General Group details

View detailed information about the resources that are members of a general group and any alerts that were generated for the group.

To access the details page for a group, complete these steps:
  1. Go to Groups > General Groups. A list of groups is shown.
  2. Right-click a group in the list and select View Details.


Remove resources from the general group
To remove one or more resources from the general group, complete the following steps:
  1. In the Members section, click the type of resource that you want to remove. For example, if you want to remove some of the volumes from the group, click Volumes.
  2. Right-click the resources that you want to remove and click Remove from General Group.
  3. Click OK to confirm that you want to remove the resources from the general group and from all of its subgroups.
Create a subgroup of the general group
To create a subgroup of the general group, complete the following steps:
  1. Click Subgroups in the General section.
  2. Click Create Subgroup.
  3. Specify a name and description for the new group.
  4. Customize the icon for the group by clicking the existing icon and selecting another icon.
  5. Click Create.
Delete subgroups of the general group
To delete subgroups, complete the following steps:
  1. Click Subgroups in the General section.
  2. Right-click one or more subgroups and click Delete.
  3. To delete further subgroups, ensure that the Delete subgroups? check box is selected.

Information about general groups

Alerts and Alert Definitions

View the alerts that were generated when certain conditions were detected in a general group on the Alerts page. Alerts are generated when the conditions that are specified on the Alert Definitions page are detected. To edit the alert definitions, click Alerts Definitions in the General section.

Learn more about alerts

The number next to Subgroups, for example, Subgroups (3), shows the number of subgroups in the general group.

To view information about the subgroups, click Subgroups.

You can organize your resources into a general group hierarchy that can contain up to five group levels. A subgroup in the hierarchy can also be a parent to other general groups.

The Subgroups page shows only the subgroups that are direct children of the general group. If the subgroup is also a parent group, the name of its subgroup is shown in the Subgroups column. If the group has more than one subgroup, click the number of groups in the Subgroups column to view the subgroups.

The Members section lists the resource types that are members of the general group or members of its subgroups. The number next to the resource type, for example, Block Storage Systems (2), shows the number of resources of that type in the general group or in its subgroups.

To view information about the resources, click the resource type, for example, Volumes (27).