CBR3770I   Volume volser misplaced in library library-name.


Volume volser in library library-name is missing. The library has indicated that the volume cannot be found at the location recorded in the library manager inventory.

System action

Any order to the library that attempts to use the volume is rejected with a unit check. The volume error status field for volume volser in the tape configuration database (TDCB) is updated to indicate the volume is missing.

Operator response

If the volume has been manually removed from the library, for an automated tape library dataserver, re-enter it into the library through one of the input stations.

System programmer response

Use the ISMF mountable tape volume list to examine the current state of the volume. IDCAMS may be used to update or delete the volume record in the TDCB.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code