Rational License Key Server Administration Agent FAQs

Consult these frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Rational License Key Server Administration Agent.
Attention: The license server log files (lmgrd.log, lmgrd.log.back, and ibmratl_timestamp.log), option files (such as ibmratl.opt), and debugging log files are the source of data for the reporting tool. Do not delete or modify these files. Doing so will result in license usage reporting inaccuracies. For more information, see technical document http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21671165.

I selected Configure Later during agent installation. How do I configure the agent later?

If you select Configure later and do not specify the license server log file and license file paths, then manually add the log file and license file paths in the rclagentconf.properties file. Then, restart the server administrator agent. The file is installed in the install-loc\servers\rclagent\conf\rclagent directory.

Note: The Configure Later option was removed in version

How do I know whether the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent is started?

To ensure that the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent is started:
  1. Check whether the RLKSAdminAgent_install_location/work/rclagent/logs/console.log file contains this message: Application rclagent started in 2.991 seconds.
  2. In a web browser, go to http://hostname_of_machine_or_IP:4080. The IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Liberty profile welcome page opens.

    If the agent does not start, stop the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent by using the stopRCLAgent and startRCLAgent commands respectively in the agent installation location.

I added a license server and clicked Test Connectivity, and it failed. What do I do now?

  1. Verify that the computer on which the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent is installed can be reached from the computer on which the Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool is installed.
  2. Ensure that the agent is running.
  3. Open the rclagentconf.properties file in the RLKSAdminAgent_install_location\servers\rclagent\conf directory and ensure that the agent is configured correctly.

When I configure a CLM license server, which log file do I specify?

You must configure the Jazz™ floating log file to generate reports that are based on CLM (Jazz) floating client access licenses (CALs).

How do I enable a floating log file for a CLM license server?

To enable the floating logs for CLM license server version 4.0.1:
  1. Go to Server > Advance properties.
  2. Change the Enable Floating License Logging property value to true. The property is in the com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.license.FloatingLicenseService attribute.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Find the Floating License log file property, and change the value to the location of a file on your disk.
  5. Click Save at the top of the page.
For CLM license server version 4.0.3:
  1. Go to Server > Advance properties to enable the floating logs.
  2. Change the Enable Floating License Logging property value to true. The property is in the com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.license.FloatingLicenseService attribute.
  3. Click Save.
  4. After you enable the log, whenever a license is checked out, a floating log is automatically created in the \server\logs\floatingLicenseLogFile.csv file.

How do I generate reports by using a log file with historical data (old license server log file)?

  1. Install Rational License Key Server Administration Agent.
  2. Configure the agent to use the historic log file.
  3. Configure the LICENSE_FILE property in the rclagentconf.properties file to point to the license file that was used by the license server. Ensure that the license file path is a valid path on the machine where the agent is installed.
  4. Add the license server to the Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool.
  5. Go to the Reporting tab, and click Start Reporting.
  6. Wait for some time for the back-end database to index the data.
  7. Create the reports.

How do I enable the Jazz authorized user license log for the CLM server?

To enable authorized user CAL logs for CLM license server version 5.0 or later:
  1. Go to Server > Advance properties.
  2. Change the Log the usage of permanent CALs property to true. The property is in the com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.license.LicenseService attribute.
  3. Click Save.
  4. After you enable the log, an hour later, a log file is created in the \server\logs\calLogFile.csv directory. Then, the file logs entries at hourly intervals.

For more information, see Running Jazz authorized user licenses reports.

Why do I receive an error (Internal Error:UID should end with E,W or I:Error! message was thrown) in the log file after I install the Rational License Key Server?

Internal processes between IBM Installation Manager and the Rational® License Key Server on the UNIX operating system generate this error. The error is recorded in the Installation Manager log file. It causes no functional issues in the product.

How do I restore the reporting function if the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent is stopped while the reporting function is in progress?

If the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent version 8.1.4 is stopped while the reporting function is in progress, you must restore the reporting function. See the RLKS Administration Agent stopped when reporting is in progress technical document. You must complete the steps only if you are using 8.1.4.

Note: You do not need to restore the reporting function. The agent tracks the reporting activities and restores the reporting function upon a restart.

Why don't I see the command prompt flash when I start the RLKS Admin and Agent installations at the end of the installation on Windows?

Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool starts the Windows services for the agent and ART at the end of the installation and from the Start Menu shortcuts. You will not see a command prompt. Check the status of the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent and Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool to determine whether the process is running.

My license server is already using a vendor-specific debug log file. How do I configure my agent?

Configure the agent to use the vendor-specific log file. You must add the following line at the beginning of the log file before you start the reporting function:

HH:mm:ss (ibmratl) TIMESTAMP MM/DD/YYYY

How do I enable debug logs in Rational License Key Server Administration Agent V8.1.5 or higher?

Perform the following steps to enable debug logs in Rational License Key Server Administration Agent V8.1.5 or higher:
  1. Stop the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent.
  2. Go to the installation folder installation_location\servers\rclagent\conf\rclagent.
    Note: Following are the default installation locations:
    • For Windows icon: C:\Program Files\IBM\RCL\RLKSAdminAgent
    • For Linux icon: /opt/IBM/RCL/RLKSAdminAgent
  3. Edit the log4j.properties file and change the property log4j.rootCategory=ERROR,A1 from ERROR to DEBUG or TRACE as required.
  4. Start the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent.

What happens when I uninstall the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent without removing reporting?

When you uninstall the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent without removing reporting or deleting the agent, it does not remove reporting data from the database. Thus, the Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool is no longer synchronized with the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent.

When you uninstall the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent and try to add a new agent at the same port without removing reporting, you get the following error message in the log file:
Reporting agent already exist with current status =RUNNING
To resolve this:
  1. Open the Db2® command prompt using db2cmd command.
  2. Connect to the database using the db2 connect to databasename user userid using password command.
    db2 connect to artdata user rcldb2i1 using Rcladmin123
  3. To clean the agent entry from database, call the REMOVE_REPORTING_AGENT stored procedure using db2 call SCHEMANAME.REMOVE_REPORTING_AGENT ('HOSTNAME_PORTNUMBER') command.
    db2 call RCLADMIN.REMOVE_REPORTING_AGENT('localhost_4080')
  4. To clean reporting data related to agent, call the REMOVE_REPORT_DATA stored procedure using db2 call SCHEMANAME.REMOVE_REPORT_DATA ('HOSTNAME_PORTNUMBER') command.
    db2 call RCLADMIN.REMOVE_REPORT_DATA('localhost_4080')
  5. Log in to the Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool, go to the Server Administration page, and remove the server if an entry exists.
  6. Restart the Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool.

Why reporting operation on Rational License Key Server Administration Agent does not run properly and no data is available for report generation?

When you upgrade the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent and Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool from version or earlier to 8.1.5 or later but do not perform the data migration using Data Migration step in the setup wizard, it does not migrate existing Rational License Key Server Administration Agent metadata to latest database. As a result, the Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool and Rational License Key Server Administration Agent are no longer in sync and therefore the reporting operation on agent does not run properly and no data is available for report generation.

Following are the most common symptoms when you face such problem:
  1. The operation Start Reporting succeeds.
  2. The reporting status is Running but the Last read change log time field in Reporting tab on server administration page shows Not Available status.

    You get the following error message when you try to perform Remove Reporting on related Rational License Key Server Administration Agent:

    CRALUA0018F: The remove Reporting operation failed with exception

  3. The license server corresponding to related agent is not listed in create report definition page.
You must add related agent to Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool to resolve this issue:
  1. Connect to artdata database and execute the following query:


  2. Restart the Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool.
  3. Perform Remove Reporting on related agent. Wait till operation completes successfully.
  4. Stop Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool.
  5. Stop Rational License Key Server Administration Agent.
  6. Remove the backup folder from location:.<<Agent Installation Location>>\servers\rclagent\apps\rclagent_resources
  7. Clear the agent logs.
  8. Start the Rational License Key Server Administration Agent.
  9. Start the Rational License Key Server Administration and Reporting Tool.
  10. Perform Start Reporting on related agent. Wait till operation completed successfully.
  11. Wait for few minutes and look at the Last read change log time field. It should show a timestamp.
  12. Wait for 10 minutes and navigate to the create report definition page. You can see license server corresponding to the agent listed there.
    Note: If there is a redundant server setup, repeat the above steps for each of the three servers in triad.
