Tivoli Directory Integrator, Version 7.1.1

Deployment and Configuration

Post-install configuration

Follow these steps to register the Password Synchronizer for password change notifications:

  1. Copy the DLL tdipwflt.dll (in the TDI_Install_dir\pwd_plugins\windowsdirectory) of the Windows Password Synchronizer to the System32 folder of the Windows installation folder. Note that on 64-bit Windows operating systems, the 64-bit DLL of the Password Synchronizer must be put in the System32 folder.
  2. Add the name of the Windows Password Synchronizer DLL (tdipwflt) to the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA\Notification Packages" Windows registry key. Do not delete any existing data in Notification Packages.
  3. Execute the registerpwsync.reg file (in the TDI_Install_dir\pwd_plugins\windows directory), which is shipped with the Password Synchronizer. This will create a key for the Windows Password Synchronizer in the Windows registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Tivoli Directory Integrator\Windows Password Synchronizer". It will also set a string value "ConfigFile" that contains the absolute file name of the configuration file of the Windows Password Synchronizer. See the Configuration parameters in the Windows registry section for a list of parameters that are added to the Windows registry.
  4. Reboot the system.

Configuration parameters in the Windows registry

This plugin must be registered in the Windows LSA for receiving password changes notifications. For this purpose the name of the external library must be registered in the specific registry key. Additionally the external library file should be placed in one of the directories that is specified by the PATH environment variable. After this procedure is completed the operating system must be restarted so the external library can be loaded.

If the external library file is registered but could not be loaded successfully for some reason then the Windows OS might become unstable.

When the native module of the Windows Password Synchronizer is initialized, it will read from the registry key folder:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Tivoli Directory Integrator\Windows Password Synchronizer]

The following registry key is of vital importance, because it contains the location of the configuration file of the Password Synchronizer:

Table 2. Primary registry key
Key name Type Description Required?
ConfigFile REG_SZ This key specifies the full path of the configuration file of the Windows Password Synchronizer. true

Below is a list of optional registry keys which affect the behavior of the Windows Password Synchronizer. You should not set these manually - use the Administration Tool instead.

Table 3. Optional registry keys
Key name Type Description Default Required?
disabled REG_SZ This key specifies whether the password change should be propagated to the Java Proxy process. false false
reconfigure REG_SZ This key specifies whether the plugin should reload its configuration file on the next password change notification. false false

Register the password filter module by editing the key in the following registry key folder:


The following key should be present:

Table 4. Optional registry keys
Key name Type Description Default Required?
Notification Packages REG_MULTI_SZ This key specifies the external libraries to register for notifications. unknown true
Do not delete any of the values of this key. Put the name of the library on the last line. Do not include the .dll extension to the name you enter.

Reboot the Windows machine so that the changes can take effect.

Configuration parameters in the configuration file

The Windows Password Synchronizer plug-in has a template configuration file installed at TDI_Install_dir /pwd_plugins/windows/pwsync.props. Many of the configuration parameters in this file are common to all Password plug-ins, see Configuration file parameters.

The list below describes only those parameters that are specific to the Windows Password plug-in.

An optional list of Windows groups. If a user is a member of any group in the list, the user will be accepted by the user filter (assuming the user is not excluded by any of the exclude lists).
An optional list of Windows groups. If a user is a member of any group in the list, the user will not be accepted by the user filter.
An optional list of DN suffixes. If a user's Distinguished Name matches any suffix on the list, the user will be accepted by the user filter (assuming the user is not excluded by any of the exclude lists).
A list of DN suffixes. If a user's Distinguished Name matches any suffix on the list, the user will not be accepted by the user filter.
This property specifies the type of the account for which password changes will be reported. Its format is a space-delimited list of account types.

The Password Synchronizer plug-in is capable of reporting password changes to the following Windows account types:

This is a default account type that represents a typical user.
This is an account for users whose primary account is in another domain.
This is a permit to trust account for a domain that trusts other domains.
This is a computer account for a computer that is a member of this domain.
This is a computer account for a backup domain controller that is a member of this domain.
An example value for this key would be:
The Password Synchronizer always reports password changes to accounts of type NORMAL_ACCOUNT regardless of whether NORMAL_ACCOUNT is specified in the AccountTypes parameter.

Enabling Local Security

Change the Local Security Policy as follows:

  1. Select Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Local Security Policy
  2. Select Account Policies>Password Policy
  3. Change Passwords must meet complexity requirements to enabled.
  1. For this change to take place, reboot the machine. Make sure that you set up the Password Store properties file before rebooting the machine.
  2. If the Windows Server is configured as a Domain Controller, the "Passwords must meet complexity requirements" setting needs to apply to the whole Active Directory Domain, therefore this setting should be modified using the "Domain Security Policy" tool.

Password Stores setup information

The installer will configure the Password Synchronizer to use the Log Password Store by default.

For information on setting up the Password Stores, see the following resources:

Plug-in administration tool

A command-line tool pwsync_admin.exe, for performing administrative tasks, can be found in the TDI_Install_dir\pwd_plugins\windows directory. The primary purpose of this administrative tool is to allow reconfiguration of the Windows Password Synchronizer without rebooting the Windows system. For example, this tool enables changing of the password store without rebooting Windows.

The only change that cannot be accomplished without rebooting Windows is replacing the tdipwflt.dll plug-in, located in the Windows System32 directory.


This is how the administration tool is used from the command line:

pwsync_admin.exe - command for 32 bit Windows
pwsync_admin_64.exe - command for 64 bit Windows

This tool takes a single command-line parameter (the command argument above), which can have one of the following values:

This command writes a boolean value to the Windows registry (please see the Windows registry settings section), thus indicating to the plug-in that subsequent password changes must not be propagated to the Java proxy. This command causes subsequent password changes to be skipped until a resume_plugin command is issued.
This command writes a boolean value to the Windows registry (please see the Windows registry settings section), thus indicating to the plug-in that subsequent password changes must be propagated to the Java proxy. This command causes subsequent password changes to be synchronized until a suspend_plugin command is issued.
This command writes a boolean value to the Windows registry (please see the Windows registry settings section), thus indicating that the plugin must reload its configuration file. Reloading will not happen immediately but rather on the next password change. This means that if there are any errors with the new configuration, they will not become evident immediately. You could trigger a password change of a test account to enforce the reconfiguration. Beware that reconfiguration will be postponed if the plugin is suspended.
This command queries the status of the plugin - whether the plugin is currently loaded and if its last initialization was successful.
This command causes the administration tool to connect through a socket to the command socket port of the Java proxy and send a stop request to the proxy. This causes the proxy to terminate gracefully.
This command starts the Java proxy, which causes the proxy configuration to be reloaded.
This command is equivalent to a stop_proxy command followed by a start_proxy command.
command determines whether the Java Proxy is running or not.

Operational Windows registry settings

There are a number of Windows registry keys associated with the Windows Password Plug-in and its operations:

Enable or disable plugin
The registry key used by the suspend_plugin and resume_plugin commands is:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Tivoli Directory Integrator\Windows Password Synchronizer] "disabled"="true"  
If the key has a value of true, then the plug-in will not synchronize passwords. If this key is missing or has a value other than true, the plug-in will synchronize passwords. This key is created by the plug-in administration tool on first use.
Reload plugin configuration
The reconf_plugin command uses the following registry key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Tivoli Directory Integrator\Windows Password Synchronizer] "reconfigure"="true"  
If the key is set to true, then on the next password change the plugin will reload its configuration file. The plugin will also change the value to "false", so that the reload happens only once.
Neither of the above keys is present in the Windows registry after the plug-in is installed. These keys are not required for the normal operation of the plug-in.


The administrative tool logs messages both to the console and to a log file named pwsync_admin.log, which is located in the install directory of the plug-in. The log file can be used for analyzing errors encountered during administrative tool operations, or a historical reference for operations performed using this tool.

Considerations when using the administration tool

When using the administration tool, be aware of the following considerations:

The following recommendations help address these problems:

Example for changing the configuration without rebooting the Windows machine

The following steps show how the configuration settings can be changed without rebooting the Windows machine:

After these steps are completed the plugin, the Java proxy and the password store will use the new configuration settings. During the short window when the plug-in is suspended, however, password changes could be skipped. They will occur in the Windows domain controller, but they will not be propagated by the plug-in. Therefore, this procedure should occur at a low usage time, when password changes are unlikely.
  1. Copy the configuration file to a temporary location.
  2. Edit the file in this temporary location.
  3. Copy the edited file back to the original location.
  4. Run the pwsync_admin.exe suspend_plugin command.
  5. Run the pwsync_admin.exe reconf_plugin command
  6. Run the pwsync_admin.exe stop_proxy command.
  7. Run the pwsync_admin.exe start_proxy command.
  8. Run the pwsync_admin.exe resume_plugin command.

Alternatively, if you wish to change only some Password Store settings (and not settings related to the plugin or the proxy) you may skip the reconfiguration command in the above steps.

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(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 2006, 2012. All Rights Reserved.
IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.1