CBR2217E   Enter an optical disk cartridge that is compatible with DEFAULT MEDIA TYPE library-default-media-type and write compatible with optical drive device type drive-device-type into library library-name to relieve the out of space condition in storage group storage-group-name.


A request has been made to write an object to an optical disk volume belonging to storage group storage-group-name.

However, all optical disk volumes that reside in library library-name and belong to the requested storage group are:
  • full, or
  • currently in use, or
  • not compatible with the DEFAULT MEDIA TYPE library-default-media-type currently associated with this library, or
  • not write compatible with the optical drive device type drive-device-type installed in this library

Because there are no scratch optical disk volumes in the library that meet the criteria shown in the message, OAM cannot assign a scratch volume to the requested storage group.

System action

If optical disk space is available on an optical disk volume in another library, and if the request is eligible to use that library, the write operation completes normally. If optical disk space is available on a volume that is currently in use, and the drive startup threshold has not been exceeded, the write request waits until the volume becomes available. Otherwise, the request waits.

Operator response

The type of optical disk media that you can enter into this library must be:
  • Compatible with the DEFAULT MEDIA TYPE, library-default-media-type, for this library. If you need information about the optical disk media types that are compatible with each DEFAULT MEDIA TYPE, see the description of message CBR4448I.
  • Compatible with the optical drive device type drive-device-type installed in this library. If you need information about the optical media types that can be written to by the drive-device-type installed in this library, see z/OS DFSMS OAM Planning, Installation, and Storage Administration Guide for Object Support.
Insert one of the following into the library input/output station of library library-name:
  • An optical disk, of a media type that:
    • Is compatible with this library's DEFAULT MEDIA TYPE of library-default-media-type
    • Is write compatible with the drive-device-type
    • Already belongs to storage group storage-group-name
    • Has sufficient usable space to accommodate the object to be written.
  • An optical disk, of a media type that:
    • is compatible with this library's DEFAULT MEDIA TYPE of library-default-media-type,
    • Is write compatible with the drive-device-type
    • Belongs to the scratch storage group
    • Can be assigned to the storage group storage-group-name that is out of space.
  • An unlabeled optical disk, of a media type that:
    • Is compatible with this library's DEFAULT MEDIA TYPE of library-default-media-type
    • Is write compatible with the drive-device-type
    • Can be labeled and assigned to the storage group storage-group-name, which is out of space

      If you enter an unlabeled optical disk, be prepared to supply volume label information for the two volumes on the disk.

Message CBR2217E is an action message that is removed from the console when you successfully enter the first usable optical disk into the library. At this time, it might be wise to insert several unlabeled disks or several scratch volumes into the library to create space for future requests; consult your system programmer.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code