CBR4452D   Reply "U" to continue with Cartridge {Entry | Label} for volumes volser-1 and volser-2, anything else to cancel the operation.


The optical disk cartridge which contains volumes volser-1 and volser-2 has been entered into an optical library or mounted on a operator accessible optical drive for label processing. A previous response to message CBR4432D has targeted these volumes to scratch status.

The amount of free space on the WORM volumes assigned to scratch is less than the number of kilobytes specified on the SCRENTRYTHRESHOLD parameter in the CBROAMxx member of PARMLIB.

CBR4451I was issued, displaying the amount of free space on the volumes.

System action

OAM waits for an operator response. If the response to this message is not "U", the cartridge is ejected if this is a cartridge entry; or demounted if this is a label operation, and the volumes are not added to OAM's inventory.

Operator response

If the volumes are to be used and assigned to scratch status, reply "U" to this message. Otherwise, reply anything else to cancel the label or entry operation.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code

2, 4, 6

Descriptor Code