CBR0006D   No DB2 subsystem ID supplied. Reply 'NONE' to continue without DB2, 'C' to cancel OAM, or specify a DB2 SSID.


The name of the DB2® subsystem which is to be used to gain access to the optical configuration database is required during OAM initialization. This value is usually provided by SMS, which gets it from the DB2SSID keyword specified in the PARMLIB member IGDSMSxx. The DB2SSID keyword was not specified, so the SSID is not available for OAM use.

System action

OAM waits for an operator response.

Operator response

If you know the DB2 subsystem ID, provide it in the response to the message; the ID must be from one to four characters in length. OAM uses the ID to establish a connection to DB2.

If you want to continue OAM initialization without DB2, reply NONE to the message; OAM initialization will continue, ignoring all optical device definitions.

If you do not know the ID, and you do not wish to bypass optical configuration processing, reply C to the message; OAM initialization stops.

System programmer response

This message will be issued during each OAM initialization until PARMLIB member IGDSMSxx is updated to include the DB2SSID keyword.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code