CBR1751I   Writing object object-name, in collection collection-name, to optical volume volser, in library lib-name, length = length, request = request, source = source-member, target = target-member.


The operator has entered one of the following commands:

A write request for an OAM object to an optical volume volser, in library lib-name, is currently being processed. The object name is object-name, in collection collection-name., and the length is length. The request number associated with this request is request.

The originating instance of OAM that initiated this request is source-member or '-N/A-' if this instance of OAM is not in an OAMplex. The target instance of OAM where this request is to be processed is target-member or '-N/A-' if this instance of OAM is not in an OAMplex.

Note: This message is issued to the hardcopy log only.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code
