CBR6424I   Tape device allocation failed for unit name unit-name. An unsupported device type, ucb-device-type, was allocated for data set dsn on volume volser.


OAM invoked MVS™ dynamic allocation to dynamically allocate a tape drive in order to write a primary or backup copy of an object on a tape volume. OAM expected a tape drive to be allocated by MVS. The type of tape drive that OAM attempted to allocate is specified by unit-name. The data set name being allocated is dsn. The volume serial number being allocated is volser. An unsupported device type, ucb-device-type, was allocated. If the volume serial number is SCRTCH, then OAM was attempting to allocate a scratch tape and did not pass a volume serial number in the SVC 99 dynamic allocation request.

Device types supported by OAM are as follows:
  • 3480 - an IBM® base 3480 device
  • 3480X - an IBM 3480 device with the IDRC feature, or an IBM base 3490 device
  • 3490 - an IBM 3490E device (may be emulated by other IBM devices)
  • 3590-1 - an IBM 3590 device (may be emulated by other IBM devices)

For some reason the device that was allocated was not one of the tape drives supported by OAM.

System action

OAM fails the write of the primary or backup copy of the object.

System programmer response

If the data set was inadvertently allocated to a DASD volume in a POOL type storage group, then delete the DASD data set and correct the logic in the SMS storage class and storage group ACS routines. The most likely cause of this error is a programming logic error in the SMS storage class and storage group ACS routines. The system programmer may have inadvertently assigned a POOL type storage group in the SMS storage group ACS routine, to an OAM tape allocation request. OAM tape allocation requests should not be re-directed, via the SMS storage group ACS routine, to a POOL type storage group consisting of DASD volumes.

If an installation exit, such as the "MVS IEFDB401 - Allocation Input Validation Routine" is being used to modify the unit name during an SVC 99 dynamic allocation request, investigate that installation exit to verify that it is functioning properly. For information about the MVS IEFDB401 - Allocation Input Validation Routine, see z/OS MVS Installation Exits.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code