CBR0432I   REFORMAT rejected. {Old volume serial number not specified | NEWVOL2 only valid for both side request | SCRATCH only valid for both side request | Invalid old volume serial number specified}.


OAMUTIL command is submitted in the form of
                   [ ONE|BOTH]
                   [ NEWVOL1(new-volser1)]
                   [ NEWVOL2(new-volser2)]
                   [ DRIVENAME(drive-name)]
                   [ SCRATCH|NOSCRATCH]
                   [ FORCE|NOFORCE]
The request is rejected. The reason is one of the following:
Old volume serial number not specified
The required parameter old-volser was not specified.
NEWVOL2 only valid for both side request
The optional keyword parameter NEWVOL2 is specified for side 2, but the reformat request is only for one side.
SCRATCH only valid for both side request
The optional keyword parameter SCRATCH is specified, but the reformat request is only for one side.
Invalid old volume serial number specified
The required parameter old-volser had invalid characters or imbedded blanks. Valid characters for old-volser are ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789@$#,./''()*&+-= .

System action

The command is rejected.

Operator response


User response

Refer to the OAMUTIL command description, correct the syntax and resubmit the command.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code
