Start of change
HyperSwap text


The text is one of the following:
Basic HyperSwap® had a status change and is now disabled for HyperSwap.
Enabled with limited capability
Basic HyperSwap had a status change and is now enabled for unplanned HyperSwaps with a potential for HyperSwap failure on one or more systems in the sysplex.

System action

If HyperSwap Disabled is displayed, Basic HyperSwap continues to run, but will not be able to perform HyperSwap.

If HyperSwap Enabled with limited capability is displayed, Basic HyperSwap is enabled for unplanned HyperSwaps, but HyperSwap may fail on one or more systems in the sysplex.

Operator response

Issue the Display HS,Status command to determine the reason HyperSwap is not fully enabled. Take corrective action for the system(s) indicated in the command output as having one or more conditions preventing HyperSwap from being enabled.

System programmer response

Address the conditions preventing the system(s) from being fully enabled for HyperSwap. If this is not able to be determined or corrected, Basic HyperSwap may not be fully enabled or permanently disabled.



Routing code


Descriptor code


End of change