Migrating from a previous release

Find the instructions about how to upgrade and migrate data from a previous release based on your migration scenario.

Before the migration, select one of the following migration scenarios based on your needs and then check the detailed instructions in the corresponding section.

Migrating from a previous release of ADI to IBM ADDI Extension V5.1.0.8

If you use a previous release of ADI and want to migrate all of its data (except for the user and user groups information) to IBM® ADDI Extension, you must follow the migration steps in this section instead of the other installation scenarios. You can run adi-setup application to automate the steps for migrating ADI data.

  1. The following instructions assume that you had either installed a previous version in either of the following locations. If you installed ADI in different locations, you can substitute the path when necessary.

    Linux: /opt/ibm/adi/

    Windows: C:\IBM\adi\

  2. The following instructions use adi_previous as an installation directory name to differentiate the previous version from the new version.
  3. IBM ADDI Extension no longer uses Jazz™ Team Server (JTS). Some repositories that are stored in the JTS data warehouse, such as user and user group information, will not be migrated.
  4. The database migration from a previous releases is supported for only production DB2® databases. Evaluation and demonstration data that used Derby is not supported for migration.
  5. Those workbooks that use the sample demonstration data that is generated in the previous releases cannot be migrated.

Preparation before migration

Delete those workbooks that used the demonstration provider and the demonstration connection that are generated by the Sample Demo Data Generation feature, as well as the sample demonstration provider and the sample demonstration connection in the previous releases before you start the data migration.

Complete the following steps to migrate ADI from a previous release by using the adi-setup application.
  1. Stop the current release of ADI by using the following commands.


    cd /opt/ibm/adi/server


    cd C:\IBM\adi\server
  2. Optional: Back up your data warehouse as described in Backing up data.
  3. Rename the installation directory to make sure that you can identify where the previous version is installed.


    cd /opt/ibm
    mv adi adi_previous


    cd C:\IBM
    ren adi adi_previous
  4. Download the NEW release of ADDI and install ADI component into the directory you want. By default, the new ADI component is installed in either of the following locations:

    Linux: /opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/adi5108

    Windows: C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\adi5108

  5. Use a command window to navigate to the new installation directory.


    cd "/opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/adi5108/server"


    cd "C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\adi5108\server"
    Note: For Windows, you must open the command window as the administrator. Right-click the Command Window icon and select Run as administrator option. The header of the command window shows as "Administrator".
  6. Run the following command and wait for the command to complete:


    ./adi-setup migration -fromDir /opt/ibm/adi_previous 


    adi-setup migration -fromDir C:\IBM\adi_previous 

    When the migration command completes, all of your adi_previous server data are copied over successfully to adi5108 server and ready for the new server to migrate them.

    Note: Since the underlying technology for IBM ADDI Extension is changed, the adi_previous server configuration files are not applied to adi5108 server.
  7. The adi_previous server configuration files are backed up for your reference under adi5108 server. Verify that the following configuration files are backed at the given locations:


    /opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/adi5108/server/conf/adi-legacy/server.xml
    /opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/adi5108/server/conf/adi-legacy/teamserver.properties
    /opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/adi5108/server/conf/adi-legacy/tdb


    C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\adi5108\server\conf\adi-legacy\server.xml
    C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\adi5108\server\conf\adi-legacy\teamserver.properties
    C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\adi5108\server\conf\adi-legacy\tdb
  8. Configure the Authentication Service (DEX) as described in Authentication setup. With the change in the underlying technology, a few new components are now included in IBM ADDI Extension, such as the Authentication Service (DEX). This means that the existing user accounts have been deprecated and the authentication and authorization are now supported through Authentication Service (DEX).
  9. Configure IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service as described in Configuring IBM ADDI Extension Install Configuration Page.
    • If you need to set up the adi5108 server similar to your adi_previous server then you can refer the properties, such as server hostname, port number, and database information, from the backed-up configuration files (server.xml or teamserver.properties) and use the same information when you set up adi5108 server.
    • If the data warehouse database is used from a previously migrated release of ADI, the default tablespace from that database will be used regardless of the specified setting of the Database Tablespace Folder. Because the Database Tablespace Folder field is mandatory, you can specify anything in case of the default tablespace from the migrated database. If a non-default tablespace was used, then enter that tablespace location in this Database Tablespace Folder field.
  10. Set up the IBM ADDI Extension server as described in Running the adi-setup script.
  11. After the IBM ADDI Extension setup is complete, you can start the adi5108 server as described in Starting up the server. When you start the adi5108 server, it executes additional migration operations automatically. An administrator can review the successful progress of these operations in the log files that are generated on the server machine.
  12. Observe the progress of the migration from the log file that is in either of the following locations:


    IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/adi5108/server/logs/console.log


    c:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\adi5108\server\logs\console.log
    For example, you can observe it by opening it in a text editor and frequently reloading it or using the tail command on Linux.
  13. Wait until the following line shows in the log file:
    ADI RDF migration succeeded without error.
  14. Also, review previous lines that are shown for status messages about the successful migration of ADI rest server connections, data providers, and application settings. If there are errors, review the error message to understand the nature of the problem. You can also start over by redoing the steps that are described in this guide with a new fresh installation. Contact technical support to get help with any migration error messages.
  15. When the migration is shown as successful in the log, you can notify your users that the new server is available for use.
  16. Open the browser and navigate to IBM ADDI Extension home page at https://<hostname>:<port>/addi/web. Then you are automatically redirected to DEX authentication server and the Log in to your account page is displayed. You can now log in as any user that is a member of the User Groups configured with ADI or the static admin user (if this is an evaluation copy).
    Note: The home page URL has been updated for IBM ADDI Extension.

Migrating IBM ADDI Extension from a previous release to V5.1.0.8

If you use a previous release of IBM ADDI Extension and want to migrate all of its data to IBM ADDI Extension V5.1.0.8, you must follow the migration steps in this section instead of the other installation scenarios.

  1. The following instructions assume that you had either installed a previous release in either of the following locations. If you installed IBM ADDI Extension in different locations, you can substitute the path when necessary.

    Linux: /opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/

    Windows: C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\

  2. The database migration from a previous releases is supported for only production DB2 databases. Evaluation and demonstration data that used Derby is not supported for migration.
  3. Those workbooks that use the sample demonstration data that is generated in the previous releases cannot be migrated.

Preparation before migration

Delete those workbooks that used the demonstration provider and the demonstration connection that are generated by the Sample Demo Data Generation feature, as well as the sample demonstration provider and the sample demonstration connection in the previous releases before you start the data migration.

Complete the following steps to migrate IBM ADDI Extension.
  1. Stop the current release of IBM ADDI Extension as described in the Shutting down the server topic.
  2. Stop the IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service, the Authentication Server (DEX), and all other ADDI services, including but not limited to the following ones:
    • IBM Application Discovery Analyze Service
    • IBM Application Discovery Batch Service
    • IBM Application Discovery File Service
    • IBM Application Discovery Graph DB Service
    • IBM Application Discovery Mainframe Projects Service
    • IBM Application Discovery Manual Resolution Service
    • IBM Application Discovery Search Service
  3. Back up the current installed ADDI Extension from the following installed directory to adi_previous directory.


    /opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/


    C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\
  4. Back up the DEX configuration files from the following directory.


    /opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/Authentication Server (Dex)/conf/


    C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\Authentication Server (Dex)\conf\
  5. Optional: Back up your data warehouse as described in Backing up data.
    Uninstall IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence and IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service.
    Note: Make sure that the following path is deleted and all the IBM Application Discovery services are no longer available.


    /opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/


    C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\
  6. Download the NEW release of ADDI and install the ADI component into the directory you want. By default, the new ADI component is installed in either of the following locations:


    /opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/adi5108


    C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\adi5108
  7. Copy the DEX configuration files from the previous release that you back up and paste into the following directory.


    cd "/opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/ Authentication Server (Dex)/conf/"


    cd "C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\ Authentication Server (Dex)\conf\"
  8. Configure IBM Application Discovery Configuration Service as described in Configuring IBM ADDI Extension Install Configuration Page by using the same configuration values as the previously installed ADDI Extension, such as server hostname, port number, and database information.
  9. Set up the IBM ADDI Extension server as described in Running the adi-setup script.
  10. Use a command window to navigate to the new installation directory.


    cd "/opt/IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/adi5108/server"


    cd "C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\adi5108\server"
    Note: For Windows, you must open the command window as the administrator. Right-click the Command Window icon and select Run as administrator option. The header of the command window shows as "Administrator".
  11. Run the following command and wait for the command to complete:
    ./adi-setup migration -fromDir backup_directory_for_previous_ADDI_Extension
    Note: You will need to replace backup_directory_for_previous_ADDI_Extension with the directory where you back up the previous version of IBM ADDI Extension (adi_previous directory).

    When the migration command completes, all of your data are copied over successfully to adi5108 server and ready for the new server to migrate them.

  12. After the IBM ADDI Extension migration is complete, you can start the adi5108 server as described in Starting up the server. When you start the adi5108 server, it executes additional migration operations automatically. An administrator can review the successful progress of these operations in the log files that are generated on the server machine.
  13. Observe the progress of the migration from the log file that is in either of the following locations:


    IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence/IBM Application Delivery Intelligence/adi5108/server/logs/console.log


    C:\IBM\IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence\IBM Application Delivery Intelligence\adi5108\server\logs\console.log
    For example, you can observe it by opening it in a text editor and frequently reloading it or using the tail command on Linux.
  14. Wait until the following line shows in the log file:
    ADI RDF migration succeeded without error.
  15. Review the previous lines that are shown for status messages about the successful migration of ADI rest server connections, data providers, and application settings. If there are errors, review the error message to understand the nature of the problem. You can also start over by redoing the steps that are described in this guide with a new fresh installation. Contact technical support to get help with any migration error messages.
  16. When the migration is shown as successful in the log, you can notify your users that the new server is available for use.
  17. Open the browser and navigate to IBM ADDI Extension home page at https://<hostname>:<port>/addi/web. Then you are automatically redirected to DEX authentication server and the Log in to your account page is displayed. You can now log in as any user that is a member of the User Groups configured with ADI or the static admin user (if this is an evaluation copy).