New for Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows client

Tivoli® Storage Manager HSM for Windows Version 7.1.6 is updated with APAR fixes and defect fixes and some new features.

The following features are new in V7.1.6:

Tivoli Storage Manager products are delivered only electronically
The Tivoli Storage Manager family of products are now delivered as electronic releases. Physical media is no longer available as part of the standard product offering in Passport Advantage. The announcement letter also provides this information. Announcement letters are available at

IBM is developing products by using a continuous delivery model, which supports more frequent product updates. If you require physical media for legal or other reasons, contact your sales representative.

You can filter and search the HSM for Windows client output listing files.
The HSM for Windows client creates output files that list HSM activities. The V7.1.6 graphical user interface (GUI) can filter the listing files and display the records that you want to see. You can arrange the output columns and sort by column. You can search the recall listing file by system identification (SID) number or by user information.

For information about displaying listing files, see Displaying HSM listing files.

A migration job can remove unused stub files from the file system.
You can remove unused stub files from a file system by using a migration job. Migration copies are protected in Tivoli Storage Manager until you decide that the migration copies are no longer required.

The dsmhsmclc.exe command oldstub parameter counts the number of old stub files on the file system. Use the number and age of old stub files to decide if you want to create a migration job to remove unused stub files.

For information about migration jobs that remove unused stub files, see Removing unused stubs from a file system.

A reconciliation process can delete protected files from Tivoli Storage Manager storage.
A protected file is a file that was migrated to Tivoli Storage Manager storage and the file was deleted from the file system. Some migration jobs delete the file from the file system on the initial migration. Some migration jobs delete the stub file of a migrated file. Both kinds of jobs yield files that are protected in Tivoli Storage Manager storage. A reconciliation process with default configuration values does not delete protected files. You can delete protected files from Tivoli Storage Manager storage by configuring a reconciliation process with the option to delete protected files.

For information about deleting protected files, see Deleting protected files from Tivoli Storage Manager storage.

The following features are new in V7.1.4:

You can save all trace records in trace files.
By default, trace files wrap when they reach the maximum trace file size. The Wrap the trace file option stops the trace file from wrapping and saves all trace records:
  • The trace file name is changed to a unique file name that includes the current date and time.
  • When the trace file reaches the maximum file size, the trace file is saved and a new trace file is created. The HSM for Windows client appends the current date and time to the new trace-file name.

For information about trace file configuration, see Tracing preferences.

The following features are new in V7.1.3:

Version 7.1.3 contains no new features and is updated only with APAR and defect fixes. There are no documentation updates.

The following features are new in V7.1.2:

Support for Windows alternate data streams is added.
With the new feature for Windows alternate data streams (ADS), you can complete the following tasks:
  • You can copy ADS data to Tivoli Storage Manager storage when the HSM for Windows client migrates a file.
  • You can back up ADS data when the backup-archive client backs up a stub file.
  • You can retrieve ADS data when when a migrated file is retrieved by the HSM for Windows client and when a stub file is restored by the backup-archive client.
The new feature also includes these enhancements:
  • ADS data is not recalled during a file recall operation.
  • ADS data is not deleted from the stub file.

For information about adding support for Windows Alternate Data Stream (ADS) data when you upgrade from an HSM version before V7.1.2, see Migrating Windows alternate data stream data for files that were migrated before Version 7.1.2.

The following features are new in V7.1.1:

Version 7.1.1 contains no new features and is updated only with APAR and defect fixes.

The following features are new in V7.1.0:

Resilient File System (ReFS) files systems are supported.

In previous versions, only New Technology File System (NTFS) files systems were supported.

In V7.1.0, all commands and features that are supported on NTFS files systems are supported also on ReFS file systems.

Selective search and recall of migrated files is enhanced with new commands.

If you change the name of a stub file after migration, the name in the Tivoli Storage Manager server file space does not match the stub file name. You can manually retrieve the file, but you must use the file name that is in the file space. With the new dsmclc recall and dsmclc recalllist commands, you can use stub file names on the file system to selectively recall files.

You can specify a stub file name or a pattern with wildcards. You can specify a file that contains a list of stub files. The files are sorted and recalled to minimize access time on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. If you run the new commands in test mode, the HSM for Windows client only calculates the disk space that is required for the recall.

For information about selective recall, see Selectively retrieving and recalling migrated files.

You can choose whether to migrate file security attributes.

In previous versions, file security attributes (ACL) were always migrated and retrieved with a file.

In V7.1.0, you can choose whether the ACL is migrated when a file is migrated. If you migrate the ACL, you can choose whether the ACL is restored when a migrated file is retrieved. If you do not migrate and retrieve the ACL, file security is maintained by the file system. It is possible that you do not want current ACL information replaced by the ACL information from Tivoli Storage Manager when you retrieve a file. You set the default value in the configuration wizard.

In previous versions, changing only the ACL made a file a candidate for a temporary recall and remigration of the file contents and ACL.

In V7.1.0, you can change the ACL without triggering a recall and remigration. You can reduce network traffic; reduce processor usage; and reduce requirements for temporary disk space.

The dsmclc recall and dsmclc recalllist commands, and transparent recall operations, do not recall file security attributes. File security attributes can be retrieved only when a file is retrieved with the dsmclc retrieve command.

For information about specifying whether file security attributes (ACL) are migrated and retrieved, see Configuring the connection between the HSM for Windows client and the Tivoli Storage Manager server, Retrieving migrated files, and HSM for Windows commands.

The backup before migration option is changed.

In previous versions, commands that did not specify the -b (back up before migration) option did not back up files before migration.

In V7.1.0, you can set the default value of the backup before migration option. The value that you set in the configuration wizard is the default for new migration jobs, list migrations, and new threshold migration configurations. Commands that do not specify the -b (back up before migration) option inherit the default that you define in the configuration wizard.

For information about setting the backup before migration option in the configuration wizard, see Configuring the connection between the HSM for Windows client and the Tivoli Storage Manager server. For information about setting the backupbeforemigrate option in commands, see HSM for Windows commands.

Temporary copies of migrated files are optimized for sequential media.

A backup or archive operation of a stub file can trigger the temporary copy of a migrated file from the Tivoli Storage Manager server. In V7.1.0, these temporary copies are optimized for sequential media. Before a backup or archive job temporarily copies any files from sequential media, the files are sorted for optimal sequential access. Tivoli Storage Manager servers categorize virtual tapes, physical tapes, and sequential-access disks as sequential media.

Temporary copies are optimized during incremental and selective backup operations and archive operations. The temporary copies are optimized automatically.

A list of the temporarily copied files is created in the listing directory of the HSM client installation directory.

Two reconciliation processes are required to delete an obsolete object from Tivoli Storage Manager storage.

In previous versions, an obsolete object was deleted in a single reconciliation process.

In V7.1.0, an object is deleted only after two reconciliation processes are run.

After a stub is deleted, the first reconciliation marks the object on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. If the stub is not restored before the second reconciliation, the object is deleted from Tivoli Storage Manager server storage. If the stub is restored after the first reconciliation, the object is unmarked on the Tivoli Storage Manager server and is no longer a candidate for deletion.

In V7.1.0, the reconciliation log file also lists objects that are marked or unmarked during reconciliation.

For information about reconciliation, see Reconciliation.

In previous versions, the reconciliation log file listed only files that are deleted during reconciliation.

Identifying the product version is easier.
To ease problem analysis, the HSM for Windows client version information is included in the following places:
  • Reparse data that is attached to stub files
  • Tivoli Storage Manager server migrated file entries
  • Listing file headers
  • A log file that is in the installation directory: /config/install.log