z/OS V1R7.0-V1R12.0 MVS Device Validation Support
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Creating Help Panels

z/OS V1R7.0-V1R12.0 MVS Device Validation Support

For each help panel that HCD can display, HCD requires one help member. Therefore, to create a help panel, you must create a help member. Copy the CBDZHELP macro, which contains the help generation macros, then use the help generation macros to create a help member.

Each help member contains both text and supporting code for one help panel. When someone requests help, HCD retrieves the appropriate help member, then displays the text for that help panel.

A help member consists of:

  • A header, which contains control information that HCD uses but does not display.
  • A reference phrase array, which contains a list of reference phrases and associated help member names. HCD does not display the reference phrase array, which associates reference phrases in the text lines with help member names.

    Each reference phrase needs its own help member. For example, you can separately place two new terms in two reference phrases, then separately define these new terms in two associated help members. Each reference phrase appears as an input area on the help panel. A user can tab the cursor to either reference phrase, then press ENTER to display the text lines that define the term in that reference phrase.

  • Text lines, which HCD displays on the help panel.

The CBDZHELP macro contains the following help generation macros:

Builds the help member header
Builds one entry in the reference phrase array
Builds one text line.

These help generation macros are described in HDR Macro, RP Macro, and TXT Macro.

Figure 6 shows example help generation macros that would create help member CBDED15.

Figure 7 shows an example of a message help panel.

You must assemble and link-edit each help member. For assembly, as shown in Figure 6, you must:

  2. Code the help generation macros in the following sequence:
    1. HDR macro - only one
    2. RP macro(s) - one or more (optional)
    3. TXT macro(s) - one or more
Figure 6. Example Help Generation Macros
  PRINT OFF              Suppress listing of HCD help generation macros
  COPY  CBDZHELP         Include HCD help generation macros
  PRINT ON,NOGEN         Do not list macro expansion
  HDR  NAME=CBDED15,TITLE='HCD help member CBDED15',WIDTH=53,       *
               DESC='X.X.X COPYRIGHT INFO',                         *
  TXT 'Number of Devices'
  TXT ' '
  TXT 'Specify a decimal value from 1 to 8, or omit. If you do'
  TXT 'not specify a value for number of devices,<MVS>uses a'
  TXT 'default value of 2.'
  TXT ' '
  TXT 'The value you specify determines how many device numbers'
  TXT 'MVS assigns. (It always assigns a minimum of eight.) MVS'
  TXT 'first assigns the device number you specify and then uses'
  TXT 'that number as a base to calculate the additional device'
  TXT 'numbers that it assigns.'
  TXT '-end-'
Figure 7. Example of Message Help Panel
         PRINT OFF
         PRINT ON
 HDR NAME=CBDEG07,TITLE='Help panel for CBDEG07',WIDTH=60
 TXT ' '
 TXT ' CBDB027I  NUMSECT value must be in the range of 0 to @1. '
 TXT ' '
 TXT ' '
 TXT ' Explanation:                                             '
 TXT '   The number of 256-byte buffer sections in the control  '
 TXT '   unit is out of valid range.                            '
 TXT ' '
 TXT ' System Action:                                           '
 TXT '   The system waits for user response.                    '
 TXT ' '
 TXT ' User Response:                                           '
 TXT '   Correct the NUMSECT parameter.                         '
@1 is related to the VARn variable of messages, see CBDIMSG Executable Macro.

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