CBR1074I   Update successful for {SETOAM | SETOPT | SETOSMC} parameter parameter, new value new-value, scope {ALL | groupname}. The previous value was old-value.


A MODIFY OAM,UPDATE command was issued with either the SETOAM, SETOPT, or SETOSMC keyword.

The value for parameter indicates the parameter that is associated with the keyword being updated.

The value for new-value indicates the new value of the keyword after the update has taken place. The old-value indicates the previous value of the keyword before the update took place. If the keyword is storage group level only and the scope is ALL, N/A is displayed for the old-value.

ALL or groupname indicates the scope of the update. ALL indicates that all object storage groups and all object backup storage groups in the active SMS configuration have been updated. groupname indicates that a specific object or object backup storage group was updated.


Object Access Method (OAM)


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code