Enabling incremental updates for a Db2 subsystem

Follow the steps in this topic to enable incremental updates for a single Db2 subsystem from the IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Console. Repeat the process for other subsystems if required.

Before you begin

Make sure that the authentication process (pairing) between the accelerator and the Db2 subsystem that you want to enable has been completed successfully.


  1. Ask the network administrator or the person who did the TCP/IP setup for the IP address of the accelerator. Make a note of this information. You need to enter it as you complete the steps that follow.

    For IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator on an IBM Integrated Analytics System, this is the virtual IP or wall IP address.

    For Db2 Analytics Accelerator on Z, this is the IP address of the network that you labeled DB2 in the Appliance Installer.

  2. Log on to the IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Console by using telnet or ssh. The preferred method is ssh.
  3. Press the Pause key, then Enter to display the following screen:
    *         Welcome to the IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Console
    You have the following options:
     (0) - (Menu) Manage Configuration Console Users                                                
     (1) - (Menu) Run Accelerator Functions
     (2) - (Menu) Manage Incremental Updates 
     (3) - (Menu) Manage Encryption of Data in Motion
     (4) - (Menu) Manage Call Home
     (x) - Exit the Configuration Console                                           
  4. Type 2 and press Enter to display the submenu:
     main -> 2                                               
     You have the following options:                         
    (0) - Go back one level                
    (1) - Enable incremental updates       
    (2) - Disable incremental updates      
    (3) - Restart incremental update processes
    (4) - Include or exclude tables not enabled for incremental updates 
          in WAITFORDATA queries
    (5) - Allow or disallow queries to run if WAITFORDATA timeout is reached
    (Default 0) >                          
  5. Type 1 and press Enter.
  6. The enablement setup process asks you for information. Type the requested information at each prompt and press the Enter.
    1. Select the Db2 subsystem to be enabled for replication:
      Type the number of the Db2 subsystem that you want to enable and press Enter.
    2. Available incremental update technologies:
       1. Integrated Synchronization
       2. IBM InfoSphere Data Replication for z/OS
       Select the incremental update technology ('' or '0' to exit): 

      Type 2 (IBM InfoSphere® Data Replication for z/OS), and press Enter.

    3. Enter the Capture Agent IP address on z/OS ('' or '0' to exit):
      Enter the virtual IP address of the logical partition (LPAR) on which the CDC Capture Agent is running. Just pressing the Enter key or entering 0 ends the process and you return to the IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Console.
    4. Enter the Capture Agent TCP port ('' or '0' to exit):
      Enter the port number of the CDC Capture Agent that you specified in step 2. By default, this is 5999. The port must be open and must not be blocked by a firewall. Just pressing the Enter key selects the default. Entering 0 ends the process and you return to the IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Console.
    5. Enter the Db2 UserID for replication:
      Incremental update processes are run under a certain user ID. This user ID must exist in z/OS and requires access to the CDC metadata tables and to all the tables that you want to enable. It is recommended that you use the same user ID as for the started task that runs the CDC Capture Agent because this ID already has the required authorizations on the metadata tables if the CDC installation process was followed properly. If you decided to use a different user ID, you must grant this user ID the following authorizations on the <CHCMetaID>.DMMD_SIGNALS table:
      • SELECT
      • INSERT
      • UPDATE
      • DELETE

      where <CHCMetaID> stands for the ID of the owner or the schema name of the CDC metadata tables (security identifier). You provided this ID when you ran the CDCMDMUT customization job.

      In addition, mind that this ID must also have SELECT authorization on all tables that you want to enable.

      • Make sure that the password of this user ID is at least 4 characters long. It is possible to define a shorter password, but that will cause problems when you try to update IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator in the future.
      • Set the password for this user ID so that it never expires. This has the advantage that you need not worry about expired CDC passwords when running incremental update jobs; you will not have to use options (5) - Manage Incremental Updates and (3) - Update Db2 subsystem credentials on the IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Console to correct an error that is due to an expired CDC password.

      For details, follow the Related information link at the end of this topic.

    6. Enter the password:
      Enter the password of the user entered in the previous step.
    7. Enter the password again to confirm:
      Repeat the password and press Enter to confirm it.
    8. Enter the Db2 group IP for client connections:

      Type the private network IP address of the selected Db2 subsystem. If the target system is a Db2 data sharing group, type the IP address that is used to reach the data sharing group over the private network from the accelerator (usually, this is a shared DVIPA address). Then press Enter.

    9. Enter the Db2 DRDA port for client connections: (Default 446) >

      This is the listening port belonging to the IP address. Press Enter if you use the default port. If you use a different port, type the port number and press Enter.

    10. Enter the schema name of the CDC capture task metadata tables:

      Type the schema name and press Enter. The CDC metadata tables were created by the CHCMDMUT sample job at the time when IBM InfoSphere Data Replication for z/OS was installed and prepared for use with Db2.

      The schema name is the ID of the owner of the CDC metadata tables (security identifier). Make sure that the user ID under which your incremental update processes are run has the required authorizations on the CDC metadata tables. See sub-step 6.e.

    11. Press 'y' to register Db2 subsystem 'XYZ' for replication:
      Type y, then Enter.
      When this step has been completed successfully, the word done. is displayed on the screen.
    12. Press the Enter key repeatedly until you reach the main menu of the IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Console.
  7. Type x and press Enter to exit the console.

What to do next

Having configured a Db2 subsystem for incremental updates, you can start or stop incremental updates for the accelerators that are attached to the Db2 subsystem. You can also include or exclude certain tables from the process. You can complete these tasks from IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator Studio.