Dsname allocation text units

Most of the information that can be specified on a JCL DD statement can also be specified in text units for the dsname allocation function (verb code '01'). These text units are listed in Table 1 and described on the pages that follow.

The text units that represent DCB attributes are described in DCB attribute text units and listed in Table 1. The JCL DD statement DCB parameters and their equivalent text units are described in Table 1.

The meaning of the parameters is the same as when specified on a DD statement as described in z/OS MVS JCL Reference.

In addition to allocating a data set, you can request that the system return information about either a dsname or a ddname dynamic allocation request by specifying either of the following:
Table 1. Verb Code 01 (Dsname Allocation) – Text Unit Keys, Mnemonics, and Functions

Hex Text
Unit Key

Mnemonic Dsname Allocation Function
0001 DALDDNAM Associates a ddname with an allocation request.
0002 DALDSNAM Names the data set to be allocated.
0003 DALMEMBR Specifies data set number or relative generation number.
0004 DALSTATS Specifies the data set status.
0005 DALNDISP Specifies the data set's normal disposition.
0006 DALCDISP Specifies the data set's conditional disposition.
0007 DALTRK Specifies the space allocation in tracks.
0008 DALCYL Specifies the space allocation in cylinders.
0009 DALBLKLN Specifies the average data block length.
000A DALPRIME Specifies a primary space quantity.
000B DALSECND Specifies a secondary space quantity.
000C DALDIR Specifies the number of PDS directory blocks.
000D DALRLSE Deletes unused space at data set closure.
000E DALSPFRM Ensures a specific allocated space format.
000F DALROUND Specifies space allocation in whole cylinders.
0010 DALVLSER Specifies volume serial numbers.
0011 DALPRIVT Specifies the private volume use attribute.
0012 DALVLSEQ Specifies the volume sequence number processing.
0013 DALVLCNT Specifies the data set's volume count.
0014 DALVLRDS Specifies volume reference to a cataloged data set.
0015 DALUNIT Describes the unit specification.
0016 DALUNCNT Specifies the number of devices to be allocated.
0017 DALPARAL Specifies parallel mounting for a data set's volumes.
0018 DALSYSOU Specifies the SYSOUT data set and defines its class.
0019 DALSPGNM Specifies the SYSOUT program name.
001A DALSFMNO Specifies the SYSOUT form number.
001B DALOUTLM Limits the SYSOUT data set's logical record count.
001C DALCLOSE Frees a data set at closure.
001D DALCOPYS Specifies the SYSOUT listing copies count.
001E DALLABEL Specifies the type of volume label.
001F DALDSSEQ Specifies a tape data set's relative position.
0020 DALPASPR Password protects the created data set.
0021 DALINOUT Specifies “input only” or “output only” data set processing.
0022 DALEXPDT Specifies the data set's expiration date.
0023 DALRETPD Specifies the data set's retention period.
0024 DALDUMMY Allocates a dummy data set.
0025 DALFCBIM Identifies the forms control buffer image.
0026 DALFCBAV Requests operator verification of the image display or forms alignment.
0027 DALQNAME Names a TPROCESS macro.
0028 DALTERM Specifies a time sharing terminal as an I/O device.
0029 DALUCS Specifies a universal character set.
002A DALUFOLD Specifies “fold mode” for loading the requested print chain or train.
002B DALUVRFY Requests operator verification of the correct print chain or train mounting.
002C DALDCBDS Specifies the retrieval of DCB information from a cataloged data set's label.
002D DALDCBDD Specifies the retrieval of DCB information from a ddname-related, currently allocated data set.
0058 DALSUSER Specifies the destination to which the SYSOUT data set is to be routed.
Note: Keys 0058 and 0063 are equivalent to the JCL DEST= parameter, where DEST=(dalsuser) or DEST=(dalsuser,dalusrid).
0059 DALSHOLD Specifies hold queue routing for the SYSOUT data set.
005F DALSSNM Requests allocation of a subsystem data set.
0060 DALSSPRM Specifies subsystem-defined parameters for use with key DALSSNM.
0061 DALPROT Requests that the direct access data set or the tape volume be RACF-protected.
0063 DALUSRID Specifies the destination user ID to which the SYSOUT data set is to be routed. If used, requires that DALSUSER also be specified.
Note: Keys 0058 and 0063 are equivalent to the JCL DEST= parameter, where DEST=(dalsuser) or DEST=(dalsuser,dalusrid).
0064 DALBURST Specifies which stacker of the 3800 Printing Subsystem is to receive the paper output.
0065 DALCHARS Specifies the name or names of character arrangement tables for printing a data set on the 3800.
0066 DALCOPYG Specifies how copies are to be grouped if printing is done on a 3800.
0067 DALFFORM Specifies the forms overlay to be used on the 3800 Printing Subsystem.
0068 DALFCNT Specifies the number of copies on which the forms overlay is to be printed.
0069 DALMMOD Specifies the name of the copy modification module to be loaded into the 3800 Printing Subsystem.
006A DALMTRC Specifies the table reference character that corresponds to a character arrangement table used for printing the copy modification data.
006C DALDEFER Specifies that the system should allocate a device to the data set, but defer mounting the volume(s) until the data set is opened.
006D DALEXPDL Specifies the data set's expiration date. This differs from DALEXPDT because the year is specified with 4 digits instead of 2.
0070 DALOVAFF Specifies the override of system affinity for a job submitted to the internal reader.
0071 DALRTCTK Specifies that the JES Client Token (CTOKEN) be returned to the caller of DYNALLOC.

Indicates that the system must attempt to allocate to the device or the esoteric on the unit name for an SMS tape library request.

8001 DALACODE Specifies an access code for an IOS/ANSI/FIPS Version 3 tape data set.
8002 DALOUTPT Refers to a specific OUTPUT JCL statement or dynamic output descriptor
8003 DALCNTL Refers to a JCL CNTL statement.
8004 DALSTCL Specifies the storage class of a new SMS-managed data set.
8005 DALMGCL Specifies the management class of a new SMS-managed data set.
8006 DALDACL Specifies the data class of a new SMS-managed data set.
800B DALRECO Specifies the record organization of a VSAM data set.
800C DALKEYO Specifies the key offset of a VSAM data set.
800D DALREFD Specifies the name of the JCL DD statement from which the attributes are to be copied.
800E DALSECM Specifies the name of the RACF® profile from which the RACF profile is to be copied.
800F DALLIKE For SMS-managed data sets, specifies the name of a model data set from which the attributes are to be copied.
8010 DALAVGR Specifies the allocation unit to be used when the data set is allocated.
8012 DALDSNT Specifies a data set type attribute.
8013 DALSPIN Specifies whether the output for the SYSOUT data set is to be printed immediately upon unallocation of the data set, or at the end of the job.
8014 DALSEGM Specifies the number of logical, line-mode pages (the segment) to be produced for a SYSOUT data set before the segment becomes eligible for immediate printing.
8017 DALPATH Specifies the z/OS® UNIX file pathname.
8018 DALPOPT Specifies the z/OS UNIX file options.
8019 DALPMDE Specifies the z/OS UNIX file access attributes.
801A DALPNDS Specifies the disposition of the z/OS UNIX file during normal step termination.
801B DALPCDS Specifies the disposition of the z/OS UNIX file during abnormal step termination.
801C DALRLS Specifies the record-level sharing protocol for a VSAM data set.
801D DALFDAT Specifies the organization of a z/OS UNIX file.
801F DALLGST Specifies the VSAM RLS log stream.
8020 DALDCCS Specifies the Coded Character Set Identifier.
8022 DALBSLM Specifies the upward limit that is used by the system-determined block size processing.
8023 DALKYL1 Specifies the label for the key encrypting key used by the key manager. The key encrypting key is used to encrypt the data (encryption) key.
8024 DALKYL2 Specifies the label for the key encrypting key used by the key manager. The key encrypting key is used to encrypt the data (encryption) key.
8025 DALKCD1 Specifies how the label for the key encrypting key specified by DALKYL1 for this DD is to be encoded by the key manager and stored on the tape cartridge.
8026 DALKCD2 Specifies how the label for the key encrypting key specified by DALKYL2 for this DD is to be encoded by the key manager and stored on the tape cartridge.

Indicates whether the data set can support extended attributes (format 8 and 9 DSCBs).

8029 Start of changeDALFRVLEnd of change

Specifies whether to allow other jobs to read freed volumes of a multivolume tape file as the volume is dismounted by the job


Specifies the SPIN interval for the allocated SYSOUT data set.

Start of change802BEnd of change Start of changeDALSYMLEnd of change Start of changeLists the symbol names to be passed to JES when an internal reader is allocated.End of change
Start of change802CEnd of change Start of changeDALDSNVEnd of change Start of changeSpecifies the data set type version information.End of change
Start of change802DEnd of change Start of changeDALMAXGEnd of change Start of changeWhen you have applied APAR OA42358, specifies the maximum number of PDSE member generations to be retained by the system. End of change
Start of change802EEnd of change Start of changeGDGORDEREnd of change Start of changeSpecifies the order in which the individual generation data sets (GDSs) are concatenated.End of change