CBR3627I   Outboard storage group policy storage-group assigned to volume volser in library library-name failed validation.


The enter request for volume volser into library library-name failed because the storage group storage-group assigned to the volume at the library is invalid, due to one of the following reasons:
  • The storage group is not defined in the active SMS configuration.
  • The storage group is not a tape storage group.
  • The library into which the volume is being entered is not defined to the storage group.
If a storage group does not exist for the volume in the tape configuration data base (TCDB) or is not provided by the cartridge entry installation exit (CBRUXENT), the storage group that is assigned to the volume at the library is used. This storage group may have been assigned to the volume when it was exported, overridden, or both, through the import list file.

The storage group that was assigned to the volume at the library might also override any storage group that previously existed in the TCDB, if it was explicitly specified through the import list file.

System action

The volume is ejected from the library. Entry processing continues to the next volume.

System programmer response

Provide a valid storage group for the volume using one of the following methods:
  • The cartridge entry installation exit (CBRUXENT).
  • The volume alter facility of the ISMF mountable tape volume list application.
  • The import list file to override a previously existing storage group from an export operation.


Object Access Method (OAM)

Routing Code


Descriptor Code