Displaying HSM listing files

You can filter and search HSM listing files by using the HSM for Windows client graphical user interface (GUI).

About this task

The HSM for Windows client records files that are processed by HSM operations. The records are saved in listing files. The HSM for Windows client GUI can filter the listing files and display the records that you want to see. You can arrange the output columns and sort by column. You can search by system identification (SID) number or by user information.

To display records from the listing files, complete the following steps.


  1. In the HSM for Windows client GUI, select Tools > Search Listing Files. The menu displays a choice for the location of the listing files.
  2. Choose the default location or select another location and browse to the directory of the listing files. After you specify the location, a search window opens. The window contains tabs for HSM operations: migration, recall, retrieve, delete, move, and trace.
  3. Click a tab for the HSM operation that you want to see. To display records for all operations, select the All tab.
  4. Set the filters to display the records that you want to see. Click Search. A progress window displays the search status.

    When you search for recall records, you can search for records that contain a user account that is recognized by the Windows system. First you must query whether the Windows system recognizes the user account.

    If the Windows system recognizes the user account, you can use the user account to filter the HSM for Windows recall records. The HSM for Windows recall records for that user contain the user account, but do not contain the SID.

    When the search process is complete, the search results are displayed.

What to do next

If the search yields too many records, you can search again and specify more restrictive filters. You can hide and arrange the columns in the results window. You can order the records in a column. You can save the results to a file.