Windows: Installing an S-TAP agent

Install an S-TAP on Windows using the Monitoring Agents tool (from v10.1.3), Guardium Installation Manager (GIM), the interactive installer, or the command line installer.

Depending on your license key, you can use the same S-TAP agent for both file and database activity monitoring. There are no specific S-TAP parameters for FAM.

The Base Filtering Engine (BFE) service must be running for the S-TAP installation. If the service exists but is not running, Guardium attempts to start it.

S-TAPs require .NET Framework 4.5 or higher version. If the .NET 4.5 or higher environment does not exist, S-TAP will install .NET 4.5.2.

When installing the Windows S-TAP in a Non-ASCII environment (for example, Japanese), use either the server with that language pack or set the system locale to that location (Japan).

S-TAP installation creates one installation log: C:\IBM Windows S-TAP.ctl.

Auto-discovery of database instances

When installing an S-TAP, you have the option of auto-discovering database instances and creating inspection engines for the discovered instances. The auto-discovery process runs once at the time of S-TAP installation and does not automatically repeat.

Auto-discovery supports these database types: MS SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, Informix, MongoDB, CouchDB. To create inspection engines on other discovered databases, see the Discovered Instances report.

During an upgrade, auto-discovery discovers additional database instances but does not create inspection engines for the new instances. Auto-discovery adjusts any preexisting inspection engines. This means that if you have added an inspection engine for a database that does not exist or specified a port that does not work, the auto-discovery process adjusts that inspection engine during the upgrade.

If you do not want the S-TAP installation to perform automatic discovery of databases during installation or upgrade, you can prevent it during the S-TAP installation process by following the procedure described for each Windows S-TAP installer.

Enterprise load balancing

During installation of an S-TAP on Windows, you can configure the S-TAP to use Enterprise Load Balancing features. For more information, see Enterprise Load Balancing.