Change history for IBM Storage Insights

View the changes in previous updates of IBM® Storage Insights.

Changes in Q1 2024 (March 6)

The following features and enhancements were made available in the Q1 2024 update of IBM Storage Insights:
Support for sustainability metrics, alerts, and volume groups REST APIs
The following REST APIs are developed in this release:
  • For an IBM Storage Insights Administrator/Monitor user, gets all sustainability metrics like power and temperature for a flash storage system. The API is supported on firmware version and above.
  • For an IBM Storage Insights Administrator/Monitor user, acknowledges a single or multiple alerts.
  • For an IBM Storage Insights Administrator/Monitor user, gets a list of volume groups on flash storage system. The API is supported on firmware version 8.5.x and above.
Real-time ransomware threat detection

Your ability to identify ransomware threats on storage systems is reaching new heights with the AI-based ransomware threat detection. This feature adds an extra layer of detection that is designed for IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems.

The ransomware threat detection alert operates based on the volumes and Flash Core Module (FCM). For the devices with FCM version 4 and later, IBM Storage Insights receives ransomware alerts from IBM Storage Virtualize devices through Call Home with cloud services and then displays these alerts in GUI. Also, alerts are sent to your email IDs.

You can also configure your enterprise class observability and incident management services such as ServiceNow by creating a webhook in IBM Storage Insights to receive notifications when a ransomware threat alert triggered in IBM Storage Insights.

IBM Storage Insights automatically notify you of ransomware threats at the following instances in your IBM Storage Insights GUI:
  • Dashboards page
  • Storage system details page
  • Individual volumes details page

By clicking the Go to Alerts in the ransomware threat notification, you can go to the alerts detail page where you can find details of the potential ransomware-affected volumes. Right-click the volume and select View Alert to see detailed ransomware threat description along with its performance graph. Click the volume to see its detailed properties.

Also, significant improvements were made to the IBM Storage Insights GUI to seamlessly integrate the ransomware threat detection:
  • Block storage systems page: New columns for Ransomware Threat Detection and Threat Notification Recipients are added, enhancing visibility and control.
  • Storage system details page: Within Internal Resources > Volumes section, following changes were introduced:
    • To indicate ransomware detection on affected volumes, the (Threat Detected) label is appended to existing statuses in the Status column. For instance, if a volume's status is Warning and ransomware threat is detected on it, the status displays as Warning (Threat Detected). If you acknowledge the alert then the status becomes Warning (Threat Detected) Acknowledged. Also, the Threat Detection Timestamp column is introduced.
    • Threat Detected and Threat Detected – Acknowledged with count statuses are added in the health summary.
  • Operations dashboard page: Threat Detected and Threat Detected – Acknowledged with count statuses are added in the Volumes component tile of Logical Components.
  • Alert details page:
    • Workload Anomaly Event alert is renamed to Ransomware Threat Detection.
    • Right click the volume that is affected with ransomware threat and select View Alert, two new columns Status and Host Connections are added.
  • The Security tab under Volumes in Alert Definitions is removed.
  • By default, ransomware threat detection is enabled for IBM Storage Virtualize systems with firmware version or later.
  • For the devices with FCM version 4 and later, ransomware threat detection is applicable only if the devices are monitored through Call Home with cloud services.

For more information, see Enabling and disabling ransomware threat detection alerts.

Integrating webhooks for ransomware alerts

A webhook is an HTTP request that is triggered by an event in a source system and sent to a destination system, often with a payload of data. In IBM Storage Insights, webhooks are now available for ransomware alerts, allowing notifications to be sent to target application when potential ransomware threats are detected on your storage systems.

To create a webhook in your IBM Storage Insights, go to Configuration > Integrations.

For more information, see Creating a webhook in IBM Storage Insights.

When you create a webhook, you specify a URL and subscribe to event types. When an event that your webhook is subscribed to occurs, IBM Storage Insights sends an HTTP request with payload data about the event to the URL that you specified. If your application is configured to listen for webhook deliveries at that URL, it can take action when it receives one.

For more information, see Receiving webhook deliveries.

To see an example of how to create a webhook in IBM Storage Insights and configure your third-party application to receive a webhook, see Integrating IBM Storage Insights with ServiceNow.

IBM Storage FlashSystem 5300 support

IBM Storage FlashSystem 5300 device can now be monitored with IBM Storage Insights through Data Collector (DC) and Call Home with cloud services method.

For more information about IBM Storage Insights support for FlashSystem 5300, see Table 2 of IBM Storage Insights vs IBM Storage Insights Pro.

Overview dashboard (Carbon)
You can now experience much easier access in the Carbon overview dashboard with the new top navigation pane, side navigation pane, and storage systems tabular view.
  • Top navigation pane: The top navigation pane provides you the Hamburger menu, Back to Classic theme, Help, Settings, and User options for quick navigation between the pages.
  • Side navigation pane: The side navigation pane opens on clicking the Hamburger menu in the top navigation pane. It provides Overview, Storage Systems, and Settings options for quick navigation between the pages.

For more information about the top and side navigation pane, see Overview dashboard (Carbon).

Storage systems tabular view

The tabular view displays all the storage systems that are added to the tenant with all their attributes and properties.

For more information, see Storage systems tabular view.

Individual device dashboard

Individual device overview dashboard enables you to monitor and troubleshoot the specific storage systems usage in their cluster. It also enables you to view the system level information about different aspects, such as Components, Capacity, Sustainability, Workload Protection, System Protection, Performance, Top Volumes in Latency, Throughput and IOPS, etc.

For more information, see Individual device dashboard.

Audit logs

You can download the audit logs of the actions that you perform in IBM Storage Insights. The logs for various actions that are performed in the last 15 days are available to download in CSV format. The Tenant administrators can use this feature to download the audit logs. But, the users with Monitor role cannot download audit logs.

Audit logs are in Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) standard format.

You can download the audit logs by navigating to Help > Download Audit Log menu option in IBM Storage Insights GUI or by using IBM Storage Insights REST APIs. For more information about downloading audit logs from GUI, see Navigation.

For more information about downloading the audit logs through REST APIs, see Audit logs.

Maintenance dashboard for IBM block storage systems

You can now access a dashboard that displays warranty and maintenance information for your IBM block storage systems. With this new maintenance dashboard, you can track the timeline of your services, including device warranty, maintenance, and expert care. You can identify services that are soon to expire or already expired, allowing you to renew them as needed.

To access the maintenance dashboard, go to Configuration > Maintenance Information. Here, you can find a holistic overview of your storage systems, including details such as serial number, device type, and the earliest service expiration date. Click a specific storage system to view its components like nodes and enclosure and their maintenance details. Expand the drop-down menu for each component to access additional information such as warranty type, expiration date, response time, coverage, and warranty period. You can also switch to the Expired Storage Systems tab to view details of systems with expired warranties or maintenance contracts.

Upon logging in to IBM Storage Insights, you are notified about storage systems with expired maintenance contracts. You can acknowledge these notifications or access maintenance details by clicking View Details within the notification, or by going to Configuration > Maintenance Information.

Also, for IBM Storage Insights Pro, the alert condition for warranty or maintenance expiry is included in the default alert policy. With this alert, you are notified before 90 days of your service expiry. Moreover, you can customize the alert policy to set the expiry notification between 30 to 365 days.

For more information, see Tracking maintenance contracts of storage systems.

Call Home with cloud services integration for IBM Storage Ceph® systems

You can use Call Home with cloud services to establish a direct connection between IBM Storage Ceph systems and IBM Storage Insights. When you enable Call Home with cloud services on an IBM Storage Ceph, you get notified in IBM Storage Insights to approve or decline the IBM Storage Ceph system addition request. You can also access the devices that are pending for approval in Configuration > Call Home Storage Systems. When you approve the request, the device is added to IBM Storage Insights, and you can start monitoring.

For more information on adding IBM Storage Ceph systems through Call Home with cloud services, see Adding IBM Storage Ceph systems.

  • Only IBM Storage Ceph systems with version 7 or later are supported for monitoring in IBM Storage Insights.
  • IBM Storage Ceph system must be added to IBM Storage Insights through Call Home with cloud services only.
Enhanced DS8000® copy data interface: A streamlined Summary tab

The copy data section in the DS8000 device details page is enhanced to display more accurate and relevant copy data values. The Summary tab in the Copy Data section is introduced with the categories such as primary data, copies of local data, and copies of remote data. These data categories are further subdivided into relevant subcategories to enhance visibility and find relevant copy data.

Access the Summary tab in Copy Data section in DS8000 device details page. The following data categories and subcategories are displayed.

Data categories Data subcategories

Primary data


Multi Target Synchronous

Synchronous and Asynchronous


Multi Target Asynchronous

Not protected

Note: All these subcategories are further provided with the subcategory Protected Locally.

Copies of local data

FlashCopy Provisioned Capacity
Note: This subcategory is further provided with the subcategory FlashCopy Used Capacity.

Safeguarded Copy

Copies of remote data


Synchronous Cascaded


Asynchronous Cascaded

Note: All these subcategories are further provided with the subcategory Protected Locally.

For more information, see Block storage copy data resources.

Optimizing DS8000 safeguarded capacity management: New metrics and alerts
To enhance your storage management experience, two new capacity metrics are introduced for DS8000 in IBM Storage Insights. These metrics provide proactive alerts to help you manage your storage resources effectively.
  • Safeguarded Used Capacity (%): The percentage of safeguarded capacity currently used.
  • Safeguarded Virtual capacity: The total virtual capacity allocated to store safeguarded backups for a safeguarded source.
You can access these metrics at the following locations within the IBM Storage Insights GUI:
  • Block storage systems page: Go to Resources > Block Storage Systems.
  • Pools page: Go to Resources > Pools.
  • DS8000 details page:
    • Properties > Capacity
    • Copy Data > Safeguarded Copy
    • Volumes in Internal Resources section
      Note: You can also access new metrics by double-clicking a specific volume and selecting the Storage tab.
    • Pools in Internal Resources section
      Note: You can also access new metrics by double-clicking a specific pool and selecting the Storage tab.

You can add Safeguarded Used Capacity (%) metric to the capacity charts of storage systems, volumes, and pools. The capacity chart displays the historical behavior of the Safeguarded Used Capacity (%) as per the duration set by you.

Also, you can set alerts for Safeguarded Used Capacity (%) to receive notifications when it reaches a threshold set by you. For example, you can configure an alert when the Safeguarded Used Capacity (%) of a volume is greater than or equal to 25%.

Note: The alert definition for Safeguarded Used Capacity (%) is not included in the default DS8000 alert policy. You can add this alert definition to your custom IBM Storage Insights alert policy. For more information about creating custom alert policy, see Defining custom alerts for resources.
Seamless monitoring IBM Storage Insights R9.4

You can add IBM Storage Insights devices that are running on R9.4 version to your IBM Storage Insights and monitor them seamlessly.

IBM Storage Insights now accommodates the following new features of DS8000 version 9.4:
  • Multi target - Global Mirror (MT-GM): A single volume can now be part of two global mirror sessions. You can access this information in the Consistency groups and Remote Relationships tabs of the Copy Data section on the device details page.
  • Cascaded Incremental Resynchronization: Enables incremental resynchronization for cascaded PPRC relationships, leveraging multi-target PPRC and supporting various types of cascaded relationships.

For more information about the DS8000 firmware versions supported in IBM Storage Insights, see IBM Storage Insights Support for IBM System Storage DS8000 Series.

Changes in Q4 2023 (December 7)

The following features and enhancements were made available in the Q4 2023 update of IBM Storage Insights:

Seamless monitoring DS8000 R9.4
You can add DS8000 devices that are running on R9.4 version to your IBM Storage Insights and monitor them seamlessly.
Sustainability monitoring for IBM Storage Flash
Sustainability in business refers to a company's strategy to reduce the negative environmental impact that results from their operations in a particular market. An organization's sustainability practices are typically analyzed against environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics. For data center infrastructure, sustainability is measured by the carbon emissions that are generated through direct power consumption and the power that is needed for system cooling, expressed as CO2e (which is carbon dioxide equivalent).
Current market standards mandate sustainability reports for data centers to furnish comprehensive insights into each infrastructure type. In its recent release, IBM Storage Insights facilitates the monitoring of energy consumption metrics for IBM Storage Flash. It includes power, temperature (in both Celsius and Fahrenheit), and power efficiency measured in Watts or Raw TB. The platform enables storage administrators to configure sustainability Service Level Agreements (SLA). As the alerts are based on these metrics, contribution to the efficient management of energy consumption and the reduction of environment impacts the data center operations.
Learn more about the new updates in:
Note: Sustainability data collection is supported for Call Home with cloud services connected devices. It is NOT supported for Data Collector (DC) connected devices.

If any ransomware alert gets detected, it will affect the health status of the storage system in the Carbon dashboard and not in the Classic IBM Storage Insights view.

Unlocking the advanced diagnostic power of DS8000
IBM Storage Insights enhanced the diagnostic capabilities for DS8000 by enabling the seamless offloading of various diagnostic data types. These data types include PE packages, On-Demand Data (ODD) dumps, and State Saves. Previously, only General PE packages might be offloaded from IBM Storage Insights. For other types of diagnostic data like On-Demand Data (ODD) dumps and State Saves, you needed to offload it directly from the DS8000.
With this update, you can access diverse diagnostic data types and streamline the troubleshooting processes for DS8000. Learn more about DS8000.
IBM Storage Insights REST APIs provide a seamless integration pathway for external applications, including integrated operation managers, with IBM Storage Insights. Following REST principles, these APIs employ predictable resource oriented URLs, accept form-encoded request bodies, generate JSON-encoded responses, and comply with standard HTTP response codes, authentication methods, and verbs. Also, they incorporate safeguards against bursts of incoming requests for enhanced stability. IBM Storage Insights administrators and monitor personas can effectively use the REST API to access relevant data within their designated tenant. Following is the list of APIs developed in this release:
  • For a IBM Storage Insights administrator/monitor user, list all available block, file, and object storage systems added to a tenant.
  • For a IBM Storage Insights administrator/monitor user, get details of a particular storage system added to a tenant.
  • For a IBM Storage Insights administrator/monitor user, get all alerts generated on a IBM Storage Insights tenant.
  • For a IBM Storage Insights administrator/monitor user, get alerts of a particular storage system added to a tenant.
  • For a IBM Storage Insights administrator/monitor user, get all notifications generated on a IBM Storage Insights tenant.
  • For a IBM Storage Insights administrator/monitor user, get notifications of a particular storage system added to a tenant.
  • For a IBM Storage Insights administrator/monitor user, get all volume details of a particular storage system added to a tenant.
The Admins need API keys to perform certain operations. For example, To collect data from multiple management services to a single dashboard and showcase the view of data centers. The Admin can perform the following:
  • Generate the REST API key: The process to generate the API key remains the same if it is generated for the first time or if there is a list of already generated API keys.
  • Revoke the REST API key: It enables the Admin to remove access of an API key from the user who already has access to it.
  • Rotate/Renew REST API key: It enables the Admin to provide a new REST API key to the user if it gets lost and Renew in case the duration of the key is expired.
Learn more about REST API.
Metric API
With the new Metric API, you can get all the performance and capacity metric details of a particular storage system added to a tenant for an IBM Storage Insights administrator/monitor user.
Learn more about Metric API details in Swagger documentation.
Overview dashboard (Carbon)
Experience a new look and feel of IBM Storage Insights. With the new User Interface (UI), you can switch between the new experience (modern carbon view) and classic IBM Storage Insights view.
You can now experience the new overview dashboard that provides aggregated and system level information about different aspects, such as, resources, capacity, sustainability, workload protection, system protection. Learn more about Overview dashboard (Carbon).
New VOLSER column for DS8000 Copy Data section
For DS8000, you can now view the VOLSER column for your count-key-data (CKD) volumes in two more tabs of the Copy Data section. The following changes were made in the Copy Data section of the DS8000 details page:
  • A new VOLSER column that shows the volume serial number for DS8000 CKD data is added in the Remote Relationships and FlashCopy tabs.
  • By default the VOLSER column is shown in both Remote Relationships and the FlashCopy tabs in the Copy Data section of DS8000 details page.
Policy based replication-high availability support for IBM FlashSystem®
Policy-based Replication for HA is now supported for IBM Storage FlashSystem, which are added to IBM Storage Insights through Call Home with cloud services. You can now view the synchronous replication policies as 2-site-ha that are associated with the volume groups. The IBM Storage Insights GUI is enhanced to display the views that are relevant for both synchronous and asynchronous policies that are assigned to the volume groups.
The following changes were made in the Volume Groups section of the Flash system details page:
  • The following listed columns were renamed:
    • Topology to Replication Topology
    • RPO Alert to RPO
    • Current RPO to Current Recovery Point
    • RPO Status to Policy Status
  • A new column Partition Name is added which is not a default column.
  • A tooltip is added to the Location 1 System and Location 2 System columns that show if it is a production copy or recovery copy.
Also, similar changes were made in the Replication Policies tab of the Copy Data section in the device details page.
The following listed columns were renamed:
  • Topology to Replication Topology

  • RPO Alert to RPO

  • Location 1 to Location 1 System

  • Location 2 to Location 2 System

Enhanced default alert policies and capacity alerting
Alerting in IBM Storage Insights got better as all the default alert policies for block and file storage systems are now configured with the advanced capacity prediction. The alerting function uses the power of AI-enabled capacity planning of IBM Storage Insights to trigger you the relevant capacity alert when it is most crucial for your storage environment.
All default alert policies now come with the following default capacity alert definitions along with existing default alert conditions.
  • Storage system used capacity is greater than or equal to 60% in the next 180 days
  • Storage system used capacity is greater than or equal to 75% in the next 90 days
  • Storage system used capacity is greater than or equal to 80% in the next 30 days
You can also create a custom alert on capacity limit condition based on your requirement. For example, you can create an alert for your storage systems when their used capacity reaches the capacity limit.
Two new fields Capacity and Span were added while setting up alert definitions for Used Capacity.
  • The Capacity field is provided with 2 drop down values. Custom for providing the required value in the Value field, and Capacity Limit to default set Value to 80%.
  • The Span field is provided to specify the required duration by days or dates. None value is also provided for Span field.
Learn more about defining alert definitions for capacity changes.

Changes in Q3 2023 (September 4)

The following features and enhancements were made available in the Q3 2023 update of IBM Storage Insights:
Al-enabled capacity planning

Storage Insight's Capacity Planning feature is now enhanced in two dimensions.

  • AI-driven forecasting: Capacity Forecasting now leverages a collection of AI based forecasting models, trains them on historical capacity trends and tests them for accuracy. Best accuracy forecasting model is then chosen to forecast future capacity.
  • Capacity Growth simulation based on user inputs: Capacity Growth Simulation is an existing feature which is now enhanced. You will now have the choice to select either Used Capacity or Written Capacity to simulate the capacity growth in future. Further, when you select Written Capacity, you may choose to override future compression ratio.

Learn more about forecast used capacity.

Learn more about forecast written capacity.

Hitachi Ops Center support
You can now add Hitachi VSP storage system using Hitachi Ops Manager in IBM Storage Insights.

While adding the new Hitachi storage system for Ops center, if you enable Performance Monitoring check box, then you will have to fill the Ops center analyser detail view fields. To add a new Hitachi storage system for Ops center, go to Add Storage systems and select Hitachi. Learn more about the Hitachi Ops Center.

If you enable performance monitoring while adding new Hitachi storage system for Ops center, then the Ops center analyser detail view fields are also available for any modification in the already added Hitachi storage system. To update the fields, go to Resources > Block Storage Systems, right-click the storage system, and then click Connections > Modify Connection.

In Data collection schedule, you can specify the time interval for monitoring the performance. To view Data collection schedule, right-click on Hitachi storage system and select Data Collection > Schedule.

User permission for remote log uploads
Now, IBM support will have to seek user's permission before uploading log packages. To upload a log package, IBM support will get three permissions:
  • Allow: When the user chooses this option, it allows the IBM Support to upload the log packages.
  • Don't allow: When the user chooses this option, it refrains the IBM Support to upload the log packages.
  • Ask me: When the user chooses this option, the IBM Support needs to ask the user through email or chat, before uploading the log packages.

To view the log upload permissions, go to Configuration > Settings and click Edit under IBM Support Log Permissions. Learn more about log permission options.

Volume group enhancements
With the enhanced features, you can now monitor and view information about the volume groups for your IBM Storage Insights. The new features for the volume group are the following:
  • Current RPO - Recovery Point Objective: IBM Storage Insights allows you to monitor and analyze the Current RPO, a critical metric measuring data replication time between volume groups. When Errors lead to a disconnection between the source and destination volume groups, the platform identifies RPO deviations from the defined limit and promptly displays the status as Out of Limit, accompanied by an error icon. Clicking on this icon provides immediate insights through a performance graph, aiding in understanding the delay and potential data replication issues. With this information, you can take prompt action. Learn more about current recovery point objective (RPO).
  • Node-level metrics for volume group statistics: Explore IBM Storage Insights latest addition Node level metrics for volume group stats.
  • Mini probe: The mini-probe serves an interface that showcases data from the secondary storage system to IBM Storage Insights. Any changes to the IBM storage device will be promptly updated in IBM Storage Insights through the mini-probe.
  • Replication policies: IBM Storage Insights introduces the Replication Policy View, in Copy Data , which provides a comprehensive display of Replication Policies and their corresponding details at the system level. Learn more about replication policies.
  • Enable volume group snapshot: In volume group Copy Data, you now have the capability to view group snapshots at the device level, extending beyond the previous ability to view snapshots of single volume group. Learn more about volume group snapshot.

Changes in Q2 2023 (June 5)

For information about more of the latest features and enhancements in the Q2 2023 update of IBM Storage Insights, see What's new in IBM Storage Insights. The following changes are also included in the update:
  • Display user-friendly name for VVol volumes that are created by VASA provider.
More help with detecting workload anomalies on the system - Tech Preview

In a previous update of IBM Storage Insights Pro, you were able to use new metrics to measure and alert on sudden changes to the compression ratios on your storage systems, pools, and drives. Significant drops (30%-50%) in the ratios between consecutive metadata collection times meant that a Workload Anomaly Event might be encrypting your data.

In this update, your ability to identify Workload Anomaly Event on storage systems is going to the next level. Now, the new Workload Anomaly Event metric provides an extra layer of detection for IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems. This metric uses advanced compression formulas and an analysis of entropy characteristics at the node and volume level to identify when conditions on your storage might indicate a Workload Anomaly Event. The Workload Anomaly can include anomalies noticed via a malware act on the system like ransomware.

Your IBM Storage Insights team will automatically monitor Workload Anomaly Event to quickly spot when the conditions for an potential attack are met so that they can help mitigate the impact to your business. For even more direct monitoring, you can define your own single or multi-condition alerts for specific storage systems or for all the storage systems in an alert policy.

This workload anomaly update is supported on systems that are running IBM Storage Virtualize 8.6 or later.

Volume Groups

You can now monitor and view information about the volume groups for IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems. This information includes the number of volumes in a volume group, the replication state, its snapshot policy, capacity metrics, and much more. You can also measure the performance of a volume group such as the average and maximum recovery time in seconds, number of replication writes, and number of blocks that are replicated.

To view the volume groups for a storage system, go to Resources > Block Storage Systems, right-click a storage system, and select View Details. Then, click Volume Groups in the General section.

Migrate your metadata collection method

Collecting Metadata is important step to know the status of your storage device. In IBM Storage Insights, you can use both Call Home with cloud services and data collectors as part of your overall monitoring strategy of the storage systems. A device can use either Call home with cloud services or a data collector but not both at the same time. Now you can change your metadata collection method from data collector to Call Home with cloud services. You can add eligible IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems for monitoring through Call Home with cloud services. Use IBM Storage Virtualize storage system management GUIs to integrate them with IBM Storage Insights.

To view Call Home devices, go to Configuration > Call Home Devices.

For more information about the specific storage systems that are supported for Call Home with cloud services, see Supported devices in IBM Storage Insights.

Enhanced monitoring support
You can now monitor, alert, and report on the capacity, space usage, and performance of the following storage systems:
  • IBM FlashSystem® 5015 (MTMs: 4680-2P2, 2P4)
  • IBM Storage FlashSystem 5045 (MTMs: 4680-3P2, 3P4)
  • IBM Storage FlashSystem 9500 (MTM 4983-AH8)
User friendly display name
In the realm of virtualization, virtual volumes are created as a result of virtual machine operations. These volumes adhere to a specific naming convention, commencing with the prefix "rfc" followed by an alphanumeric identification referred to as the Virtual Volume ID. To enhance usability, a new attribute known as "Display Name" has been introduced, allowing users to assign user-friendly names to the virtual volumes associated with the Virtual Volume ID .
Bug fixes and security updates
To view the bug fixes, security updates, and known limitations and issues in this update, see Release notes for IBM Storage Insights.

Changes in Q1 2023 (March 13)

The following features and enhancements were available in the Q1 2023 update of IBM Storage Insights:
Peer into the future of your storage needs
To help you stay ahead of demand, avoid critical capacity shortages, and make more informed purchasing decisions, you now have the ability to forecast your future capacity needs based on analysis of your historical capacity usage. By using past metrics and advanced formulas, you can project, chart, and report on future capacity usage for block storage systems, file storage systems, pools (by tier), and STaaS environments.
How it works: Go to Insights > Capacity Planning. Choose one or more devices or a STaaS environment. Then, go to the next page to view projections and a chart that show the predicted capacity growth for the next year.
Monitoring IBM Storage Ceph
The ability to monitor your storage is expanded to include IBM Storage Ceph storage systems. IBM Storage Ceph is an open, massively scalable, simplified data storage solution for modern data pipelines. Use IBM Storage Insights to monitor all these storage systems across your environment from a central location.
To add, view, and administer IBM Storage Ceph storage systems, go to Resources > Unified Storage Systems. From there, you can get a view of key capacity and configuration information about your monitored IBM Storage Ceph storage systems, such as IP address, Object Storage Demons (OSDs), total capacity, used capacity, and much more. You can also easily spot which storage systems require your attention.
Monitoring your IBM Storage as a Service
IBM Storage as a Service (STaaS) monitoring is now available with DS8000 storage systems. Previously, you were able to monitor STaaS environments for IBM Storage FlashSystem storage systems. Now, you can get the same key insights into the capacity usage, potential shortages, and billing overages of STaaS environments backed by DS8000 storage systems.
Tracking the maintenance contracts for storage systems
The maintenance contract for a storage system helps to ensure that you get the support you need, when you need it. An active contract also means that you can use the free version of IBM Storage Insights to monitor its status, capacity, and performance. A storage system must have an active maintenance contract to be monitored in IBM Storage Insights. This requirement does not apply to IBM Storage Insights Pro.
In this update, you are notified about the storage systems with expired maintenance contracts when you log in to IBM Storage Insights. You'll then have 90 days to take action before the storage system is automatically removed. Click View Details in the notification to view more information, such as serial number, device type, maintenance expiration date, and removal date.
Enhancements to monitoring with Call Home
The ability to monitor IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems by using Call Home with cloud services was updated with the following enhancements:
More monitored events to keep you updated
Some of the new events that you'll be able to monitor include when the following changes occur on your storage:
  • Added and removed resources such as drives, enclosures, host connections, MDisks, nodes, pools, and volumes
  • Updated resources such as controllers, drives, host connections, MDisks, pools, ports, and volumes
  • Renamed resources such as clusters and I/O groups

To view events that are detected, go to Insights > Advisor. From there, double-click an event to get details about the change to your storage.

More information about storage systems that connect through Call Home with cloud services
  • On the Storage Systems page, use the new Data Collection Type value to quickly identify which of your monitored storage systems use Call Home with cloud services and which use data collectors for metadata collection.
  • Also on the Storage Systems page, use the Data Collection value to track the status of metadata collection for storage systems that use Call Home with cloud services.
Picking the right log package for a ticket
You can now select and upload an existing log package for storage systems that connect through Call Home with cloud services. Up to 10 existing log packages are available for you to select, starting with the most recent. Each log package is identified by its snap name and creation date so you can more easily select the right one. When you're ready, simply click the log package that you want to upload.
Bug fixes and security updates
To view the bug fixes, security updates, and known limitations and issues in this update, see Release notes for IBM Storage Insights.

Changes in Q4 2022 (December 16)

The following features and enhancements were available in the Q4 2022 update of IBM Storage Insights:
Monitoring your IBM Storage as a Service
IBM Storage as a Service (STaaS) gives your critical applications direct access to secure, high-performance storage on a proven platform. Monitoring the devices that provide the storage and getting key insights into capacity usage, potential shortages, and billing overages can help you keep your operations running smoothly.
With IBM Storage Insights Pro, you can use the new STaaS dashboard to get those key insights about IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems at a glance:
  • Get a birds-eye view of your STaaS environments. For each of environment, you can quickly see its storage system family, tier (performance plan), committed base capacity, total usable capacity, month-to-date usage and overages, and number of storage systems.
  • Dive down into an environment to view and manage more of its details:
    • View easy-to-understand charts that visualize your capacity usage, base capacity, and any overages that require additional billing during the current and previous months.
    • Identify any spikes in capacity usage or overages and see when they occurred.
    • View your used and remaining available capacity to help forecast your storage needs.
    • Analyze your upcoming storage needs, the current base capacity of your STaaS environment, and any overages that occurred to help determine if more storage is required.
    • Verify the performance plan of the environment and the names of the storage systems that are providing its storage.
    • Check the start and end subscription dates of your storage as a service so that you can avoid interruptions to your operations.
  • View the list of storage systems that provide storage to a STaaS environment. With a click, view the details of each storage system, including its configuration, status, capacity, and performance.
  • Define alerts so that you are automatically notified when your capacity meets certain thresholds. Use these notifications to be made aware of STaaS environments that require your attention.
  • Create reports to easily share information about your STaaS environments with colleagues.
Monitor IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems without data collector
Use Call Home with cloud services to create a direct connection between certain IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems and IBM Storage Insights with no data collector required.
When you enable Call Home with cloud services on an IBM Storage Virtualize storage system, you now have the option to integrate that storage system with IIBM Storage Insights. With this supercharged integration, you can collect the same metadata as a data collector and send it securely to IBM Cloud® for analysis and reporting in IBM Storage Insights.
For more information about the specific storage systems that are supported for Call Home with cloud services, see Supported devices in IBM Storage Insights.
Better visibility to diagnose performance problems on storage systems
Slow downs in your storage environment might be caused by a number of problems, such as imbalanced workloads, congestion, throttling, and hardware failures. One of the culprits might be when the storage system ports are experiencing a high rate of errors. High error rates on storage system ports can cause bottlenecks on the storage systems in your environment.
To identify the storage system ports with high error rates, the following metrics are now available for DS8000® and IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems:
  • Total Physical Port Error Rate
  • Total Logical Port Error Rate
General changes and improvements
The following general changes and improvements are also included in the update:
  • To help streamline the information about unmonitored hosts, the following changes were made:
    • On the details page for the block storage system and unmonitored host, the Paths tab was removed from the Drives page.
    • The values for Storage System and Volume from the Paths tab are now displayed directly on the Drives page.
    • The Paths column on the Drives page shows the number of paths associated with a drive.
    • You are not alerted to the existing alert definitions that are set for paths of unmonitored hosts. Consider removing these alert definitions.
  • You can now upload performance metadata for a support case to IBM Enhanced Customer Data Repository (EcuRep) or Blue Diamond Enhanced Secure Support based on the data governance requirements of your environment.
  • For Hitachi storage systems, the firmware value now displays the main (DKC) and SVP microcode levels.
  • On the details page for a DS8000 storage system, the Last Data Collection column is now included on the Copy Data > Consistency Groups tab. Use this value to identify how recently the information about a consistency group was updated.
  • For Cisco and Brocade switches, TLS 1.3 protocol is now supported for communicating on ports.
  • If you use the System CPU Utilization metric to monitor the utilization and performance of CPUs on IBM Storage FlashSystem 9500 nodes, you can now view up to 48 cores (previously 32).
  • The infrastructure and underlying database of IBM Storage Insights were updated and optimized to help improve the performance, stability, and security of your experience.
  • The guided tour of the Operations dashboard was removed.
Bug fixes and security updates
To view the bug fixes, security updates, and known limitations and issues in this update, see Release notes for IBM Storage Insights.

Changes in Q3 2022 (August 19)

The following features and enhancements were available in the Q3 2022 update of IBM Storage Insights:
More frequent capacity updates for better planning with DS8000 storage systems
You can now collect used capacity values for DS8000 storage systems and their pools more frequently. Out of the box, these values are collected once every hour, but IBM can help you further customize that interval to suit the needs of your environment.
With this turbo boost to metadata collection, you can better monitor how fast pools are changing and take more timely action to optimize their capacity. Getting hourly insights into used capacity can also help you understand daily trends and avoid storage shortages before they occur.
Picking the right log package for a ticket
Opening tickets and uploading log packages for your IBM Storage Virtualize devices is a key part of the integrated support experience in IBM Storage Insights. To enhance that experience, you can now select the specific log package (also known as a snap file) that you want to upload with a ticket. While the ability to automatically create a log package with a ticket is still available, we understand that it might be helpful to select an existing one that better highlights the problem.
Now when you open or update a ticket, up to 10 existing log packages are available for you to select, starting with the most recent. Each log package is identified by its snap name and creation date so you can more easily select the right one. When you're ready, simply click the log package that you want to upload.

Changes in Q2 2022 (May 31)

The following features and enhancements were available in the Q2 2022 update of IBM Storage Insights:
Enhanced alerting for compression ratios
You can now define alerts to be notified of percentage changes to your compression ratios. Use the following methods to trigger compression ratio alerts:
  • Use the >= or <= operators to be notified when a specific compression ratio threshold is reached. For example, if your normal, baseline compression ratio is 4:1, you might want to know when it drops to 3:1 or 2:1. You can then define an alert that notifies you when the compression ratio is equal to 3:1 or less. If you want to know if your ratio improves, you can also define compression ratio thresholds of 5:1 or more, 6:1 or more, and so on.
  • Use the Changes operator to be notified when your compression ratio changes by a percentage. For example, if you don't know your baseline compression ratio, or if it typically varies throughout the day, you might want to be notified only when it changes by a significant percentage. In that case, you can define an alert that notifies you when the compression ratio changes by 50% or more.
Monitoring the connection between your storage systems and hosts
Keeping your hosts connected to your storage systems helps ensure that your storage environment and the apps that access it stay running smoothly. Tracking the status of ports on the connected hosts can help. Because when a port is down, so is the connection.
To help detect and avoid lengthy access issues, you can now view the status of host ports as seen by your monitored IBM Storage Virtualize and DS8000 storage systems. Simply go to the details page for an IBM Storage Virtualize or DS8000 storage system, click Host Connections, and scan the Status column. Watch for statuses such as inactive or offline because it might mean an interruption is occurring in your storage environment.
Enhanced capacity views and terminology
Tracking the capacity and its usage on your block storage is a critical part of planning for your storage needs. Running out of space can result in outages for your applications that can cripple your operations. With terminology and calculations that are aligned with your monitored IBM block storage systems, you can more quickly and accurately assess the space that's available and when it might run out.
Refreshed visualization of capacity values
A new "donut" chart for Usable Capacity is available on the Operations dashboard and details page for block storage systems. This chart consolidates and better illustrates used capacity, available capacity, and total capacity at a glance. The view of Capacity Savings was also revamped to put a spotlight on data reduction and total savings ratios and values.
More capacity information where you need it
To provide more key capacity information at your fingertips, the Resources > Block Storage Systems page now includes the following metrics in the initial list of storage systems and in the Capacity tab:
  • Data Reduction Ratio
  • Data Reduction (GiB)
  • Total Savings Ratio

The Data Reduction Ratio and Total Savings Ratios are calculated and displayed only for IBM Storage Virtualize 8.5.1 or later versions.

Updated capacity terminology
On all the pages where they appear, the following capacity terms were updated to be aligned with how they're used across IBM block storage, such as on IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems:
Original terms New terms
Capacity Usable Capacity
Total Capacity Savings Total Savings
Provisioned Capacity (GiB) Total Provisioned (GiB)
Provisioned Capacity (%) Total Provisioned (%)
More help where you need it
  • In cases where a capacity value can't be determined for a IBM Storage Virtualize storage system, a visual warning is displayed that includes a link to information about how to address the issue. For example, a warning might be shown when a storage system contains thin-provisioned volumes with compression disabled in data reduction pools that also contain compressed drives.
  • The text that appears when you hover over an updated capacity metric was rewritten to provide more clarity. The improved descriptions of metrics can help you better understand their meaning so you can make more informed decisions during capacity planning.
Triggering alerts when capacity is getting low
Alert policies are a great way for you to be automatically notified when certain conditions occur in your storage environment. To help warn you when your capacity is running low, the following custom alert conditions are now included in default alert policies for IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems:
  • Pool DRP Available Capacity is 15% or less
  • Pool non-DRP Available Capacity is 15% or less
  • RAID Array Available Capacity is 10% or less
More ways to diagnose performance problems on switches
Slow downs in your storage environment might be caused by a number of problems, such as imbalanced workloads, congestion, throttling, and hardware failures. One of the culprits might be when the switch ports in your fabric are experiencing a high rate of errors. High error rates on ports can cause bottlenecks on the storage and hosts connected to the related switches.
To identify the switch ports with high error rates, the following metrics are now available:
  • Total Physical Port Error Rate
  • Total Logical Port Error Rate
Each metric summarizes all of the other error rates for a port. To further save you time when pinpointing a problem, the metrics are separated for physical ports and logical ports. For example, if a switch port has a high rate of physical errors, your first action might be to check the ports and cables that are part of the connection.
To check out the new metrics, access the performance chart for a switch, click the add metric icon, and look in the Other(cnt/s) section of Key Metrics for FC ports. You can also set alerts to be automatically notified when the physical error rate or logical error rate reaches or exceeds a threshold that you define.
Understanding IP port workloads of IBM Storage Virtualize devices in replication relationships
You can now identify performance bottlenecks or anomalies in the IP port partnerships (remote) on storage systems in replication relationships. Use charts with the following metrics to quickly visualize the workload, performance, and data rates of those IP ports.
  • IP Replication Latency: Measure the average round-trip time (in milliseconds) for the IP partnership link.
  • IP Replication-to-Remote Node Send Data Rate and IP Replication-to-Remote Node Re-Send Data Rate: Measure the transfer rates (average MiB per second) at which data is sent and re-sent to the remote node.
  • IP Replication-to-Remote Node Receive Data Rate: Measure the rate (average MiB per second) at which data is received by the local node.
To view the workload and details (name, state, and IP addresses) of the IP replications for a storage system, double-click it on the Block Storage Systems page, click Copy Data, and open the IP Replication tab.
Enhanced monitoring support
Monitor, alert, and report on the capacity, space usage, and performance of the following storage systems:
  • IBM Storage FlashSystem 7300
  • IBM Storage FlashSystem 9500

Changes in Q1 2022 (March 7)

The following features and enhancements were available in the Q1 2022 update of IBM Storage Insights:
Get more insights into compression for better capacity planning
How much capacity you're saving through compression is critical to helping you plan for your capacity needs. You can now measure how well your compression is working by viewing compression ratios and compression savings at the managed disk, pool, and storage system levels. With these metrics, you can also monitor if your compression ratios change, which can impact how much capacity your devices can hold.
To stay on top of how well your compression is working, define alerts to automatically notify you when your compression ratios and savings reach thresholds that you define.
To check out the new metrics for IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems that run firmware levels or later:
  • Go to the Operations dashboard and click View capacity savings.
  • Go to the Block Storage Systems page and view the compression values for each storage system.
  • View the details page for a storage system and click Managed Disks or Pools.
More security when you want it
Security is an important part of protecting an organization's assets and data. To provide another level of security when you want it, you can now enter a password for the SSH User that IBM Storage Insights uses to connect with IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems that run firmware levels or later.
Showing and hiding passwords
Want to view the password for a device as you enter it? Now you can. To help reduce those pesky mistypes, you're able to show the password that you enter or modify for a device. If you prefer to mask the password for security reasons, with one click you can toggle back to hiding its characters.

Changes in Q4 2021 (December 2)

The following features and enhancements were available in the Q4 2021 update of IBM Storage Insights:
Support for monitoring VMware hosts and virtual machines
Collect and view performance, capacity, configuration, and status metadata about the following VMware ESXi hosts and virtual machines in your environment:
  • ESXi 6.5 or later
  • Virtual machines(VMs) on ESXi hosts
With VMware hosts monitoring you can identify when, and understand why, hosts in your environment encounter problems such as a loss of storage access or high storage latency. It also enables you to more quickly determine if the issues are caused by the host, fabric, or the storage layer. Routing issues to the right people and getting them resolved more efficiently, is now possible with this new monitoring capability.
If you use the free version of IBM Storage Insights, you'll now be able to do host-centric monitoring. With this new capability, you can connect and monitor your ESXi hosts directly. You can also monitor other hosts that consume your monitored storage but were not directly added to IBM Storage Insights.
Monitoring capacity that is protected by Safeguarded Copy
The Safeguarded Copy feature is a new type of FlashCopy® relationship in IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems. It helps further improve cyber resiliency by frequently creating protected, point-in-time backups of critical data, with minimum impact and effective resource utilization. Use IBM Storage Insights to monitor the Safeguarded Copy feature across all your monitored IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems. Check out what you can do:
  • Understand how much of the capacity within your storage systems and pools is being consumed by Safeguarded copies.
  • Verify that the correct volumes are being protected.
  • Generate reports to see how much of your capacity is protected.
Monitoring the IP workload of IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems
Use new performance metrics to monitor and visualize the workload of IP ports at the node level. The types of metrics include transfer size, replication latency, replication data rate, and compressed data rate. You can use these metrics and related charts to complete the following tasks:
  • Quick start your network planning by understanding how much total IP workload is being done between the storage systems in an IP replication relationship
  • Troubleshoot IP replication by investigating latency and re-transmissions
  • Compare the performance of nodes and quickly spot anomalies when they occur
Tracking the IP addresses of ports on IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems
On IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems, IP ports can be associated with VLANs. With this enhancement, each node now supports:
  • Up to 64 IP addresses per port
  • A total of 256 IP addresses
In IBM Storage Insights, you can track the IP addresses of IP ports to get an overall view of a storage system's connectivity. To check the configured IP addresses, double-click a storage system to views its details. Then, click IP Ports, double-click the port you want to view, and go to the Connectivity tab.
Reorganized metrics for IBM Storage Virtualize storage systems
Existing metrics for nodes and IP ports were reorganized so you can find them more quickly. Key metrics and data rate metrics were moved from the IP Ports section to the Key Metrics and Data Rates sections under the Node category. The IP Ports section was renamed to IP Workload to contain the new workload metrics for IP ports.
Taking a tour of the Operations dashboard
You can now take a guided tour of some of the key features on the Operations dashboard. To take the tour, go to Dashboards > Operations, hover over the help icon in the upper right of the page, and click Guided Tour.
More views of your capacity
Tracking your capacity usage and growth just got easier. You can now view capacity charts for managed disks, drives, and RAID arrays on your block storage systems. Use the new charts to visualize usage trends and help enhance your monitoring and capacity planning. To view these charts, open the details page for a block storage system and click a resource, such as Managed Disks. Then, click the Capacity tab.
Security fix for Apache Log4j 2.x
To protect you against Apache Log4j 2.x vulnerabilities, Log4j was removed from IBM Storage Insights in December 2021. For information about the Log4j vulnerabilities, see An update on the Apache Log4j 2.x vulnerabilities.

Changes in Q3 2021 (August 23)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for Q3 2021:
Enhancements to monitoring DS8000 storage systems
You can now view the status of the device and host adapters that are associated with DS8000 storage systems. In IBM Storage Insights Pro, you can also view information about the configuration and performance of an adapter. This information includes details about the I/O enclosures where it's located, its type, speed, DA pair, and more. With performance metrics, you can identify adapters where high workloads might be causing bottlenecks. Other features, such as alerting and reporting, are also supported.
Viewing easy tier load for IBM Storage Virtualize devices
You can now view the easy tier load on managed disks in storage systems that run IBM Storage Virtualize. Use this value (low, medium, high, or very high) to identify the IOPS capability of the associated storage tier and fine-tune the utilization of backend storage. It can also help you troubleshoot performance issues, such as determining when the setting is incorrect for a managed disk because high workloads require a better tier.
Viewing capacity savings for your devices
How much capacity you save through compression technology is critical to helping ensure that you don't run out of space. You can now get a detailed view of your compressions savings over time so that you can monitor any dips in those savings that might cause unexpected capacity shortages. From the Operations dashboard, select the storage system that you want to view and click View Capacity Savings to access the new Capacity Saving page.
Getting more insights into the capacity of file and object storage systems
You can now view a single capacity and space usage chart for multiple file or object storage systems. This chart can help you visualize capacity and usage trends across your storage systems based on the different time ranges and metrics that you select. From the chart, you can also drill down into the internal resources of a storage system to chart their capacity trends. For file storage systems, you can view charts for file systems, filesets, pools, and volumes. For object storage systems with file storage enabled, you can view charts for filesets, file systems, and pools.
More flexibility for upgrading data collectors
In some environments, upgrading applications and their components are governed by tight controls and strict schedules. The process of upgrading data collectors might fall within these rules for your organization. To help address these situations, you can now upgrade your data collectors individually for more granular control over which ones are upgraded, and when. You can still manually upgrade all data collectors at the same time if that better suits your organization or just right-click a specific data collector and click Upgrade.

Changes in Q2 2021 (June 21)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for Q2 2021:
Knowledge is power – Monitoring switches and fabrics to better troubleshoot your storage environment
Get a more holistic view of your environment and unclog those troublesome bottlenecks! You can now collect configuration, status, and performance metadata about the switches and fabrics in your environment. With the built-in diagnostic capabilities of IBM Storage Insights and IBM Storage Insights Pro, you can monitor and troubleshoot which resources are impacted by an availability or performance issue in your SAN.
What you can monitor:
Here's just some of what you can do:
  • Easily spot which switches and fabrics require your attention.
  • Keep an eye out for saturation, congestion, and fabric errors that might impact your storage performance.
  • Get improved time to resolution for complex storage and fabric issues because IBM support doesn't have to ask for as much information.
  • Use different views to understand how your storage, switches, and hosts are connected so you can better plan and troubleshoot.
  • Create and share reports with colleagues to get a quick, birds-eye view of your switch and fabric inventory.
  • Create alerts so that you're automatically notified of problems, and potential problems, on your switches and fabrics.
Peering into the history of capacity alerts
You can now view historical information for alerts in easy-to-read charts that visualize how capacity trended over the previous 30 days. This information can help you identify not only the amount of capacity that changed and when usage reached a specified threshold, but also how quickly those changes occurred. With these charts in hand, you can get more insights into how your capacity might trend in the future and thus more confidently plan for your capacity needs.
Defining application filters is easier with a little help
Now when you define filters for including resources in an application, IBM Storage Insights provides a list of resources that you can select from. No more guessing or trying to remember resource names – click and pick.
Changing the connection credentials for more than one device at a time
You can now change the username and password for multiple devices at the same time, saving you valuable time from updating the devices individually and making it easier to keep IBM Storage Insights connected. Use Shift+click or Ctrl+click to select the devices from a list, right-click the selection, pick Connections > Modify Credentials, and then enter the new credentials.
Getting more information about DS8000 storage systems
When you view the firmware level of a DS8000® storage system, information about the code bundle version is now included alongside the SEA or LMC version.
Viewing the performance and workload of your CPUs just got easier
If you monitor the utilization and performance of the CPUs on your storage system nodes, this enhancement is for you. You can now view up to 32 cores on the same chart, at the same time. By comparing the workload of all the cores for a CPU in a single chart, you can quickly identify which cores are being over utilized. Finding the outliers in core performance is a snap!
Getting more insights into the performance of IBM Storage Virtualize
New volume metric: The new Fast Write Data Rate metric (in MB/s) measures the performance of writes to the upper and lower cache of volumes in fast write mode. Use this information to help identify the source of back-end overloading, measure the workloads that exit the upper and lower caches, and detect IO amplification in general.
New port metrics: You can now use the following metrics for FC ports to help identify outliers and determine when small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceivers or bad cables might be causing a slow down:
  • SFP Temperature (°C): Watch for fluctuating and high temperatures of an SFP to monitor its environmental health.
  • TX Power® (µW), RX Power (µW): Monitor the transmit and receive power (in microwatts) of an SFP to ensure that they're within the normal operating ranges and are not causing link instability and degraded performance.

Changes in Q1 2021 (March 22)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for Q1 2021:
Say goodbye to alert noise
IBM Storage Insights now analyzes alerts when they are triggered and generates a single consolidated alert for an issue that affects multiple resources. If multiple alerts are triggered by the same violations for the same device and at the same time, the following occur:
  • A single alert is shown on the Alerts dashboard.
  • A single email notification is sent.
IBM Storage Insights is faster
Because of key improvements to the infrastructure, viewing information about your storage can be as quick as 0.5 seconds, down from as high as 7 seconds previously. That's quite a performance boost! Spend less time waiting and more time monitoring and resolving issues with your storage.
Enhancements to task tracking for device management
All device management actions now run as background tasks and you can monitor the progress of the tasks. Examples of device management actions include stopping and restarting data collection, modifying credentials, and testing the connection to a device. Previously, only the actions for adding storage systems and creating tickets were run as background tasks.
You can also view additional details about the tasks that are running and why a task failed. For example, if you add a storage system and the action fails, you can now see whether the credentials were invalid or whether the device couldn’t be reached by the data collector.
Adding filters to Volume reports
You can now add filters to refine the information that is shown in Volume reports. Use filters to create a report about how much capacity your thin-provisioned volumes have used and share it with your colleagues.
Enhancements to the Notifications dashboard
You spoke and we listened! The Notifications dashboard now displays only Call Home events. To see upgrade recommendations and best practice notifications, go to the Advisor page.

Changes in Q4 2020 (November 14)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for Q4 2020:

Monitoring snapshot information for volumes that are protected by Safeguarded Copy
With Safeguarded Copy in DS8000 8.5.0 and later, you can improve cyber resiliency by frequently creating protected, point-in-time backups of critical data, with minimum impact and effective resource utilization.
You can now view snapshot information for volumes that are backed up using the Safeguarded Copy feature across all your monitored DS8000 storage systems. Use this information to monitor the volume capacity that is protected and the capacity that is used to store volume backups for Safeguarded Copy.
Viewing topology and location information for DS8000 Fibre Channel (FC) ports
You use IBM Storage Insights to monitor DS8000 storage systems, and you need to understand the port topology and the location of the ports in the hardware hierarchy? Not a problem. From the Resources menu, click Block Storage Systems, double-click a DS8000 storage system, and click FC Ports.
You can now check whether an FC port uses the FICON® or the SCSI FCP protocol and view the frame, I/O enclosure, and host adapter for the port.

Changes in Q3 2020 (August 22)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for Q3 2020:

Using the Monitor role for monitoring IBM Storage Virtualize
Now, users with a Monitor role can collect performance metadata from IBM Storage Virtualize or later. So, when you add a storage system, just add the credentials of a user with the Monitor role and you'll get the key performance metadata that you need to monitor your storage environment.
Monitoring performance for Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform F and G Series
You can now monitor the performance of Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform F and G Series storage systems. You can also define performance alerts so that you're notified of bandwidth, latency, and other issues before they impact your storage environment. And, you can compare your storage workloads and response times across your entire storage environment.
Viewing the name and VOLSER properties for DS8000 CKD volumes
For DS8000, you can now view both the volume name and the volume serial number (VOLSER) for your count-key-data (CKD) volumes.
Determining the capacity to be licensed
The Managed Capacity page (Configuration > Managed Capacity) was updated to make it easier for you to understand how much capacity that you need to license for IBM Storage Insights Pro. The updates include:
  • The names of column headings were changed and the hover help was revised to help you complete your compliance check.
  • The capacity to be licensed and other capacity columns are now shown in tebibytes (TiB) to make it easier to compare the values with the value shown at the top of the page.

Changes in Q2 2020 (May 30)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for Q2 2020:

Setting capacity limits
Set capacity limits for storage systems and pools. You want to know how much capacity you have left before your storage systems or pools are 80% full? Just set a capacity limit and you'll know how close you are to reaching your capacity limit. Then, check the Capacity-to-Limit (GiB) value and see how much capacity you can use before you reach your limit.
Support for Pure Storage devices
You can now monitor FlashArray//M and FlashArray//X devices. View information about the capacity, space usage, and performance of this non-IBM storage. Other features, such as alerting, health monitoring, advanced analytics, and reporting are also supported.
Monitoring DS8000 capacity on flash drives
Monitor the volume capacity that Easy Tier®® places on Tier 1 and Tier 2 flash, high-capacity drives on DS8000 storage systems. View the capacity and available capacity of Tier 1 and Tier 2 flash drives in a pool and the distribution of volume extents across each of the Easy Tier drive classes.
Assigning data collectors to devices
You can now assign which data collectors collect metadata from your storage devices. For example, you can configure your data collection services as follows:
  • Assign data collectors to devices based on the locations of the data centers.
  • Assign data collectors to devices by production, development, or test platform to comply with your company's data governance rules.
  • Assign multiple data collectors to devices so that if one data collector fails another data collector takes over.
  • Assign data collectors to groups of devices to optimize and balance data collection services.
Renaming data collectors
You can now change the name of the data collector that is displayed in the GUI so that it's easier to identify. From the Configuration menu, click Data Collectors. Right-click the data collector that you want to rename, and click Rename. Change the data collector name in Rename Data Collector.
Additional OS support for data collectors
The IBM Storage Insights data collector now supports RHEL 7.x on Little Endian POWER8® (PPC64LE). The data collector on Linux® PPC64LE has the limitation that you cannot monitor non-IBM devices and FlashSystem A9000, XIV®, and IBM Spectrum®IBM Storage Virtualize Accelerate devices.

Changes in Q1 2020 (March 7)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 1Q 2020:

Creating reports
In the free version of IBM Storage Insights, you can now create, schedule, and send:
  • Capacity reports for storage systems and pools
  • Inventory reports for storage systems
Share information with your colleagues to help them plan capacity purchases and keep them up-to-date with the configuration and properties of their storage systems. If you like what you see in these reports and want more, just upgrade to IBM Storage Insights Pro.
Hot tip: In both IBM Storage Insights and IBM Storage Insights Pro, you can now send reports as PDF files. Just click the PDF option when scheduling the delivery of your report.
Enhancements to capacity reporting and terminology
  • Gain even more insights into capacity usage and capacity growth. On the Overview charts, you can now easily gauge how much capacity you have, how much capacity you've used, and how much capacity is still available. Use the new metrics, Recent Fill Rate (%) and Recent Growth (GiB), to see which storage systems and pools are experiencing the most growth or are running out of capacity the quickest.
  • To enhance your experience of our products and to provide a unified and simplified view of capacity concepts, IBM Storage is aligning the capacity terms across all IBM Storage products. To ensure that we use the same capacity term for the same capacity concept across our products, IBM Storage Insights has changed 47 of the capacity terms that it uses, removed 4 terms that are no longer needed, and added 1 new term.

    Learn more about the capacity terminology changes.

Monitoring more IBM FlashSystem devices
The new FlashSystem family is supported. View information about the capacity, space usage, and performance of IBM Storage FlashSystem 5000, IBM Storage FlashSystem 5100, IBM Storage FlashSystem 7200, and IBM Storage FlashSystem 9200 storage systems.
Enhanced support for IBM Storage Virtualize in IBM Storage Insights Pro
  • Monitor the cache fullness of pools and the aggregated cache fullness of nodes to identify which ones are experiencing heavy cache usage.
  • Monitor and alert on unmap operations at the host connection level. Determine how much unmap workload each host is contributing by measuring the performance of unmap volume commands.
  • Monitor Storage Class Memory (SCM). You can now monitor the volume capacity that Easy Tier places on SCM drives on IBM Storage Virtualize systems, such as IBM Storage FlashSystem 9100, IBM Storage FlashSystem 7200, and the IBM Storwize® family.
  • Create and schedule predefined reports about the IP ports on the nodes in IBM Storage Virtualize systems, such as SAN Volume Controller, IBM Storage FlashSystem 9100, IBM Storage FlashSystem V9000, and the IBM Storwize family.
Adding IP ports to general groups
You can now add IP ports to general groups so that you can receive alert notifications about changes in the configuration or attributes of the IP ports in a general group.
Monitoring disk utilization for RAID arrays on DS8000 storage systems
For RAID arrays on DS8000 8.5.0 or later, the disk utilization values were updated in performance charts and reports. You can now more accurately check how busy the disks in the array are over a period and identify arrays that are underutilized and overutilized.
Preventing gaps in your performance data during service outages
To help prevent gaps in your performance data during service outages, data collectors continue to collect performance metadata when your instance of IBM Storage Insights is offline during service outages.
Removing data collectors
You can now remove the data collectors that you are no longer using from IBM Storage Insights.
Support for dynamic changes to IP addresses
IBM Storage Insights can now use the host name of storage systems to collect data. Before this update, if you added a storage system by using a host name, IBM Storage Insights still used the IP address to collect data.

Changes in Q4 2019 (November 16)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 4Q 2019:

Important capacity updates
Capacity values in reports, views, and charts were updated to better reflect capacity usage in devices that support hardware compression. The devices affected by this update are:
  • Storage systems such as IBM Storage FlashSystem 9100, IBM Storage FlashSystem 900, and Storwize V7000 Gen3, which contain IBM FlashCore® Modules with hardware compression
  • SAN Volume Controller and Storwize storage systems that are configured as storage virtualizers, and which use back-end storage systems with hardware compression
In historical capacity charts for storage systems and pools, you'll see a sharp drop in capacity and used space. That's because capacity values are now measured based on the physical capacity rather than the effective capacity. Before, for example, the capacity value measured for your device was 250 TiB. Now it's 100 TiB. That's because the capacity savings achieved by hardware compression are no longer included when capacity is measured.
Don't worry, you can still monitor the capacity values that show the capacity savings that are achieved with hardware compression! To capture this information, new columns were added to the Block Storage Systems and Pools pages. Just check the column names that begin with Effective, such as Effective Capacity (GiB) and Effective Used Capacity (%).
Monitoring non-IBM storage
You can now add Dell EMC Unity and NetApp storage systems running ONTAP 9 to the list of non-IBM storage systems that you can monitor and report on in IBM Storage Insights Pro.
Monitoring IBM Storage Virtualize IP ports
You can now view detailed information about the IP ports on the nodes on IBM Storage Virtualize systems, such as SAN Volume Controller, IBM Storage FlashSystem 9100, IBM Storage FlashSystem V9000, and the IBM Storwize family.
Use this information to monitor the health and status of the IP ports, and to determine whether the ports are used for hosts, storage, or remote copy. Alerting is also supported for IP ports.
Monitoring IBM Storage Virtualize for Public Cloud storage systems
You can now monitor IBM Storage Virtualize for Public Cloud storage systems. You can view information about the capacity, space usage, and performance of the storage systems. Other features, such as alerting, health monitoring, advanced analytics, and reporting are also supported.
Monitoring whether reclamation is causing a performance issue on IBM Storage Virtualize
You can now review node metrics that measure the operations that are used to free up and reclaim capacity in data reduction pools such as:
  • The number of volume extents that were reclaimed
  • The amount of capacity that can be reclaimed
  • The rate at which capacity is recovered for reuse
You can use these metrics to help determine if reclamation is affecting performance. Track these metrics over time in the performance charts to measure the amount of capacity can be reclaimed and the rate at which it can be recovered by the garbage collection process.
Monitoring the cache fullness of nodes on IBM Storage Virtualize
You can now quickly see how full your cache is by adding new cache fullness metrics to the performance charts when you view the performance of nodes for your storage systems. Add and track cache fullness metrics to identify the nodes that are experiencing heavy cache usage. This heavy usage might cause latency issues such as write operations being queued and slow response times for the volumes that are managed by the node.
Use the cache fullness information to help investigate problems for volumes in a pool and to determine whether to move a volume to a different I/O group where the pool's cache partition does not have a cache fullness problem. You can select the following cache metrics for node performance:
  • Peak Read Cache Fullness (%)
  • Peak Write Cache Fullness (%)
  • Read Cache Fullness (%)
  • Write Cache Fullness (%)
Selecting metrics made easier
Want to add or track new or other metrics? A single click and you clear the metrics you don’t want in the chart. To build the chart, scroll and select the metrics you want from the list of categories, and as you build, you’ll see which metrics you’ve selected in the pane on the right. Save your changes and get the chart that you need to track your metrics. For example, you can now quickly select the metrics you need in performance charts so you can rapidly investigate performance issues.
With the new metrics selection dialog, you can:
  • Determine the available categories of performance metric at a glance, for example, volume, disk, port, and node
  • Scan all of the metrics within a category
  • Quickly navigate to and view the desired metric
  • Clear selected metrics
  • See the number of selected metrics for each category

Changes in Q3 2019 (September 29)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 3Q 2019:

What's happening in my environment?
Want to quickly understand what's happening in your environment so that you can easily identify which storage systems need your attention? Are you focused on triaging the health of your storage to minimize downtime and maximize performance? With the new Operations dashboard, grab your morning cup of coffee and quickly assess which block storage systems in your inventory need attention. Storage systems are listed in order of their health status to help you rapidly diagnose and address the types of issues that are happening. Simply drill down into the components where an error is identified to view the details of the issue.
Now, the health status of storage systems in IBM Storage Insights is based on the status that the storage system reports for itself and all of its components. In previous versions, the health status was based on Call Home events. The health status in IBM Storage Insights is closer now to what is shown in the storage system's GUI and CLI.
Monitoring IBM Storage Virtualize IP ports
You can now view detailed information about the IP ports on the nodes on block storage systems that run IBM Storage Virtualize, such as IBM Storage FlashSystem family, SAN Volume Controller, and the IBM Storwize family.
Monitoring unmap operations on IBM Storage Virtualize
You can now measure the performance of unmap volume commands and define alerts so that you are notified when unmap operations values fall outside thresholds you specify. Metrics, such as the average number of MiBs that are unmapped from volumes, I/O rates, data rates, and response times for unmap operations, are collected and shown at the pool, node, and I/O group levels.
Sending alert notifications only after sustained threshold violations
Now you can use enhanced notification frequency settings to specify that alerts are only triggered after a problem has occurred for a sustained period of time. You can further fine-tune your notification frequency by combining this setting with other notification frequency settings. Other frequency settings include send once until the problem clears, send every time the problem occurs, or send at regular time intervals.
Automatic upgrade of your data collectors
Now you can benefit from the automatic upgrade of your data collectors as soon as new versions are available. Automatic upgrades ensure that you're running the most up-to-date version of the data collector with all the latest fixes.
New versions of OS data collector support
IBM Storage Insights now supports Windows Server 2019 and CentOS releases 6 and 7.

Changes in Q2 2019 (June 2)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 2Q 2019:

Viewing notifications for your storage
See what needs attention in your storage environment in one place: the Notifications dashboard. Click Dashboards > Notifications to view call home events sent by your devices, upgrade recommendations, and best practice notifications.
Viewing recommendations for your storage
IBM Storage Insights analyzes your device data to identify violations of best practice guidelines and other risks, and to provide recommendations about how to address these potential problems. Click Insights > Advisor to view these recommendations.
Specifying which users are emailed about service outages
Control which users are notified about service outages for your instance of IBM Storage Insights. By default, all emails about outages are sent to the owner of the instance. Now you can decide who is notified when service outages occur.
Monitoring IBM Storwize V5000E storage systems
Monitor Storwize V5000E storage systems. You can view information about the capacity, space usage, and performance of the storage systems. Other features, such as alerting, health monitoring, advanced analytics, and reporting are also supported.
Viewing application workload
View the total workload of an application that is consuming storage. Previously, to investigate the workload of an application, you had to review the workloads of the individual volumes. Now you can select an application on the Applications page and click View Performance to view its Total I/O Rate and Total Data Rate.
Faster ways to view and acknowledge your alerts
Now it's easier and faster to view and acknowledge your alerts. On the Alerts dashboard, just double-click an alert to see the details of the alert on the same page, including a performance chart for performance alerts. You can view summary details of several alerts at the same time, and acknowledge them all with a single click.
Viewing more IBM Storage FlashSystem and XIV notifications
See more notifications from IBM Storage FlashSystem 900, IBM FlashSystem A9000, and XIV storage systems. You can also see recommendations for IBM FlashSystem A9000 and XIV storage systems.
IBM Storage Insights for IBM Spectrum Control
IBM Storage Insights for IBM Spectrum Control is an IBM Cloud® service that can help you predict and prevent storage problems before they impact your business. It is complementary to IBM Spectrum Control and is available at no additional cost if you have an active license with a current subscription and support agreement for IBM Virtual Storage Center, IBM Spectrum Storage Suite, or any edition of IBM Spectrum Control.

Changes in Q1 2019 (March 3)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 1Q 2019:

Configuring alerts using alert policies
Use alert policies to configure alerts for groups of resources rather than just for individual resources. Simply create an alert policy and specify the alerts that you want, and those alerts are automatically applied to all the resources that you include in the policy. Modifying alerts for resources is also a snap because the changes that you make are automatically applied to all the resources in the policy at the same time.
  • Selecting the resources you're interested is made easier. Now, you can easily generate predefined capacity reports about the resources that you are interested in. It just takes a click to select managed disks by storage systems, pools by storage systems, servers by applications, volumes by servers.
  • Send custom and predefined reports as CSV and HTML attachments. Your colleagues want to add information or modify the report? Just attach the report as a CSV file so that they can download and open the report in a spreadsheet!
  • Send scheduled reports now. Your colleagues can't wait for the next run of a monthly report? Just click and run the report now to share the information with your colleagues!
Monitoring compression savings for RAID arrays in IBM FlashSystem 900, model AE3 storage system
For IBM Storage FlashSystem 900, model AE3 with firmware 1.6, view the amount of capacity that is saved when the flash modules in the RAID array use inline data compression.
Identifying mirrored volume relationships on storage systems that run IBM Storage Virtualize
Some volume properties were renamed to make it easier to identify the primary and secondary copies in mirrored volume relationships. For example, on the Volumes page:
  • Target is now named Mirror Role and shows the value "Primary" or "Secondary".
  • Mirror is now named Copy ID.

Changes in Q4 2018 (November 18)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 4Q 2018:

  • From a single page, create predefined capacity reports that you can schedule and send by email. Just pick the type of report that you want to create, such as a capacity report for storage systems, pools, or servers.
  • Create predefined inventory reports for your storage systems and for the storage resources that they use, such as nodes.
  • Add filters to custom reports.
Stopping and restarting data collections
Stop data collection during maintenance work on storage systems to minimize the number of informational, warning, and error alerts that are generated. You can restart data collection when the maintenance work is complete. Restarting the data collection might also help if data is not being collected for a storage system.
Defining alerts for attributes and capacity of resources
Monitor capacity and configuration to keep a close watch on critical resources and resolve issues before they affect your storage environment. You can now create attribute and capacity alerts for your storage systems to monitor changes in your environment.
Monitoring the condition and status of resources
Monitor the health of your storage environment in IBM Storage Insights Pro by checking the operational condition of your storage systems and the status of their internal resources. Before now, the state of a resource was represented based on the call home events that were received. Fresh information is now received from resources about the internal status, such as when a volume or pool goes offline.
Monitoring the state of your storage environment
Capacity and configuration data is now immediately received from resources when changes occur, such as when volumes are created or pools deleted. For example, as soon as changes occur in your environment, you can now see the live information such as capacity information on the dashboard and configuration information on the storage systems details page and properties pages. Previously this information was updated once per day.
Monitoring IBM Storwize V7000 Gen3 storage systems
Monitor Storwize V7000 Gen3 storage systems. You can view information about the capacity, space usage, and performance of the storage systems. You can also view the savings that are achieved when data is reduced, compressed, and deduplicated.

Changes in Q3 2018 (September 9)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 3Q 2018:

Monitoring IBM Storage FlashSystem 9100 storage systems
Monitor IBM Storage FlashSystem 9100 storage systems. You can view information about the capacity, space usage, and performance of the storage systems. You can view the savings that are achieved when data is reduced, compressed, and deduplicated. Other features, such as alerting, health monitoring, advanced analytics, and reporting are also supported.
Enhanced support for IBM FlashSystem 900, model AE3 storage system
Prevent your IBM Storage FlashSystem 900 from running out of capacity by monitoring the physical capacity of the storage system. View how much pool capacity is provisioned and the used and available physical capacity for the RAID array.
Tracking the status of ticket tasks
Collecting and uploading logs for tickets can take 20 minutes or more. Use the new icons in the page banner to easily view progress when you create or update tickets.
Adding multiple storage systems
Adding storage systems is now a lot faster: You can add multiple storage systems instead of adding them individually.
Checking your support for block storage systems
Check if you are entitled to support for your block storage systems.
Viewing inventory information for SAN Volume Controller storage systems
View the list of nodes and enclosures in your inventory and the type of enclosure. You can see whether IBM Storage Insights has determined that the node or enclosure has an active maintenance or warranty contract.
  • From any table view for a storage resource, you can create, customize, and schedule custom reports.
  • Create, schedule, and send chargeback reports by email to make the owners of resources, such as applications, departments, or physical servers, aware of the amount and cost of the storage that their resources consume.
  • Create storage consumption reports to make the owner of a specific resource aware of the amount and cost of the block storage that their resources consumes.
Other changes
It was called Home. Now, it's called Dashboards. In IBM Storage Insights, it's your operations center for monitoring your block storage in tile or table view, and it's where you can view the custom dashboards that you create. In IBM Storage Insights Pro, not only do you get the Operations center dashboard, but you also have access to the Overview and Alerts dashboards.

Changes in Q2 2018 (June 10)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 2Q 2018:

Allowing IBM® Support to collect logs without contacting you
To save time when IBM® Support is working on your ticket, give IBM® Support permission to collect and upload log packages without contacting you. You can set this permission for each storage system.
Creating customized dashboards to manage your storage
Create customized dashboards to manage selected storage systems in your environment at a glance.
Managing capacity and performance at a glance using the dashboard table
Use the table view of the dashboard to quickly monitor the health, capacity, and performance of a range or all of your storage systems.
Viewing storage system properties and specifying custom tags
Easily access properties information about your storage systems from the dashboard and update the name, location, and custom tags.
Monitoring IBM Storage Virtualize enclosures
View detailed information and Call Home events about the enclosures for block storage systems that run IBM Storage Virtualize, such as IBM Storage FlashSystem V9000, IBM Storage FlashSystem 900, SAN Volume Controller, and the IBM Storwize family.
Monitoring capacity savings for IBM Storage Virtualize
Use the new overview charts for storage systems to answer key physical capacity, volume capacity, and capacity savings questions:
  • How much space is available.
  • How much of your thin-provisioned volume space is used.
  • How much space you are saving by using compression, deduplication, and thin provisioning.
Enhanced security for support
Blue Diamond Enhanced Secure Support is now integrated with IBM Storage Insights. Clients who need to comply with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations can now use IBM Storage Insights.

Changes in Q1 2018 (March 11)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 1Q 2018:

Monitoring spare nodes on IBM Storage Virtualize systems 8.1.0 or later
Monitor the availability of clusters by checking which nodes have spare nodes. You can also check the status of the spare nodes, such as which nodes are online and which nodes are on standby.
Monitoring compression metrics for volumes on IBM Storage Virtualize systems
Monitor the workload of compressed volumes on storage systems that run IBM Storage Virtualize. You can view I/O rate, data rate, and response time metrics for compressed volumes and uncompressed volumes.
Choosing the storage systems you want to monitor
On the dashboard, you can add block storage systems that were not automatically added based on your customer number and add storage systems that you removed but now want to monitor. You can also remove nodes and enclosures that were not assigned to storage systems.
Managing users and their roles
Add and remove IBM Storage Insights Pro users and assign roles. The roles that are assigned to a user determine the product features that are available.

Changes in Q4 2017 (November 19)

Getting support, detecting existing and potential issues, and collecting basic information about your inventory of block storage systems is easier than ever. In the 4Q 2017 update of IBM Storage Insights Pro, you can quickly monitor and assess the basic health, status, and performance of block storage systems. If a problem is detected, you can get help to investigate and troubleshoot the problem and minimize the impact of hardware and software issues before they impact the performance of your critical business applications.

In this update, you can:
  • Get an enterprise-wide, dashboard view of the health, capacity, and key performance indicators for all of your block storage systems.
  • Improve the signal-to-noise ratio by focusing on only storage-related events that require your attention.
  • Get support for all your IBM block storage systems in a few, simple steps.
  • Upload support logs automatically to get tickets investigated and closed efficiently and quickly

Changes in Q3 2017 (September 10)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 3Q 2017:

Alerting on performance conditions
Use alerts to prevent performance issues from developing into critical situations. For example, you know what the acceptable response times are for the volumes that a critical application uses. To make sure that you are notified if the response times drop below acceptable levels, you define alerts for the volumes so that you know when the warning or critical thresholds that you set are exceeded.
Agentless servers are created automatically
Before, you had to manually create agentless servers to monitor the storage resources that were being consumed by your physical servers. Now, you don't have to because agentless servers are automatically created when your storage systems are probed, which means less configuration and more capacity planning!
Renaming tiers
Change the default names of the tiers that are shown in IBM Storage Insights. For example, you might have tiers such as Tier 0 or Tier 1.5, which are not default tier names. You can now rename the tiers so that they match the names of the tiers in your storage environment.
Modifying the properties of multiple resources
Add or change properties, such as the location or custom tags, for multiple servers or storage systems. You can use the properties to filter or sort the resources in the GUI or in an external application if the data is shared or exported.

Changes in Q2 2017 (June 4)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 2Q 2017:

Viewing capacity metrics for read-intensive flash drives on IBM Storwize
View information about Storwize flash drives by tier in storage pools and volumes. For storage pools, you can view the capacity and available capacity for solid-state drives (Tier 0) and for read-intensive flash storage (Tier 1). For volumes, you can view the capacity for solid-state drives (Tier 0) and for read-intensive flash storage (Tier 1).
Enhancements for IBM Cloud Object Storage
  • Add COS Vaults to applications and general groups so you can track how much space is being consumed by logically related vaults and how that consumption trends over time.
  • Monitor access risk and storage risk for COS Vaults and COS Slicestor® nodes.
  • View information about the tolerance of COS Slicestor nodes to drive failures.
  • View information about the tolerance of COS Vaults to drive failures.
  • View information about the internal resources of IBM Cloud Object Storage that are used by IBM Storage Scale clusters.
Viewing Unprotected Volumes
View a list of all the primary volumes that are not protected by a copy data relationship. Use this information to identify volumes that might need copy data protection.
Identifying Quorum Disks in a stretched cluster
The Managed Disk page includes a new hidden column that identifies the Active Quorum disk in a stretched cluster.
Viewing the site name of each node in a stretched cluster
See the site name of each node in a stretched cluster. The site name is populated by probes. The site name identifies the physical location of the nodes.
Viewing host connections that are associated with a host or cluster
For DS8000 storage systems, you can now see the hosts and host clusters that host connections belong to.
Viewing port delay performance metrics on IBM Storage Virtualize
View the following port delay metrics for storage systems that run IBM Storage Virtualize:
  • Port Delay Time
  • Port Delay I/O Percentage
Use these metrics to investigate whether lack of buffer credits is causing performance problems if the Zero Buffer Credit Timer metric is not available.

Changes in Q1 2017 (March 5)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 1Q 2017:

Monitoring EMC storage systems
View information about the capacity, space usage, and performance of the following EMC storage systems when you add them for monitoring:
  • EMC VNXe
Support for versions of EMC SMI-S Provider or EMC Solutions Enabler that are compliant with SMI-S 1.6 provides a representative view of VMAX, VNX, and VNXe storage systems. For example, you can view information about:
  • Thin provisioning
  • Compression
  • Meta volumes and private volumes
Gaining insights into the external storage that is used by IBM Storage Scale
  • View capacity values for the external storage that clusters and file systems use.
  • Check whether you have enough internal space to recall data that was migrated to external storage.
Viewing host connections that are associated with a cluster
For storage systems that run IBM Storage Virtualize, see the cluster that host connections belong to.
Enhancements for IBM Cloud Object Storage
  • View information about the hard disk drives, solid-state drives, and flash modules in COS Slicestor nodes.
  • In the Vaults by Accessers chart, you can now clearly see the vaults that cannot be accessed and the vaults that are at risk of access failure.
  • In the Vaults by Accessers chart, you can now clearly see the vaults that cannot be accessed and the vaults that are at risk of access failure.
Replication capacity planning
On the new VDisk Mirrors and HyperSwap® pages in the Copy Data panel, you can analyze storage device relationships across your block storage environment to identify how redundancy is affecting available capacity.

Changes in Q4 2016 (December 4)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 4Q 2016:

Enhancing the collection of asset, capacity, and performance metadata
Deploy multiple data collectors to collect and send the data about the storage systems in your data centers to IBM Storage Insights Pro. When you add a storage system, the data collector with the best response time is selected to collect the data. If you install multiple data collectors and a probe or performance monitor fails to collect data from the storage system, the response times for the data collectors are tested again, and the collector with the best response time is activated to collect the data.
Monitoring IBM FlashSystem A9000 and IBM FlashSystem A9000R storage systems
Monitor IBM FlashSystem A9000 and IBM FlashSystem A9000R storage systems. You can view information about the capacity, space usage, and performance of the storage systems. You can view details about the savings that are achieved by data reduction, compression, and data deduplication. You can also view details about the flash drives in the storage systems.
Gaining insights about external storage that is used by IBM Spectrum Scale
View the amount of external storage that is being used by the file systems in a IBM Storage Scale cluster. External storage can be provided by IBM Cloud Object Storage, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), OpenStack Swift, IBM Spectrum Archive, IBM Storage Protect, and other cloud services.
Monitoring IBM Cloud Object Storage
You can now monitor sites, mirrors, and vault quotas for IBM Cloud Object Storage. For example, you can:
  • Monitor the capacity and space usage of sites. See which COS Slicestor and COS Accesser® nodes are located at each site and which sites cannot tolerate COS Accesser node failures.
  • View the space quotas that are configured for vaults and see whether any vaults are violating the soft or hard quota limits.
  • View information about mirrors, such as the pair of vaults in each of the mirrors, and the number of COS Accesser nodes that are configured to access the mirrors. You can also see the storage pools and sites for the vaults in the mirror.

Changes in Q3 2016 (August 28)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 3Q 2016:

Viewing performance metrics for IBM FlashSystem 900
View the following key performance metrics for IBM FlashSystem 900 storage systems:
  • Response times
  • I/O rates and data rates
  • The condition of the storage system
Investigating capacity and space usage trends
Review the capacity charts to detect capacity shortages and investigate trends in storage growth for your tiers. You can view and select capacity metrics in the chart and table views. Use the insights that you gain about space usage in your storage environment to determine when you need more capacity and to identify the storage resources that are underutilized.
Monitoring IBM Cloud Object Storage
Monitor the status, capacity, and space usage of IBM Cloud Object Storage.
Identifying which IBM Storage Scale file systems use cloud storage
Identify which file systems in a Spectrum Scale cluster use external pools for storage. External pools can include storage that is provided by IBM Cloud Object Storage, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), OpenStack Swift, IBM Spectrum Archive, IBM Storage Protect, and other cloud services.
Scheduling probes automatically
Automated probe scheduling simplifies the process of scheduling probes and helps to avoid excessive load on the product server. To minimize the number of concurrent probes, you can define the time window for scheduled automated probes to start. If you want to run a probe at a specific time, you can manually schedule a probe.

Changes in Q2 2016 (June 5)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 2Q 2016:

Identifying performance issues with storage systems that run IBM Storage Virtualize
Identify key performance metrics that are outside of a standard range on IBM SAN Volume Controller and IBM Storwize storage systems. You can quickly compare the workloads on your storage resources with best practice guidelines.
Exporting performance data for storage systems
Export performance data for storage systems to a compressed file. If you contact IBM Support to help you analyze a performance problem with a storage system, you might be asked to send this file.
Investigating capacity and space usage trends
Review the capacity charts to detect capacity shortages and investigate trends in storage growth for your block, file, and object storage resources. You can review capacity trends for these storage resources:
  • Block storage systems, pools, and space-efficient volumes such as compressed, thin-provisioned, and Easy Tier volumes.
  • File storage resources such as file systems, file system pools, and filesets.
  • Object storage resources such as containers.
Investigating the capacity and space usage of tiered storage
Review the capacity and space usage that the tiered storage in your environment consumes. You can see when your tiered storage will run out of space and the weekly growth rate in storage usage for each tier.
Monitoring groups of resources using general groups
Create general groups to quickly view information about storage resources that have common characteristics. For example, you might group the subset of ports on a SAN Volume Controller storage system that are used for inter-node communication or the storage systems that are used by a critical business application.
Viewing virtualized and non-virtualized capacity
View the values for the capacity of virtualized storage and non-virtualized storage to understand how capacity is used when storage virtualization is implemented in your storage environment.
Viewing the types of resources that are added to applications
View the resource types that were explicitly added to an application or subcomponent in the Members section of the details page.

Changes in Q1 2016 (February 28)

IBM is constantly updating the infrastructure, security, and stability of IBM Storage Insights to improve your experience. Enhanced analytics, troubleshooting capabilities, and general fixes are built-in to this update, so the IBM Support team can better assist you in monitoring your storage environment.

Changes in Q4 2015 (December 13)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 4Q 2015

Monitoring IBM Spectrum Scale performance
You can now view the performance of clusters, nodes, and file systems in IBM Storage Scale. For example, you can:
  • Analyze the performance of multiple clusters over a period to determine which clusters have the heaviest I/O loads or the longest response times
  • View which of the nodes that mount a file system have the heaviest I/O loads, highest CPU loads, or highest memory usage
  • Compare the file systems on a cluster to determine which file systems have the heaviest I/O loads and the longest response times
Monitoring object storage systems
You can now monitor object storage systems on IBM Storage Scale. For example, you can:
  • View the GPFS file system that is associated with the object storage system. Combined with the ability to view the relationship between IBM Storage Scale and its SAN-attached storage, you can now troubleshoot all the resource connections in the data path. For example, if you are troubleshooting an object storage problem, you can view the file system that is used by an object container and then view the back-end storage systems that are used by the file system.
  • View capacity and space usage for object storage systems and for specific accounts and containers.
  • Monitor the object count and space quotas for accounts and containers.
  • Plan for capacity by reviewing the capacity growth of GPFS clusters that are used for object storage.
Viewing capacity charts for pools
You can now view charts that show the current and historical capacity of your block storage pools. To check when the available space will run out, based on the historical capacity and space usage trends for the pool, see the value that is shown in the Zero Capacity column.
Checking the capacity that is managed by IBM Storage Insights Pro
You can go to Configuration > Managed Capacity to compare how much capacity is managed by IBM Storage Insights Pro with the total amount of capacity that you are entitled to manage.
Checking the capacity and distribution of volume extents in pools that use Easy Tier
On the Pools page and on the Volumes page, you can now view information about the capacity for each of the drives that Easy Tier can use to tier or distribute volume extents. You can also see the distribution of the volume extents across each Easy Tier drive or tier in the pool, such as the percentage of volume extents on SSDs, on Enterprise HDDs, and on Nearline HHDs.
Checking which volumes are replicated or mirrored
You can see the chart that shows the volumes that are replicated and that are not replicated in your data center. You can also see the number of synchronous and asynchronous replicas, FlashCopy pairs, and VDisk mirrored volumes.
Connecting the data collector to a server or proxy server
You can now specify whether you want to connect to a proxy server when you install the data collector. You can also add the user's credentials to authenticate with the proxy server.
Configuring IBM Storage Insights Pro to comply with FIPS 140-2
You can now configure IBM Storage Insights Pro so that it complies with Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2.

Changes in Q3 2015 (August 23)

The following features and enhancements were available in IBM Storage Insights for 3Q 2015:

Gaining insights into IBM Spectrum Accelerate storage systems
You can now gain insights into the capacity, space usage, and performance of IBM Storage Accelerate, which is a software-defined storage system and a member of the IBM Spectrum Storage™ family.
Getting a snapshot of monitored resources on the Dashboard page
On the Dashboard page, you can now see, besides the capacity, reclamation, and tiering charts:
  • The number of file and block storage systems that you added for monitoring
  • The number of servers that you added for monitoring
  • The number of applications that you created to troubleshoot critical applications
  • The number of departments that you created to monitor the capacity of the application's storage resources that departments consume
Excluding and including volumes in the tiering analysis
You might not want to get tiering recommendations for some of the volumes in your data center. For example, if you don't want to down-tier volumes that belong to critical applications, you can go to Insights > Tier Planning and exclude the volumes from the tiering analysis.
If you change your mind, you can click the Excluded tab and include the volumes in the tiering analysis.
Viewing information about protocol nodes in GPFS clusters
You can see the protocol nodes for GPFS clusters and the protocols that are supported by the protocol nodes on the Nodes page.
Nodes in GPFS clusters are designated as protocol nodes so that non-GPFS clients can access the data on the GPFS cluster. The following protocols are supported:
  • Network File System (NFS)
  • Common Internet File Systems (CIFS)
  • Object
Information about protocol nodes is available for IBM Storage Scale 4.1.1 or later.