the default SQL script to use when creating object stores within a DB2 database.

You can customize the supplied default schema script and then submit your customized script when you call the Factory.ObjectStore.createInstance(domain, admins, users, schemaScript) method. Typical modifications to the default script include the distribution of the various tables, indexes, and Large Object (LOB) columns across different tablespaces. For more information, see Using a Custom Schema Script.

See Also


Specifies the default SQL script to use when creating object stores within a Microsoft SQL Server database.

You can customize the supplied default schema script and then submit your customized script when you call the Factory.ObjectStore.createInstance(domain, admins, users, schemaScript) method. Typical modifications to the default script include the distribution of the various tables, indexes, and Large Object (LOB) columns across different tablespaces. For more information, see Using a Custom Schema Script.

See Also


Specifies the default SQL script to use when creating object stores within an Oracle database.

You can customize the supplied default schema script and then submit your customized script when you call the Factory.ObjectStore.createInstance(domain, admins, users, schemaScript) method. Typical modifications to the default script include the distribution of the various tables, indexes, and Large Object (LOB) columns across different tablespaces. For more information, see Using a Custom Schema Script.

See Also


Represents the collection of ObjectStore objects associated with a FileNet P8 domain or a database connection.

See Also


The URL for the OpenStack authentication service, for example,

See Also


The name of the OpenStack container in which content is stored.

See Also


Data required by the queue sweep operation.

See Also


The number of batches to index prior to performing an optimization on the indexing information. Setting the default value higher increases indexing throughput at the expense of search performance.

For VerityServerConfiguration, this property is deprecated.

See Also


Specifies whether the properties specified in the background search GROUP BY clause are included in the underlying ORDER BY clause of the search expression (true) or not (false). This property provides a way to tune a background search for best performance. Ordering by properties in the GROUP BY clause can improve search performance by reducing the number of database operations. Conversely, depending on the details of the search and the number of indexes that are added to the searched table, it can also degrade performance. The default value is true.

See Also


The class id of the original object that was marked for deletion.

See Also


The creator of the original object that was marked for deletion.

See Also


The creation date of the original object that was marked for deletion.

See Also


The last modification date of the original object that was marked for deletion.

See Also


The id of the original object that was marked for deletion.

See Also


The last modifier of the original object that was marked for deletion.

See Also


The name property value of the original object that was marked for deletion.

See Also


For an event, the event's source object prior to the event. To get the source object at the time the event occurred, use get_SourceObject. To compare the two states of the source object, fetch the properties of the object returned by get_OriginalObject and get_SourceObject.

For CmRecoveryItem, the original object that was marked for deletion. To get the original object, the user must have the VIEW_RECOVERABLE_OBJECTS access right on the object store.

See Also


The ordinal number of the Verity collection if this collection was created prior to the Content Engine 4.0 release.

For objects indexed in this collection, an arithmetic function is performed on the object's GUID to map it to an ordinal number, indicating this ordinal number (the collection in which the object resides).

See Also


The batch size for outbound replication processing on this server.

See Also


The delay period, in seconds, between outbound replication processing cycles on this server when the preceding cycle is busy with replication work.

See Also


Specifies whether this server is enabled for outbound replication journal processing (true) or not (false).

See Also


The delay period, in seconds, between outbound replication processing cycles on this server when the preceding cycle does not find any replication work.

See Also


Specifies the folder where the publication document is to be filed.

See Also


Specifies the MIME type of output documents produced by the transformation engine when using this style template (for example, "text/html").

See Also


The fully qualified path to use as the output location for trace logs (used only when the AppenderNames property value is the FileAppender class or a subclass. If unspecified or null, this property value defaults to the application server instance's working directory path appended with "/FileNet". The filename for the trace log is always "p8_server_trace.log", and the log4j layout pattern used is "%d %5p [%t] - %m%n".

Note Because log4j creates directories on the fly, the only validation against a non-null value for this property is that the location resides within a valid directory.

See Also


Manages the security owner assigned to the object.

See Also


For a published document, contains a reference to the Document object representing the owner document associated with the published document. If this document is a publication and there is a cascade delete relationship with the source, then this property will specify the publication source document (the OwnerDocument and PublicationSource properties will reference the same document).

See Also



The UTF-8 encoded, non-encrypted master password for a PDF rendition. To maintain password security, you can use this property only to set a password, not to read its value. Instead of returning a password value, this property returns a zero-length byte array if it has been set with a password and returns a null value if it has never been set.

See Also


The UTF-8 encoded, non-encrypted user password for a PDF rendition. To maintain password security, you can use this property only to set a password, not to read its value. Instead of returning a password value, this property returns a zero-length byte array if it has been set with a password and returns a null value if it has never been set.

See Also


A PEConnectionPointSet object containing the list of connection points (PEConnectionPoint instances) available in this P8 domain.

See Also


The Folder object for the folder that directly contains this folder.

See Also


The Document object designated as the parent in a component relationship. The setting for the CompoundDocumentState property on this parent Document object must be COMPOUND_DOCUMENT. Also, you must have link rights (AccessRight.LINK) on the document.

See Also


A DocumentSet collection object that contains the parent Document objects bound to this child document. The collection contains only those parent documents for which the user has read access. For each ComponentRelationship object that references this document as the child component document, the collection contains the parent component document. The same parent document can be in the collection more than once.

See Also


A ComponentRelationshipSet collection object that contains the ComponentRelationship objects referencing this document as the child component document. The collection contains only those parent relationship objects for which the user has read access.

See Also


The number of content queue items to be resolved using a single delete statement, when a batch is resolved in chunks.

See Also


The length of time, in months, that an IBM® Content Search Services index spans for a date partition. This interval determines the values of the StartDate and EndDate properties of the CmIndexPartitionConstraintDate object that is used a date constraint for a partitioned IBM Content Search Services index.

See Also


For CmIndexPartitionConstraint objects, the name of a CBR-enabled object property that is assigned in an object store to act as a partition constraint for an IBM® Content Search Services index. This property is read-only and is assigned by the Content Engine server when the index is created.

For CmTextSearchPartitionProperty objects, the name of a CBR-enabled object property that is assigned in an object store to act as an index partitioning property for IBM Content Search Services. This read/write property must be a custom string- or date-valued property and have a settability of SETTABLE_ONLY_ON_CREATE. You can have no more than one string and one date index partitioning property assigned in an object store.

See Also


The value of the string partition constraint for an IBM® Content Search Services index. This property is set by the Content Engine server when the index is created. If there is no string partition constraint on this index, the value of this property is null.

See Also


A list of CmTextSearchPartitionProperty objects, each of which represents a Content Engine object property that has been selected to act as an IBM® Content Search Services index partition constraint for this object store. This list can contain a maximum of one CmTextSearchPartitionDateProperty object, representing a custom date-valued index partition constraint property, and one CmTextSearchPartitionStringProperty object, representing a custom string-valued index partition constraint property. Both properties must have a settability of SETTABLE_ONLY_ON_CREATE.

See Also


The object store that is partnered with the external repository associated with this external participant. This partner object store controls all the replication interactions of the external repository with which it is partnered.

See Also


The full path name of the folder.

See Also


A list of descriptions of permissions applicable to objects of the described class.

See Also


Indicates the source of the given permission.

The source of access rights can be:

See Also


Specifies the type (right or level) of the described permission.

Valid types are single (that is, a single access right), level (a commonly used combination of access rights), default level (that is, the recommended level for new permissions), and inherited (relevant only to child objects of the parent object described by the permission).

See Also


Manages the discretionary permissions assigned to the object.

See Also


Specifies a PropertyPersistence constant that indicates whether a property can be made persistent (that is, have its state stored in a database). If a property can be made persistent, it must have either a dedicated column or a dedicated table in the database.

The PersistenceType property can have one of the values in the following table.

Name Value Description
NOT_PERSISTENT 0 Specifies that a property cannot be made persistent. If a property is defined as NOT_PERSISTENT, has a default value defined, and the Settability property of its property template has a value of PropertySettability.READ_ONLY, the property is considered to be a constant and will always return its default value for any instance of the property that is returned.
OWN_COLUMN 1 Specifies that the property has a dedicated column in the database and therefore can be made persistent.
OWN_TABLE 2 Specifies that the property has a dedicated table in the database and therefore can be made persistent. This setting applies only to multi-valued scalar (non-object) properties and causes the server to store a property's values into a custom table, which is generated by the server when its property template is first assigned to a class definition as a property definition. The name of this table is derived from the name of the corresponding property. Once it has been created, the same table will be used to store the property's values, regardless of the class to which the property is assigned.

See Also


The number of objects that will be passed to the policy-controlled sweep action handler in a single batch.

See Also


An enumeration of CmPolicyControlledSweep objects related to this object store.

See Also


Specifies the Centera pool address that is passed to the FPPool class constructor as the PoolAddress parameter (which identifies the location of the Centera fixed content device). This pool address will be used when the Content Engine server is running within the site identified by the Site property of this object.

See Also


A condition the CmTask object must satisfy before it may be considered complete. Postcondition expressions are specified in the class definition for the task (as class constant properties). They cannot be set on a task instance.

A postcondition is evaluated when a CmTask object is in the WORKING state, and changeState(LifecycleChangeFlags.PROMOTE) is invoked on the CmTask.

A condition is expressed as an SQL predicate applied to the CmTask object itself, or to objects related to the CmTask through object-valued properties. For example, if you have a claim processing task that cannot be completed until its ClaimStatus property is set to CLOSED, then the postcondition expression would be ClaimStatus = 'CLOSED'.

A postcondition has the same syntax requirements as the FilterExpression property.

See Also


A condition the CmTask object must satisfy in order to be considered ready to be worked upon. Precondition expressions are specified in the class definition for the task (as class constant properties). They cannot be set on a task instance.

A precondition is evaluated when a CmTask object is in the WAITING_PRECONDITION state, and changeState(LifecycleChangeFlags.PROMOTE) is invoked on the CmTask.

A condition is expressed as an SQL predicate applied to the CmTask object itself, or to objects related to the CmTask through object-valued properties. For example, if you have a document approval task that cannot be worked on until its InputDocument property is set to a released document version, then the precondition expression would be InputDocument SATISFIES (VersionStatus = 1).

A precondition has the same syntax requirements as the FilterExpression property.

See Also


Identifies the predecessor in the relationship between tasks. After you create the CmTaskRelationship object, it is reflected in the Successors property of the CmTask object that you set on this property.

See Also


An enumeration of task relationships objects identifying the predecessors of this task. When you create a CmTaskRelationship object and set its SuccessorTask property to this CmTask object, the newly created CmTaskRelationship object is added to the enumeration.

See Also


A value indicating whether the cache receives duplicates of any new content added to the main storage area. When true, and when content normally gets cached (because the cache status is OPEN, cache capacity has not been exceeded, etc.), content newly added to the main storage area also gets added to the cache area.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the maximum period in seconds for which a text indexing preprocessing worker can be idle before terminating.

See Also


Specifies a list of IDs corresponding to the prerequisite add-ons that must be installed prior to the installation of this add-on or upgrade add-on.

See Also


Determines whether direct access control entries (ACEs) are preserved on an object when a given security policy template or lifecycle policy is applied to the object. Direct ACEs are permissions that have been directly set on the object, not set through inheritance. If the value of this property is false, the object's original direct permissions are replaced by the permissions defined by the applied security policy template or lifecycle policy. Permissions inherited from the object's security parent are retained. If the value is true, the object's original direct permissions are preserved as well as its inherited permissions.

See Also


The primary ID for this property definition, which is equal to the Id property of the property template on which this property definition is based.

Property definitions that exist on different classes but are derived from the same property template will all have the same PrimaryId property value. Because multiple property definitions can be created from the same property template and a property definition's Id property must be unique for every property definition in every class, a property definition's PrimaryId property will not be equal to its Id property. For a given property representation, the PrimaryId property has the following characteristics:

See Also


Specifies the Time-To-Live (TTL) in seconds for entries in the principal cache. Once the TTL has elapsed, cached information that has become stale is discarded and fresh data is obtained.

For more information about this cache, see Security Caching.

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in the principal cache. When the maximum number is exceeded, the least recently used principal elements are removed to allow more recently used elements to be cached.

For more information about this cache, see Security Caching.

See Also


This property is no longer implemented. Although it is retained in the API for compatibility with earlier versions, use of this property will have no effect.

See Also


Specifies a PropertySettability constant, which indicates the settability of a property when an application has been granted privileged write access (AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_WRITE access right). Privileged write access gives an application the potential capability to set the Creator, DateCreated, DateLastModified, and LastModifier properties, which are normally read-only. The Settability property continues to indicate the property's settability for all other users.

The PrivilegedSettability property can have one of the values in the following table.

Name Value Description
READ_ONLY 3 Indicates that a property is read-only; only the server can set its value.
READ_WRITE 0 Indicates that a property is read/write; you can set its value at any time.
SETTABLE_ONLY_BEFORE_CHECKIN 1 Indicates that you can only set the value of a property before you check in the object to which it belongs.
SETTABLE_ONLY_ON_CREATE 2 Indicates that you can only set the value of a property when you create the object to which it belongs. Once you save the object for the first time, the property's value cannot be changed.

See Also


Indicates whether the Process Engine associated with the server hierarchy object is currently enabled. This property allows you to isolate the Process Engine to a particular object in the server hierarchy, for example, VirtualServer or ServerInstance.

See Also


For a sweep job, which runs only once, the number of objects processed during the sweep. For an ongoing sweep, the cumulative number of objects processed in the current iteration plus in all of the previous iterations.

For a background search, the number of CmAbstractSearchResult objects that are produced as a result of the search. The value is the same as in the ExaminedObjectCount property unless you use SQL aggregate functions and the GROUP BY clause in the search. In that case, a CmAbstractSearchResult object reflects the aggregation of query result rows.

See Also


Specifies the action handler to execute when an Action-based object is invoked.

For a JavaScript handler that's set on the ScriptText property, set this property to "Javascript".

For a Javaâ„¢ handler, specify the fully qualified name of the Java class that executes.

For a WorkflowEventAction object, the ProgId must be set to the system-supplied handler,

See Also


Specifies a PropertyDescriptionList object containing a collection of the property description objects belonging to all of the subclasses of the class described by this ClassDescription object.

See Also


Specifies the default value for a property that returns a BINARY data type.

See Also


Specifies the default value for a property that returns a BOOLEAN data type.

See Also


Specifies the default value for a property that returns a DATE data type. The Content Engine server stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

See Also


Specifies the default value for a property that returns a DOUBLE data type.

See Also


Specifies the default value for a property that returns a GUID data type.

See Also


Specifies the default value for a property that returns a LONG data type.

See Also


Specifies the default value for a property that returns an OBJECT data type.

See Also


Specifies the default value for a property that returns a STRING data type.

See Also


Specifies a PropertyDefinitionList object containing an ordered collection of all of the property definitions belonging to this class definition.

See Also


Specifies a PropertyDescriptionList object containing an ordered collection of all of the property descriptions belonging to this class description.

See Also


Specifies a string that is used to group related properties together for display and sorting purposes.

See Also


Specifies the display name of the property that caused the active marking to be applied to the object. Call get_PropertyDisplayName on the ActiveMarking interface to retrieve the value of this property. The returned value corresponds to the display name of the property that is designated as a marking property for a given object. As an example, if a Document object has a property named "foo" and that property is identified as a marking property, then the list of active marking instances for the document will have a property display name that corresponds to the display name of the "foo" property.

See Also


Specifies the identity of the external property described by this external property description or external property alias.

For ExternalPropertyDescription objects only, this string is immutable and is unique within the external class to which the external property description belongs.

See Also


A String holding the list of mappings between the properties of a versionable-related object and workflow data fields. For example, you might want to map a document's Creator property with Employee Name, if that data field exists in the workflow definition. The workflow data fields you specify in the property map must be designated as launch step parameters in the workflow definition.

See Also


Specifies the maximum value for a property that returns a DATE data type. The Content Engine server stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

See Also


Specifies the maximum value for a property that returns a DOUBLE data type.

See Also


Specifies the maximum value for a property that returns a LONG data type.

See Also


Specifies the minimum value for a property that returns a DATE data type. The Content Engine server stores dates and times using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see Timestamps.

See Also


Specifies the minimum value for a property that returns a DOUBLE data type.

See Also


Specifies the minimum value for a property that returns a LONG data type.

See Also


Specifies a BinaryList object that contains the list of binary values that can be assigned to the property described by this PropertyDescriptionBinary object.

See Also


Specifies a BooleanList object that contains the list of Boolean values that can be assigned to the property described by this PropertyDescriptionBoolean object.

See Also


Specifies a DateTimeList object that contains the list of DateTime values that can be assigned to the property described by this PropertyDescriptionDateTime object.

See Also


Specifies a Float64List object that contains the list of Double (Float64) values that can be assigned to the property described by this PropertyDescriptionFloat64 object.

See Also


Specifies an IdList object that contains the list of GUID string values that can be assigned to the property described by this PropertyDescriptionId object.

See Also


Specifies an Integer32List object that contains the list of integer values that can be assigned to the property described by this PropertyDescriptionInteger32 object.

See Also


Specifies a DependentObjectList object that contains the set of Content Engine objects that can be assigned to the property described by this PropertyDescriptionObject object.

See Also


Specifies a StringList object that contains the list of string values that can be assigned to the property described by this PropertyDescriptionString object.

See Also


Contains an object instance of a PropertyTemplate subclass (PropertyTemplateBinary, for example) that specifies the property template on which this property definition is based.

See Also


Specifies a PropertyTemplateSet object that contains the defined property templates in this object store.

See Also


Specifies the number of property definitions that can neither be moved nor removed from this class definition.

See Also


Specifies an ID string that represents the Javaâ„¢-based event handler associated with this publish style template (for example, PublishRequestHTMLHandler or PublishRequestPDFHandler for transform publishing, or PublishRequestDITAPDFHandler for DITA publishing). In IBM Content Foundation, the IBM FileNet Rendition Engine is not supported, and this property cannot be set for transform publishing. It can only be set for copy publishing or DITA publishing.

See Also


The percentage amount of cache content to delete during a cache prune action. The calculated amount determines the number of files to delete (based on the PruneThresholdContentElements property) and also the total size of files to delete (based on the PruneThresholdSizeKBytes property).

Specifically, a prune action begins by calculating two prune quotas: a number quota and a size quota. These quotas apply to each directory. The quota calculation takes into account the prune amount percentage (as specified by the PruneAmount property), the prune thresholds (as specified by the PruneThresholdContentElements and PruneThresholdSizeKBytes properties), the current amount of content in the cache (as indicated by the ContentElementCount and ContentElementKBytes properties), and the number of cache directories. Specifically:

For example, for the number quota, suppose when the prune action begins the cache contains 100,100 files, the prune threshold is 100,000 files, the prune percentage is 5%, and the cache has 529 directories. The prune target, in this case, is 95,000: 100,000 minus 5,000 (5% of 100,000). The quota for each directory equals 10: 100,100 minus 95,000, divided by 529 (rounded up). The size quota gets calculated in a similar manner.

A full prune action consists of two phases: an initial prune and a partial prune. An initial prune deletes all abandoned and expired files and also generates an LRU (least-recent-use) list for each directory. All files in the directory are put in ascending time-of-last-use order on this list; the first file listed has been accessed less recently than any other file (in other words, it is the oldest). A partial prune processes old files in LRU list order. As a file can be retrieved from the cache at any time--and thus might be younger than it was at LRU list generation time--a partial prune always checks the time-of-last-use for a file before deleting it. It skips any file with a time-of-last-use more recent than the LRU list creation time. The partial prune continues down the LRU list in this manner, taking files off the list as they are either deleted or skipped.

All old and expired files deleted in a directory count towards the quotas for that directory, although the quotas only control the number of old files deleted during the partial prune (as all expired files get deleted during the initial prune). Note that in a full prune the prune quotas might be satisfied during the initial prune phase. In this case, the second phase of the full prune--the partial prune--does not occur. Also, regardless of when the prune quotas might be satisfied during the course of the prune, an initial prune always generates a new LRU list.

For an overview of pruning and a discussion of the categories of files deleted during a prune, see the ContentCacheArea interface.

See Also


The minimum number of content elements in the cache area sufficient to trigger a cache prune action. Specifically, a background process periodically checks whether the content element count statistic (as indicated by the ContentElementCount property) has exceeded this prune number threshold, or whether the content element size statistic (as indicated by the ContentElementKBytes property) has exceeded the prune size threshold (as specified by the PruneThresholdSizeKBytes property). If so, a mandatory prune action gets launched; its purpose is to ensure that cache content remains under the prune threshold levels.

With respect to any given directory, a mandatory prune can be either a full or partial prune (and so, with respect to the cache as a whole, a mandatory prune can be a mixture of full and partial prunes). It is a full prune only when the LRU list needs to be generated. Specifically, it is a full prune in these circumstances: this is the first pruning action for a new cache, and consequently no LRU list yet exists; the LRU list has expired (it is older than 1 day); or a previous prune action exhausted the LRU list. (Note that a partial prune can exhaust the LRU list without satisfying the prune quotas.)

For an overview of cache pruning, see the ContentCacheArea interface. For definitions of pruning terms (full prune, partial prune, LRU list, etc.) and a detailed discussion of pruning, see the PruneAmount property.

Note that, as indicated above, the PruneThresholdSizeKBytes property defines another pruning threshold.

See Also


The minimum size of all content elements in the cache area sufficient to trigger a cache prune action (in kilobytes). Note that the PruneThresholdContentElements property defines another pruning threshold. For details on the prune action that occurs in response to prune threshold crossings, see that property.

See Also


Specifies the document to use if republishing an existing document and the option to version the current document is set.

See Also


Specifies the parameters (formatted as XML) that were used to publish a document. The parameters, which are used to republish the document, include the original output folder ID, style template ID, publish template ID, and publish template version series ID. For example:
<styletemplateid>{14917CF3-4D5F-499D-BA38-8E010199745E}</styletemplateid> <publishtemplateid>{4D696690-EEBB-4341-9FE7-A8F715BAE96D}</publishtemplateid> <pubtemplversionseriesid>{459A0D5A-5B44-4AD1-B15C-91D7B773B3DD}</pubtemplverseriesid> <outputfolderid>{4EF26F2E-61D8-47FD-8201-EE81C3AA75FA}</outputfolderid> </publicationinfo>

If the document is not a publication, the property is empty.

See Also


Specifies an integer that indicates the type of publish request. This property is used internally by the Content Engine API.

See Also


Contains a reference to the PublishStyleTemplate object associated with this publish request.

See Also


Contains a reference to the PublishTemplate object associated with this publish request. If this property is set, the PublishRequest object is for a publish operation. To perform a republish operation, the PublicationDocument property must be set and this property must be null.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Publish subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Specifies the status (complete, deleting, in error, in queue, or in work) of a publish request.

See Also


Specifies a folder which contains the subsidiary documents of an HTML publication (for example, image, audio, and style sheet files).

See Also



The queried Document object that provided the content for the full-text search.

See Also


The default number of rows in the search results that the Content Engine counts for queries using the SQL option of COUNT_LIMIT. The property is used only if the COUNT_LIMIT option is set to zero.

You can set this property to the following values:

The default value is twice the value of the QueryPageDefaultSize property.

To optimize result count performance, the administrator must take into account query time limit settings on the server. For more information, see the object store properties DefaultQueryTimeLimit, MaxQueryTimeLimit, and QueryDatabaseTimeLimit.

See Also


The maximum number of rows that the Content Engine counts in the search results, if counting is enabled. This property overrides the SQL option of COUNT_LIMIT or the QueryCountDefaultSize property if either of those settings exceeds the value of this property.

You can set this property to the following values:

The default value is twice the value of the QueryPageMaxSize property.

To optimize result count performance, the administrator must take into account query time limit settings on the server. For more information, see the object store properties DefaultQueryTimeLimit, MaxQueryTimeLimit, and QueryDatabaseTimeLimit.

See Also


The timeout in seconds applied only to JDBC database query execution during an ad hoc search. (For SQL Server only, this property also applies during fetching.)

You can set this property to the following values:

If this property is set, the effective time limit for each JDBC statement execution is the smaller of any remaining RPC time limit at the time the statement is executed and the QueryDatabaseTimeout value.

This property provides additional control over long-running searches that consume database resources for too long, such as LIKE %value% queries that cause table scans, or complex join queries.

To determine an effective setting for this property, you must take into consideration the time limit for the client-to-server RPC, as set on the DefaultQueryTimeLimit property. The total client-to-server RPC time is composed of the time to parse the Content Engine (CE) SQL into database (DB) SQL, execute the DB SQL, fetch the rows from the database, and check security for each row found. In addition, for a content-based retrieval (CBR) search, the time also includes the full-text search time. Finally, with a paged search, where a fixed amount of rows (typically twice the pagesize) is retrieved from the database at a time, the entire process of DB SQL execution and fetching is repeated if the initial rowset doesn't fill the client page. This can be due to either security filtering or when the initial set of CBR hits do not match the database property criteria.

So as an example, if you were to set the total RPC time limit to 10 minutes, all of the steps described above for the client-to-server search must complete within 10 minutes. At the same time, you could set the QueryDatabaseTimeout value to 30 seconds to specifically limit the DB SQL execution time, because database resource issues (such as blocking) can occur in a smaller time frame.

The typical use-cases of setting a large RPC timeout include long running CBR searches, or non-paged searches that return a large rowset. The typical use-cases for setting QueryDatabaseTimeout is to keep table scans or complex joins from running too long in the database.

The right choices for the RPC timeout and QueryDatabaseTimeout involve considerations from both the P8 Administrator and DBA.

For more information, see Server Query-Timeout Behavior.

See Also


The default size in rows of a query page in a result set.

See Also


The maximum size in rows for a query page in a result set. This value cannot be overridden by an individual query.

See Also


The original query text from which the query was generated.

See Also


The status of the queue entry. The property takes a value of type QueueEntryStatus.

See Also


Specifies the database transaction timeout in seconds for queue items execution.

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of dispatchers that can run simultaneously.

For the PublishingConfiguration object, this property specifies the maximum number of publish request handler instances.

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of retries that will be attempted to process a queue item.

For the PublishingConfiguration object, the queue item is a publish request.

See Also


The amount of time in seconds that a busy queue sweep request is allowed to run before another thread attempts to reissue the request.

See Also


An enumeration of CmQueueSweep objects related to this object store.

See Also


The object that is the subject of the queued operation. For example, this may be a Subscription object that caused a given asynchronous event to be queued.

For the AsyncUpgradeQueueItem interface, this property is for internal use only.

See Also



The level of importance (rank) assigned to documents returned by a full-text query. For IBM Legacy Content Search Engine, this a value from 0.0 to 1.0. For IBM Content Search Services, this is a value from 0 to 1000. A greater value indicates a better match.

You can change the rank value range used for IBM Legacy Content Search Engine to match the value range used by IBM Content Search Services. To change this range, add the parameter "-DCBR.RankConsistency=true" to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) command used by the Content Engine. The rank value range returned by both IBM Legacy Content Search Engine and IBM Content Search Services will then be 0 to 1000.

See Also


Indicates whether failures are recorded for a sweep job running in normal mode. A failure is represented by a CmSweepResult object with its SweepResultType property set to FAILURE.

This property is ignored if the sweep job is running in preview mode.

See Also


The total number of objects that can be recovered through the recovery item. This includes the original object that was marked for deletion by the user, and any cascade-deleted objects referenced by OVPs of the original object.

See Also


The CmRecoveryBin that contains this object.

See Also


A collection of the recovery items that have been placed into the recovery bin.

See Also


A collection of Action-based objects referencing this object.

See Also


Specifies the Id property of the reflective property for this object-valued property. A reflective property is a property that you can create in order to constrain a multi-valued, object-valued property in another class to return specific objects of a given class. If the ReflectivePropertyID property of an object-valued property of multiple cardinality is not set, the property will return all objects that have been instantiated from its required class.

For example: given an object-valued property in class A, its reflective property is an object-valued property in class B whose required class is class A. In order for an object-valued property in objects instantiated from class A to return specific objects, you must set its reflective property in each object of class B that you want it to return.

See Also


The encryption key for this isolated region.

The region key is used to generate IBM FileNet P8 Identity Tokens for use between Process Engine applications and Process Engine servers. In the IBM FileNet P8 4.5 release, this key is generated by Content Engine, based on the RegionPassword property. In a future release, Process Engine will generate the isolated region key using the FIPS 140-2 compliant Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. The key is then passed to the Content Engine and the value is stored on the Content Engine server in the GCD, encrypted with the Content Engine's master key.

Because the datatype is binary, you should set the RegionKey property value through a secure channel (Secure Socket Layer, or SSL). If the value is set, retrieval of the region key returns a zero-length value; otherwise, returns null.

Note Support for the isolated region key generation using a password will be discontinued in a future release.

See Also


The isolated region password used to generate a region key for this isolated region. The isolated region key is persisted on the Content Engine server, but the password itself is not persisted anywhere. If this property value is retrieved, the client will get a zero-length value. Setting or resetting the password causes the region key to be regenerated.

Note that the region key is used to generate P8 Identity Tokens for use between Process Engine applications and Process Engine servers. The region password that is entered for an isolated region must exactly match the region password that is entered when creating or editing the isolated region through the Process Engine admin tools. If these two passwords (and the region keys that are generated from them) do not match exactly, then Process Engine authentication will fail.

The datatype is binary, because the password is encrypted before it goes across the wire.

See Also


Specifies a document version that represents the latest released version associated with this document or version series. A released version is a major version that has a VersionStatus property value of RELEASED. Note that only one document version at a time in a given version series can be in the released state.

See Also


The object ID (GUID) of the full IBM Content Search Services index that contains the original index entry to be removed by the server as a result of this update index request.

The Content Engine server sets this property if it discovers during an update index request that the current index for the source object is full. When the server attempts to update an index entry in an index that is full, it must instead create a new index entry in an alternative index and delete the original entry in the full index. To ensure that the new index entry is created before the original index entry is deleted, the server performs these tasks in the following order:

Locates an open index to be assigned as the alternative index for the source object. If an open index cannot be found, one is created. Sets the RemovalIndexationId property of the IndexRequest object representing the update index request to the object ID of the full index. Sets the IndexationId property of the IndexRequest object representing the update index request to the object ID of the alternative index. Sets the IndexationId property of the source object to the object ID of the alternative index. Creates an index entry in the alternative index. Deletes the original index entry from the full index.

See Also


The number of times a worker thread is to attempt renaming and moving a content file from the inbound directory to its permanent location in the storage area. Also, the number of milliseconds that the thread is to wait after each failed attempt before making another renaming attempt. If all attempts fail, the thread returns the item associated with the content file to the content queue for future processing.

See Also


Contains a reference to the RenditionEngineConnection object used by this publishing configuration.

See Also


Contains a reference to the RenditionEngineConnectionSet object that lists the Rendition Engine connections for this domain.

See Also


The UTF-8 encoded, non-encrypted password for this Rendition Engine connection. To maintain password security, you can use this property only to set a password, not to read its value. Instead of returning a password value, this property returns a zero-length byte array if it has been set with a password and returns a null value if it has never been set.

See Also


Indicates how content is replicated to an advanced storage device, as specified by a ReplicaSynchronizationType constant.

See Also


A ReplicationDirection constant that specifies the direction in which instances of the external repository class described by this external class description can be replicated: inbound, outbound, or both.

See Also


For a replicated object in an external repository, specifies provider-specific data for the object.

For an advanced storage area, this property stores internal data about the content item to be processed by a content queue sweep (CmContentBackoutQueueSweep, CmContentDeletionQueueSweep, or CmContentReplicatonQueueSweep).

Data stored here is not queryable.

See Also


Specifies a ReplicationGroup object representing the replication group to which this replicable object belongs. For ReplicationJournalEntry objects only, this property represents the replication group to which the source object of the replication operation generating this journal entry belongs.

See Also


Specifies a ReplicationGroupSet object containing the collection of ReplicationGroup objects associated with this domain.

See Also


A ReplicationMode constant that specifies the replication mode of the object store or external repository participant. The replication mode determines how objects are replicated in a replication group.

This constant can have one of the following values:

See Also


Specifies the type of this generated journal entry for a replicated object. This property can have one of the following values: In the special case of when a ReplicationGroup property is modified from one non-null value to another, the following types of journal entries are generated, depending on the location of the repository:

See Also


Specifies a ReplicationParticipantsList collection of ReplicationParticipant objects, each of which represents an external repository or object store participant in this replication group.

See Also


A ReplicationJournalStatus constant that specifies the processing status of this replication journal entry.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Replication subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Specifies the ClassDescription object describing the class or superclass of which an object returned by the object-valued property described by this PropertyDescriptionObject object must be an instance.

See Also


Specifies the ID of the class to which the object value of the custom property defined by this PropertyDefinitionObject object must conform. This property holds the Id property value of the ClassDescription object that describes the required class.

Although you can set a RequiredClassId property to any class type, Content Platform Engine allows only the following required classes for a custom object-valued property:

If you set this property to a class that describes a dependent object, you will not be able to set the property defined by this PropertyDefinitionObject object to that dependent object because you cannot set a custom object-valued property to a dependent object. Unlike a system object-valued property, a custom object-valued property can hold independent objects only.

See Also


Specifies the uniqueness of elements in a multi-valued property or a database index.

For a CmIndexDefinition object, specifies whether an index is unique (true) or not (false).

For all other objects, specifies whether the values of a multi-valued property must be unique (true) or not (false).

See Also


Specifies the reservation object of this object's version series, which has a VersionStatus property value of RESERVATION. A reservation object is created by the server when you check out a document, which you can modify and check in as a new version of that document.

See Also


A ReservationType constant that specifies the type of this document reservation (collaborative or exclusive) or whether its reservation type is the same as the default object store setting.

The ReservationType property can have one of the values in the following table.

Name Value Description
COLLABORATIVE 16 Specifies a collaborative reservation, which is a reservation that any user with the appropriate permissions can check in, modify, or delete.
EXCLUSIVE 32 Specifies an exclusive reservation. For this type of reservation, only the user who checked out the document can check it in. This user and a user with Full Control access can delete the reservation.
OBJECT_STORE_DEFAULT 0 Specifies that the reservation type is the same as the default reservation type for the object store, which is specified by the DefaultReservationType property.

See Also


Specifies whether to reset the lifecycle state of the new checked-in version of a document to the initial state of its associated document lifecycle policy (true) or not (false). If the ResetLifecycleOnCheckin property of a document's associated DocumentLifecyclePolicy object is set to false, the lifecycle state of the document will remain the same from one version to the next unless you explicitly change it using the document's changeState method.

See Also


Specifies a ResourceStatus constant, which indicates the availability status of an index area, index, or storage area.

For CmTextSearchIndexArea objects, this property specifies the availability status of an IBM® Content Search Services index area. This property can hold one of the following values:

For these CmTextSearchIndexArea objects, the Content Engine server supports only the following manual changes between status values:

For CmTextSearchIndex objects, this property specifies the availability status of an IBM® Content Search Services index. This property can hold one of the following values:

For these CmTextSearchIndex objects, the Content Engine server supports only the following manual changes between status values:

For StorageArea objects, this property specifies the availability status of a storage area. This property can hold one of the following values:

For these StorageArea objects, the Content Engine server supports the following automatic changes between status values:

For these StorageArea objects, the Content Engine server supports only the following manual changes between status values:

See Also


Specifies a string that contains provider-specific information about a fixed content device.

For Image Services, this property allows you to specify the Image Services document class name for content that is stored on an Image Services fixed content device. This value will override the DefaultISDocumentClass property on the associated IMFixedContentDevice object. For example:


For Atmos fixed content device, this property must be set for Atmos retention. The string must consist of key/value pairs, which are applied as metadata on the Atmos device when retention is updated. The Atmos device must be configured to assign a particular policy based on the metadata specified in this property. For complete configuration requirements for Atmos retention, see Configuring the Atmos fixed content device.

For IBM Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) fixed content device, this property must be set to a valid TSM management class defined by the TSM server in which you will be storing content. A TSM management class represents a specific retention setting for a TSM server. The set of valid TSM management classes for your TSM server can be obtained from the TSMManagementClasses property on the TSM fixed content device that refers to it.

The syntax is:

x-filenetfsrs:?tivoliMCName=<mangagement_class_name>&retentioninit=<'event'| 'cron'>

For example:


For more information, see Retention for the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager fixed content device.

See Also


Restricts a group membership search to within the realms configured in Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.

A user can be in a configured realm but belong to a group in an unconfigured realm. By default (that is, when the property value is false), the server automatically searches cross-realm group membership (also called cross-domain group membership in Active Directory). If it reaches a realm that is not configured in Administration Console, the server returns a Realm not found error and group membership search processing stops. However, if the property value is true when this situation occurs, the server logs an informational message to the server error log and the group membership search continues.

NOTE This property is not supported for the Windows Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) directory service provider. This is because ADAM does not support cross-realm group memberships (cross-partition memberships, in ADAM terminology).

See Also


A UTC date/time value representing the earliest DateLastModified property value that an indexed object can have and not be possibly stale in the index. If the ResyncModificationDate property is set, any CBR-enabled object that is present in the index and whose DateLastModified property value is later than the value of the ResyncModificationDate property will be reindexed.

See Also


The duration of the retention period that is applied to the class instances selected by this retention update policy or retention update job. The time unit (days, for example) in which the value of the RetentionDurationUpdate property is expressed is determined by the value of the RetentionPeriodUnits property. The server calculates the new retention date by adding the retention duration, expressed in the specified period units, to the date set in the BaseDatePropertyName property. If the BaseDatePropertyName property is set to null, then the server uses the CmRetentionDate property on the retainable objects as the base date.

If the AllowRetentionReduction property is set to true, you can use RetentionDurationUpdate to reduce retention. Set this property to a negative value along with the applicable units in the RetentionPeriodUnits property. The server reduces the current retention date by the amount specified in this property.

If the SpecificRetentionDate property is set, the RetentionDurationUpdate property and the BaseDatePropertyName property cannot be set (and vice-versa).

See Also


Specifies when a content element will expire, so that it can be deleted from a storage area object. A positive value represents the number of minutes the content element must be retained. Other possible values, as enumerated in the RetentionPeriod class, are:

See Also


A DurationUnits constant that specifies the time unit in which the retention duration period (DefaultRetentionPeriod property of a class definition, or RetentionDurationUpdate property of a retention update policy or retention update job) is expressed. For example, if the RetentionPeriodUnits property is set to MONTHS and the DefaultRetentionPeriod property is set to 5, the retention duration period is 5 months.

This constant can have one of the following values

On a class description, RetentionPeriodUnits is read only.

See Also


Specifies the path to the file from which the content data for this document or annotation content element (represented by a ContentTransfer object) can be retrieved for editing. The complete path (including the file name) can contain up to 2083 characters; the file name itself can be up to 255 characters long.

See Also


Identifies the file name (retrieval name) extension for a content element.

See Also


Content retrieval retry attempts (used when attempting to locate content before roll-forward is applied).

See Also


Maximum time to wait for a response that returns content. This property is only applicable when used with Content Platform Engine Content Cache, which implements the timeout mechanism. The content cache will return an error if the timeout is exceeded while continuing to populate the requested content in its cache.

See Also


Specifies the number of remaining attempts to process the queue item. When the retry count reaches 0 for a queue item, the item is considered "dead" and no further retries are attempted. If you want to retry a "dead" queue item, reset the retry count from 0 to a positive number. The range of valid values is 0 to 16.

See Also


Specifies whether to return the user or group name in Distinguished Name (DN) format for Active Directory Service provider. By default, the Active Directory Service provider returns the user and group names in UPN format. If this property is set to true, the service provider returns the names in DN format, which is consistent with other types of directory service providers.

See Also


Roll-forward batch retry attempts (before discarding the batch).

See Also


Specifies a ClassDefinitionSet object containing the set of root class definitions (objects instantiated from ClassDefinition and its subclasses) that are defined in this object store. Each class definition defines the set of mutable metadata (including property definitions) for a given class. Once you have set a reference to collection returned by the RootClassDefinitions property, you can access all of the mutable class metadata available in this object store.

See Also


The fully qualified path to the root directory for this index area, file storage area, or advanced storage file system device. The path can be a local mount point, a local path, or a UNC path.

For CmTextSearchIndexArea objects, the root directory is used by IBM® Content Search Services servers to store IBM Content Search Services indexes within a given index area. All the IBM Content Search Services servers that belong to the same object store site that contains the index area must be given read and write permissions to this directory. If the root directory that you specify does not exist on your machine, the server will create one.

If you assign an affinity group to an index area, only the IBM Content Search Services servers assigned to that affinity group need to have read and write permissions to the root directory of the index area; it is not necessary to assign permissions to the other servers in the site. When an index area is assigned to an affinity group, it is recommended that you use a root directory that is local for all the IBM Content Search Services servers in the affinity group. Doing so can improve performance because input/output operations are faster for local disks.

See Also


The automatically-created Folder object representing the root of the container hierarchy associated with this object store

See Also



Specifies the host name of the SMTP server. For example:

See Also


Specifies the port number for the SMTP server. For example: 25

See Also


Specifies the login ID for access to the SMTP server. For example:

The login ID must already exist in the SMTP server.

See Also


Specifies the login password for access to the SMTP server.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the SSI (Single-document Storage Interface) subsystem, an interface between the Content Engine and FileNet Image Services. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Specifies the current version string corresponding to the ObjectStore's database schema.

See Also


The script text that's executed when an Action-based object is invoked.

See Also


Specifies the language in which the pre- or post-import scripts are written. This property's value must be set to JavaScript.

See Also


Specifies whether the Active Directory Service provider performs cross-forest group membership searches. The default is false. To enable cross-forest group membership searches, set this property to true.

See Also


A boolean that indicates whether Content Engine searches dynamic groups. When the property value is false, dynamic groups are not searched.

See Also


The SQL expression that is used in this background search. This property can be set to any legal Content Platform Engine SQL expression and can have parameters. The server forms the effective SQL expression for the background search by substituting values for any added parameters and stores it in the EffectiveSQL property.

Parameters are defined by custom properties that you add to a CmBackgroundSearch subclass to define a particular search. The name of each parameter name matches the symbolic name of a custom property.

See Also


An ObjectStore object that represents the object store against which this background search will execute. This property needs to be set only if you want to search an object store that is different from the object store to which the CmBackgroundSearch instance belongs. If this property is null, the search is conducted in the same object store to which the CmBackgroundSearch instance belongs.

If the search is against a different object store than the object store to which the CmBackgroundSearch instance belongs and the SELECT list of the search expression includes any object valued-properties, then the corresponding properties of the CmBackgroundSearch instance must allow foreign objects (their AllowsForeignObject property must be set to true); otherwise, the search will fail.

See Also


A CmAbstractSearchResultSet object that holds the current enumeration of CmAbstractSearchResult objects that are selected by this background search. Each CmAbstractSearchResult object represents a search result that is generated by this background search.

See Also


The number of servers from the listing in the VerityIndexArea.VeritySearchServers property that will be attached to a newly created collection. The servers chosen will be those with the fewest collections already attached to them.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Search subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Identifies an object as either a stored search or search template. This setting is currently not referenced, and is an indicator only of the search type used to validate the MIME type of a document as acceptable for a stored search. The corresponding values are:

See Also



Identifies the object stores to search. This setting will be overriden by the object store specified for the SearchScope instance.

See Also



Identifies the object type to be queried. This setting will be overriden by the value of the SearchScope method's searchFromClause parameter. The following types can be used (one type per search clause):

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in the security descriptor cache for a given object store. When the maximum number is exceeded, the least recently used security descriptor elements are removed to allow more recently used elements to be cached.

See Also


Indicates a Folder object from which the object inherits security (a security parent).

This value is indirectly set when DefineSecurityParentage is specified as the value of the defineSecurityParentage parameter for the Folder.file method. The value, in this case, is the folder in which the object is filed.

You can designate multiple security parents for an object by using one or more object-valued properties and setting the SecurityProxyType value for these properties to INHERITANCE.

See Also


The maximum number of entries to include in the cache that maps security identifiers (SIDs) to GUIDs. This cache is maintained in a table that contains mappings between the SIDs of security principals and a locally generated GUID. The mappings are used by the server to allow object-valued properties to reference User and Group objects.

See Also


Deprecated. Use SecurityFolder instead.

Specifies the object from which a given object inherits security. The value of this property is a ReferentialContainmentRelationship (or DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship) that represents the object from which security is inherited.

An object can inherit its permissions from its security parent. For example, a Document object can inherit the permissions of the Folder in which it is filed. A Folder object always inherits its permissions from its parent folder. An object's security parent is reflected in the value of its SecurityParent property. You can explicitly set the security parent of an object at the time it is filed into a folder by specifying the defineSecurityParentage parameter of the Folder.file method.

See Also


Specifies a SecurityPolicySet object that contains a collection of the security policies associated with this ObjectStore object.

See Also


Specifies the SecurityPolicy associated with the given object. The SecurityPolicy contains one or more SecurityTemplate objects that define the permissions to assign to a given object. A security template can be one of two types: a VersioningSecurityTemplate or an ApplicationSecurityTemplate. A VersioningSecurityTemplate defines permissions that will be automatically assigned to the object when its version state changes. An ApplicationSecurityTemplate defines permissions that will be assigned to the object upon an explicit call to do so by an application program. For information on each of these types of templates, refer to their interface descriptions.

Assigning a security policy to a Document, CustomObject, or Folder object (or their subclasses) is optional.

See Also


This property specifies the manner in which setting a value for the described object-valued property establishes a security proxy for the object. Valid values are FULL, INHERITANCE, and NONE. However, FULL is for internal use only; do not set the value of this property to FULL.

For descriptions of each value, see SecurityProxyType.

See Also


Specifies a SecurityTemplateList object that contains a collection of the security templates associated with a given Security Policy object.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Security subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


For index requests, indicates the sequence number (the database row) of the index request in the table.

For a subclass of CmAbstractSequential, indicates the sequence number of the entry inserted in the table. The sequence number can be used to process entries in the order they were created. A sequence number is assigned to each object at creation, and although the values are not necessarily consecutive (there might be gaps). they are guaranteed to be unique and monotonically increasing.

See Also


Specifies whether this virtual server should perform host name and certificate chain validation on this server's certificate. This property is used by advanced storage areas to replicate content from source servers in other sites to this virtual server.

Host name validation verifies that the host name of the destination virtual server matches what is recorded in its certificate. Certificate chain validation verifies the authenticity of the destination virtual server’s certificate using a valid certificate chain. This either requires the certificate to have been signed by a Certificate Authority, or the destination server's certificate to have been imported into the JRE of the source server.

If enabled for Content Platform Engine server communications, the endpoint specified by the ServerCommunicationURL property must have a SSL server certificate deployed on it. This certificate would then need to be deployed to all Content Platform Engine servers that communicate with this endpoint.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags for controlling the server communication subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


Specifies the web service endpoint URL to be used for Content Platform Engine (CPE) server communication directed at this virtual server. This property is used by advanced storage areas to replicate content from source servers in other sites to this virtual server.

Use the following URL format: protocol://host:port/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM. Use the http or https protocol.

It is recommended that you reference a load balancer for the CPE servers in this site. Alternatively, you can use a comma-separated list of web service endpoint URLs for the server instances running under this virtual server.

See Configuring server communication.

See Also


Represents a collection of ServerInstance objects for a given virtual server.

See Also


Specifies a PropertySettability constant, which indicates when the value of a property can be set: For special system property cases in which privileged write access may be granted, the PrivilegedSettability property governs the property's settability for users who have AccessRight.PRIVILEGED_SETTABILITY access, while the Settability property continues to indicate the property's settability for all other users. See the description of the PrivilegedSettability property for these special cases.

The Settability property can have one of the values in the following table.

Name Value Description
READ_ONLY 3 Indicates that a property is read-only; only the server can set its value.
READ_WRITE 0 Indicates that a property is read/write; you can set its value at any time.
SETTABLE_ONLY_BEFORE_CHECKIN 1 Indicates that you can only set the value of a property before you check in the object to which it belongs.
SETTABLE_ONLY_ON_CREATE 2 Indicates that you can only set the value of a property when you create the object to which it belongs. Once you save the object for the first time, the property's value cannot be changed.

See Also


The short name of a given group or user.

An example of a user's short name is "test1", or a group's short name might be "Managers". The short name format does not require any other qualifying information, such as domain. See the DistinguishedName property on the User or Group interface to compare the short name format to the distinguished name (DN) format.

See Also


The single Document, Folder, Annotation, or CustomObject object to be indexed.

See Also


Identifies the site associated with a given object. A site represents a geographical area in the FileNet P8 domain. If you do not specify a site when creating the associated object, the value of that object's Site property defaults to the value of Domain.DefaultSite.

Note that you cannot change the site directly on an ObjectStore object. To move an object store to a different site, you must change this property on the CmDatabaseConnection object that is referenced by the ObjectStore object.

For IsolatedRegion, this property is deprecated.

See Also


Specifies the SiteSettings objects associated with a fixed content device or with an advanced storage device. Site settings provide site-specific, configuration value overrides. For each device type with settings that can be overridden, a corresponding subclass of SiteSettings is defined with properties that, if populated, will override the corresponding properties of the same name on the device object.

For an EMC Centera fixed content device, this property allows the PoolAddress property to be different, depending on the site in which the Content Platform Engine server is running. If the is running in a site that does not correspond to one of the SiteSetting objects, then the PoolAddress property on the CenteraFixedContentDevice object is used as the default.

For a FileNet Image Services fixed content device, this property allows the CSMCache property to be different depending on the site in which the Content Platform Engine server is running. If the server is running in a site that does not correspond to one of the SiteSetting objects, then the CSMCache property on the IMFixedContentDevice object is used as the default.

For a NetApp SnapLock fixed content device, there are currently no properties that may be customized for a site.

For an advanced storage device, this property allows the ReplicaSynchronizationType property to be different, depending on the site in which the Content Platform Engine server is running. If the server is running in a site that does not correspond to one of the SiteSetting objects, then the ReplicaSynchronizationType property on the CmStorageDeviceConnection object is used as the default.

See Also


A collection of Site objects for this domain. Each element of the collection represents a geographical area in the domain.

See Also


The UTF-8 encoded, non-encrypted password for the security principal identified by the SnapLockUserName property. To maintain password security, you can use this property only to set a password, not to read its value. Instead of returning a password value, this property returns a zero-length byte array if it has been set with a password and returns a null value if it has never been set.

See Also


Specifies the security principal used to connect to a remote SnapLock device.

See Also


Specifies the sort order of the indexed column. If the value of this property is set to 1 (ascending) or 2 (descending), then the column forms part of the index key (that is, the column will be present in the ON clause of the CREATE INDEX statement). If the value is 0 (none), then the column is a non-key, included column (that is, the column will be present in the INCLUDE clause, or equivalent, of the CREATE INDEX statement).

See Also


Class ID of the object that is the subject of this event.

See Also


Indicates that the source content is subject to fixed content device retention and was copied to a new a new storage area. However, the content on the fixed content device was not deleted by the move content operation.

Retained content on a fixed content device can be copied to a new storage area, depending on how the CopyRetainedContent property is set on CmBulkMoveContentJob.

See Also


The database connection identifying the Content Engine object store and workflow system from which events are exported.

If the SourceObjectStore property is set, then the server automatically sets this property and the SourceDatabaseSchemaName property to the same values as the object store's properties of the same name. You cannot change the object store-derived values on this or the SourceDatabaseSchemaName property.

For Case History, you must set the SourceObjectStore property. To use a legacy workflow system with Case Analyzer, then set SourceDatabaseConnection and the SourceDatabaseSchemaName properties to values that reference the legacy system.

In IBM Content Foundation, Case Analyzer is not supported.

See Also


The name of the schema identifying the Content Engine object store from which events are exported.

If the SourceObjectStore property is set, then the server automatically sets this property and the SourceDatabaseConnection property to the same values as the object store's properties of the same name. You cannot change the object store-derived values on this or the SourceDatabaseConnection property.

For Case History, you must set the SourceObjectStore property. To use a legacy workflow system with Case Analyzer, then set SourceDatabaseConnection and the SourceDatabaseSchemaName properties to values that reference the legacy system.

In IBM Content Foundation, Case Analyzer is not supported.

See Also


Specifies the source document for a published document.

See Also


For an event object, the event's source object at the time the event occurred. Note that the state of the object might be different from its prior or current state. To get the state of the source object prior to the event, use get_OriginalObject on subclasses of ObjectChangeEvent that provide this method.

For CmSweepResult, the object that a sweep running in preview mode selected as a candidate for processing, or that a sweep running in normal mode failed to process.

See Also


Id of the object that is the source of an ObjectChangeEvent-based event. You can use this property to identify an object if it no longer exists in the object store.

See Also


The object store from which events are exported for either Case Analyzer or Case History publishing service. In IBM Content Foundation, Case Analyzer is not supported.

If you set this property, the server automatically sets the SourceDatabaseConnection and SourceDatabaseSchemaName properties to the same values as the object store's properties of the same name, even if SourceDatabaseConnection and SourceDatabaseSchemaName were previously set to different values. Once set, this property cannot be modified.

For Case History, you must set the SourceObjectStore property.

See Also


The name of the external (non-FileNet-P8) repository as known to the IBM Content Integrator instance.

CFS requires and expects this external repository to have a document model compatible with the FileNet P8 model. In particular, CFS requires that document content within an external repository not change, and locks down documents, as necessary, to enforce this requirement. (For an overview of the properties needed to implement a document lockdown, see the IICEFixedContentDevice interface.) In addition to this requirement, CFS and the Content Engine expect the version order for a document to be unchanging. (If the external repository does not support document versioning, CFS considers each version series to consist of one version.) The consequences of violating this expectation by federating a version series with a non-immutable version order include the following:

For more information on CFS document importing, see the CFSImportAgentConfiguration interface.

See Also


The retention expiration date and time that is applied to the class instances selected by this retention update policy or retention update job. If the RetentionDurationUpdate property or the BaseDatePropertyName property is set, the SpecificRetentionDate property cannot be set (and vice-versa).

If the AllowRetentionReduction is set to true, you can use SpecificRetentionDate to reduce retention. Set this property to a value that is nearer to the current date than the value that is set on the CmRetentionDate property of the retainable objects.

See Also


Specifies a file system directory path that will be used to store content elements prior to uploading them to a fixed content device.

See Also


The start date, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format, of the date range of a date-partitioned IBM® Content Search Services index. Objects indexed in this index will have partitioning dates no earlier than this date. This property is set by the Content Engine server when the index is created. If there is no date partition constraint on this index, the value of this property is null.

See Also


Indicates the time of day that the background task will start. The starting time of the timeslot is expressed as an integer number of minutes past midnight, relative to the local time of the server that is running the background task. For example, a value of 0 indicates midnight, 60 indicates 1 AM, and 1380 indicates 11 PM (that is, 60 times 23), local time. Values from 0 to 1439 are allowed.

StartMinutesPastMidnight is not an absolute Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), so given the same timeslot, different servers can start at different times, depending on their time zones. In distributed environments, you might want to configure specific timeslots at the specific server instance level to isolate index or disposition processing to non-business-critical periods.

See Also


Specifies the name of this lifecycle state as defined by its document lifecycle policy. Each document lifecycle policy defines a set of states through which a document can transition into during its lifecycle. If this lifecycle state becomes a document's current lifecycle state, the server sets the document's CurrentState property to the value of this property.

See Also


Provides a description of the publishing status for this publish request.

See Also


Specifies the storage area for a content-carrying object.

See Also


Specifies the collection of all storage areas.

For a storage policy, this represents all storage areas (regardless of the ResourceStatus property value) that the policy references (the filter includes).

See Also


The advanced storage device associated with this connection to an advanced storage area.

See Also


Specifies the storage location for an object's content. This property is deprecated in FileNet P8 4.0 and is only set in upgraded object stores. It has been replaced by the StorageArea property.

See Also


Specifies a StoragePolicySet object that contains a collection of storage policies associated with an object store.

See Also


Specifies the document's storage policy, which identifies the set of available storage areas that are considered equivalent based on common, user-specified criteria. Assigning a storage policy to a document is the recommended method of selecting a storage area. The alternative is to directly assign the storage area (specify the StorageArea property).

When a document is created, the order of precedence for setting the storage on the Document instance is (from highest to lowest):

The default ClassDefinition for a document sets the StorageArea to Database Storage Area and the StoragePolicy to All Storage Areas. Therefore, if you create a new Document instance of the default Document ClassDefinition with only the StoragePolicy property set, the document will use the class default for the StorageArea property (Database Storage Area).

To avoid this situation, you must set the instance value for the document's StorageArea property to null. Because the instance value for StorageArea is set, but has no value, the StoragePolicy property will be evaluated and used.

In general, storage policies should be used to allow administrators to properly administer their storage systems. They can assign multiple storage areas to be load balanced, and also assign standby storage areas to be used if any of the current storage areas become full.

See Also


Contains a reference to the PublishStyleTemplate object associated with this publish template. If this property is null, then the publish template is for a copy operation; otherwise, it's for a transformation operation. The PublishStyleTemplate object's OutputFormat property will determine the type of transformation (for example, HTML or PDF).

See Also


A FolderSet collection object containing the Folder objects for the directly-contained child folders of this Folder. Any referentially-contained child folders are not included in the collection.

See Also


The suggested subject prefix for the workflow subscription.

See Also


Specifies the Time-To-Live (TTL) in seconds for entries in the subject cache. The default is one hour. Once the TTL has elapsed, cached information that has become stale is discarded and fresh data is obtained.

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in the subject cache. When the maximum number is exceeded, the least recently used Subject elements are removed to allow more recently used elements to be cached.

See Also


The number of objects that currently have been submitted for indexing. This value is incremented as new requests are submitted to index additional objects.

See Also


A list of objects specifying the events to which the subscription applies. When you create a subscription, you set this property to a SubscribedEventList collection, a list of objects representing the system and custom events to which to subscribe.

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of subscribed events to store in the subscription cache. If the number of subscribed events exceeds this setting, caching is not used except to maintain a count by event that can avoid a query if no subscriptions exist for an event. If the size is set to 0, caching is disabled.

See Also


The target object of a Subscription-based object(ClassSubscription, ClassWorkflowSubscription, InstanceSubscription, InstanceWorkflowSubscription). You set the property with an a Subscribable object, then specify the property when you create the Subscription-based object.

For a ClassSubscription or ClassWorkflowSubscription object, set the value of the SubscriptionTarget property to a SubscribableClassDefinition object or subclass that specifies a type of Content Engine class (for example, Document or Folder). This means that any instance of the class, whether it currently exists in the persistent store or you create a new instance, will, when acted upon, cause one or more of the EventAction object's events to be raised.

For an InstanceSubscription or InstanceWorkflowSubscription object, set the value of the SubscriptionTarget property to a specific Subscribable object. This means that only this currently instantiated object, when acted upon, causes one or more of the EventAction object's events to be raised. If the object is a VersionSeries object, the event is raised when a version in the version series is acted upon.

See Also


A collection of the subscriptions associated with this object.

See Also


A list of subsystem configuration objects that reflect parameters of the configured subsystems.

See Also


Identifies the successor in the relationship between tasks. After you create the CmTaskRelationship object, it is reflected in the Predecessors property of the CmTask object that you set on this property.

See Also


An enumeration of task relationships objects identifying the successors of this task. When you create a CmTaskRelationship object and set its PredecessorTask property to this CmTask object, the newly created CmTaskRelationship object is added to the enumeration.

See Also


Specifies the ClassDefinition object that defines the immediate superclass of the class defined by this class definition.

See Also


Specifies the ClassDescription object that describes the immediate superclass of the class described by this class description.

See Also


Specifies the identity of the immediate superclass of the class described by this external class description. This property can be null if the repository does not have hierarchical classes or if the superclass of the described class is not a replicable class and is therefore absent from the ExternalClassDescriptions collection of the external repository.

See Also


Specifies the number of property descriptions contained in the class description that describes the immediate superclass of the class described by this class description. This value is equal to the number of properties inherited by a subclass from its superclass.

See Also


The IDs of AddOn objects superseded by this AddOn.

Although present on the AddOn object and, by inheritance, the UpgradeAddOn object, this property has no use on the UpgradeAddOn object..

A newer version AddOn must specify in this property the IDs of the prior version AddOn objects that it functionally replaces, allowing an application with a dependency on that replaced (superseded) functionality to determine whether the functionality is available through the superseding AddOn. (See also the isAddOnInstalled helper method.)

See Also


A string list of language codes, which specify the languages that are supported by the IBM® Content Search Services server for indexing documents.

The language codes in the following table are supported.

Language codeLanguage
nbNorwegian (Bokmal)
nnNorwegian (Nynorsk)

See Also


The policy controlled sweep instance in this relationship.

See Also


The sweep action object that defines the actions to be taken when a custom sweep is invoked. Set this property to a CmSweepAction object.

See Also


The number of candidate objects that will be passed to the sweep handler in a single batch.

See Also


A timestamp indicating when the sweep was completed. If NULL, the sweep has not completed yet.

See Also


The amount of time in seconds that a busy sweep job request is allowed to run before another thread attempts to reissue the request.

See Also


An enumeration of CmSweepJob objects related to this object store.

See Also


The mode under which a sweep job or policy will execute. In normal mode, selected candidate objects are processed. In preview mode, selected candidate objects are identified but not actually processed.

The property takes a value of type SweepMode.

See Also


An enumeration of CmSweepPolicy objects related to this object store.

See Also


The number of policy sweep iterations for which a sweep result record is preserved before it is automatically deleted. A sweep result record generated by a policy sweep is represented by a CmPolicySweepResult object.

This property takes the following values:

See Also


Identifies the type of sweep result record, either failure or preview. The property takes a value of type SweepResultType.

See Also


An enumeration of sweep result records related to a sweep policy or sweep job. A sweep result record is represented by a CmSweepResult object.

See Also


If a retryable exception occurs during the processing of a sweep batch, the minimum number of seconds to wait before reattempting the batch.

See Also


A timestamp indicating when the currently running sweep started. For a sweep policy or queue sweep that is not currently in progress, the property is set to null. For a sweep job, the property remains set to a timestamp value even after the job has completed.

See Also


The subscribing sweep policy instance in this relationship.

See Also


A collection of sweep relationship objects referencing policy objects. The policy objects subscribe to this policy controlled sweep.

See Also


An enumeration of sweep relationships that identify the policy controlled sweeps related to this sweep policy. A sweep relationship is represented by a CmSweepPolicyRelationship object.

See Also


Specifies the class for which instances will be swept. Set this property to a class that is valid for the type of sweep to be run.

For a background search sweep, this property is set automatically to the background search result class.

See Also


A list of CmTimeslot objects that determine the schedule for sweep processing. The property setting on the CmSweep object overrides the property setting on the CmSweepConfiguration global object. If the property is set to null on the CmSweep object, then the timeslot setting on the CmSweepConfiguration object is used.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Sweep subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


The programmatic identifier for this class description, class definition, property description, property definition, property template, or object store. The value of the property is treated in a case-insensitive manner.

For objects in which you can set the SymbolicName property (object store, class definition, and property template objects), the value of the SymbolicName property must begin with a letter and contain the following characters only: 'A' to 'Z', 'a' to 'z', '0' to '9', and '_' (underscore). No blanks or symbols are allowed. If you do not provide a value for the SymbolicName property, the server will generate it, based on the value of the DisplayName property, when you save the object. For class definition and property template objects, avoid assigning its symbolic name to a value beginning with one of the reserved prefixes: Cm, Dita, and RM.

For object store objects, the symbolic name for an object store must be unique within a domain.

For class definition objects, the symbolic name for a class must be unique within an object store.

For a property template object, the symbolic name need not be unique relative to the other property template objects. However, when you use a property template to create a property definition and associate it with a class, that property definition's symbolic name must be unique within the class family. A class family is defined by a root class (for example, Document, Folder, or CustomObject) and all of its descendants.

Changing the symbolic name of a property template for a string-valued property will propagate to the property definitions based on that template. The property definitions that have been enabled for full-text indexing (IsCBREnabled property set to true) will require re-indexing of all objects containing that property. If you do not re-index, full-text searches on this property will fail to find any objects.

See Also


Indicates if the advanced storage device can be used as a synchronous replica. If false, then an advanced storage area cannot synchronously upload content to the device.

See Also



A string, such as "FileNetP8", that identifies the application type of the client (Content Engine server) to the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager server.

See Also


Specifies whether data retention protection is enabled on the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) server (true) or not (false). This property corresponds to the ENABLEARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION option in a TSM options file and must match the data retention protection setting on the TSM server.

See Also


Specifies whether files will be compressed before they are sent to the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) server (true) or not (false). This property corresponds to the COMPression option in a TSM options file.

See Also


The maximum number of concurrent users that are allowed to wait for a tape to be mounted for a given IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) fixed content device. The default value is 1. It is recommended that you set the value of this property, at a minimum, to the number of tape drives available in the TSM tape library. You can increase the value of this property from its minimum recommended value if the tape is frequently already mounted or can be mounted quickly. You can also try increasing the value of this property if you receive an unusually high number of retrieval failures when reading from tape. However, because each waiting user requires a single TSM session, if you set the value of this property too high it can result in all of the available TSM sessions being consumed because of too many users waiting for tape access. The value of this property should be less than the value of the MAXSESSIONS option in the TSM options file, which specifies the maximum number of simultaneous client sessions that can connect to the server. Otherwise, the number of concurrent users specified by this property will be limited to the maximum number of client sessions that are allowed by the MAXSESSIONS option.

See Also


The full path of the root directory that contains the configuration options files for the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) server. This directory must already exist and must be shared so that the Content Engine system user has read/write access. You should not modify these configuration options files directly; they are written to by the Content Engine server whenever various TivoliFixedContentDevice object properties are changed. Because the TSM server cannot run if these files are missing or damaged, you should back them up frequently.

See Also


If this property is set, it indicates that the Content Engine (CE) server is connected to the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) server as a non-Windows TSM client and specifies the full path of the client directory containing the dsmtca and dsm.sys files. Otherwise, if this property is not set, it indicates that the CE server is connected to the TSM server as a Microsoft® Windows® TSM client.

See Also


The name of the file space used by the TSM client node, Content Platform Engine (CPE), to connect to an IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) server. A file space maps a TSM client node (CPE) to a particular file space on the TSM system. The file space name must begin with a forward slash ("/").

See Also


A collection of the CmTivoliManagementClass management classes associated with a TivoliFixedContentDevice class. Each management class represents a specific retention setting, which consists of a retention scheme type and a retention period, that can be applied to an IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager server.

See Also


The minimum number of days to retain an object that has been archived with an IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager server before it is deleted. For management classes that represent an event retention scheme, this property determines the length of the retention period; otherwise, this property is ignored.

See Also


This property is not supported.

See Also


The name of the client node (Content Engine server) to connect to the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) server. All Content Engine objects that are archived on the TSM server will be accessed using this client node name. The client node must be configured to have proper read/write access and must be allowed to make multiple connections to the TSM server.

See Also


A string containing configuration options that are passed to the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) server by the TSM client (Content Engine server). These configuration options override the settings specified in the TSM options files. This string is not normally used and can contain P8-specific data that is not passed to the TSM server.

See Also


The owner name for controlling access to the Content Engine objects that are archived using the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager server. This property is included for legacy reasons and is normally left blank.

See Also


The password of the client node (Content Engine server) that connects to the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager server.

See Also


The port number of the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) server. This property corresponds to the tcpport option in a TSM options file.

See Also


Specifies the type of retention scheme for a management class: chronological or event. The setting of this property determines how the retention periods specified by the TSMRetentionPeriod and TSMMinimumRetention properties will be interpreted.

This property can have one of the following values:

See Also


The number of days to retain a Content Engine object that has been archived with an IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager server before it is deleted. For management classes that represent a chronological retention scheme, this property determines the length of the retention period; otherwise, this property must be set to 0.

See Also


The IP address or computer name of the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) server. This property corresponds to the TCPSERVERADDRESS option in a TSM options file.

See Also


The buffer size, in bytes, to use when transferring content data from the Content Engine to the IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager server.

See Also


The TableDefinition object for the database table in which this ClassDefinition or PropertyDefinition object resides.

See Also


The collection of TableDefinition objects used by the object store. This collection represents all of the database tables used by the Content Engine.

See Also


The name assigned to the table.

See Also


Applies to DB2 only. Indicates whether overflow tables can be created or not. If table overflow support is enabled, Content Engine creates an overflow table if the row-size limit of a base DB2 table is exceeded. The default value is false.

Enabling table overflow support could slightly degrade database performance. It is recommended that you first consider metadata design options before enabling this support.

See Also


An IndependentlyPersistableObject instance that participates in a binary relationship as the logical tail between two objects.

For a DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship or ReferentialContainmentRelationship object, this is always a Folder object.

For a Link object, this can be any subclass of IndependentObject.

See Also


Contains a bitmask specifying the required access to an object that is intended as a target (referenced value) for a given object-valued property. This property may be one or more values of the AccessRight enumerations.

A PropertyDefinitionObject defines object-valued properties as part of class definitions. Its TargetAccessRequired property specifies the access level that the caller must be granted by the target object in order to assign it as the value of the object-valued property being defined. To obtain the value of the argetAccessRequired property, call the property accessor methods on PropertyDefinitionObject.

On PropertyDescriptionObject, TargetAccessRequired is read only.

See Also


Specifies the DocumentClassDefinition object that defines the target document class for this XMLPropertyMappingScript object. The target class indicates the specific document properties that will be mapped to by the property-mapping script.

See Also


Specifies the object store to which documents from this IBM® Content Manager OnDemand (CMOD) application group are federated or to which instances of this external class description can be replicated.

See Also


The current state of the task. Some state changes are made automatically by the Content Engine server, and others are made manually with the CmTask.changeState method. The states are defined by the Content Engine server. For a description of the possible states, see the TaskState class.

See Also


The number of seconds temporary content can exist in the database before being considered abandoned.

See Also


For CmTextSearchConfiguration and VerityIndexArea objects, this property assigns the directory to be used for storing temporary indexing files. The directory must be available to the Content Engine. The Content Engine server account must have the permissions necessary to create this directory if it does not exist, and to create files in the directory. For performance reasons, it is recommended to set this value to a path that is local to both the Content Engine and IBM Content Search Services.

For a CmContentConversionConfiguration object, this property is not supported.

See Also


The number of seconds that temporary files must exist in the inbound directory before they will be considered abandoned. Abandoned files get deleted as part of a periodic cleanup; for more information, see the AbandonedContentCleanupInterval property.

See Also


A list of descriptions of permissions applicable to the template. This property represents the set of AccessPermissionDescription objects to be used when creating a security template.

See Also


Contains the set of discretionary AccessPermission objects to be used when creating a security template.

See Also


Contains the Verity style file alias name that identifies the Verity style files used for indexing data. The style files control the format of indexed data (using exception word lists, for example).

See Also


The timeout value, in seconds, after which a text filter process is terminated.

See Also


This property is not supported.

Specifies the handler for the defined text indexing preprocessor.

See Also


This property is not supported.

A list of text indexing preprocessors associated with the defined class.

See Also


A list of CmTextSearchAffinityGroup objects, each of which represents an affinity group that has been created in this domain. This list is maintained by the Content Engine server.

See Also


The connection token required to connect to this IBM® Content Search Services server. The administrator can obtain the connection token by using the IBM Content Search Services server configtool.bat application. The connection token can also be obtained during installation when IBM Content Search Services is installed.

See Also


Species whether this object store is enabled for IBM® Content Search Services (true) or not (false).

See Also


A CmTextSearchIndexList collection specifying a list of CmTextSearchIndex objects, each of which represents an IBM® Content Search Services index that has been created in this index area.

See Also


A language code that specifies the default language to use for indexing documents on this object store. Because this property has been deprecated, refrain from using it in new applications; use the TextSearchIndexingLanguages property instead. When you set the TextSearchIndexingLanguages property, the Content Engine server sets the TextSearchIndexingLanguage property to the default language code that is specified by the TextSearchIndexingLanguages property, which is the first language code in its string list.

See Also


A string list of one or more supported language codes, each of which specifies a language of the documents that are to be indexed on the object store. If the IBM® Content Search Services server cannot determine the language of a document to be indexed in an index request, the first language code in the string list is used as the default language code for the index request.

Ensure that the languages that you specify with this property match the languages of most of the documents in this object store; otherwise, you might experience a performance delay. If you do not set this property to at least one language code, and the deprecated TextSearchIndexingLanguage property has not been previously set, an error will occur during indexing.

The TextSearchIndexingLanguages property can specify one or more of the language codes in the following table.

Language codeLanguage
nbNorwegian (Bokmal)
nnNorwegian (Nynorsk)

See Also


The host name of this IBM® Content Search Services server.

See Also


The usage mode of this IBM® Content Search Services server. The usage mode specifies which tasks can be performed by an IBM Content Search Services server so that the work load can be balanced across multiple, task-dedicated servers. The usage mode can have one of the following values:

See Also


The port number of this IBM® Content Search Services server.

See Also


Specifies whether a shutdown request is sent to the IBM® Content Search Services server when the TextSearchServerStatus property is set to DISABLED (true) or not (false). Because the Content Engine server does not attempt to restart the IBM Content Search Services server once it is shut down, use caution if you set the TextSearchServerShutdownOnDisable property to true.

See Also


The status of the IBM® Content Search Services server. The server status can have one of the following values:

When setting this property by using the API, the Content Engine server supports only the following manual transitions between status values:

See Also


A list of CmTextSearchServer objects, each of which represents an IBM® Content Search Services server used in this domain. This list is maintained by the Content Engine server and is read-only. IBM Content Search Services objects can be added to or removed from this list by manipulating the server CmTextSearchServer objects directly by using the API.

See Also


The maximum number of workers, per user text-search request, that can be generated to perform a search. The value of this property multiplied by the number of concurrent search requests equals the number of workers that are being created for searching tasks.

See Also


The current object. The primary purpose of this property is to enable the expression of relationships among objects in a Content Engine query and to select candidate objects in the query results.

See Also


The maximum number of indexing workers, per Content Platform Engine instance, to use for background processing of index requests.

Content Platform Engine automatically scales the number of worker threads based on index server status to avoid overloading IBM Content Search Services with incoming work. This automatic scaling uses the value of the ThreadCount property as a base value in accordance with the following calculation:

Maximum workers per CPE instance = base value * (running CSS servers / configured CSS servers)

In this calculation, CPE instance refers to a Content Platform Engine instance, and CSS server refers to an IBM Content Search Services index server. Configured CSS servers include all registered index servers that have a status of either UNAVAILABLE OR ENABLED (that is, any status other than DISABLED). Running CSS servers include all configured servers that have a status of ENABLED. For example, suppose that you register four index servers with Content Platform Engine, enable them, and set the base value to 20. In the normal situation, all configured CSS servers are running, and the calculated maximum number of worker threads is the same as the base value: 20 * (4 / 4) = 20. Otherwise, if not all configured CSS servers are running, the calculated maximum is some fraction of the base value. For instance, if only three index servers are running, the calculated maximum is 15: 20 * (3 / 4) = 15.

Note that this property works in tandem with the MaximumConcurrentIndexingBatches property on the CmTextSearchServer class to control the indexing work load for a Content Platform Engine instance. It is not necessary for the number of maximum worker threads for indexing to be equal to the number of concurrent batches. Given sufficient computing resources, having more worker threads across all of the Content Platform Engine instances than the number of concurrent batches is healthy.

See Also


The number of files that will be processed by the thumbnail generation service provider in a single batch.

See Also


The minimum number of seconds to delay generation of thumbnails for newly added content. If generation fails with "file does not exist" errors, then increase this value.

See Also


The time out in seconds for the thumbnail generation service provider to process a single batch of files.

See Also


The working directory of the thumbnail generation service. All temporary files related to thumbnail generation are written to this folder and are deleted after the thumbnail generation is done.

If this property is not set, then the directory specified in the ContentTempDirectoryRoot property is used.

See Also


Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the ThumbnailGeneration subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


The number of seconds to keep temporary files in the working directory should the thumbnail generation service fail to delete them. In that situation, a background task will delete the files after the specified time passes.

See Also


Indicates the time when all requests have been submitted for this indexing job. This value is null if all index requests have not yet been submitted. Note that this property does not indicate completion of the requests contained in the indexing job (see the JobStatus property for this information).

See Also


Indicates the time when the last activity occurred on this indexing job.

See Also


Specifies the maximum time in seconds that the Content Engine will wait when retrieving content from an Image Services server.

See Also


Specifies the title of this style template.

See Also


Specifies a list of IDs that identify the add-on versions logically produced as a result of applying this UpgradeAddOn object. The list must contain one or more IDs (and will usually contain only one).

See Also


A FolderSet collection object containing the directly-contained Folder objects that are the starting points (children of the root folder) in the container hierarchy.

See Also


The total number of text filters allowed for a Content Engine server. The Content Engine server uses text filters to convert binary-formatted files to a text format. This property controls the maximum limit for the number of concurrent text filter conversions that can occur for each Content Engine process. When the value of the ThreadCount property multiplied by the value of the MaxTextFiltersPerBatch property is equal to the value of the TotalTextFiltersAllowed property, no more indexing threads can be started.

See Also


Indicates whether trace logging is currently enabled for all configured subsystems.

See Also


Specifies a binary-valued, publishing transformation handler-specific description of the transformation to be done for this style template. This could be an XML-based description or the ID of another document that contains a more detailed template. For publishing to an external location, the publishing transformation handler implementers could also have chosen to put a URL as part of this property's value.

The publish style templates associated with the PDF publishing event handler can optionally specify PDF security and watermark settings (stored as XML in the TransformationOptions property). The publish style templates associated with the HTML publishing event handler do not specify any settings in the TransformationOptions property.

See Also



The URI address for the document designated as the child in a component relationship. This property applies when the ComponentRelationshipType property setting is URICR. For other component relationship types, you designate the child component by setting the ChildComponent property. If the ComponentRelationshipType property is set to anything other than URICR, the value of the URIValue property is null. Any String value can be entered into this property; the value does not have to be a valid URI address.

See Also


The number of directories in the upper level of two-tier structure for storing content in an advanced file system storage device.

See Also


Specifies whether object IDs created in this object store should be assigned in a manner such that they are approximately ordered chronologically (true) or not (false). (These chronologically ordered IDs are sequential IDs.) If the value of this property is set to true, new objects created in this object store will be assigned sequential IDs instead of random IDs.

Sequential IDs have a time- and counter-based portion that is combined with a random portion in such a way that consecutively created IDs are sequential (monotonic) per the natural ordering applied by the underlying database. An indexed database column or table with a clustered index on the primary key containing sequential IDs might be stored more compactly and managed more efficiently than completely random IDs, hence potentially providing a performance benefit and space savings.

See Also


An enumeration of the advanced storage areas connected to this advanced storage device.

See Also


Specifies a ClassDefinitionSet object representing the classes that have a property constructed from this property template.

See Also


Specifies the base Distinguished Name (DN) for searching for users in the directory server.

See Also


Specifies the directory server attribute to be used as the display name for a user. The default property value is dependent on the directory server type and is specified by the authentication provider's configuration.

See Also


The LDAP domain to which the user account specified by the UserName property belongs. The values of the UserDomain, UserName, and UserPassword properties are used by Content Engine servers to authenticate with the IBM Legacy Content Search Engine for indexing and search operations.

See Also


The group to which the Content Engine user account specified by the UserName property belongs. Only members of this group are allowed to add to, modify, or read the IBM Legacy Content Search Engine collection.

See Also


The name of a user account assigned to Content Engine servers for access to IBM Legacy Content Search Engine collections. The user account must be a member of the group specified by the UserGroup property. The values of the UserDomain, UserName, and UserPassword properties are used by Content Engine servers to authenticate with the Legacy Content Search Engine for indexing and search operations.

See Also


Defines the directory server attribute to be used as the short name for a user. The default value of this property is unique to the directory service provider as follows:

See Also


The UTF-8 encoded, non-encrypted password assigned to the Content Engine user account that is specified by the UserName property. To maintain password security, you can use this property to set a password, but not to read its value. Instead of returning a password value, this property returns a zero-length byte array if it has been set with a password and returns a null value if it has never been set. The values of the UserDomain, UserName, and UserPassword properties are used by Content Engine servers to authenticate with the IBM Legacy Content Search Engine for indexing and search operations.

See Also


Specifies the search filter for querying a user or users. The filter must be in the following format: "(&(objectClass=user_defined_class)(an_attribute={0}))", where user_defined_class is the object class you want (for example, user or person) and an_attribute is the LDAP server-specific attribute (for example, samAccountName, cn, or uid).

The default value of this property is unique to the directory service provider, as follows:

See Also


A string used to identify a subscription, with no built-in behavior.

See Also


Specifies the Time-To-Live (TTL) in seconds for entries in the user token cache. Once the TTL has elapsed, cached information that has become stale is discarded and fresh data is obtained.

For more information about this cache, see Security Caching.

See Also


Specifies the maximum number of entries allowed in the user token cache. When the maximum number is exceeded, the least recently used user token elements are removed to allow more recently used elements to be cached.

For more information about this cache, see Security Caching.

See Also


Specifies the directory server attribute to be used as the unique identifier for a user, that is, for the Content Engine User.Id property. The default property value is dependent on the directory server type and is specified by the authentication provider's configuration. See What are access rights? for a list of the default SID attributes for the supported authentication providers.

See Also



A boolean that indicates whether the directory server user unique ID attribute is a binary value or a String value. A value of true indicates that the attribute is a binary type; false indicates it is a String type.

See Also


A collection of User objects belonging to a given realm.

See Also


Specifies whether this string-valued property is stored in a database column as a short string (false) or as a long string (true).

Long-string table columns store their values separately from the rest of the table and therefore bypass table row-size limitations. To avoid a table's row-size limitation being exceeded, you should use a long-string column to store a large string-valued property if the database table in which it is stored has many custom properties. Because the actual text data for a long-string column is stored separately from the rest of the database row data (requiring an additional read operation to retrieve the data) you might experience a slight decrease in performance. However you might also potentially experience a system performance gain, because the overall row size for each object is reduced when long-string columns are used, therefore decreasing fetch and storage times.

Note that, unlike short-string columns, long-string columns cannot be specified in a database index.

For database-specific information about short-string and long-string table columns, table columns, see Database Engine Differences.

See Also



A unique identifier for a compiled (transferred) workflow definition. The Process Engine assigns this property's value after a workflow definition is transferred to the Process Engine server (either via the Process Designer application or the filenet.vw.api.VWSession interface's transfer method).

See Also


Specifies whether the host name in the certificate presented by the server when establishing an SSL connection should be validated (true) or not (false).

For the CmSMTPConfiguration class, setting this property to true is not supported.

See Also


Specifies whether the certificate presented by the server when establishing an SSL connection should be validated (true) or not (false).

For the CmSMTPConfiguration class, setting this property to true is not supported.

See Also


Specifies a vendor name.

See Also


By default, IBM Legacy Content Search Engine discovers and passes search requests to the available Verity brokers (which have been configured using Verity tools). Use the ExcludedBrokers property on the VerityDomainConfiguration object to exclude any broker from Content Engine use.

See Also


The names of all Verity brokers associated with the Verity administration server specified in VerityMasterAdminServerHostname. This is the list of brokers returned from Verity.

See Also


The set of VerityCollection objects associated with this index area. Each Verity collection is a member of only one index area.

See Also


For an ObjectStore object, the VerityDomainConfiguration object that contains the IBM Legacy Content Search Engine configuration properties for a Verity domain. The configuration determines the Verity domain used by the object store. More than one object store can share the same Verity domain configuration.

For a Domain object, this property is deprecated. Use this property on an ObjectStore object to assign a Verity domain configuration to an object store.

See Also


A VerityDomainConfigurationSet collection object that contains the VerityDomainConfiguration objects for the FileNet P8 domain. A newly created VerityDomainConfiguration object is added to this set automatically when you save the object.

See Also


The names of all Verity index servers associated with the Verity administration server specified in the VerityMasterAdminServerHostname property. This list of index servers is returned by Verity.

See Also


The name of the Verity administration server used to create Verity collections. This master administration server will be contacted by Content Engine servers for all requests to create a Verity collection.

See Also


The port assigned to the master Verity administration server specified in VerityMasterAdminServerHostname.

See Also


The length of time in months that each Verity collection will span for partitioning. Used in conjunction with the VerityPartitionProperty Property, VerityPartitionInterval determines the values of the StartDate Property and the EndDate Property of each partitioned collection, and the collections into which documents with a date/time property are indexed.

Time intervals span integral numbers of months, without spanning year-end boundaries. The possible values are null, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12. A value of 1 generates collections spanning one-month intervals, a value of 2 generates collections spanning two-month intervals, and so on. For example, if the date associated with an indexable document is December 15th, 2008, and VerityPartitionInterval is 3 months, then the document would be indexed in the collection with a start date of October 1, 2008 and a stop date of January 1, 2009.

The default is null, indicating that the partitioning feature is disabled. A value of 0 also disables the partitioning feature. Setting a value other than those listed above results in an E_BAD_VALUE exception. You can change the VerityPartitionProperty property value after the ObjectStore object has been created.

See Also


The symbolic name of a date/time property to be used for partitioning documents into Verity collections. When this property is set, documents, annotations, folders, and custom objects that are enabled for CBR, and that contain a date/time property that matches the value of VerityPartitionProperty, are indexed in Verity collections based on the date ranges of the collections. For example, assume that there is an email class with a property named "receivedDate". If the value of the VerityPartitionProperty is set to "receivedDate", then partitioned Verity collections are created, and a document of the email class will be indexed into the Verity collection with the date range corresponding to the receivedDate value of the document. For information on how date ranges are established for Verity collections, see the VerityPartitionInterval Property.

The property affects all index areas configured on the object store. The default is null, indicating that the partitioning feature is disabled.

See Also


The names of all Verity (search) servers associated with the Verity administration server specified in the VerityMasterAdminServerHostname property. This list of index servers is returned by Verity.

See Also


The setting for selecting the version bind rule in effect; this rule partly determines the child component document version bound with the parent component for component relationship types of DYNAMIC_CR and DYNAMIC_LABEL_CR. For all other component relationship types the value of this property is null. (For information on document binding specifics, see ComponentRelationshipType Property.) The VersionBindType class has constants defined for the bind type settings.

Valid settings are:

See Also


Specifies a VersionSeries object that contains all of the document versions associated with this document or DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship object.

See Also


For a PublishCompleteEvent object, the ID of the version series of the publication document.

For other versioning-related events, the ID of the version series for the source object. Note that this property has a valid value only when the event's source object is an instance of Document or its subclass. This property is null for non-versionable objects.

See Also


Specifies a VersionStatus constant that indicates the current version status of this document version.

The VersionStatus property can have one of the values in the following table.

Name Value Description
IN_PROCESS 2 Indicates an in-process document version. An in-process version is a version that has been checked in and is the latest minor version. Note that only one version at a time in a given version series can be in the IN_PROCESS state. When a reservation version is checked in as a minor version and becomes the new in-process version, the previous in-process version becomes a superseded version.
RELEASED 1 Indicates a released document version. A released version is a version that has been checked in and is the latest major version. Note that only one version at a time in a given version series can be in the RELEASED state.
RESERVATION 3 Indicates a reservation document version. A reservation version is a version that has been checked out.
SUPERSEDED 4 Indicates a superseded document version. A superseded version is a major or minor version that has been replaced by a later version.

See Also


Specifies a VersionableSet object that contains all of the document versions associated with this document or version series.

See Also


A logical entity for managing a group of server instances.

See Also


Represents a collection of VirtualServer objects for a given site.

See Also



Specifies the trace flags applied to the classes in the Web Services subsystem. This value can be one or a combination (ANDed) of the fields in the TraceFlag class.

See Also


When there is no queue activity, the number of milliseconds for the sweep framework dispatcher to wait before rechecking the queue.

See Also


The number of milliseconds for the sweep framework dispatcher to wait for workers to complete before removing terminated workers from the active worker set.

See Also


The number of milliseconds for the sweep framework dispatcher to wait before attempting to retry a deadlock.

See Also


Indicates the day of week that the background task will start. The value corresponds to those from the Weekday enumerated type (Weekday.SUNDAY, Weekday.MONDAY, etc.)

See Also


The period in seconds that a thread in the worker thread pool can be idle before being terminated.

See Also


A WorkflowDefinition object representing the workflow definition associated with a workflow subscription.

See Also


A WorkflowDefinitionSet object that contains the WorkflowDefinition objects associated with this object store.

See Also


A SubscriptionSet collection containing the workflow subscription (InstanceWorkflowSubscription and/or ClassWorkflowSubscription) objects associated with a workflow definition.

See Also


The InstanceWorkflowSubscriptionSet object containing the InstanceWorkflowSubscription objects whose target is this object.

See Also



Specifies the type of source XML document to which this XMLPropertyMappingScript object applies. The value of this property can be one of the following:

See Also


Specifies an XMLPropertyMappingScriptSet object containing the collection of XMLPropertyMappingScript objects associated with this object store or DocumentClassDefinition object. Each XMLPropertyMappingScript object holds a property-mapping XSL script that is registered for XML documents of a specific type. This script extracts content from XML documents and maps it to property values associated with a particular document class.

For DocumentClassDefinition objects, this property specifies the set of XMLPropertyMappingScript objects that have specified this DocumentClassDefinition object as the value of their TargetClass property.

See Also