Checking for conflicts with your existing allocation environment

When you invoke the DYNALLOC macro to perform dsname dynamic allocation, an “allocation environment” already exists for your request. It consists of the allocation requests made through your JCL or earlier dynamic allocations, that have not yet been deallocated. The system considers these resources to be existing allocations, and goes to them first to fill your dynamic allocation requests.

Dynamic allocation cannot satisfy a dsname allocation request that is in conflict with your existing allocation environment. Environmental conflicts can cause your request to fail when your dsname allocation request specifies:

MVS™ might allocate a different data set than you intend when you have multiple versions of the same data set, with the same data set name, residing on different volumes. When a data set with the same name as the intended data set has been previously allocated (perhaps using an alias name) but not freed, then the current allocate request might not allocate the intended version.

Avoid allocation of the incorrect data set in the following ways: