Syntax and parameters for HZSPRMxx and MODIFY hzsproc

Syntax and parameters for HZSPRMxx and MODIFY hzsproc
MODIFY hzsproc | HZSPRMxx
          [,PARM=parameter,REASON=reason,DATE={date | (date,NOCHECK)}]
          Start of change[,REXXHLQ=hlq]End of change
  {ADD | ADDREPLACE},CHECK=(check_owner,check_name)  
                      | EXEC=execname
			                  {  [,REXXTSO=YES]
				                 | [,REXXTSO=NO
                      ,MESSAGETABLE={msgtablename|*NONE }
       ,POLICY[=policyname][,STATEMENT=name],UPDATE,filters[,update_options],REASON=  reason,DATE={date|(date,NOCHECK)}
       ,POLICY[=policyname][,STATEMENT=name],DELETE,filters,REASON=reason,DATE=  {date|(date,NOCHECK)}
  WHEN (whenexpr[[,]whenexpr...[,]whenexpr])

The parameters are:

Filters specify which check or checks you wish to take an action against. You can specify wildcard characters * and ? for filters. An asterisk (*) represents any string having a length of zero or more characters. A question mark (?) represents a position which may contain any single character.

The syntax of the filters is as follows:

EXITRTN=exit routine
check_owner specifies the 1-16 character check owner name. check_name specifies the 1-32 character check name. CHECK is a required filter, except for the DISPLAY,CHECKS,filters command.
EXITRTN=exit routine
EXITRTN specifies the HZSADDCHECK exit routine that added the check(s) to IBM Health Checker for z/OS.
Filter checks by user defined category, see Using the category filter to manage checks.
You can specify one of the following category filters:
Checks that are in any of the specified categories
Checks that are in every specified category
Checks that are not in any of the specified categories
Checks that are in every one of the specified categories and that have only as many categories as are specified. For example, a check assigned to three categories would not match if the CATEGORY=ONLY statement on this MODIFY command specified two categories.

ONLY is the default, but for the sake of clarity, we recommend that you specify the category option that you want.

Specifies the category name or names. You can specify up to 16 named categories, each represented by a 1-16 character string.

Sets the specified check or checks to the active state. If the check is eligible to run, ACTIVATE will cause the check to run immediately, or, if SYNCVAL is in effect, to re-calculate the start time for its next run based on SYNCVAL and reset the interval for the check. You must specify filter CHECK=(check_owner,check_name) with ACTIVATE. Other filters are optional. See filters.

ACTIVATE, filters is equivalent to the UPDATE,filters,ACTIVE command. See the UPDATE ACTIVE and INACTIVE parameters.

ADDNEW adds checks to IBM Health Checker for z/OS.
  • For checks defined and added by a HZSADDCHECK exit routine, ADDNEW calls the HZSADDCHECK exit to add checks to IBM Health Checker for z/OS
  • For checks defined and added in an HZSPRMxx parmlib member (using the ADD|ADDREPLACE,CHECK parameters), ADDNEW processes the definitions in parmlib to add checks to IBM® Health Checker for z/OS®
The system does the following ADDNEW processing for each added check:
  • Applies any installation updates in the policy to the default values for the check.
  • Loads the check routine, if this is a local check.
  • Loads the message table, if it is a local or a REXX exec check.
All checks that are added to IBM Health Checker for z/OS are scheduled to run unless they are not eligible to be run. If a check delete is pending when the ADDNEW parameter is processed, the check will not run until delete processing is complete.

You can use ADDNEW to undelete a check that has been deleted. See Why does my check reappear after I delete it? Understanding delete processing.

DEACTIVATE disables running of the specified check until ACTIVATE is specified. You must specify filter CHECK=(check_owner,check_name) with DEACTIVATE. Other filters are optional. See filters.

DEACTIVATE is the same as the UPDATE,filters,INACTIVE command. See UPDATE ACTIVE and INACTIVE parameters.

DELETE,filters[,FORCE={NO | YES}]

Remove the specified check(s) from the IBM Health Checker for z/OS. The delete request will be completed asynchronously and if the specified check or checks are running when the command is issued, the system waits until they are finished running before deleting them (see FORCE={NO | YES} for exceptions to this). You must specify filter CHECK=(check_owner,check_name) with DELETE. Other filters are optional. See filters.

You can undelete a deleted check using the ADDNEW parameter. See Why does my check reappear after I delete it? Understanding delete processing for more information about DELETE processing.

Specifies whether or not you want to force deletion of a check even if the check is running. FORCE=NO is the default.
Use FORCE=YES only as a last resort after trying the DELETE parameter with FORCE=NO because:
  • FORCE=YES causes a check to be interrupted in the middle of its processing:
    • FORCE=YES issued against a local check results in a non-retriable abend on the third try.
    • FORCE=YES issued against a remote or REXX exec check results in a non-retriable abend.

  • FORCE=YES deletes checks that are still in the process of running.
DISPLAY issues messages with information specified. The different options display the information, as follows:
CHECKS displays information about checks.
Optionally specifies the display area, n, where the display is to appear. If you omit this operand, the display is presented in the first available display area or the message area of the console through which you enter the command.
You must specify filter CHECK=(check_owner,check_name) with DISPLAY, unless you specify DISPLAY,CHECKSfilters. Other filters are optional. See filters.
Specifies whether you want to display local or remote checks:
  • HZSPROC specifies that you want to display only local checks that run in the hzsproc address space.
  • REMOTE specifies that you want to display only remote checks that run in the caller's address space.
  • REXX specifies that you want to display only REXX exec checks running under System REXX.
  • NOTHZSPROC specifies that you want to display both remote and REXX exec checks, but not local checks.
If you do not specify LOCALE, the system displays both local and remote checks.
IBM Health Checker for z/OS issues message HZS200I with summary information about the specified checks. See the "Example of DISPLAY SUMMARY message output". For each check matching the specified criteria, the following information is returned:
  • Check owner
  • Check name
  • The name of any category the check is a member of
  • The current status of the check.
SUMMARY is the default.
IBM Health Checker for z/OS issues message HZS0201I (See "Example of DISPLAY DETAIL message output") with detailed information about the specified check including:
  • Check name
  • Check owner
  • The name of any category the check is a member of
  • The Date and time the check was last executed
  • The current status of the check
  • The check values, such as severity, routing codes, and descriptor codes.
Displays information about both deleted and non-deleted checks. ANY is the default.
Displays information about checks that have not been deleted.
Displays information about checks that have been deleted.
Display information about checks for which a policy statement matching the check was not applied because the date on the policy statement is older than the check date.
Display information about checks that completed with a non-zero return value.
Displays additional diagnostic data such as the check routine address and message table address. See "Example of DISPLAY DIAG message output".
Displays the specified policy statements. You can filter DISPLAY POLICY by:
  • Policy name
  • Policy statement name
  • Check owner or name
Output is displayed in message HZS0202I for DETAIL ("Example of DISPLAY POLICY DETAIL message output") or HZS0204I ("Example of DISPLAY POLICY SUMMARY message output") for SUMMARY.
Specifies the 1-16 character name of the policy whose policy statements you wish to display. If you do not specify policyname , the system displays the current active policy statements. If policyname contains wildcards, the system displays all applicable policies and their statements, with a blank line separating each policy.
STATEMENT specifies the 1-16 character name of the policy statement whose policy statements you wish to display.
check_owner specifies the 1-16 character check owner name . check_name specifies the 1-32 character check name. The system displays the policy statements that apply to the specified checks.
Displays status information about IBM Health Checker for z/OS and checks in message HZS0203I (see "Example of DISPLAY STATUS message output"), including the following information:
  • Number of checks that are eligible to run
  • Number of active checks that are running
  • Number of checks that are not eligible to run
  • Number of deleted checks
  • ASID of the IBM Health Checker for z/OS address space
  • The log stream name and its status
  • The current HZSPRMxx parmlib suffix list
Displays the names of all policies defined for IBM Health Checker for z/OS.
Specifies the name and optional volume for the HZSPDATA data set you want IBM Health Checker for z/OS to use to save data required by checks as part of their processing between restarts of the system or IBM Health Checker for z/OS. See Allocate the HZSPDATA data set to save check data between restarts for more information.
When turned ON this option can prevent routing problems for check exception messages by omitting the console ID parameter on WTOs sent for health check exception messages.
Once set, the option value only changes when explicitly modified again, until the next IPL, which resets it to OFF. A restart of Health Checker will not modify the option. The current option value can be displayed via operator command
Use the LOGGER parameter to connect to and use a pre-defined log stream whenever a check generates output.
The first time you use the LOGGER parameter to connect to the log stream for IBM Health Checker for z/OS, you must specify a log stream name. The log stream name must begin with HZS and must follow system logger naming rules. See z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex for information on setting up and managing a log stream.

The system rejects this parameter if the log stream is already in use without any errors. If a log stream is in use with errors when you use the LOGGER parameter, the system disconnects from the current log stream.

After initially specifying LOGGER=ON,LOGSTREAMNAME=logstreamname, you can use LOGGER=ON and LOGGER=OFF to toggle use of the log stream on and off.

Connects to and begins using the log stream for check routine messages.
  • LOGGER=ON is rejected if a log stream has not already been provided.
  • LOGGER=ON has no effect if the log stream is already in use without any errors.
Stops using the log stream for check routine messages. LOGGER=OFF is the default.

Refreshes the specified check or checks. Refresh processing first deletes a check from the IBM Health Checker for z/OS and does the ADDNEW function (ADDNEW parameter).

When you issue a command with the REFRESH parameter on it, the system processes the policy statements and applies any changes to check values that the policy statements contain. See How IBM Health Checker for z/OS builds policies from policy statements.

You must specify filter CHECK=(check_owner,check_name) with REFRESH. Other filters are optional. See filters.

Run the specified check(s) immediately, one time. Specifying RUN does not reset the check interval. You must specify filter CHECK=(check_owner,check_name) with RUN. Other filters are optional. See filters.
Stop IBM Health Checker for z/OS. Do not use STOP unless absolutely necessary; every time you STOP the IBM Health Checker for z/OS address space, that address space identifier (ASID) becomes unavailable.
To start IBM Health Checker for z/OS, use one of the following commands:
  • START hzsproc
  • START hzsproc,HZSPRM=xx
        [,DATE={date | (date,NOCHECK)}]
        [,PARM=parameter,REASON=reason,DATE={date | (date,NOCHECK)}]
        Start of change[,REXXHLQ=hlq]End of change

UPDATE allows you to temporarily update the current default or override values for the specified checks. Values updated are in effect until the next refresh for specified checks. You cannot update checks that are deleted or have a delete pending against. Note that adding or removing the check from a category does not effect the current check implementations.

You must specify filter CHECK=(check_owner,check_name) with UPDATE. Other filters are optional. See filters.

If an UPDATE request does not actually change anything, the system takes no action in response to the request. For example, if you use an UPDATE request to make the severity HIGH for a check whose severity is already HIGH, the system does not process the request, and nothing is done.
Use the ACTIVE and INACTIVE parameters to change the state of the check. See Understanding check state and status. These parameters are equivalent to "ACTIVATE parameter" and "DEACTIVATE parameter".
ADDCAT adds specified checks into each of the listed categories. You can specify up to 16 categories, each a 1-16 character category name.
DATE={date | (date,NOCHECK)}
DATE specifies when the values for a check were last updated. The date is specified in the format yyyymmdd. If the date specified on the UPDATE parameter is earlier than the date for the check, the system does not process the values specified on the UPDATE parameter because the UPDATE statement may no longer be appropriate for the check.
IBM Health Checker for z/OS verifies the date for the UPDATE statement, making sure that it is equal to or newer than the date for the check that the statement applies to. Use NOCHECK to bypass date verification so that you do not have to update the UPDATE statement date for minor changes to a check.

If you use the NOCHECK parameter, you must use parentheses on the DATE parameter. For example, you can specify either DATE=date or DATE=(date,NOCHECK).

If your POLICY UPDATE statement contains any of the following, NOCHECK is ignored: PARM, ACTIVE, INACTIVE, SEVERITY, INTERVAL. NOCHECK is also ignored for a POLICY DELETE statement.

DEBUG specifies the debug mode desired:
  • OFF specifies that debug mode is off, which is the default.
  • ON specifies that you want to run with debug mode on. Turning debug mode ON lets you see debug messages, if the check produces any, which are designed to help a product or installation debug a check routine or to display additional check information. Debug messages are only issued when the check is in debug mode. See the individual check descriptions in IBM Health Checker for z/OS checks to see if a check issues additional information when you specify DEBUG=ON.

    Using SDSF to view check output in the message buffer when the debug mode is ON allows you to see the message IDs of debug messages.

    Debug mode ON will not take effect until you re-run the check or checks. For example, after you issue a command to turn debug mode ON, you could issue the command with the RUN parameter, which will run the check or checks with debug mode ON.

    For a REXX exec check, DEBUG must be ON for the check to write data or error messages to an output data set.

VERBOSE specifies the verbose mode desired:
  • NO specifies that you do not want to run in verbose mode.
  • YES specifies that you want to run in verbose mode. Running in verbose mode you see additional messages about non-exception conditions, if the check supports verbose mode. These messages are only issued when the check is in verbose mode. See the individual check descriptions in IBM Health Checker for z/OS checks to see if a check supports issues additional messages if you specify VERBOSE=YES.

    Verbose mode does not take effect until you re-run the check or checks. For example, after you issue a command to turn verbose mode on, you could issue the F hzsproc command with the RUN parameter to run the check or checks with verbose mode on.

DESCCODE specifies descriptor code(s) in addition to the system default descriptor code used when an exception message is issued by the specified check. You can specify a list of up to 13 descriptor codes, each with a value between 1 and 13

See"WTOTYPE" for a list of the message types and corresponding default descriptor codes. For example, if you specify DESCODE=(7) for a low severity check, the system uses descriptor code 7 in addition to the default descriptor code of 12 for the check. See Descriptor codes in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 1 (ABA-AOM).

If you do not specify DESCCODE or if you specify DESCCODE=0, the system uses just the system-default descriptor code when the exception message is issued.

INTERVAL specifies how often the check should run:
  • ONETIME specifies that the check should run only once, kicked off either by refresh processing or by the SYNCVAL scheduled run time.
    Note: Note that the system might still schedule this check to run more than once. The system will continue to schedule the check to run until the check reports success if both of the following are true:
    • The check finds an exception during its very first run.
    • The check is configured with an exception interval of the form EXCEPTINTERVAL(hhh:mm).
  • hhh:mm provides a specific interval for the check to run. The check will run at refresh time and periodically afterwards at the interval specified or in alignment with the SYNCVAL parameter.

    hhh indicates the number of hours, from 0 to 999. mm indicates the number of minutes, from 0 to 59.

The system starts processing the interval depending on whether you are using the SYNCVAL parameter:
  • If you are using SYNCVAL={hh:mm|*:mm}, the specified interval time starts ticking away when the check is scheduled to run, to align it with the SYNCVAL start time.
  • If you are not using SYNCVAL or using SYNCVAL=SYSTEM, the specified interval time starts ticking away when a check finishes running.
EXCEPTINTERVAL specifies how often the check should run after the check has found an exception. This parameter allows you to specify a shorter check interval for checks that have found an exception.
  • SYSTEM, which is the default, specifies that the EXCEPTINTERVAL is the same as the INTERVAL.
  • HALF specifies that the exception interval is defined to be half of the normal interval. For example, the exception interval will be set to 30 seconds, if the normal interval is set to 1 minute.

    Note that if you change the INTERVAL parameter for a check, the system will also recalculate the exception interval.

  • hhh:mm provides a specific exception interval for the check. After raising an exception, the check will run at the exception interval specified. hhh indicates the number of hours, from 0 to 999. mm indicates the number of minutes, from 0 to 59.
The system starts processing the interval depending on whether you are using the SYNCVAL parameter:
  • If you are not using SYNCVAL or using SYNCVAL=SYSTEM|HALF, the specified interval time starts ticking away when a check finishes running.
  • If you are using SYNCVAL={hh:mm|*:mm}, the specified interval time starts ticking away when the check starts running, to align it with the SYNCVAL start time.
SYNCVAL specifies a synchronization value you can use to control when a check is scheduled to run. SYNCVAL works with both the INTERVAL and EXCEPTINTERVAL parameters, so the values must be coordinated.

You can only use SYNCVAL in a policy statement - it is valid only on an ADD|ADDREPLACE, POLICY STMT(statement_name) UPDATE,filters,update_options statement in the update_options.

See Using SYNCVAL in a policy to specify the time of day that a check runs for examples and how to coordinate SYNCVAL with INTERVAL and EXCEPTINTERVAL.

The values for SYNCVAL include:
Specifies that the check run immediately after being added, if eligible, and subsequently at the interval defined for the check. The specified interval time starts ticking away when a check finishes running. SYSTEM is the default.
Specifies a specific time in hours and minutes in the day to schedule the check to run for the first time, as well as any subsequent iterations synchronized with the current INTERVAL or EXCEPTINTERVAL value.

Check run time is scheduled to aligned with the SYNCVAL start time. The INTERVAL time for the check starts ticking away when the check starts running.

Valid values are 0 through 23.
Valid values are 0 through 59.

Make sure that the values for SYNCVAL and INTERVAL/EXCEPTINTERVAL parameters work validly together. These parameters must be coordinated whether you specify SYNCVAL and INTERVAL/EXCEPTINTERVAL on the same policy statement, or just use the currently defined INTERVAL/EXCEPTINTERVAL for the check. For SYNCVAL(hh:mm) and INTERVAL(hhh:mm), the hhh:mm value in total minutes (hhh*60 + mm) must be a divisor or multiple of 1440 minutes (24 hours).

Specifies the minute in an hour the check is scheduled to run for the first time, as well as for subsequent runs, synchronized with the current INTERVAL or EXCEPTINTERVAL value. If the given minute has already passed for the current hour, the check is scheduled for the specified minute in the next hour.

Check run time is scheduled to aligned with the SYNCVAL start time. The INTERVAL time for the check starts ticking away when the check starts running.

Make sure that the values for SYNCVAL and INTERVAL/EXCEPTINTERVAL parameters work validly together. These parameters must be coordinated whether you specify SYNCVAL and INTERVAL/EXCEPTINTERVAL on the same policy statement, or just use the currently defined INTERVAL/EXCEPTINTERVAL for the check. For SYNCVAL(*:mm) and INTERVAL(hhh:mm), the hhh:mm value in total minutes (hhh*60 + mm) must be a divisor or multiple of 60 minutes (1 hour).

Valid values for mm are 0 to 59.

PARM specifies the check specific parameters being passed to the check. The value for parameter can be 1-256 text characters. You can specify these characters as:
  • A single value enclosed in single quotes.
  • Multiple values, where either each value is enclosed in single quotes or the group of values is enclosed is single quotes. The system will separate these values from each other by a comma. For example, both PARM='p1,p2,p3' and PARM=('p1','p2','p3') will both resolve to a parameter value of p1,p2,p3.

You can also specify PARM with a null parameter string, PARM=(), to remove all parameters and clear a parameter error for a check that does not accept parameters.

You must specify the REASON and DATE parameters when you specify PARM.

When you issue a command with the PARM parameter, the check runs immediately.

REASON specifies the unique reason the check specific parameters are being overridden. The value for reason can be 1-126 text characters. You can specify these characters as:
  • A single value enclosed in single quotes.
  • Multiple values, where either each value is enclosed in single quotes or the group of values is enclosed is single quotes. The system will separate these values from each other by a blank. For example, both REASON='r1 r2 r3' and REASON=('r1','r2','r3') will both resolve to a reason of r1 r2 r3.
REMCAT removes the specified checks from the categories listed. You can specify up to 16 categories, each a 1-16 character category name.
REPCAT removes the specified checks from any existing categories they belong to and adds them to the categories listed.
Start of changeREXXHLQ=hlqEnd of change
Start of changeREXXHLQ is an optional input parameter that specifies the high level qualifier for data sets that are made available to the REXX exec in each check iteration. See REXXIN data set naming conventions and REXXOUT data set naming conventions for information about how the system determines the name of your input or output data set.End of change
REXXTIMELIMIT specifies an optional input parameter that is the number of seconds to which the execution of an iteration of the exec is to be limited. You can specify a value between 0 and 21474536 for REXXTIMELIMIT.

A value of 0 is treated the same as no time limit. The default is that there is no time limit.

ROUTCODE specifies the routing codes to be used when an exception message is issued by the specified check. You can specify a list of up to 128 routing codes, each with a value between 1 and 128.

If ROUTCODE is not specified, or if ROUTCODE=0 is specified, the system uses the system-default routing codes for exception messages.

SEVERITY overrides the default check severity. The severity you pick determines how the exception messages the check routine issues with the HZSFMSG service are written.
  • HIGH indicates that the check routine is checking for high-severity problems. All exception messages that the check issues with the HZSFMSG service will be issued to the console as critical eventual action messages. HZS0003E is issued, which includes message text defined by the check owner.
  • MEDIUM indicates that the check routine is looking for medium-severity problems. All exception messages the check issues with HZSFMSG will be issued to the console as eventual action messages. HZS0002E is issued which includes message text defined by the check owner.
  • LOW indicates that the check is looking for low-severity problems. All exception messages the check issues with HZSFMSG will be issued to the console as informational messages. HZS0001I is issued which includes message text defined by the check owner.
  • NONE indicates that you're assigning no severity to this check. Exception messages issued by the check with HZSFMSG are issued to the hardcopy log, rather than the console. HZS0004I is issued which includes message text defined by the check owner.
Note that there are a couple of things that can override the SEVERITY specifications and implicit behaviors derived from SEVERITY:
  • The WTOTYPE parameter overrides the implicit WTO type derived from the SEVERITY defined for a check - see "WTOTYPE".
  • A check using the dynamic check severity function can override the SEVERITY you define for a check - see Writing a check with dynamic severity levels.
WTOTYPE specifies the type of WTO you want the system to issue when the check finds an exception. This parameter includes all WTOs issued by a check.
The WTOTYPE specified on the UPDATE CHECK statement overrides the implicit WTO type derived from either:

Note that the WTOTYPE only determines what type of action is associated with a check exception WTO. Check status (such as EXCEPTION, MEDIUM, or SUCCESSFUL), remains unaffected by WTOTYPE because it is derived solely from the current severity specified in either the check definition or dynamically by the check itself.

Specifies that the system issue an critical eventual action message (with a descriptor code of 11) when the check finds an exception. This is the default if SEVERITY(HIGH) is specified or defaulted to.
Specifies that the system issue an eventual action message (with a descriptor code of 3) when the check finds an exception. This is the default if SEVERITY(MEDIUM) is specified or defaulted to.
Specifies that an informational message with a descriptor code of 12 should be issued when an exception is found. This is the default if SEVERITY(LOW) is specified or defaulted.
Specifies that the system issue the message to the hardcopy log. This is the default if SEVERITY(NONE) is specified.
Specifies that no WTO be issued when the check finds an exception.
{ADD | ADDREPLACE},CHECK=(check_owner,check_name)
                    | EXEC=execname
			                {  [,REXXTSO=YES]
				               | [,REXXTSO=NO
                    ,MESSAGETABLE={msgtablename|*NONE }
Allows you to add or replace a check definition in an HZSPRMxx parmlib member. The parameters correspond to the parameters in the HZSADDCK macro.
Allows you to add a check definition to an HZSPRMxx parmlib member. If you use ADD,CHECK to add a check that has already been defined, the request is rejected. When a check that was added in this way is subsequently deleted, the check definition still remains. ADDNEW or REFRESH command processing will bring the check back exactly as it was defined.
Specifies that the system either add or replace the check definition, as appropriate. If the check defiinition is new, the system will add it. If the check definition exists already, the system will replace it with the one specified.
A required input parameter that specifies the owner of the check being added. The check owner and check name identify the check. IBM recommends that you use your company name followed by the short component name (for example, IBMGRS) as the owner. Upper and lower case alphabetic characters (a-z), numerics (0-9), national characters (@,$,#) and the underscore ('_') are allowed. Lower case alphabetic characters are folded to upper case and are treated as equivalent to their corresponding upper case value. Do not use as the check owner any of the following: QUERY, MESSAGES, ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, UPDATE, RUN, REFRESH, DELETE, ADDNEW. The check owner can not be longer than 16 characters.
A required input parameter that specifies the name of the check being added. IBM recommends using the naming convention of a short component reference followed by a descriptive title (for example, GRS_MODE). Upper and lower case alphabetic characters (a-z), numerics (0-9), national characters (@,$,#) and the underscore ('_') are allowed. Lower case alphabetic characters are folded to upper case and are treated as equivalent to their corresponding upper case value. The check owner can not be longer than 32 characters.
CHECKROUTINE=routinename | EXEC=execname
Use CHECKROUTINE or EXEC to specify the type of check you are adding or replacing.
  • CHECKROUTINE=routinename specifies that you are defining a local or remote assembler check. Required parameter specifies a module name for the check you are adding or replacing. The system gives control to the entry point of this module to run the check. The check routine module must be in an APF-authorized library and the system must be able to locate the check routine within the joblib or steplib of the IBM Health Checker for z/OS address space, the LPA, or the LNKLST, and the check routine's AMODE is expected to be AMODE 31.
  • EXEC=execname specifies that you are defining a REXX exec check. Required parameter specifies an exec name for the check you are adding or replacing. The exec does not have to be in an APF-authorized library.
When EXEC=execname is specified, REXXHLQ is a required input parameter specifying the high level qualifier for data sets(s) to be made available to the REXX exec. See Using REXXOUT data sets for information on how the system determines the name of your input or output data set.
When EXEC is specified, REXXTIMELIMIT specifies an optional input parameter that is the number of seconds to which the execution of an iteration of the exec is to be limited. You can specify a value between 0 and 21474536 for REXXTIMELIMIT.

A value of 0 is treated the same as no time limit. The default is that there is no time limit.

Specifies that you are adding or replacing a TSO REXX exec check. A TSO check runs in a TSO environment and can use TSO services. See Writing REXX checks for more information.

REXXTSO=YES is the default.

Specifies that you are adding or replacing a non-TSO REXX exec check. A non-TSO check does not run in a TSO environment, and cannot use TSO services. See Writing REXX checks for more information.
Specifies whether or not a non-TSO check requires a sequential input data set.

You can specify REXXIN(YES) only for a non-TSO REXX exec check defined with REXXTSO(NO). See Using REXXOUT data sets for information on how the system determines the name of your input set for information for a non-TSO check.

REXXIN=NO is the default.

Required parameter specifies the module name of the message table that will be used when generating messages for the check you are adding or replacing:
  • msgtablename specifies a name for the message table. The message table must be built using HZSMSGEN. The message table module must be in an APF-authorized library and the system must be able to locate the check routine within the joblib or steplib of the IBM Health Checker for z/OS address space, the LPA, or the LNKLST.
  • *NONE indicates that you are adding or replacing a check that has no associated message table, using instead HZSFMSG REQUEST=DIRECTMSG or HZSLFMSG_REQUEST='DIRECTMSG' to issue messages directly from the check routine. See Issuing messages for your check - message table checks versus DIRECTMSG checks.
Required parameter SEVERITY defines default check severity for the check you are adding or replacing. The severity you pick determines how the exception messages the check routine issues with the HZSFMSG service are written.
  • HIGH indicates that the check routine is checking for high-severity problems. All exception messages that the check issues with the HZSFMSG service will be issued to the console as critical eventual action messages. HZS0003E is issued, which includes message text defined by the check owner.
  • MEDIUM indicates that the check routine is looking for medium-severity problems. All exception messages the check issues with HZSFMSG will be issued to the console as eventual action messages. HZS0002E is issued which includes message text defined by the check owner.
  • LOW indicates that the check is looking for low-severity problems. All exception messages the check issues with HZSFMSG will be issued to the console as informational messages. HZS0001I is issued which includes message text defined by the check owner.
Note that there are a couple of things that can override the SEVERITY specifications and implicit behaviors derived from SEVERITY:
  • The WTOTYPE parameter overrides the implicit WTO type derived from the SEVERITY defined for a check - see"WTOTYPE".
  • A check using the dynamic check severity function can override the SEVERITY you define for a check - see Writing a check with dynamic severity levels.
Required parameter INTERVAL specifies how often the check should run:
  • ONETIME specifies that the check should run only once, kicked off by refresh processing or in alignment to a SYNCVAL value for the check.
    Note: Note that the system might still schedule this check to run more than once. The system will continue to schedule the check to run until the check reports success if both of the following are true:
    • The check finds an exception during its very first run.
    • The check is configured with an exception interval of the form EXCEPTINTERVAL(hhh:mm).
  • hhh:mm provides a specific interval for the check to run. The check will run at refresh time and periodically afterwards at the interval specified. hhh indicates the number of hours, from 0 to 999. mm indicates the number of minutes, from 0 to 59.
The system starts processing the interval depending on whether you are using the SYNCVAL parameter:
  • If you are not using SYNCVAL or using SYNCVAL=SYSTEM, the specified interval time starts ticking away when a check finishes running.
  • If you are using SYNCVAL={hh:mm|*:mm}, the specified interval time starts ticking away when the check starts running, to align it with the SYNCVAL start time.
Required parameter DATE specifies when you define the check you are adding or replacing. The date is specified in the format yyyymmdd. If the date specified on the ADDREPLACE parameter is earlier than the original date for the check, the system does not process the values specified on the ADDREPLACE parameter because it may no longer be appropriate for the check. When the date provided on a matching UPDATE, POLICY UPDATE or POLICY DELETE statement is older than this date, that policy statement is not applied to this check.
Required parameter REASON specifies what the check routine validates. The value for reason can be 1-126 text characters. You can specify these characters as:
  • A single value enclosed in single quotes.
  • Multiple values, where either each value is enclosed in single quotes or the group of values is enclosed is single quotes. The system will separate these values from each other by a blank. For example, both REASON='r1 r2 r3' and REASON=('r1','r2','r3') will both resolve to a reason of r1 r2 r3.
PARM specifies the check specific parameters being passed to the check you are adding or replacing. The value for parameter can be 1-256 text characters. You can specify these characters as:
  • A single value enclosed in single quotes.
  • Multiple values, where either each value is enclosed in single quotes or the group of values is enclosed is single quotes. The system will separate these values from each other by a comma. For example, both PARM='p1,p2,p3' and PARM=('p1','p2','p3') will both resolve to a parameter value of p1,p2,p3.
Specifies that the check you are adding or replacing is global, which means that it runs on one system but reports on sysplex-wide values and practices. If you do not specify GLOBAL, the systems assumes that the check is local, which means that it will run on each system in the sysplex where it is active and enabled.
Use the ACTIVE and INACTIVE parameters to specify the state of the check you are adding or replacing. See Understanding check state and status. These parameters are equivalent to "ACTIVATE parameter" and "DEACTIVATE parameter".
EXCEPTINTERVAL specifies how often the check you are adding or replacing should run after the check has found an exception. This parameter allows you to specify a shorter check interval for checks that have found an exception.
  • SYSTEM, which is the default, specifies that the EXCEPTINTERVAL is the same as the INTERVAL.
  • HALF specifies that the exception interval is defined to be half of the normal interval. For example, the exception interval will be set 30 seconds, if the normal interval is set to 1 minute.

    Note that if you change the INTERVAL parameter for a check, the system will also recalculate the exception interval.

  • hhh:mm provides a specific exception interval for the check. After raising an exception, the check will run at the exception interval specified. hhh indicates the number of hours, from 0 to 999. mm indicates the number of minutes, from 0 to 59.
The system starts processing the interval depending on whether you are using the SYNCVAL parameter:
  • If you are not using SYNCVAL or using SYNCVAL=SYSTEM, the specified interval time starts ticking away when a check finishes running.
  • If you are using SYNCVAL={hh:mm|*:mm}, the specified interval time starts ticking away when the check starts running, to align it with the SYNCVAL start time.
USS specifies whether the check uses z/OS UNIX System Services.
  • NO, which is the default, specifies that your check does not require z/OS UNIX System Services.
  • YES specifies that your check requires z/OS UNIX System Services. If you specify USS=YES, the following occurs:
    • IBM Health Checker for z/OS will wait for this check to complete before shutting down z/OS UNIX System Services
    • This check will not run if z/OS UNIX System Services is down.
    To avoid the delay of waiting for z/OS UNIX System Services to shut down and your check not running if z/OS UNIX System Services is not up, do not specify USS=YES unless your check really needs z/OS UNIX System Services.
VERBOSE specifies the verbose mode desired for the check you are adding or replacing:
  • NO specifies that you do not want to run in verbose mode.
  • YES specifies that you want to run in verbose mode. Running in verbose mode you see additional messages about non-exception conditions. These messages are only issued when the check is in verbose mode.

    Verbose mode does not take effect until you re-run the check or checks. For example, after you issue a command to turn verbose mode on, you could issue the F hzsproc command with the RUN parameter to run the check or checks with verbose mode on.

ENTRYCODE specifies an optional unique check entry value needed when a check routine contains multiple checks. This value is passed to the check routine in the field Pqe_EntryCode in mapping macro HZSPQE.
Optional parameter ALLOWDYNSEV specifies whether this check can issue check exception messages with a dynamically varying severity level.
  • ALLOWDYNSEV=NO, which is the default, specifies that the check is not allowed to specify a dynamic severity. The system uses the SEVERITY defined for the check in either the HZSADDCK service or the ADD|ADDREPLACE,CHECK parameter of HZSPRMxx/MODIFY hzsproc.
  • ALLOWDYNSEV=YES specifies that the check can specify the severity dynamically. A check defined with ALLOWDYNSEV=YES can use the SEVERITY parameter on the HZSFMSG service (or HZSLFMSG_SEVERITY for REXX service HZSLFMSG) to send check exception messages with a dynamic severity.

    The severity specified dynamically on HZSFMSG or HZSLFMSG overrides the severity defined for the check in either the HZSADDCK service or the UPPDATE and ADD|ADDREPLACE,CHECK parameter of HZSPRMxx/MODIFY hzsproc.

See Writing a check with dynamic severity levels.
Optional parameter DOM specifies whether the check or the system delete the write to operator (WTO) messages from previous check iterations using delete operator message (DOM) requests.
  • DOM=SYSTEM, which is the default, indicates that the system issues DOM requests to delete any WTOs from previous check iterations just before the start of a new check iteration.
  • DOM=CHECK indicates that the check is expected to issue its own DOM requests to delete previous check exception WTOs using HZSFMSG REQUEST=DOM or HZSLFMSG_REQUEST=DOM, except in the following cases, where the system will still take care of the DOMs:
    • When a health check gets deactivated, deleted, or refreshed
    • When IBM Health Checker for z/OS ends
    • When a WTO was not related to a check exception. For example certain HZSFMSG REQUEST=HZSMSG WTO messages are not sent as check exceptions and will be DOMed by the system.
    Do not add a check with DOM=CHECK unless it is for a check written to DOM its own exception WTO messages using HZSFMSG REQUEST=DOM or HZSLFMSG_REQUEST=DOM. Note that you cannot change the setting of DOM on the UPDATE parameter of HZSPRMxx/MODIFY hzsproc interfaces.
For information on how DOM=CHECK and HZSFMSG REQUEST=DOM/ HZSLFMSG_REQUEST=DOM works, see Controlling check exception message WTOs and their automation consequences.
Adds one or more HZSPRMxx parmlib member suffixes to the list of suffixes the system uses to obtain check values. The system immediately processes the statements in the added parmlib members. You can specify a list of up to 124 suffixes. Note that you can only specify the ADD,PARMLIB statement in a F hzsproc command.
Specifies that the system just check the syntax of the statements in the specified parmlib members and not apply the contents of the statements.
The system issues the following two messages to summarize CHECK findings for each HZSPRMxx parmlib member checked:
If the system finds errors as it checks an HZSPRMxx parmlib member (ASA020I), check the log for additional messages detailing the syntax problems found.
Replaces the list of HZSPRMxx parmlib members with the specified parmlib member suffixes. You can specify a list of up to 124 suffixes.

REPLACE,PARMLIB first deletes applicable statements that had been processed from the current HZSPRMxx parmlib members and then replaces and processes the statements in the parmlib members specified in the list of suffixes. The system then applies the statements to any new checks.

You can use SET,PARMLIB as a synonym for REPLACE,PARMLIB.

Specifies that you want to delete check definitions added with ADD or ADDREPLACE CHECK statements when you issue this command to replace the list of HZSPRMxx parmlib members.
Specifies that you want to delete existing POLICY statements and then add those in the parmlib members specified in the REPLACE,PARMLIB command. POLICY is the default.
Specifies that you want to replace both checks added with ADD | ADDREPLACE,CHECK and existing policy statements with those specified in the REPLACE,PARMLIB command. The system begins by deleting the checks added with ADD|ADDREPLACE CHECK and existing policy statements before replacing them.

Specifies the 1-16 character name of the policy that you want to activate to make it the current, active policy. The policy stays in effect as the current active policy until you issue another ACTIVATE,POLICY=policyname command to activate a different policy.

After you activate a policy, if you want to ensure that only the values from the new policy will be applied to checks, you must refresh all the relevant checks. Until you refresh the checks, the values being applied to checks will still include any values from the previous policy that are not contradicted by the new policy. See Some finer points of how policy values are applied.

Add or replace a policy statement in a policy. The check values in the policy or policy statement are applied whenever a check is added or refreshed. The check values on a new or replaced policy statement are applied when that policy statement is added or replaced.

You must specify the "REASON parameter" and "DATE parameter" when you specify ADD, ADDREPLACE, or REMOVE,POLICY.

We recommend that you use the ADD | ADDREPLACE POLICY statements in the HZSPRMxx parmlib member rather than in the MODIFY command, because:
  • It is easy to exceed the number of characters allowed for a command with the POLICY statements.
  • Changes made in the parmlib member will be applied at each restart of IBM Health Checker for z/OS.
Add the new policy statement that follows.
Specifies that the system either add or replace the following policy statement, as appropriate. If the policy statement is new, the system will add it. If the policy statement exists already, the system will replace it with the one specified.
The 1-16 character name of the policy in which you are adding or replacing policy statements. The policy name can be up to 16 characters long.

If you do not specify a policy name, the system assigns a default name of DEFAULT for your policy. Use the DISPLAY POLICY command to find the name of a policy.

STATEMENTNAME specifies the name of the policy statement. The statement name can be up to 16 characters long.

If you do not specify the STATEMENTNAME parameter, the system creates a decimal number name for your statement. For example, the system might create a statement name such as 1 or 2 for a statement. The number can be more than one digit.

Create a policy statement that will update the specified check or checks. You must specify the REASON and DATE parameters. See the UPDATE parameter.
Create a policy statement that will delete the specified check or checks. You must specify the REASON and DATE parameters.
You must specify filter CHECK=(check_owner,check_name) with ADD | ADDREPLACE POLICY. Other filters are optional. See filters.
See the "REASON parameter".
DATE specifies when the policy statement was created. The date is specified in the format yyyymmdd. If the date specified on the policy statement is earlier than the date for the check, the system does not process the values specified on the policy statement because the policy statement may no longer be appropriate for the updated check.
By default, IBM Health Checker for z/OS verifies the date for the policy statement, making sure that it is equal to or newer than the date for the check that the statement applies to. Use NOCHECK to bypass date verification so that you do not have to update the policy statement date for minor changes to a check.
Remove a policy statement. The check values on the policy statements are applied whenever a check is added or refreshed. The check values on a new or replaced policy or policy statement are applied when that policy statement is added or replaced.
Remove the named policy statement.
Specifies the 1-16 character name of the policy for which you are removing a policy statement. The policy name can be up to 16 characters long.

If you do not specify a policy name, the system assigns a default name of DEFAULT for your policy. Use the DISPLAY POLICY command to find the name of a policy.

STATEMENTNAME specifies the name of the policy statement. The statement name can be up to 16 characters long.
You can use wildcard characters in POLICY and STATEMENTNAME. The command is applied to all matching policies and policy statements. For example:
  • POLICY=*,STMT=01 would remove all 01 statements from all policies.
  • POLICY=POL1,STMT=S* would remove from policy POL1 all statements with names beginning with S.
  • POLICY=*,STMT=S* would remove all policy statements starting with S from all policies.
WHEN (whenexpr[[,]whenexpr...[,]whenexpr])
  WHEN (whenexpr [[,]whenexpr ... [,]whenexpr])
Conditionally apply HZSPRMxx statements in a parmlib member. The following example shows a WHEN statement containing a policy statement specifying that CHECK1 be deactivated for system SYS3:
   REASON(’Do not need check 1 on system SYS3’) DATE(20160104)
The system evaluates the WHEN conditions (whenexpr) when it reads the HZSPRMxx parmlib member. Then, if the conditions specified in the WHEN statement are met, the stmts are applied as appropriate for the type of statement (see Using WHEN to apply statements conditionally).

If the conditions in the WHEN statement are NOT met, the system ignores the statements within the scope of the WHEN statement and skips to the end of this WHEN statement before processing further statements. Note that skipped statements are still syntax-checked, however.

Note that you can only specify a WHEN statement in an HZSPRMxx parmlib member - you can not specify a WHEN statement on a MODIFY hzsproc command.

The DO and END parameters demarcate the start and end of the action to be performed if the conditions are met. If no DO and END parameters are specified, the system assumes that the WHEN statement ends at either:
  • The next WHEN statement
  • The end of the current HZSPRMxx parmlib member
  • The next END for a WHEN DO ... END statement in nested WHEN clauses.

You can use DO and END to nest WHEN statements up to a nesting limit of 16 deep - DO and END are required for nesting. Although you cannot put an explicit label on DO or END pairs, you can add comments to each to match up pairs for readability.

The following example shows nested WHEN statements deactivating CHECK1 and CHECK3 for systems SY07, SY08, and SY09 while deactivating CHECK2 only on SYS08:

WHEN(&SYSNAME. IN ('SY07','SY08','SY09')) 
 DO /* SY07, SY08, SY09 */
         REASON('Not needed on system 7,8, and 9') DATE(20150811) 

  WHEN(&SYSNAME. = 'SY08') 
   DO  /* SY08 */
             REASON('Not needed on system 8') DATE(20150811) 
   END /* SY08 */  

         REASON('Not needed on system 7,8, and 9') DATE(20150811)

 END /* SY07, SY08, SY09 */
A list of one or more conditional expressions for the WHEN statement. The whenexpr consists of left and right hand side operands, with the operator in the middle defining the type of comparison, as follows:
when_vall operator {when_valr | (when_valr, when_valr,...,when_valr)}
For example, a whenexpr might look as follows:
WHEN (SYSNAME = SYSA, SYSPLEX = PLEX1) /* multiple whenexprs in one WHEN statement */
WHEN (SYSNAME = (SYSA, SYSB, SYSC)) /* multiple when_valrs */

While you can only have one left hand side operand (when_vall), you can specify multiple right hand side operands (when_valr) within parentheses and separated by commas, up to 1024. The last line in the example above uses multiple system names in when_valr values.

The left (when_vall) and right side (when_valr) operand values for the conditional WHEN expression can be any of the following:
  • SYSNAME indicates that you want to compare a system name or names, as reported in CVT field CVTSNAME
  • SYSPLEX to indicate that you want to compare a sysplex name or names, as reported in ECVT field ECVTSPLX
  • HWNAME to indicate that you want to compare the hardware name of the processor configuration, as reported in the ECVT field ECVTHWNM
  • LPARNAME to indicate that you want to compare the LPAR name, as reported in the ECVT field ECVTLPNM. (Note that the ECVTLPNM field is empty if the processor is not in LPAR mode.)
  • VMUSERID indicates that you want to compare the VM user ID of the virtual machine where this MVS™ image is a guest.
  • text_string to specify another value to compare.

    You can specify system symbols in a text_string and the system substitutes the current value for use in the WHEN statement. Specifying system symbols &SYSNAME. and &SYSPLEX. is the equivalent of specifying SYSNAME and SYSPLEX.

    Use a '*' wildcard character to match a sequence of zero, one, or more characters or '?' to match a single character. Only a subset of the operators support wildcard characters: =, <>, IN, and NOTIN. You can only use wildcard characters on either the when_vall or the when_valr side of the whenexpr but not in both.

    You can enclose the text_string value in single quotes if necessary to include special characters verbatim, avoid conversion to upper case, or to include spaces.

The comparison operator for the WHEN expression, comparing the when_vall value to the when_valr value or values in the WHEN expression. operator is one of the following:
{= | <> | > | < | >= | <= | IN | NOTIN}
  • IN looks for the case where the when_vall values is equal to one or more of the when_valr values. You can also use just the equal operator (=) instead of IN for such list comparison.
  • NOTIN looks for the case where the when_vall values is not equal to any of the when_valr values. You can also use just the not-equal operator (<>) instead of NOTIN for such list comparisons.
You can only use a subset of the operators - =, <>, IN, and NOTIN - in the following cases:
  • If you specify more than one when_valr value in a WHEN expression
  • If you specify wildcard characters in either when_vall or when_valr.
Demarcates the start of the HZSPRMxx stmts within a WHEN statement or further nested WHEN statements to be applied if the conditions of the WHEN expression are met. DO and END are required for nesting.

You cannot put an explicit label on DO or END pairs, but you can add comments to each to match up pairs for readability and to make nesting more clear.

The HZSPRMxx statements applied if the conditions in the WHEN expression are met. You can use zero, one, or multiple HZSPRMxx statements within a WHEN statement.
Demarcates the end of a WHEN statement enclosing other HZSPRMxx stmts or further nested WHEN statement to be applied if the conditions of the WHEN expression are met. DO and END are required for nesting.

You cannot put an explicit label on DO or END pairs, but you can add comments to each to match up pairs for readability and to make nesting more clear.