Fixes by fix pack version

You can review the fixes that are addressed in each fix pack version.

  • If you are installing fix pack 10.0.2206.2 or above, the underlying fix pack installer that is used is no more a delta package jar, but a full installer jar.
  • For more information about the installation instructions for any fix pack, see the Fix_Pack_Installation.txt file that is available within the fix pack installer zip.
    Important: You must always back up your existing runtime directory before starting the fix pack installation.

Version numbering for Continuous Delivery support policy

Effective from June 2022, the product lifecycle policy for IBM Sterling Order Management System Software has changed from Standard support to Continuous Delivery support. A new Continuous Delivery version numbering scheme is introduced. The first update to include the numbering is in Q2 2022 which is 10.0.2206.0 where first two digits remain 10.0. The third digit indicates major quarterly updates including two-digit year followed by the two-digit month. The fourth digit indicates minor updates and increments sequentially from 0 for each major update.

For more information about adopting Continuous Delivery support policy, see Adopting Continuous Delivery support policy.

6 October 2023 (10.0.2309.1)

Note: There is a entity change in the YFS_RES_POOL table in the current fix pack.
Defect ID Case number Description
593618 TS012845462 The notification system note is showing a grammatical error.

The issue is resolved.

593634 TS012496239 When the cancelOrder API is invoked for canceling the orders on hold and is preventing cancellation, the error message that is displayed is Invalid Cancellation Quantity.

Solution: The issue is resolved and the error message modifies to Modification CANCEL is prevented when order is on hold type <HOLD_TYPE>.

593643 TS011901472 The YFSGetExternalInventoryForItemListUE is not considering preferred substitute items to read inventory for external nodes and results in back-ordering.

The issue is resolved.

593756 TS013660738 During the procurement evaluation, the user exit YFSGetItemNodeCostForSourcingUE is called for the item-node that does not have inventory for the item.

Solution: The issue is resolved and the YFSGetItemNodeCostForSourcingUE input is enhanced to provide nodes that have available inventory for the item.

593761 TS013548521 When the sales order shipment is canceled with CancelRemovedQuantity set to Y, the related procurement TO is canceled even if it is already received at receiving node that is leading to inconsistent supply picture.

Solution: The issue is resolved and the procurement TO is canceling based on the orders modification rules.

593765 Internal The Special Service resource pool calendar and shipping calendar are not considered in ship date calculation at ship node for procurement scenario.
Solution: The issue is resolved.
Note: Enable the ENABLE_SPL_SERVICE_NODE_WORK_HOURS rule to use the ship date calculation feature.
593767 Internal Sterling Order Management System Software is enhanced to allow deactivating node capacity at the resource pool level. When the node capacity is deactivated, it is assumed that the node has infinite capacity during availability checks.

For more information, see Deactivating node capacity.

593775 TS013796787 The shortage note text is formed internally by the recordShortageForPack API that prevents customizing the notes text.

Solution: The issue is resolved and the RecordShortageForPack API is enhanced to stamp a custom note text on the order line during shorting when ShortageNoteText attribute is passed in the input.

593777 TS013595684 The null pointer exception is observed in Real-time Availability Monitor (RTAM) when the following sequence of steps is performed:
  1. Enable Real-time Availability Monitor (RTAM) monitoring by using organization rules.
  2. Create a common code type DIST_GRP_LVL_MTR and specify the priority to distribute unassigned demands.
  3. Adjust supply for an item say ITEM_1 and Quantity_1.
    Note: The Item is not created in Sterling Order Management System Software.
  4. Run the Real-time Availability Monitor (RTAM) agent.

The issue is resolved.

593779 TS013200747 The import order API is not updating the other charges field.

The issue is resolved.

593794 TS014058355 The YCD_BACKROOM_PICK.ON_SUCCESS file is corrected with the .xml extension.
593805 Internal Sterling Order Management System Software is enhanced such that the Applications Manager build does not fail for OpenJDK 8 builds in macOS.

1 September 2023 (10.0.2309.0)

Note: There are no table changes in the current fix pack.
Defect ID Case number Description
593670 TS013192661 The inventory adjustment for changing the availability from INFINITE to TRACK with zero quantity is not working when hot SKU feature is enabled and LockItemOnInventoryChanges is set to N.

This issue is resolved.

593693 TS012776873 The database queries are taking time to run which is creating performance issues.

The issue is resolved.

593722 TS013200887 The Sterling Order Management System Software application is enhanced to consider special service resource pool calendar in ship date calculation. To use this feature, set the ENABLE_SPL_SERVICE_NODE_WORK_HOURS value to Y.

For more information, see Special services.

593743 TS013805437 The OMPProcessRoutingExternallyUE input is enhanced to provide OrderReference and OrderLineReference attributes for information purposes.
593744 TS013558265 The net zero event is not raised on exchange order when funds from return order are more than required funds on exchange order.

This issue is resolved with appropriate code changes.

593748 Internal The Sterling Order Management System Software is upgrading struts from version 2.5.30 to version 2.5.31 for security scan issues.
593751 TS012730454 The user ID and Password login method in start.jsp are deprecated.

4 August 2023 (10.0.2306.2)

Note: There are no table changes in the current fix pack.
Defect ID Case number Description
592922 TS007746755 The NullPointerException is thrown during order purge.

This issue is resolved and the proactive null check is performed to avoid NullPointerException.

593630 TS012251744 The capacity is consumed from sales order ship node when order moves from Procurement Transfer Order Created to released status even when Consider shipnode capacity for procurements is set to false.

This issue is resolved.

593680 TS013052948 In Applications Manager, a java.lang.NullPointerException occurs when opening a screen or when saving an object because request payload exceeds to the Sterling Order Management System Software server.

This issue is resolved.

593683 TS012249175 The ChangeInLineTotal attribute value is shown incorrectly.

This issue is resolved with the correct rounding logic to show the correct value for the ChangeInLineTotal attribute.

593693 TS012776873 The DB query is taking lot of time to run and it is creating performance issue.

This issue is resolved.

593694 TS012565234 The refunds and settlements are not published due to the rounding issue link.

This issue is resolved and the rounding issue to establish the link between refund and settlements is fixed.

593710 TS013326697 The getDemandDetailsList API does not return Segment and SegmentType attribute values in the output.

This issue is resolved and the updated YFS_INVTDMDDTL_VW2 view is introduced, which contains Segment and SegmentType attributes.

593731 TS013728728 The supply adjustments in scheduleOrder are observed in Sterling Inventory Visibility even if schedule is failing from the scheduleOrderAgent program.

This issue is resolved and the supply updates are rolled back when an error occurs such that no updates are observed in Sterling Inventory Visibility.

241 TS013756373 The recordShortageForPack API is enhanced to cancel order line quantity also along with marking shipment line as inventory shorted when CancelRemovedQuantity is passed as Y in the input.

7 July 2023 (10.0.2306.1)

  • There are no table changes in the current fix pack.
  • Starting with this minor update, IBM® Fix Central and IBM Documentation display only the Continuous Delivery version number that was introduced in the 10.0.2206.0 (Q2 2022) release. The legacy fix pack numbers are no longer used to refer to the fix packs. For more information, see Adopting Continuous Delivery support policy.
Defect ID Case number Description
593422 Internal The Sterling Order Management System Software application is enhanced to push database updates for capacity consumption on the commit event of a transaction. This reduces the lock contention in the YFS_RES_POOL_CAPCTY_CONSMPTN table.
To enable this enhancement, set the following properties to true:
  • yfs.capacity.useMassAdjustCapacityDriver
  • yfs.persitCapacityAdjustments
  • If the manageCapacityReservation API is called during a transaction and PersistCapacityAdjustments is passed as N, MassAdjustCapacityDriver is not used for the transaction.
  • If capacity is set to 0, the capacity consumption record is deleted from the YFS_RES_POOL_CAPCTY_CONSMPTN table. To delete the 0 capacity records, run the capacity purge.
  • The default value for ADDITIONAL_CAPACITY1 and ADDITIONAL_CAPACITY2 columns is set to 0.
593610 TS011320542 The application discards the supply information that is returned by INVGetExternalSupplyUE for the items with no InventorytItem record.

This issue is resolved.

593622 TS012534033 In real-time availability change event that is created by Real-Time Availability Monitor (RTAM), EffectiveUntilDate value is incorrect for the ship node with the expired node notification.

This issue is resolved.

593637 Internal Continuous Delivery license is mandatory for installing fix packs and the mandatory license acceptance check is implemented for the traditional on-premises customers. The fix pack updates are prevented if the Continuous Delivery license is missing from your environment. For more information, see Adopting Continuous Delivery support policy.
593638 TS012711557
In the Sterling Order Management System Software-Sterling Inventory Visibility integrated environment, multiple Sterling Inventory Visibility reservation API calls are observed for the ReserveAvailableInventory API call when the following steps are performed:
  1. Create the item, ITEM_1 and ship node, NODE_1.
  2. Item ITEM_1 has inventory at NODE_1 with Segment CUSTOMER and SegmentType CUSTOM.
  3. Item ITEM_1 has an unsegmented inventory at NODE_1.
  4. Call the reserveAvailableInventory API with multiple lines to reserve Segmented and Unsegmented inventory.

Solution: The issue is resolved by setting the yfs.UseAggregatedReservationsForIV property to true. This optimizes to single Sterling Inventory Visibility reservation API call when segmented and unsegmented inventory is placed on same reservation call.

593651 TS012957859 Order Hub Workspace SQL queries have SQL exceptions while using Db2® versions that are older than version

Solution: Order Hub Workspace feature works on Db2 versions that are older than version

593652 TS013173884 In the Sterling Order Management System Software-Sterling Inventory Visibility integrated environment, null pointer exception is observed if the order is created with reservation that does not exist in Sterling Inventory Visibility.

This issue is resolved.

593673 TS013267614 The error messages are not displayed in the language based on the user's locale.

This issue is resolved.

593690 TS013273297 The installation process of customization package is blocked in the next-generation environments.

This issue is resolved.

593691 TS012912271 The getIntegrationErrorList API output Javadoc incorrectly lists the Message attribute.

This issue is resolved. The Message attribute is not part of the getIntegrationErrorList API output Javadoc.

593692 TS013452031 In the AppendOnly mode, Configuration Deployment Tool (CDT) is incorrectly logging Deleting from <table> (N records) when the source database does not contain the records that are present in the target database.

This issue is resolved.

2 June 2023 (10.0.2306.0 (legacy

Defect ID Case number Description
593601 Internal The application is enhanced to improve the performance while reading reservations from Sterling Inventory Visibility in Sterling Order Management System Software-SIV integrated environment.
593617 TS012238854 The tabs are not getting displayed in the application for the users wherein the locale's language is set as a bidirectional language which is read from right to left.

Solution: This issue is resolved and the home screen is fixed to display tab container for locales which displays content from right to left.

593619 TS011941164 The modifyFulfillmentOptions API is enhanced in Order Hub to include the ErrorDescription of the errors in the changeOrder API.
593624 TS012683310 The incorrect estimated time of arrival date of 1899-12-31 23:36:40.0 is observed to adjust the inventory made with estimated time of arrival date of 1900-01-01 00:00:00. The issue is resolved.
593629 TS012949194 Multiple Agent getJobs are queued into Java™ Message Service in Active MQ.

Solution: The issue is resolved and receive on wait configuration is configurable. You need to set the new override property of yfs.jms.messagebrowser.receivewait to 60 or number of wait in safestart or customer_overrides. This property enables the behavior to wait on receive and waiting time.

593637 Internal An enhancement of mandatory license acceptance check has been implemented for the traditional on-premises customers to prevent the fix pack updates if the license is missing from the customer's environment.
593647 Internal

When you download the license update download package from the Passport Advantage® and extract the, the Sterling_SSFF_License_Installation.txt contains a broken link.

For more information, see Adopting Continuous Delivery support policy.

5 May 2023 (10.0.2303.2 (legacy

Defect ID Case number Description
593207 TS005629402 For resource pool with UOM RELEASE, the capacity consumption is updated incorrectly when the cancelReservation API for same reservation is called in parallel threads. The issue is resolved.
593542 TS012348476 In Sterling Inventory Visibility integrated environment, the ExpirationDate is not returned in ReserveAvailableInventory API output when ReservationParameters are passed at API header level. The issue is resolved.
  • 593546
  • 593547
  • 593548
  • 593549
TS010637001 The infinite loop detected exception results in the following issues:
  • The user cannot view the order in Order Hub or Application Console UI and the getOrderDetails API fails if the template has charge transaction attributes.

    Solution: The application is enhanced such that the getOrderDetails API does not throw any error and displays correct output even when an infinite loop is detected in Order Hub or Application Console UI.

    Note: The getOrderDetails API enhancement is enabled by setting yfs.payment.infiniteLoop.allowViewingOfOrder to Y.
  • The user cannot cancel the order.

    Solution: The application is enhanced such that the user can cancel the order by using the cancelOrder API or changeOrder API.

  • The user cannot hold the order by using changeOrder API.

    Solution: The application is enhanced such that the user can hold the order by using the changeOrder API.

  • There is no automatic mechanism to hold the order.

    Solution: The application logic is enhanced such that the user can automatically hold the order.

    Note: The automatic hold enhancement is enabled by setting the yfs.payment.infiniteLoop.paymentHoldType property to Hold Type Name.
593559 TS012441832 When entering script symbols in console user interface screens, an unintended pop-up is generated when the error dialog opens.

Solution: The error dialog user-interface is updated to discard any script symbols while displaying an error output.

593562 TS012377062 In ZIP code and regiondetail SQL files, the latitude and longitude and related details are added for ZIP codes 85281 and 85288.
593565 TS011549856 The user tracing is not working due to a regression in previous update. The issue is resolved and the user specific traces are generated.
593590 TS012253537 The LastOrderHeaderKey is populated with last history record of the getOrderList output when ReadFromHistory is set to B.
593591 Internal When the LOAD_FACTORY_SETUP flag is disabled in runtime by user, it is automatically enabled during FP installation in fpmode erroneously, leading to FP factory setup installation at the end of FP installation. The issue is resolved and the flag is not automatically enabled during FP installation.

For more information, see Applying fix pack factory setup manually.

593593 TS011831808 Introduced the following new properties for payment audit features:
  • yfs.payment.reason.enablePaymentAudit
  • yfs.payment.reason.persistOrderDataDuringCreateOrder
  • yfs.payment.reason.clubChargesForSameReasonWithDifferetPaymentTypes
For more information, see Order management file.

7 April 2023 (10.0.2303.1 (legacy

Defect ID Case number Description
593363 TS010386904 The pre-reserved capacity from reservation is not considered correctly when node locale is ahead of Sterling Order Management System Software installation locale. This issue is resolved.
593411 TS011831808

For refund or settlement of pre-paid orders, the reason order event is not associated to the payment transaction created. This issue is resolved.

For more information, see Publishing refund and settlement details.

593452 TS011514520 IBM Sterling™ Business Center is throwing an error indicating price type is required or list price is missing when price is updated and saved in the associate price type model of $0.

Solution: This issue is resolved by updating validation checks for missing parameters in the associate price type model.

    • repository/eardata/sbc/war/sbc/pricing/pricelist/manage/associatepricetypes/associatepricetypetopricelist.js
593481 TS011639119

The hangoff data for order line is not saved as a part of OrderRepricingUE.

Solution: The application is enhanced such that when the hangoff data is passed in the output of OrderRepricingUE at the OrderLine level, it is consumed and persisted.

593485 TS010197153 When managing standard capacity as a user from other locale in IBM Sterling Business Center, an undefined slot is added in the weekly capacity.

Solution: This issue is resolved by updating the scuiplat.js file for other locale to use the HH:MM:SS time format.

593493 TS011701608 ExpectedShipmentDate on order schedule is incorrect when following steps are performed:
  • Make sure that sourcing rules are configured such that the qualifying node NODE1 has transit time greater than 0 days for ShipToAddress.
  • Create an order with ITEM1 and ReqDeliveryDate as current day + 5 days.
  • Implement the YFSGetDeliveryLeadTimeUE such that 0 days transit time is returned when ShipFrom address is unknown.
  • Make sure YFSGetDeliveryLeadTimeUE returns transit time greater than 0 for NODE1 and ShipToAddress.
  • Schedule the order.

This issue is resolved.

593494 TS011966940 IBM Sterling Business Center throws 500 error when items with special characters are searched in the short description such as 25$ gift card.

Solution: The regex validations are removed for short descriptions in item’s primary information so that you can search and edit short descriptions such as 25$ gift card.

      • repository/eardata/sbc/war/WEB-INF/validationrules/sbc_validationrules.xml
      • repository/eardata/sbc/war/sbc/itemadmin/item/manage/basic/itemdetails_config.js
593495 TS011903400 The planned transfer order gets backordered during release when the shipping node has minimum notification time. This issue is resolved.
593521 TS011682862 The requested charge amount is updated correctly during charge consolidation but the open authorization amount does not update to the latest correct amount.

Solution: The application code is changed to update the correct authorization amount after the charge consolidation.

593527 TS012024552 After enabling Sterling Order Management System Software-Sterling Inventory Visibility integration in Phase 1 and not implementing OMPGetInventoryFromCacheUE, the items are displayed out of the stock in call center while RTAM is running. This issue is resolved.
593537 Internal Service slot group creation and capacity setup are not working in IBM Sterling Business Center when attempted from locales other than English.

Solution: This issue is resolved by changing the service slot configuration UI date/time fields to use the correct date-time format when creating the capacity and service slot.

      • repository/eardata/sbc/war/sbc/inventory/serviceslot/shiftInfo_config.js
593557 TS011998208 Incorrect estimated ship date is observed when following steps are performed:
  • Assume that current date is 2023-01-01.
  • Create a transfer schedule between stores NODE_P to NODE_S with cut off time as 14:00 all days.
  • Create transfer order with shipping node as NODE_P and receiving node as NODE_S. The transfer order line has carrierServiceCode as CAR_1 with pick up available from NODE_P at 16:00 everyday.
  • Schedule transfer order at 2023-01-01 T15:00:00.
Upon scheduleOrder, ETS is pushed to next day 2022-01-02 T16:00:00 and the current date is not considered due to transfer schedule cut-off time of 14:00, which restricts scheduling the current date. This issue is resolved.

3 March 2023 (10.0.2303.0 (legacy

Defect ID Case number Description
592817 Internal The SQL query that fetch records from YFS_ITEM and YPM_PRICELIST_LINE in all the pricing module invocations, is optimized for better performance on creating orders with pricing enabled and subsequent other invocation of pricing engine to support for very large orders.
593118 Internal The SQL queries that fetch records from YPM_PRICING_RULE, YPM_PRICING_RULE_TARGET_ITEM, YPM_PRICING_RULE_ITEM in the createOrder or changeOrder transactions and other further invocations of the pricing module, are optimized to improve performance for very large orders.
593324 Internal The SQL queries that fetch records from YFS_INVENTORY_ITEM in the CONSOLIDATE_TO_SHIPMENT transactions are optimized to improve performance for large orders.
593343 TS010366659

A Select database query with an OR condition takes long to execute in the Oracle database. The database administrator cannot tune the Oracle database server to run the query fast.

Solution: Split the before and after part of the OR condition into two queries and run the queries separately.

593370 TS011073805 The getCompleteItemList API shows an item to be unavailable, when the following sequence of steps are performed.
  1. Create an enterprise named ENT_ORG with Enterprise and Seller roles.
  2. Create an inventory organization named INVENTORY_ORG with parent ENT_ORG.
  3. Create a distribution group named DG_ALL at ENT_ORG.
  4. Set up RTAM rules at INVENTORY_ORG with DG_ALL to be monitored.
  5. Run RTAM such that alerts are created.
  6. Call getCompleteItemList API with calling organization ENT_ORG.

This issue is resolved.

593376 TS010865094 The application is enhanced to drop invalid OAuth token from the token cache and return InvalidAuthenticationException if a 401_Unauthorized exception occurs.
593403 TS011157557 Rounding logic is now implemented for sub-total column variables during invoicing in IBM Sterling Call Center.
593424 Internal A new utility service is created to integrate with Sterling Inventory Visibility outside of Sterling Order Management System Software - Sterling Inventory Visibility adapter.

For more information, see Calling Sterling Inventory Visibility API in integrated environment.

593427 TS010125072 The syncLoadedInventory API adds Node Control for all the nodes, when ApplyDifferences="N" and RemoveInventoryNodeControl="Y".

Solution: The syncLoadedInventory API is enhanced to not insert Node Control. Set RemoveInventoryNodeControl attribute to "A". If Node Control exists, it is removed.

593433 TS009487860 The monitorItemAvailability API is enhanced to override configured or non-configured distribution group and node level monitoring rule on Item or Classification.

For more information about newly added attributes, InventoryMonitorRule and NodeLevelInventoryMonitorRule, see Javadoc.

593473 TS011498205 Promising APIs such as findInventory, scheduleOrder, and more, are enhanced to consider node working hours for Special Service Capacity. Set rule ENABLE_SPL_SERVICE_NODE_WORK_HOURS to Y, to use this feature.

For more information, see Special services.

593479 TS012014990 When inventory for an item does not exist, a NullPointerException occurs in adjustInventory for AdjustmentType= "ABSOLUTE". This issue is resolved.
593485 TS010197153 In Sterling Business Center (SBC), when managing standard capacity for Korea or Taiwan users, an undefined slot is being added in the weekly capacity. This issue is resolved.
593498 Internal Improved the performance in Sterling Order Management System Software for property fetch of such properties by maintaining the cache of unexposed properties. These are not db supported, resulting in reduced redundant db calls to fetch their property value.

10.0.2209.2 (legacy

Defect ID PMR # Description
593014 Internal

Sterling Order Management System Software integration with Sterling Inventory Visibility (inventory management system (phase 2)) now uses Availability by date breakup and Reservations by date breakup features that are available in Sterling Inventory Visibility. Thus, improving inventory allocation for future inventory and time sensitive items.

For more information, see Order fulfillment by using Availability by date breakup.

593179 TS009376924 The application is enhanced to raise only one capacity freed and filled event for each capacity consumption key. To use the feature, set yfs.yfs.persitCapacityAdjustments property to true.
593233 TS010135109 The performance of getOrderPrice API is improved by optimizing the queries when items with multiple unit of measure are present.
593234 Internal Following are the Hot SKU granular locking enhancements:
  • Hot SKU Optimistic Lock Avoidance (OLA) with granular locking feature is enhanced to avoid locking when checking availability for an item with availability Zero(0) at a node. To enable the feature, set yfs.hotsku.useGranularLockingForItem.mode to 01 when granular locking is enabled. Default value for this mode is 00, which means availability is locked for low or zero values.
  • Inventory Purge agent is enhanced to purge records from INV_INVENTORY_ITEM_LOCK table. Set property yfs.hotsku.granularLocking.purgeWindow to control purge retention days for INV_INVENTORY_ITEM_LOCK table. Default retention days are 30 days.
  • For more information, see Hot SKU control parameters.
593241 TS009376924 The ReserveAvailableInventory API is enhanced to skip node capacity updates. The API continues to check capacity availability based on the CheckCapacity flag. To enable the feature, set IgnoreCapacityUpdate to Y at <Promise> element. For more information, see API javadoc.
593312 TS010333935, TS010699359 In UOM Release, when drop ship order is partially canceled, incorrect capacity consumption is observed for a node with capacity. This issue is resolved.
593331 TS010696034 The application throws Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/quartz/CronExpression error, when Enable Advance Scheduling is clicked. This issue is resolved.
593337 TS010737069 The Link payment refund to settlement transactions option now works correctly, if it is enabled for a specific organization, regardless of the other organizations have the option enabled or disabled.
593338 Internal When running the Order Archive agent with multiple threads, a NullPointerException occurs intermittently. This issue is resolved.
593345 Internal The newly created items with infinite inventory are shown as Unavailable in Sterling Call Center.

Solution: The getItemListForOrdering API is enhanced to return an item that has infinite inventory as Available. Hence, the newly created items are shown as Available in Sterling Call Center.

593346 Internal The IBM Global Inventory Visibility (GIV) now considers unassigned demands at all the distribution groups that are configured in the common code. Therefore, unassigned demands are balanced from all the distribution groups with same priority.
593348 Internal The application is enhanced to allow a single pricing rule or coupon, based on the payment type, to handle scenarios where an order is associated with multiple payment types. To use the feature, set YPM_IS_MULTIPLE_PAYMENT_TYPE_PRICING_RULE_ENABLED system rule for the organization.
593360 Internal Excessive warning (WARN) messages are displayed in the log.

Solution: This issue is resolved to change the log level to DEBUG.

593371 TS010801620 When calling adjustInventory API for shipments where inventory cost is enabled and order header record is locked by another transaction, YFC0101 exception occurs. This issue is resolved.
593374 Internal The YFS_CHARGE_CATEGORY table is now extensible so that you can add new columns and update values in the database.
593379 TS010653710 A new yfs.yfs.allowNegativeUpdatesForDemandDetails property is added to update demand details of a negative quantity. Therefore, getting rid of unnecessary demand details records associated to orders that are created with reservations on them.
593380 TS010233218 The application is enhanced to prevent a fixed-price pricing rule or coupon from increasing the price of an item, if the existing price is already less than the fixed price. Additionally, the discount is distributed based on the fixed price of order line instead of order line weightage. It is applicable for unit price and price types.

To use the feature, set YPM_PREVENT_FIXED_PRICING_RULE_PRICE_RISE system rule for the organization. For more information, see Fixed price promotions.

593386 TS011091720 You can now bypass and disable the Oracle TCPS validation and proceed with fix pack installation, by setting DISABLE_ORACLE_TCPS_VALIDATION property to Y in before installation.
593388 TS010848216 A performance issue is observed when large number of nodes with zero supplies are returned from YFSGetAvailabilityCorrectionsForItemListUE user exit. This issue is resolved.
593393 Internal A new template in procurement sourcing rules is introduced to support nodes filtering in a distribution group that is based on distance. For more information, see sourcing templates in API javadoc for manageSourcingRule.
593394 TS011111940 In an IV integrated environment, getAvailableInventory API now shows correct output for non segmented inventory, when same item is called with segment and non segmented information in a single API call.
593407 Internal When RTAM is configured to consider unassigned demand in a distribution group with priority, there is an excess demand for orders that are created with reservations.
593450 TS011383058 The Allow reservation During Scheduling flag in scheduling rules does not reserve an order correctly, when partial quantity is available for fulfillment. This issue is resolved.
593454 Internal History Mass Sync agent looks at records from YFS_ORDER_HEADER_H and OSI_AWAITING_ARCHIVE tables as part of getJob to prepare the executeJob messages. It is recommended to closely monitor the performance of database queries that are executed from the History Mass Sync agent and add additional indices to get optimum throughput. Based on the testing that IBM carried with specific data setup (15 million orders in YFS_ORDER_HEADER_H table), following additional indices, helped improve the query performance.
  • An index on column ENTITY_KEY of OSI_AWAITING_ARCHIVE table
  • An index on columns ORDER_DATE and DRAFT_ORDER_FLAG of YFS_ORDER_HEADER_H table

10.0.2209.1 (legacy

Defect ID PMR # Description
592583 TS007521544 Irrespective of whether the multi-stop functionality is enabled or disabled, store the information in the memory. This ensures that during a transaction, the application need not again read the corresponding property or configuration rule.
592618 TS006843467 In a return order, the tax amount is removed from the total sales order discount amount. Therefore, a partial discount is applied on a return order.

Solution: The total discount amount is retained on the return order similar to sales order, irrespective of the tax amount. This is a property-driven fix. In the file, set yfs.yfs.overrideDiscountValidationForInvoice=Y.

592696 TS007478554 The return order fulfillment summary screen is enhanced such that if fulfillmentType is empty, a default value, RETURN_FULFILLMENT is passed in the createInputforFindInventory method.

If fulfillmentType is not empty, Orderline fulfillmentType is set. Previously, fulfillmentType was set to empty.

593007 TS009100066 When you pass both ship node and reservation ID at the order line, the order line reservation level results in null pointer exception.

This issue is resolved.

593175 TS009764593 When you call the ReserveAvailabilityInventory API, a null pointer exception is thrown.

This issue is resolved.

593184 TS009885213 The processManageOrder API has a logic to invoke Hold validations. However, the internalApp attribute is set for another logic, which prevents from invoking the Hold logic.

Solution: This issue is resolved such that when capturePayment API is called, Hold is also called specifically.

593244 Internal The minified files of the application-provided Angular source code are now part of the image, instead of build EAR. However, there is no change while minifying extensions as part of build EAR. Also, in the developer toolkit, the AP_SKIP_ANGULAR_MINIFICATION flag of the file is deprecated.
593246 TS010088872 To retrieve an alternate store availability, in the getFulfillmentOptionsForLines template, the RequiredQty attribute is updated at the promise line level.
593253 TS009679025 The description for deprecated fields is updated in Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) and Javadoc.
593254 TS010303251 When you update the YFS_INVENTORY_DEMAND table, the "ORA-01438" error message is displayed. This issue is resolved.
593262 TS010303251 When you update the YFS_INVENTORY_DEMAND table, the ORA-01438 error message is displayed.

This issue is resolved.

593272 TS009441931 The Synchronize Task Queue agent that creates Task Q messages does not close the database statement object properly.

This issue is resolved.

593276 TS010486907 If there are multiple line items in the order, then during invoicing of these line items, the 6-digit rounding logic that is used in the implementation, resulted in an incorrect invoice amount.

This issue is resolved.

593282 Internal Some literals are not present in the IBM Sterling Business Center bundle file. Therefore, they do not appear in the UI.

This issue is resolved.

593284 TS009071840 Regression with overriding of custom bundles is fixed.
593287 TS010036440 When the yfs.yfs.doNotCopyLineItemToCustomerItem flag is set to Y in customer overrides, during order creation, the CUSTOMER_ITEM and CUSTOMER_ITEM_DESCRIPTION fields in the YFS_ORDER_LINE table remains blank, if no buyer item is present for the input item.

This issue is resolved.

593292 Internal The History Mass Sync agent restores the person info records from the YFS_PERSON_INFO_H history table to the YFS_PERSON_INFO transaction table.

This issue is resolved.

593295 Internal The application throws a null pointer exception, when the Required Ship Date value is higher than the minimum Demand End Date.

This issue is resolved.

593299 Internal When History Mass Sync agent was triggered to save order data to Order Service from order history table that contains millions of orders, the time to create jobs was significantly slow. The agent fetched only a smaller set of data in one attempt from millions of records in an ordered fashion, which lead to numerous highly expensive database queries.

This issue is now resolved by introducing a criteria parameter that is defaulted with higher data fetch size so that more data can be pulled from database in one attempt. This leads to less number of database queries and results in creating the required messages faster. For more information about the newly introduced Number of Records To Buffer parameter, see History Mass Sync agent.

593303 Internal The Consolidate to Shipment agent fetches more than necessary data, resulting in performance slow-down, when consolidating an order release with large number of release lines.

Solution: The internal execution logic of Consolidate to Shipment is optimized to fetch only the required data.

10.0.2209.0 (legacy

Defect ID PMR # Description
589538 TS003763318 Real-time Activity Based Monitor (RTAM) is enhanced to calculate availability by considering the node capacity based on the locale timezone of the node, when yfs.rtam.useNodeLocaleTimeForCapacityCheck property is enabled.
592532 Internal When Hot SKU optimistic lock avoidance is enabled, in the INV_Inventory_item_lock table, records for tag-controlled items are locked and leads to excessive locking. This issue is now resolved.
592595 TS007707488 You can now disable capacity availability checks and capacity consumption updates as per your business needs. To use this feature, set the rule DISABLE_NODE_CAPACITY_FOR_ENT to Y for the enterprise by using the manageRule API as shown in the following sample input. By default the rule is set to N.
<Rules OrganizationCode="DEFAULT" RuleSetFieldDescription="Disable Node Capacity for Enterprise" RuleSetFieldName="DISABLE_NODE_CAPACITY_FOR_ENT" RuleSetValue="Y"/>
592954 Internal Following enhancements are made to Configuration Deployment Tool (CDT):
  • In ydkprefs.xml, if the dbType is xml, then it is not required to specify non-xml database attributes such as className, user, or jdbcUrl, which were previously required to set as empty. If dbType is not xml, specifying the folder attribute is not required.
  • It is no longer required to create a folder before running an xml export. If the folder is not present, CDT automatically creates it.
  • Use the new SkipEmptyTableExport CDT argument to skip generating files for empty tables in source database when running export. For more information, see SkipEmptyTableExport argument.
  • The 1 million node document warning is now displayed on every 100 K record instead of each record, once the document crosses 1 million records.
593103 TS008540397 The FixedPrice promotions are now supported for promotions that are applied to a custom price type. If the adjustment type is Fixed Price and Specify price types is enabled, then only one price type is supported. For more information about fixed price promotions, see fixed price promotions.
593104 Internal Order audit enhancements
  • Order Audit Delete Purge agent

    The new Order Audit Delete Purge agent extends the capability of Order Purge agent by deleting the order audit records from Sterling Order Management System Software before the Order Purge agent purges the order. For more information about Order Audit Delete Purge agent, see Order audit delete purge agent.

  • Order Purge agent

    Enhanced the behavior of Order Purge agent to support configuration to delete the order audit data rather than moving it to history table, and publish the order audit data through a user exit. For more information about configuring delete of order audit, see Guidelines for adding support for data compression for columns.

For Order Audit Delete Purge and Order Purge agents, the Sterling Order Management System Software provides YFSBeforeOrderAuditPurgeUE user exit that publishes the order audit records being deleted from the application on purge of an order. Implement the user exit, if you want to store order audit records outside of Sterling Order Management System Software for future reference. For more information, see Javadoc.

593113 Internal Data compression enhancements
  • Enabling data compression for columns

    Sterling Order Management System Software is enhanced to provide a configuration to compress data of compression supported columns. By using the configuration, you can compress the column data anytime without having to customize, rebuild, and redeploy Sterling Order Management System Software. For more information about updated compression guidelines, see Guidelines for adding support for data compression for columns.

    For more information about configuring compression properties, see compression properties.

  • History data compression support

    A new db.force.compression.history.records property is introduced to enable data compression on all the compression supported columns when data is being written to history tables. The property ensures that the data that is written in history tables is compressed even if compression is not enabled for the compression supported columns in transaction table. For more information about configuring the property, see history compression property.

  • YFS_IMPORT and YFS_EXPORT tables compression support

    Sterling Order Management System Software is enhanced to support compression for MESSAGE column of YFS_IMPORT and YFS_EXPORT tables.

593170 TS009893208 Struts is upgraded from 2.5.26 to 2.5.30. The struts-tag.tld file is deleted from IBM Sterling Call Center and IBM Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy and Next-generation).
593191 TS009765363 The getOrderPrice API returns incorrect rejection reason and status code when you specify QualifyingAmount for the combination pricing rule and if the pricing rule is rejected due to the minimum qualifying amount threshold. This issue is now resolved.
593194 TS009746206 When Sterling IBM Sterling Store Inventory Management is not enabled, a NullPointerException is thrown. Also, a return order is in the received status when moving the return order to unreceive order status. This issue is now resolved.
593205 Internal The following enhancements are made to the YFS_EXPORT purge process:
  • A new IgnoreStatus criteria parameter is added to ignore the status value and purge all records. For more information about IgnoreStatus, see Export table purge.
  • A new getExportDataList API is added to retrieve data from the YFS_EXPORT table. For more information, see Javadoc.
593225 Internal The application is fixed to handle premature exit of Sterling Order Management System Software installer for Windows™, which occurred before finishing all the post installation tasks.
593245 Internal The minified files of the application-provided source code is now part of the product jar, instead of getting generated when building the EAR. However, there is no change in the process of minifying extensions as part of the build EAR. A new argument, optimisedojobuild is added as part of build script.
  • If you set the value of optimisedojobuild to true, only the extension is minified.
  • If you do not pass any argument, or set the value to false, there is no change in the behavior of the minification process.
For example:
  • To minify only the extension, run the following command:
    ./ -Dappserver=websphere -Dwarfiles=isccs -Doptimisedojobuild=true -Dearfile=isccs.ear create-ear -Dnowebservice=true -Ddevmode=true -Dnodocear=true -Dsupportmultiwar=true -Dwebsphere-profile=liberty -Ddir.external=/opt/ssfs/runtime/earbackup
  • To minify the applicatiob-provided code and extensions, run the following command:
    ./ -Dappserver=websphere -Dwarfiles=isccs -Dearfile=isccs.ear create-ear -Dnowebservice=true -Ddevmode=true -Dnodocear=true -Dsupportmultiwar=true -Dwebsphere-profile=liberty -Ddir.external=/opt/ssfs/runtime/earbackup

10.0.2206.2 (legacy

Defect ID PMR # Description
593035 TS008997423 When getAvailableInventory API is called with the same item that is passed in two lines with different delivery methods, the item quantity is doubled. This issue is now resolved.
593041 TS009342577 When a multi-stop transfer is used for fulfillment between stops and a transfer order is scheduled, the ExpectedShipDate and ExpectedDeliveryDate are pushed incorrectly on the Schedule. This issue is now resolved.
593099 TS009319326 A negative supply record is shown on ConfirmShipment for a node where GetExternalSupply real time is enabled. This issue is now resolved.
593114 TS009732071 The syncLoadedInventory API throws an IllegalArgumentException, when InsertInventoryItem is passed as Y. This issue is now resolved.
593135 TS009663043 Skill Case: TS009663263 When an invalid coupon is passed to getOrderPrice API input, the pricing rule is shown as null and a NullPointerException is thrown, which results in populating output attribute values for the attribute RejectedPricingRules.

Solution: The application is enhanced such that when pricing rule is null, it stops populating the output attribute values for the attribute RejectedPricingRules.

593142 TS009698339 The getStorebatchDetails API is not considering Extn in its output template. Hence, an extended column attribute for any batch is not fetched. This issue is now resolved.
593155 TS008507827 When taxes are directly applied during invoice creation, tax percentage and reference attributes are not copied from invoice to order. This issue is now resolved.
593159 TS009528644 The importShipment API is fixed to read ShipmentTagSerial element that is present inside ContainerDetail element, and populate shipment tag serial record with corresponding container detail key.
593166 TS009774439 The getCompleteOrderDetails API is fixed to support SelectMethod attribute for the related orders such as return order, exchange orders, and more.

10.0.2206.1 (legacy

Defect ID PMR # Description
592303 Internal The application is enhanced to support caching for the following tables.

    To enable caching for the listed tables, complete the following steps.

    1. Set following properties in customer overrides.
      • dbclassCache.YFS_RES_POOL_STD_CAPCTY_PERD.class=com.yantra.shared.dbclasses.YFS_Res_Pool_Std_Capacity_PeriodDBCacheHome
      • dbclassCache.YFS_RES_POOL_DOW_CAPCTY.class=com.yantra.shared.dbclasses.YFS_Res_Pool_Dow_CapctyDBCacheHome
      • dbclassCache.YFS_RES_POOL_CAPCTY_OVERRIDE.class=com.yantra.shared.dbclasses.YFS_Res_Pool_Capcty_OverrideDBCacheHome
    2. Build and deploy the EAR.
592670 Internal Performance enhancements are made in Order Hub data-tier purge agent for removal of metrics and updates data.
592862 TS008696838 In Sterling Business Center (SBC), you can now save numeric or alphanumeric Department Code.
592940 TS008994589 When you add items to an order, the rounded pricing configurations are saved with incorrect rule set field name and the conventional rounding did not work correctly.
Solution: The application is enhanced to save pricing rounding configurations with correct rule set field name. The conventional rounding is fixed such that it picks the digits until eighth precision level before applying the rounding logic. For the solution to take effect, you must set yfs.useNewRoundOffPriceForConventional property to Y.
Note: After this property is enabled, it impacts the inflight orders such that the same number may get rounded differently with two rounding methods, which may cause functional issues in the system. Hence, before enabling the property, it is highly recommended to have minimum inflight orders.
592942 TS008871213 In Sterling Business Center (SBC), the Qualifier Type drop-down list is now displayed when the Specify qualifying amount is selected.
592950 TS007875723 In Sterling Business Center (SBC), all promotions that are applied to the different price types are now displayed in the Test Pricing screen.
592971 TS009096423 Skill Case: TS009159613 You could not apply the ShipOrderTotal coupon if a Carrier was specified to the coupon.

Solution: The application is enhanced to add a Carrier Service Code selection box to choose the carrier service code. Additionally, a Shipping Charge textbox is added to add the shipping charge and carrier service option to calculate the ShipOrderTotal coupon successfully.

593006 TS009054623 When creating a drop ship order, the tag-controlled attribute BatchNo is copied to the chained order such that you can create a shipment successfully.
593012 TS007665018

The getApplicablePricingList API is fixed to handle custom pricing rule when YPMGetApplicablePricingRuleListUE is enabled.

593029 TS008743919 You can now complete customer pickup even if backroom pick results in inventory shortage.

10.0.2206.0 (legacy

Defect ID PMR # Description
592532 Internal When the Hot SKU optimistic lock avoidance is enabled, lock records in the INV_Inventory_item_lock table are observed for tag-controlled items that leads to excessive locking.
592818 Internal The workload segregation feature is now available for task queue agents to segregate workload by creating jobs with different segregation patterns. You can configure segregation patterns in the agent criteria of the task queue agents to process matching jobs. The workflow segregation feature helps you process jobs with different workload and separate business flows in separate agent servers. You also have a flexibility to prioritize and run a particular type of workload with required resources to scale up the agent processing.

For more information about the workload segregation feature, see workorder segregation feature.

592843 TS007877177 REST APIs now forces elements to always behave as Array/Object as per business needs. For more information, see specifying output format for JSON.
592846 Internal The SQL queries to fetch records from YFS_ITEM, YFS_INVENTORY_ITEM, and YFS_INVENTORY_NODE_CONTROL in the scheduleOrder and releaseOrder transaction are optimized to improve performance of large orders.
592930 TS008611635 The ProcessReturnOrder API does not modify planned refund amount in CreateOrder flow from Store engagement. This issue is now resolved.
592931 Internal When an agent or an integration service is executed to create or schedule the orders, there is a gradual memory built up in the JVM of agent or integration server due to memory leak in the YFS_RegionImpl objects that are cached. If the agent or integration server processes the orders with different zip codes over a long period, it might result in OutOfMemory error. This issue is now resolved.
592939 TS008625231 When inventory is being procured, FindInventory API is not populating the <Supplies> element correctly in Xpath Assignment > Procurements > Procurement > Supplies. This issue is now resolved.
592947 Internal The order and release related API output, event data, and UE input is enhanced to provide the following attributes.

Order attributes: IsLargeOrder, IsVeryLargeOrder, OrderSegregationFilter

Release attributes: IsLargeRelease, IsVeryLargeRelease, ReleaseSegregationFilter

For more information about the order and release attributes, see Javadoc.

These indicators are also available as condition builder attributes so that you can easily add conditions in your order processing model. For more information about these attributes, see condition builder attributes.

592963 TS008825808 When calling validateCouponUE, the attribute value of RejectedPricingRules is changed to empty from null. When processing further, it is not considered in conditional checks because it is not null.

Solution: The conditional checks of RejectedPricingRules are updated such that it is considered for further processing even if it is empty, provided that there is a rejected pricing rule available.

592986 TS008825876 When calling LoadCustomPricingRulesUE, the attribute value of RejectedPricingRules is changed to empty from null. When processing further, it is not considered in conditional checks because it is not null.

Solution: The conditional checks of RejectedPricingRules are updated such that it is considered for further processing even if it is empty, provided that there is a rejected pricing rule available.

592987 TS009108215 When logging with log4j2, timer logic was being invoked regardless of the timer logs were enabled or not. This resulted in increased memory usage even though extra logs were not printed.

Solution: The log4j2 issue is fixed such that the timer logic is bypassed if timer logs are not enabled.

592990 TS008083666 On scheduleOrder API call, when multi-stop transfers are evaluated for nodes with no inventory and backorder against highest priority node is enabled, application performance degrades. This issue is now resolved.
593008 Internal When yfs.persitCapacityAdjustments property is set to false, Capacity Filled event is triggered multiple times.

Defect ID PMR # Description
592536 Internal In Javadoc, the getChargeTransactionRequestList API output shows information of ChargeTransactionDetails. This information is not shown in the application.

Solution: Updated the Javadoc for getChargeTransactionRequestList API. Also, removed the ChargeTransactionDetails tag.

592553 TS006786340 The application is enhanced to bypass token validation such that the Application Manager opens successfully when SSO is enabled.
592666 Internal Incorrect capacity consumption is observed when the user performs the following steps:
  1. Creates a node STORE_1 with two capacity resource pools, one each for PICK and SHP deliveryMethod. Standard capacity is defined.
  2. Adjusts inventory for ITEM_1 at STORE_1.
  3. Creates reservation RSV_1 for two promise lines from ITEM_1 at STORE_1 with different DeliveryMethod - PICK and SHIP. Here, one capacity is consumed for both resource pools against inventory reservation.
  4. Calls the createOrder API with two order lines - node STORE_1 and ItemID ITEM_1, along with the reservation information. The delivery methods on lines are SHP and PICK.

The inventory reservation is removed but capacity consumption is incorrectly consumed.

592675, 592676 Internal, Internal The getResourcePoolCapacity API is enhanced to read capacity availability from Capacity Cache.

For more information about the getResourcePoolCapacity API, see Javadoc.

592696 TS007478554 The RETURN_FULFILLMENT value that is hardcoded in the createInputforFindInventory method, by default returns RETURN_FULFILLMENT.

Solution: The fulfillmentType response is added to the getCompleteOrderDetails request template. Due to this, the fulfillmentType response is directly passed to the createInputforFindInventory method, which returns the updated value from the createInputforFindInventory method.

592811 TS008197305 The inventory quantity is now adjusted correctly on shipping orders for time sensitive items, when there are multiple supply records in YFS_INVENTORY_SUPPLY table for the same inventory item.
592812 Internal The manageCapacityReservation API is enhanced to support locking for capacity availability for Service resource pools (PS/DS). Locking happens depending on the parameters that are passed in A new attribute LockCapacity is introduced. To avoid locking for capacity availability, LockCapacity="N" can be passed in manageCapacityReservation input.

For more information about the manageCapacityReservation API, see Javadoc.

592822 Internal The application is enhanced to delete the YFS_RES_POOL_CAPACITY_LOCK record when the corresponding YFS_RES_POOL_CAPCTY_CONSMPTN record is deleted.
592928 Internal A new property, ycd.ui.wsc.angularJs.cacheburst is added. By default, the value is set to N, which means cache burst is disabled. If you set value to Y, it bursts cache by considering timestamp in milliseconds.

It is recommended that you set a string value for this property. For example, ycd.ui.wsc.angularJs.cacheburst=v1.0.

592839 TS008336028 The application looped infinitely when an invoice amount was more than the booking amount.

Solution: The application is now enhanced such that the invoice processing does not run into an infinite loop.

592941 TS009045021 The programmatic configuration of log4j2 is fixed such that the log files now roll over.
592949 TS008995680 A null point exception is observed when opening Process Types under Process Modeling in the Application Manager.

Solution: The jboss-deployment-structure.xml is updated to add the missing package and the Application Manager now works as expected.

592953 Internal The application is enhanced to consider LastInventoryItemKey passed in the getInventoryItemList API.
592958 Internal An error is thrown when uploading Employee Discount in Master Data Upload in SBC. This was caused due to the behavior change in Apache commons fileuploader v1.4 library that was upgraded from earlier v1.3.3 in 22.1 as part of the Struts v2.5.26 upgrade. This issue is now resolved.

Defect ID PMR # Description
591941 Internal The manageCapacityReservation API does not update capacity. When an update in capacity is needed, resource pool consumption is locked. The lock is released only with transaction commit, due to which the other processes that require capacity updates for the same resource pool are delayed.

Solution: The manageCapacityReservation API is enhanced to update capacity during transaction commit similar to order and inventory reservation APIs. If yfs.yfs.persitCapacityAdjustments is set to true, you can pass PersistCapacityAdjustments="Y" in manageCapacityReservation API such that capacity is updated only when a transaction is committed. For more information about the manageCapacityReservation API, see Javadoc.

592447 Internal A work order gets purged without considering the sales order purge. Documentation is updated for work order purge.
592465 TS006947828 When Hot SKU is used with timeout locking, database deadlock error can lead to partial rollback of transaction in db2.

Solution: The Hot SKU feature is enhanced to handle deadlock error by rolling back the complete transaction.

592513 TS006850968 Any service that uses E-mail component can now configure the To field by providing the value directly or as an SMA property.
592528 TS007338407 Documentation is updated for Loftware print adapter.
592534 Internal The findInventory API runs into loop when an unplanned supply is removed from YFSGetAvailabilityCorrectionsForItemListUE user exit.
592594 Internal Okta integration using liberty application server is now available. Documentation is updated for Okta Integration.
592609 TS007495523 You can now access YCPTokenAuthenticationUE through App Manager. You can implement YCPTokenAuthenticationUE to provide custom logic for managing user authentication tokens.
592640 TS007513824 The APITester Pages (ibmapitester and yantrahttpapitester) are now UTF-8 encoded to avoid any garbling of values.
592654 TS006701919 The importAvailabilityCache API is not updating already existing alert, when only alert level and alert quantity is changed.
592681 TS007746721 A Sales Order product line that is scheduled against a Transfer Order and is associated with a work order, when processed by releaseOrder API, does not change its status, even though no inventory is available to release the line.

Solution: A new property yfs.workorder.backorderAfterApptEndDate is added. When it is set to Y, the releaseOrder API moves the product line to backordered status if work order appointment is expired. The default value of yfs.workorder.backorderAfterApptEndDate is N.

Documentation is updated for file.

592762 TS007578764 For order lines with segment information, the YFSGetExternalInventoryForItemListUE user exit is not called.

Solution: The application is enhanced to invoke YFSGetExternalInventoryForItemListUE user exit when segment information is present on order lines. User exit is called once for each product item, if segment information is present.

592771 Case: TS008305646 Skill Case: TS008399219 Customer can now save and view order attribute filter information from SBC coupon and promotions screen.
592773 TS008252959 On drop ship procurement order line, total was not shown against a line having bundle item.

Solution: The ordered_quantity attribute is now updated correctly during the drop ship order, such that the total value is shown against a line having bundle item.

592780 TS008157229 If yfs.yfs.consolidateToShipment.checkBasedOnAddress is set to Y, the consolidateToShipment API consolidates shipments based on the actual address and not on order header's shipTo key.
592782 TS008142141 The password field did not accept special characters in SMA.

Solution: The special characters ($^*) are added to the regular expression such that the password now accepts special characters in SMA.

592787 Internal AllocationRuleID is added to the getTemplateForGetPossibleSchedules method in the output template.
592791 Internal When you apply this fix pack, the application by default uses log4j version 2 for logging. For more information about log4j version 2, see the following topics:
592808 TS008054228 During dynamic distribution, charges are created for positive invoices even without any mapping to authorization records, which caused order processing to loop infinitely.

Solution: The payment collection logic is enhanced such that the order processing does not run into an infinite loop and performs efficiently.

592813 TS007407200 When the total value of order changes to negative value, the pricing becomes null. Thus, a NullPointerException is observed.

Solution: A void check is carried before using a pricing rule, so that the NullPointerException is resolved.

592829 TS008540897 A NullPointerException that was observed for an invoiced order when payment rule was changed to a target payment rule with Authorization disabled, is now resolved.
592831 Internal After a struts upgrade, the filter classpath is changed from to org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.filter.StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter. Due to which, you can still see an old filter class in the final web.xml.

Solution: A validation is added for the filter class entry to avoid overwriting the web.xml when merging extended web.xml with the out of the box web.xml. The validation ensures that the correct filter classpath is reflected in the final web.xml.

592841 TS008517237 The start and end date of a pricing rule is now considered when evaluating pricing rules that are based on attributes.
592844 TS008579097 An error is thrown when there is a non-standard entity definition of Name and Value columns in YFS_STORE_BATCH_CONFIG entity.

Solution: Data extract is enhanced such that it checks whether a column exists for the fed input and the cases (uppercase, title case, and lowercase) of the input.

Error Code

Defect ID PMR # Description
589930 TS003914284 The documentation is updated for Inventory Purge.
592475 TS006351044 In IBM Sterling® Order Management with IBM Inventory service integrated environment, the CreateOrder API that consumes reservation must remove capacity reservation that is created during the initial reservation API call.
592516 TS006596629 The EAR build process is fixed to retain any web services files that are patched into the EAR file.
592548 Internal The Received message is not an instance of a text message exception is displayed when a synchronous or an asynchronous service that is configured to use JMS compression/decompression, is called, and jmxproxy is enabled.
592549 Internal The YDB92_001 error is displayed while inserting a message of size more than 1 MB to YFS_REPROCESS_ERROR table in the DB2® database.

Solution: The application is enhanced to perform an auto compression of data before inserting it into database, when database is DB2, data size is more than 1 MB, and the column supports data compression.

592550 Internal The SQL query to fetch records from YFS_ITEM in the createOrder/changeOrder API is optimized to improve performance when creating or changing large orders.
592576 TS007572787 Sourcing Audit Cache debug statements must be printed only with the scheduleOrder API and when the sourcing audit is enabled.
592593 Internal The SQL query to fetch records from YFS_REGION_DETAIL in the createOrder/changeOrder API is optimized to improve performance when creating or changing large orders.
592606 TS007271368 The YFSGetDeliveryLeadTime user exit is pushing ETS to ReqDeliveryDate that is passed in the createOrder API when user performs the following steps:
  1. Creates a Transfer Order by passing RecievingNode and ReqDeliveryDate attributes and keeping ShipNode as blank.
  2. Returns blank output for the YFSGetDeliveryLeadTime user exit when ShipNode is blank.

Solution: You must set the yfs.promising.doNotPushShipDate property to Y to stop pushing ETS to ReqDeliveryDate.

592651 TS007695665 A NullPointerException is observed when application purges an inventory reservation with tag information.
592663 TS006575015

When the application is upgraded from V9.5 to V10.0, the Sales Order value in the App Console changes to Order.

Solution: The value of Sales Order in under key 0001_Order is modified.

592672 Internal The TaxableFlag attribute is added inside the YPMOverrideGetOrderPriceUE input and output user exits. When promotions or coupons are applied, this UE is invoked and customer can override the TaxableFlag. The database table yfs_order_line.taxable_flag is updated as per the value in UE.
592695 TS008024564 The documentation is updated for:
592698 Internal Struts is upgraded to version 2.5.26.
592679 TS007902223 A NullPointerException is observed, if the following conditions are met, when calling the scheduleOrder API:
  • The capacity is maintained externally.
  • The Consider Only those nodes that have a minimum available capacity of x % within y Days checkbox is selected in sourcing rule details.
592752 Internal The documentation is updated for Inventory management

Defect ID PMR # Description
591822 TS005147569 Correct rounding logic is applied while calculating ChargePerUnit and ChargePerLine from ChargeAmount in the YFS_LINE_CHARGES table.
591939 Internal The getResourcePoolCapacity API is enhanced to read capacity availability from Capacity Cache.
Note: For more information about the getResourcePoolCapacity API, see Javadoc.
591947 Internal When you complete the following steps, incorrect demand details are displayed:
  1. Place an order for ITEM_1 at STORE_1 that has no inventory.
  2. Schedule the order. It backorders against the STORE_1.
  3. Adjust the inventory for ITEM_1 at ship node, STORE_1.
  4. Run the item-based allocation (IBA) agent so that the inventory is reserved. The YFS_INVENTORY_DEMAND_DTLS table does not have any entry at this point.
  5. Schedule the order.
592069 TS005112285 When you complete the following steps, incorrect transit time calculation is observed during procurement from STORE_1 to STORE_2:
  1. Create two nodes STORE_1 and STORE_2. Transfer relation exist from STORE_2 to STORE_1 with 1 day transit.
  2. Define a capacity resource pool STORE_1 with two slots; S1 from 07:00:00 to 16:00:00 and S2 from 16:01:00 to 23:59:59, with capacity at S1 as 2 and S2 as 10.
  3. Adjust inventory for ITEM_1 at STORE_2 for 5 quantities.
  4. Create procurement rules to source at STORE_1 from STORE_2.
  5. Configure GetDeveliverLeadtimeUE to override transfer schedule for STORE_2 to STORE_1 with LeadTime="3" and OverrideTransferSchedule="Y".
  6. Create and schedule the order for 5 quantities.
Note: Transit days from UE are not considered in optimization and that leads to incorrect ETS.
592138, 591183 Internal, TS004437538 The total number of hours in a day are incorrectly calculated when the Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends. Due to this, the findInventory API does not determine availability and displays "Not Enough Product Choices" error message, when you complete the following steps:
  1. Set the node, install.localecode, and DB locale to CST (UTC-6).
  2. Configure the node such that it does not maintain a shipping calendar.
  3. Configure the value of Maximum number of days order can be shipped/delivered beyond its request date scheduling rule as 0.
  4. Call the findInventory API between 23:00:00 and 23:59:59 hours on the day of DST switch. For example, on 11/01/2020 at 23:03:00 in CST time zone.

Solution: The yfs.adjustTimeStampForDstSwitch property is added. You can set the value of this property to Y in to calculate the total hours in a day in accordance with the DST switch.

592255, 592456, 592470, 592482 TS005298036, Internal, Internal, Internal If unassigned demand is considered by using Distribution Group Priority Levels, alert quantities are not updated correctly by RTAM in activity-based mode.
592297 Internal A new DeliveryMethod field is added in the input template of the INVGetSupplyCorrectionsUE, YFSGetAvailabilityCorrectionsUE, and YFSGetAvailabilityCorrectionsForItemListUE user exits.
592316, 592600 TS006333190, Internal The smart sourcing logic of IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility (phase 2) is disabled.
592407 TS005112285 When a transfer schedule is overridden by the YFSDeliveryLeadTimeUE user exit, an incorrect transit time calculation is intermittently observed for multi-stop transfers.
592429 TS006333190 With Inventory Visibility Integration (phase 2) and later, the ReserveAvailableInventory API is enhanced to combine reservation calls to Inventory Visibility, whenever applicable. Therefore, you must set the yfs.UseAggregatedReservationsForIV property to Y.
592449, 592347 TS007548721, TS005954938 When you complete the following steps, an order is backordered:
  1. Server and DB locale are set to UTC and node locale to UTC+9.
  2. Node has a shipping calendar of 08:00:00 to 22:00:00 with single shift and is working all days.
  3. Node has inventory capacity available for the entire week; default slot is 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.
  4. Scheduling rule has Maximum no. of days order can be scheduled before its ship date set to 0.
  5. Node has sufficient inventory and node capacity for the order to be scheduled.
  6. A single-line order is created on the current day at 17:48 server time (UTC).
  7. The changeOrder API is called on the same day at 17:48 server time (UTC) to change requested ship date to next day at 23:15:00.
  8. The scheduleOrder API is called at CD 23:16 server time (UTC).
592512 TS005833140 When configurations are inherited from a parent organization, the config organization code where the default distribution rule is defined is used to check the item availability.
592519 Internal When Hot SKU optimistic lock avoidance is enabled in the INV_Inventory_item_lock table, the records are locked for tag-controlled items that leads to excessive locking.
592538, 592668 Internal, Internal While refunding a charge, provide link to corresponding settlement charges in user exit for the same payment type.

Solution: For a payment type, a new Sterling Business Center configuration setting named Link Payment Refund To Settlement Transactions is introduced. When you configure this setting, link to corresponding settlements transactions is provided during the refund.

592539 TS007288713 Both BackroomPickedQuantity and BackroomPickedQty attributes are controlled by the yfs.install.displaydoublequantity flag.
592541 Internal The log trace level of Printer not found message is changed from warning to debug.
592555 TS007143066 If you do not define the sequence attribute in your customization, the custom property, sequence is overridden with a blank value("").

Solution: The application is enhanced such that the custom property, sequence is overridden with the default sequence value.

592567 TS005842633 The sma application code was added as part of context param for all the applications in web.xml.

Solution: The sma application code is now added as part of context param only for SMA. Therefore, duplicate application codes are not shown in web.xml.

592572 TS006479388 While picking an order that is shipped with a substitute item, and if shortage is recorded for all the order lines, the error message, Invalid Itemid is displayed.
592574 TS006853035 The order history purge is fixed to delete eligible records from the YFS_ORDER_LINE_RELATIONSHIP_H table.
592590, 592656 TS007151688, TS006644094 When an order is created with items that are used in customer entitlement, the catalog organization is passed correctly.
592599 TS007698390 The getOrderAuditList API is enhanced to fetch records from audit history tables when ReadFromHistory is set to Y or B.
592648 Internal When Specify Price Types is enabled in the pricing rules for the fixed price discount rule, NullPointerException occurs.

Defect ID PMR # Description
590194 TS004070196 Incorrect capacity consumption is observed when the user performs the following steps:
  1. Creates a node STORE_1 with two capacity resource pools, one each for PICK and SHP deliveryMethod. Standard capacity is defined.
  2. Adjusts inventory for ITEM_1 at STORE_1.
  3. Creates reservation RSV_1 for two promise lines from ITEM_1 at STORE_1 with different DeliveryMethod - PICK and SHIP. Here, one capacity is consumed for both resource pools against inventory reservation.
  4. Calls the createOrder API with two order lines - node STORE_1 and ItemID ITEM_1, along with the reservation information. The delivery method on lines are SHP and PICK.

The inventory reservation is removed but capacity consumption is incorrectly consumed.

590291 Internal The getOrderReleaseList API is enhanced to support <OrderBy>.
590560 Internal The getShipmentList API is updated to return the correct TotalNumberOfRecords while searching ShipmentLine by OrderNo.
590964 Internal The changeException API is updated to set the correct value of CREATETS for new records that are created in YFS_REPROCESS_ERROR. To retain the earlier functionality, set the yfs.reprocess.saveNewError.useOriginalCreatets property to true.
591858 TS005224375 Unwanted authorization reversal takes place in case of multiple shipments scenario.

Solution: In the multiple shipments scenario, validation is added to check if the reversal is required and if not required, the reversal is stopped.

592223 Internal When IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility Phase 2 integration is enabled, by default, Sterling Inventory Visibility applies the safety stock calculations based on the configuration in Sterling Inventory Visibility and the IBM Sterling Order Management safety factor related configurations are ignored.
592334 Internal The getReceiptDetails API is enhanced to return AllowedModifications.
592340 TS006462575 The getCompleteOrderDetails API is fixed to retrieve shipments even from the history table.
592344 TS006228432 An order is backordered even if sufficient inventory is available when a user performs the following steps:
  1. Enables the IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility integration phase 2.5.
  2. Creates a distribution group and assign three nodes to the group with the following priorities:
    • NODE1 - Priority 10
    • NODE2 - Priority 20
    • NODE3 - Priority 30
  3. Sets the sourcing rule to source inventory from the distribution group.
  4. In the scheduling rule, sets Optimize On to Cost, Number of Shipments.
  5. Creates an order with three lines such that each line is for 1 quantity of the same item. For example, ITEM1.
    • Line1: ITEM1 - Quantity 1
    • Line2: ITEM1 - Quantity 1
    • Line3: ITEM1 - Quantity 1
  6. Calls the scheduleOrder API to schedule the order.
  7. Schedules the order by calling the scheduleOrder API.
592394 TS006349564 Extra charges are created after invoicing a return invoice of the in person type when the value in_person=Y is set for return invoices.

Solution: The value is not set to in_person=Y for return invoices.

592461 TS006605573 A Null Pointer Exception is observed when the RTAM Activity Based Monitor processes an activity for which an inventory item key is purged or removed.

Defect ID PMR # Description
592197 TS004847589 In the PersonInfo History Purge for Oracle database, the date and time calculations to fetch the qualifying records are incorrect.
592225 Internal Synchronizing inventory data from Sterling Global Inventory Visibility to Sterling Inventory Visibility (phase 1) is enhanced to remove environment specific dependencies and support CDT. For more information about this enhancement, see Synchronizing inventory data from Sterling Global Inventory Visibility to Sterling Inventory Visibility (phase 1).
592230 TS005216545 The transfer out or distribution is getting generated on suspended tender.

Solution: The application is enhanced to first sort the tenders so that the suspended tenders move at the end. Hence, the transfer out or distribution are generated first for non-suspended tenders.

592270 TS006141190 The web start launcher fails to launch the Applications Manager.
592307 Internal To improve the performance of addContainerToManifest API, the API is enhanced to support the locking method configuration when a manifest record is fetched from the database.
592367 Internal An index in the STORE_BATCH_LOCATION_KEY column is added to the YFS_SHIPMENT_LINE table.

Defect ID PMR # Description
586394 Internal While reading the capacity availability for a resource pool, intermittently a Null Pointer Exception is observed.
591944 Internal During the carry line invoicing, the value of inPerson flag is set to null. Therefore, the carry line invoice is considered as a not-in-person invoice.

Solution: The value of the inPerson flag is set to “Y”. Now the carry line invoice is considered as an in-person invoice.

591949 Internal For a return pipeline, the supply is adjusted twice for a single createReturnOrderInvoice transaction if the receive return transaction is not configured.
592088 Internal When the Sterling Inventory Visibility Phase 2 integration is enabled, the following error occurs if a work order is created for a value added service.
Failed to invoke IVIntegrationApi : Remote response: 400: Invalid demandType passed
592091 Internal IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility is enhanced to perform shipment-based batch picking in stores that do not have Store Inventory Management (SIM) enabled, that is, either the Store Inventory Configuration settings in Applications Manager is set to SIM not enabled or the manageOrganizationHierarchy API is called with a value of 00 for the StoreInvConfig attribute.
592097 TS005838995 For serial tracked item, when inbound shipment is received that contains the ShipmentTagSerial information for shipment line, multiple supply updates are observed for a single line.

Solution: Set the yfs.SyncTagSerialKeyWithMessageLineKey=true custom property to enable the consolidation of supply when only serial information is available on the shipment line.

592101 TS005578713 In IBM Sterling Business Center, if the master data upload fails due to YIF_INCORRECT_RECORD_LENGTH error, the CSV file that you have downloaded does not contain any failure content.
592118 TS005696903 During item validation for large orders with more than 20 lines, an error message is displayed in the wrong screen of Sterling Call Center.

Solution: The validateItemForOrdering API returns error lines on the Add Products page that prevents you from going to the next page for large orders with more than 20 lines.

592140, 592151 Internal In IBM Sterling Business Center the Customer Level configurations (Customer Classifications) are disabled. Therefore, you cannot apply any modifications at the Enterprise level, which is also a customer organization.
592142 Internal When you modify the delivery method from a non-settled line, the InPerson and PostponedAmount in the YFS_CHARGE_TRANSACTION table are incorrectly displayed.
592146 Internal If you configure inStorePaymentRequired=Y and call the changeOrder API, the InPerson and PostponedAmount are not populated in the charge transaction table. Therefore, when you call the requestCollection API, the order status does not change to "Authorized".
592149 Internal The order header charges and taxes are not allocated in the correct InPerson and NotInPerson columns.
592165 TS005935984 Deleting a parent item throws an exception when you attempt to cancel a promotion item from the Fulfillment Summary screen of Sterling Call Center.

Solution: You can now delete any parent item in a free gift scenario. The YFS10137 modification error is displayed only when expected.

592168 TS004809243 If the invoice publishing is set to At Creation, the handleRefunds API is called even when it has zero amount to refund and it in turn calls the OMPConfirmRefundDistributionUE user exit with incomplete data.
592185 TS006001622 When you call multiAPI, which includes multiple managePricingRuleSellerAssignment API calls, the application does not generate the ASSIGNMENT_ID. Due to this, when you attempt to insert a record in the YPM_PRICING_RULE_ASSIGNMENT table, the 'Record Already Exists' error message is displayed.

Solution: When you call the managePricingRuleSellerAssignment API, a unique ASSIGNMENT_ID is generated, which ensures that the unique constraint is not violated when inserting any record in the YPM_PRICING_RULE_ASSIGNMENT table.

592188 Internal When the Sterling Inventory Visibility Phase 2 integration is enabled, the bearer token is masked if the verbose trace is enabled.
592191 TS005957634 Temporary reservation that is created as part of the ScheduleOrder or releaseOrder is not sent in the demand update that is sent to Sterling Inventory Visibility when the order enterprise is different from that of the inventory organization.
592220 Internal A new property, ycd.ui.imageId.encoding.reqd is introduced that can be used to enable or disable URL encoding. By default, the value is set to 'Y', which means encoding is enabled.
592236 TS006159295 Authorization is not reversed for expired authorizations when the Settlement required checkbox is not selected.

Defect ID PMR # Description
591286 TS004156298 An order contains the same SKU in two different lines. Short pick the first line and backroom pick the second line. On scanning the SKU by using registerBarCode the error message, "Customer Picked Quantity exceeds Shipment Line Quantity. Error Code : YCD00079" is displayed during customer pick.
591735 TS005047973 For an order that is put on hold, the charge transaction details are not shown in the Why Was I Charged screen of the Call Center application.
591762 Internal The findInventory API call eliminates a valid supply in the DeliverTogether bundle. Also, the shipDate is incorrectly set to a year later from the actual shipDate.
591764 Internal In the findInventory API for deliver together bundle items, the error message Not Enough Product Choices is displayed when you complete the following steps:
  1. Create NODE_1, a node that works from 00:00:00 to 23:59:00.
  2. Create CAR_SERVICE, a carrier service that delivers only on weekdays and transits all days.
  3. Create a carrier pickup at NODE_1 for CAR_SERVICE from Monday to Friday at 18:00.
  4. Create BUNDLE_1, a deliver together bundle item that contains two components, COMP_ITEM_1 and COMP_ITEM_2.
  5. The inventory for components is only available on a future date on any Saturday or Sunday.
  6. The delivery lead time UE is implemented to return 20 lead days for the pair of address.
  7. Call the findInventory API for item BUNDLE_1.
591766 Internal If a node capacity is adjusted in a non-working slot, an unexpected ExpectedShipmentDate is observed for scheduleOrder where the capacity for working slots is over-consumed.

Solution: The application does not support capacity adjustment in a non-working slot. Therefore, during scheduling, if ExpectedShipmentDate for an order is rescheduled because of the availability in a non-working slot, the order is back ordered.

591768 Internal For an advanced type of exchange order, if the Transfer In entry with requested amount is present in the yfs_charge_transaction table, during the cancellation of order line quantities the application creates Transfer Out entries. When you complete the following steps, these entries contain credit amount instead of the requested amount:
  1. Crete a return order.
  2. Create an advanced exchange order.
  3. Call the processReturnOrder API for the return order.
    Note: Before you create an invoice on a return order ensure to cancel the exchange order.
  4. Verify that the exchange order contains Transfer In with only the request amount and not credit amount. Now, cancel the exchange order.
  5. Call the requestCollection API for the exchange order. A Transfer Out is created for the exchange order with a credit amount.
591846 Internal When calculating order line amount, the application does not consider special service charges for cash and carry order lines.
591851 Internal On change order, while adjusting distributed credits for negative invoices, extra charge entries are added in the yfs_change_transaction table. This is because, while calculating the distribution limit, the charge entries are also considered along with the invoice entries.
591890 Internal The reserveAvailableInventory API is enhanced to suppress the capacity consumption. Ensure that you configure SuppressNodeCapacity=Y and Node as "".
591974 Internal For payment collection, the application does not create Refund Fulfillment order [RFO] with reason codes.

Solution: For payment collection, the ON_RFO_CREATION event is introduced. This event XML contains the RFO reason codes and other details.

592058 TS005064756 The application does not consider the Ignore Payment Status For purge payment rule when a return order is purged and the corresponding sales order is not in the Paid status.
592107 TS005841200 In Sterling Call Center, in the Add payment method window, the Payment type options are not displayed correctly. This issue occurred because the cached attribute on mashup XML definition was not customizable.

Solution: The platform is now enhanced to customize the cached attribute.

592109 TS005804610 In Sterling Call Center, in the Shipment tracking window, the shipment details are not displayed whenever a line quantity is either short picked or canceled.

Solution: The application is enhanced to fix the incorrect status that is returned on calling the getCompleteOrderLineDetails API.

590063 TS003927921 When you use Sterling Inventory Visibility as your inventory management system (phase 2) and perform the following steps, an order is back ordered because the reservation attempt fails while scheduling an order:
  1. Launch Sterling Inventory Visibility and reserve an item at a node that has one quantity.

    A reservation is created for one quantity of the item at the node level.

  2. Create an order by using the createOrder API and pass the reservation information in the OrderLineReservation element of the createOrder API as input.
  3. Call the scheduleOrder API to schedule the order.

Solution: If you have already reserved item quantity before creating an order, the scheduleOrder API must not create reservations in Sterling Inventory Visibility.

591201 TS004556551 In Sterling Business Center, when you complete the following steps, the manageItem API fails with the YFC0009 error:
  1. Go to Products > Item Classification and create a classification hierarchy.
  2. Assign Distinct Attributes and Inherited Item Attributes from Available Usages to Subscribed Usages.
  3. In the classification hierarchy, select a classification. Go to Manage Items and associate a product item.
  4. In Primary info, set the Effective Start Date field for the product item.
  5. Go to Manage Inventory Information for the product item, and set Onhand Safety Factor (type:Percent) and Lead Days under Promising.
  6. In Safety Factor based on Delivery Method, set Onhand Safety Factor for all the three delivery methods.
  7. Go to Manage Classification Values and delete the value from the Item Type field under Organization Classification. Click Save.
  8. Go to Manage Inventory Information, clear the Onhand Safety Factor checkbox under Promising, and click Save.
  9. Switch to Onhand Safety Factor type from Percent to Units, and click Save.
591970 TS005077141, TS005177439 The seller-specific price list is not considered in the Product List screen, but considered in the Product Details screen.
592050 Internal When you sync supply and demands to Sterling Inventory Visibility (phase 1), Sterling Order Management System Software sends the tag numbers to Sterling Inventory Visibility as |||.

Solution: The following properties are added to handle the pipe characters (|||) for untagged controlled items while synchronizing supply and demands from Sterling Order Management System Software to Sterling Inventory Visibility.

  • iv_integration.demands.untaggedinv.tagnumber.useblank

When you sync inventory to Sterling Inventory Visibility for the first time, ensure to set the value of these properties to Y in the customer_overrides file. By default, the value is set to N.

Defect ID PMR # Description
591593 TS004924703 As part of fulfillment optimization on Cost and Number of Shipments, Sterling Order Management System Software is enhanced to exclude the assignments for further consideration in solution generation if they are rejected in OMPProcessRoutingExternallyUE.

A new custom property yfs.solver.ExcludeRejectedChoiceFromRoutingUE is introduced and must be set to true to observe the change in behavior.

591641 TS004937955 For time-sensitive items, an order line is incorrectly back-ordered when the following sequence of steps are performed.
  1. Create a time-sensitive item, say ITEM_1, with the default expiration days as 0.
  2. Adjust supply for ITEM_1 at NODE_1 for one quantity with ShipByDate="2021-10-31" and another quantity with ShipByDate="2021-12-31".
  3. Create an order with 2 lines for ITEM_1 at NODE_1 with one quantity on each line.
  4. On Line 2, modify MinShipByDate="2021-12-31".
  5. Schedule the order.
  6. Line 2 is back-ordered.
591662 TS004611757 Order is not scheduled when reservation is done for last quantity if smart sourcing is enabled and IsFirmPredefinedNode is set to N in createOrder.xml file.

Solution: Changes are made to consider reservation as a valid supply during the scheduling of the line if smart sourcing is enabled.

591686 TS001467682, TS001655318 Invalid XML error is encountered when invoking a service through REST URL.

Solution: Pass the root node as X-XAPI-Tag in the HTTP header of the request. For more information about the X-XAPI-Tag, see IBM Documentation.

591731 TS005036281 During optimization on Cost and Number of shipments with landed cost enabled, Sterling Order Management System Software is enhanced to generate more solution in case multiple lines have options to ship from the same set of nodes.
A configurable property, yfs.solver.ExploreOptionForMaxLinesWithSelectedkey=N; where N represents Number of Lines is introduced. This property controls this change for the order up to N lines. Default value of N for this property is 0.
Note: Value of the property must only be changed in conjunction with MaxRecords for the promising API call.
591818 TS005163519 Due to incorrect generation of a method in one of the entity db classes, if the dataType timestamp in the entity framework is used with Db2 results in an issue.
591844 Internal Email addresses get truncated to 35 characters while integrating with parcel carrier systems.

Solution: While integrating with parcel carrier systems, ensure that you configure the yfs.shipcartondoc.attr.length property to set the length of ConsigneeEmailAddress and ShipperEmailAddress attributes in the ShipCarton XML. The default value of the property is set to 35.

591881 Internal The new properties, cdt.ignoretable.YFS_REGION and cdt.ignoretable.YFS_REGION_DETAIL that are introduced determines whether CDT should consider these properties. The value of these properties are defaulted to false, which includes the table.
591884 TS005282012 Accessing Sterling Call Center or Sterling Store Engagement when you have no permission blocks the access for others when SSO is implemented. This issue is seen only when SSO is implemented by implementing an instance of YCPSSOManager interface.

Solution: This issue is resolved such that the error state no longer persists after a new user logs in through SSO with access permissions.

591908 TS005250888 In Sterling Business Center, the ship order total pricing coupon is not getting created.
591963 TS005380002 A parse exception is observed during the changeOrder API call due to malformed pricing cache query for shop card item.
592035 Internal All the UI jars are signed with the new Java code signing certificate as the old UI jars have expired. You can notice a new certificate installed, which is valid until Feb 16, 2023.
592059 TS005792805 When your custom implementation requires you to override the web.xml file, and add security-constraint and security-role elements to web.xml, configure the following property:

In customer overrides, set yfs.yfs.webxmlvalidation.disabled=Y to disable certain validations that are performed when building the EAR.

591324 Internal The getAlertStatisticsForUser API is enhanced to support CountAlertsGeneratedAfterInHours and CountAlertsGeneratedBeforeInHours attributes in the API input to count recent and stale alerts in a queue, and to support MonitorRuleList in the API output to count alerts that are generated by monitor rules.

For more information about the getAlertStatisticsForUser API, see Javadoc.

591797 Internal The getShipNodeList API is enhanced to support EnterpriseOrgList in the API input.

For more information about the getShipNodeList API, see Javadoc.

591312 Internal When an alert is created while running the Enhanced Order Monitor agent, the MonitorRuleKey is added to the InboxReferencesList element for alerts.
591479 TS004797309 When IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility integration phase 2 is enabled, capacity is not consumed correctly if reservations are created by using the reserveAvailableInventory API.
591549 TS004846568 In an Inventory Visibility-integrated environment, the application incorrectly adds Receipt Processing Time for Future Inventory (Days) to the ONHAND supply that results in an incorrect availability picture.
591531 TS004871195 The cancelReservation API must be allowed with IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility integration phase 2 enabled such that it can cancel reservations that are created in IBM Sterling Inventory Visibility along with adjusting capacity in Sterling Order Management System Software.
591956 TS004871229 You can migrate from Sterling Inventory Visibility phase 1 to phase 2 and use Sterling Inventory Visibility as the inventory management system for Sterling Order Management System Software.

For more information about migration, see Migrating from Sterling Global Inventory Visibility to Sterling Inventory Visibility.

584955 TS002424517 Application capacity availability and locking has been enhanced to read actual capacity from database ignoring the cached availability.
For this enhancement, two new properties are introduced:
  • yfs.nodecapacity.ignoreCacheForLowAvailability: If set to true: application reads capacity from database ignoring the cached availability, when cached availability is below the defined threshold. This property works in conjunction with the Node capacity locking properties. For more information about Node capacity locking feature, see Node capacity locking.
  • yfs.capacityAvailablity.ignoreCacheForUpdateMode: If set to true, promising APIs requiring capacity availability and intending to update, for example, scheduleOrder API will read capacity from the database ignoring the cached availability.
585566 TS002475874 The Expected Shipment Date is calculated incorrectly during resourcing when the following steps are completed.

Configuration: NODE1 locale is PST and NODE2 locale is ETS. Both nodes are working from 08:00 to 16:59 in there respective locales. End Of Shift is enabled for both nodes.

  1. Adjust inventory for an Item, such as ITEM_1 at NODE1.
  2. Create an order for ITEM_1 at NODE1 in the PST Node.
  3. Schedule and release the order.
  4. Create a shipment for the order.
  5. Inventory at NODE1 is adjusted to 0 and NODE2 to 1.
  6. Call the changeShipment API to record shortage during pick with CancelShipmentOnZeroTotalQuantity=Y.
  7. Schedule the order again. Order is scheduled from NODE2.
  8. ETS and ETD appear as future dates.
586622 TS002365705 Capacity consumption is not deleted when the following steps are performed:
  1. Adjust inventory for ITEM_1 at STORE_1. Capacity resource pool exist at STORE_1 with slot groups.
  2. Create Reservation RSV_1 for ITEM_1 by using the reserveAvailableInventory API. A capacity is consumed at this step.
  3. Cancel Reservation RSV_1. The capacity consumption is not removed.
588150 TS003175054 Demand details are not updated correctly, when the lockItemOnInventoryChanges hot SKU property is set to false.
588546 Internal The install_foundation.jar is enhanced. To use the updated jar, apply fix pack 23 or later version in your environment. Download the Fix Pack installation zip file and extract the contents of install_foundation.jar.
588568 TS003427336 Demand details are not updated when multiple demand records are present for unique demand combinations.
588868 TS003576501 The findInventory API is unable to find availability when you complete the following steps:
  1. Application Install locale or time zone is set to UTC, which is GMT+00:00 and the locale or time zone of the node, NODE1 is Chile, which is GMT-04:00.
  2. NODE1 has a working calendar of 09:00 to 20:00.
  3. Inventory capacity is defined for NODE1.
  4. The yfs.useNodeLocaleTimeForCapacityCheck property is set to true.
  5. If the current working date and time at NODE1 is 2020-04-30 08:00, and if the findInventory API is called with ReqEndDate="2020-04-30T23:00:00" and ReqStartDate="2020-04-30T00:00:00", the findInventory API fails to find inventory availability.
588953 TS003622316,TS003668107

Bundle items get back-ordered when fourth integration is enabled because Sterling Order Management System Software attempts to create a temporary reservation for the parent item, which does not have inventory in fourth as it is just a logical item.

589067 Internal RSRV_ORDER is sent to Sterling Inventory Visibility when reserveOrder API is called, which causes IllegalRequestBody error to be thrown.

This issue is resolved such that OPEN_ORDER is passed instead.

589072 TS003620899 Segment details are not stamped during the Sterling Inventory Visibility API calls to get node availability.
589577 Internal The following APIs are introduced:
  • getOrgRelationshipTypeList
  • getNodeTypeList
  • getSourcingConfig
  • manageAllocationRule
  • manageSourcingConfig

The manageSourcingRule API is also updated to support SourcingRuleName, SourcingRuleShortDescription, and SourcingRuleLongDescription attributes.

For more information about these APIs, see Javadoc.

589581 TS003791174 An exception is thrown when the changeRelease API is called to cancel the release of a bundle parent.
589592 TS003743767 Inventory Purge agent is enhanced to merge and then purge demand and supply records when multiple records for a unique combination exists.

The records are merged only if they qualify under purge criteria. To enable this feature, set yfs.purge.MergeDemandSupplyMultiRec=true in DB properties.

589699 TS003620899 Segment details are not stamped during the creation of temporary reservations during scheduleOrder and releaseOrder.
589756 TS003873872 The reserveAvailableInventory consists of two steps:
  1. Check availability in Sterling Inventory Visibility.
  2. Try to make a reservation.

For non-bundle items, the output for reserveAvailableInventory assumes that the requested or available quantity, whichever is less, is reserved.

589847 TS002708590 Incorrect status quantities are observed when an order release status is selected to move out quantity with zero quantity.

Solution: A validation is run to verify that the order release status that is selected to move out quantity does not contain zero quantity.

589905 TS003929548 When Sterling Inventory Visibility is enabled, a NullPointerException occurs when scheduling bundle items that are configured as Ships Independently.
589911 TS003709176 Sterling Order Management System Software is enhanced to prevent authorization reversal when a payment method is suspended and the authorization reversal strategy is enabled.

Ideally, with authorization, reversal is enabled. If a payment method is suspended, then existing non-usable authorizations are reversed.

To override the authorization reversal strategy, the yfs_payment. SUSPEND_EXP_AUTH_REVERSAL column is added, which can be updated with changeOrder or collection user exit.

This flag overrides the authorization reversal strategy for a suspended payment method.

If yfs_payment.SUSPEND_EXP_AUTH_REVERSAL is set to Y and the payment method is suspended, system does not create authorization reversal against the suspended payment method. This flag is triggered only when yfs_payment.suspend_any_more_charges is set to Y or B. For more details, see Javadoc.

To update the reason code for payment method and charge transaction executions, the following two columns are also added:
  • yfs_payment.reason_code
  • yfs_charge_transaction.reason_code
591009 TS004371531 Inventory purge agent purges the demand record even when the record has a valid reference in the yfs_inventory_demand_dtls table.
591202 TS004477013 Node capacity locking does not work when server time zone is different than the time zone of the node.

Solution: The node capacity locking now works for nodes in different time zone when the yfs.useNodeLocaleTimeForCapacityCheck property is set to true.

The nodecapacity.maxLockRetry yfs property is added to configure the number of attempts to lock for availability check.

For more information, see Node capacity locking.

591832 TS005263445 The output of getOrderList and getOrderDetails APIs for Tax element attributes Reference1, Reference2, and Reference3 are updated for backward compatibility by adding the underscore ( _ ) for the Tax element attributes Reference_1, Reference_2 and Reference_3.

In customer overrides, set yfs.yfs.order.bcTaxReferences=Y to change the tax reference attributes in the API output.

Defect ID PMR # Description
591113 Internal In the YFS_INVENTORY_SUPPLY table, if the quantity column contains zero value, the RTAM OP1 publishes incorrect inventory picture.
591321 Internal When you enter an email ID that does not match the case, JWT authentication fails.
591418 TS004732201 Scheduling does not generate assignments for a ship node that does not ship for continuously 20 days.

Solution: To control the exit condition, a new property yfs.calendar.maxNonWorkingDayLimit is added and the value is defaulted to 20 days.

591420 TS004443044 The documentation is updated for configurations that are inherited from a parent enterprise. For more information about the Order Purge agent, see Order purge.
591622 TS004820811 For a sales order, the corresponding exchange and return orders are purged. Additionally, the sales order must get purged without depending on the transfer out amount calculation.
591659 TS004962607 You cannot generate templates for the extended tables as the script for template XML generation fails.
Solution: A null check is added in the script.
Note: The fix is present in install_foundation.jar, which is used in the fix pack installation process itself. Therefore, it cannot be patched as part of the fix pack and must be manually patched.
To patch the install_foundation.jar before installing the fix pack, complete the following steps:
  1. Extract the contents of install_foundation.jar from the fix pack installation zip file. The install_foundation.jar is present in

    <FIX_PACK_INSTALLER_ZIP>/files/Foundation10-<FP_NO>_10.0.0.<FP_NO>.zip/smcfs_10_<FP_NO>.jar/ smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar/patch/scripts/patchInstallService/jar/install_foundation.jar

    Here, <FP_NO> refers to a variable field, which takes the numeric value of the fix pack number.

    For example, run the following commands to extract the contents of the install_foundation.jar file:
    • jar -xf <FIX_PACK_INSTALLER_ZIP> files/Foundation10
    • jar -xf files/Foundation10* smcfs_10
    • jar -xf smcfs_10* smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar
    • jar -xf smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar
    • jar -xf smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar patch/scripts/patchInstallService/jar/install_foundation.jar

    The paths are relative to the current directory, which contains <FIX_PACK_INSTALLER_ZIP>

  2. Replace <INSTALL_DIR>/jar/install_foundation.jar with the extracted install_foundation.jar where <INSTALL_DIR> is Sterling Order Management System Software 10.0.0 installation directory.
  3. Install the fix pack.
591770 TS005083598 When splitting a line, the item attributes of a new item must be automatically copied to the new chained order line.

Defect ID PMR # Description
591160, 591656, 591469 Internal, Internal, TS004801518 Fusion chart now supports JavaScript instead of Flash. Therefore, in the Sterling Business Center and Sterling Order Management System Software user interfaces, fusion charts are upgraded to use JavaScript.
The documentation is also updated accordingly. For more information, see the following topics:
591246 TS004519868 During the optimization of cost and number of shipments, if you select the Minimize Number Of Shipments To Customer Through Transfers Between Shipping Nodes checkbox, the landed cost calculation for assignment comparison does not consider the procurement cost even if a node is procuring quantity for fulfillment.

Solution: The landed cost calculation is enhanced to consider the procurement cost for the procured quantity. To consider the procurement cost for assignment comparison, ensure to configure yfs.yfs.OptimizationCostUsageLevel=2.

591484 TS004807623 When NodePriorityCostPerUnit is returned from getExternalCostForOptionsUE for procurement assignments, during solution comparison the application does not consider NodePriorityCostPerUnit correctly.
591624 Internal When Sterling Order Management System Software communicates with WebSphere® Commerce through the SCWC_SDF_createOrder integration server, Sterling Order Management System Software does not consume inventory reservation for an order that is created for the bundle parent line.

Solution: You can add a custom node with class and massageOrderXMLForBundleReservations method to the create order service definition by including it as a custom API node that breaks the bundle reservations into component level reservations and passes it to the createOrder API node.

The class name is provided as part of the core deployment on completing the following custom implementation:

  1. Creating an API node with the following parameters:
    • class name =
    • method name = massageOrderXMLForBundleReservations
  2. Placing the API node before the createOrderAPI node.
591626 Internal The releaseOrder API moves the ship date for an order line to the last ship date, which meets ReqDeliveryDate.

Solution: A new property, yfs.promising.doNotPushShipDate is added and the value is defaulted to 'N'. If you change the value to 'Y', Sterling Order Management System Software prevents the releaseOrder API from moving the ship date for an order line to the last ship date, which meets ReqDeliveryDate.

591628 Internal During the optimization of cost and number of shipments, if you select the Minimize Number Of Shipments To Customer Through Transfers Between Shipping Nodes checkbox, the landed cost calculation for assignment comparison does not consider procurement cost even if a node is procuring quantity for fulfillment.

Solution: The landed cost calculation is enhanced to consider the procurement cost for procured quantity. To consider the procurement cost for assignment comparison, ensure to configure yfs.yfs.OptimizationCostUsageLevel=2.

Defect ID PMR # Description
590149 TS004050683 The YFSGetDeliveryLeadTimeUE user exit is enhanced to override the consideration of node transfer schedule between two addresses during multi-stop transfers.
590338 TS004099347 The CollectionInPerson attribute is introduced in the capturePayment API that overrides the IN_PERSON flag. For more information about the CollectionInPerson attribute description, see Javadoc.
590426 Internal When you enable sorting for the getStoreBatchList API, the shipment is split between batches.

Solution: The DoNotSplitShipment attribute is introduced. Ensure to set the value of this attribute to Y. Then, the getStoreBatchList API does not split the shipment into different batches. Additionally, it retains all the shipment lines of a shipment in the same batch, even if the batching and sorting attributes of the lines are different.

590428 Internal The application fetches an order object for which the order header key is displayed as null or blank. Due to this, the application runs queries that contains blank attributes.

Solution: The application is enhanced to call the scheduleOrder API that fetches the order object only after verifying the order header is not null or blank.

590432 Internal The event handler that is configured for the ON_SUCCESS event of the changeException API is not invoked.

Solution: The event for the changeException API is triggered so that the corresponding event handlers are also invoked.

590440 Internal When an order line moves from one status to another, at times zero quantity is moved to the next status.
590442 Internal The documentation is updated to explain the function of service indicator.

For more information about the indicator image, see Adding a service level indicator.

590448 Internal The Application server takes a long time to start, which is directly proportional to the number of enabled locales.

Solution: The process of loading the resource bundle is optimized so that when the Application server starts the resource bundle is initialized faster.

590749 TS004227969 Prevent authorization reversal when a payment method is suspended and the authorization reversal strategy is enabled. Ideally, when the authorization reversal is enabled and if a payment method is suspended, the existing unused authorizations are reversed.

Solution: To override the authorization reversal strategy, a new column, yfs_payment.SUSPEND_EXP_AUTH_REVERSAL is introduced. You can update this column either by using the changeOrder API or Collection user exit. The flag overrides the Authorization Reversal Strategy for a suspended payment method. If the value of yfs_payment.SUSPEND_EXP_AUTH_REVERSAL is set to Y and the payment method is suspended, the authorization reversal is not created against the suspended payment method. This flag overrides the Authorization Reversal Strategy only when the value of yfs_payment.suspend_any_more_charges is set to Y or B. For more information about the yfs_payment.suspend_any_more_charges column, see Javadoc.

In addition, two more columns, yfs_payment.reason_code and yfs_charge_transaction.reason_code are introduced. You can use these columns to update the reason code when the payment method and charge transaction are started.

590752 TS004202118 If the Sales Order payment method is same as the Return Order payment method, then the Sales Order payment method amount is distributed to the Return Order payment method.

Solution: The logic for calculating the TotalAltRefundedAmount is updated such that the amount is distributed even if the Sales order payment method is different from the Return order payment method.

590934 TS004227647 The documentation is updated for authorization reversal strategy when Reverse Excess is enabled.

When Reverse Excess is enabled, and if an authorization expires the application validates and reverses the authorization.

For more information about the authorization reversal strategy, see Configuration options.

591111 Internal The getOrderList API fails and a NullPointerException occurs when the following conditions are true:
  • Records are fetched from the main and history tables.
  • The input XML file contains MaximumRecords attribute. Whereas, the output XML file contains TotalNumberOfRecords attribute.
591146 TS004390799 A new criteria, SkipPositiveIfAuthReversalExists is added to the Payment Execution agent that allows delay of a payment collection for the payment methods that have pending refunds.

By default, the value of SkipPositiveIfAuthReversalExists criteria is set to "N". If you set the value to "Y", and if the following conditions are met, a pending positive charge is ignored by getJobs().

ChargeType="AUTHORIZATION" RequestAmount > "0.00" Status="OPEN"

And a negative charge for the same payment method on the same order.

ChargeType="AUTHORIZATION" RequestAmount < "0.00" Status="OPEN" UserExitStatus != "INVOKED"

After processing all charges with RequestAmount < "0.00", the corresponding positive charges are processed as normal.

591352 Internal The payment system is enhanced to allow a configurable delay between the creation and collection of no processing required charge. A new property, yfs.payment.delayNoProcessingChargeMinutes is added that controls how far in the future the collection date needs to be automatically set in minutes. By default, the value is set to zero minutes. If you do not configure the property, the charge is automatically processed as normal.
591372 Internal The Sterling Business Center application is enhanced to allow enabling and disabling of ISCCS_ALLOW_CHECK_CORRECTION rule that controls whether the Amount field of a captured check can be edited in Sterling Call Center. The ISCCS_ALLOW_CHECK_CORRECTION checkbox is added to the Payment screen of Sterling Call Center Administration with the description, "Allow Editing Of Amount Field For Check Before Funds Are Collected".
591406 TS004655170 During the optimization of cost and number of shipments, if the Minimize Number Of Shipments To Customer Through Transfers Between Shipping Nodes checkbox is enabled, the landed cost calculation for assignment comparison does not consider the procurement cost even when a node is procuring quantity for fulfillment.

Solution: The landed cost calculation is enhanced to consider the procurement cost for the procured quantity. To consider the procurement cost for assignment comparison, configure yfs.yfs.OptimizationCostUsageLevel=2.

591442 TS003999721 The documentation is updated to list all the order history purge tables.

For more information about the order history purge tables, see Order history purge.

Defect ID PMR # Description
588013 TS003187427 IBM Documentation is updated to explain how to import custom extensions into a developer toolkit environment.
588525 TS003399448 The Inventory Purge agent is enhanced to merge the demand and supply records when multiple records for a unique combination exists. The records are merged only if they qualify the purge criteria. To enable this functionality, in the customer override properties ensure to set the value of yfs.yfs.purge.MergeDemandSupplyMultiRec to true.
588591 Internal Configuration: Configure a count program to perform cycle count at a location level and define a count strategy.

Condition: Adjust inventory for a normal item 'I1' and sometimes tag-controlled item 'I2' at location L1. Item I2 has no tag record in the system. Creates a cycle count request and task for location L1 by using the 'CREATE_COUNT_TASKS_79' agent.

Problem: In the Applications Manager, when you attempt to complete a count task through Count Program Condition Details console, the error message, 'Concurrent Modification Exception' is displayed.

589962 TS003815024 The Inventory management topic is updated to include information about the yfs.persitCapacityAdjustments property.
590048 TS003926235 The Dynamic Distribution is enhanced to reduce the number of unnecessary authorization reversals. In addition, the mapping charges are corrected to charge transaction requests (CTRs).
590051 TS003996372 After migrating to Sterling Order Management Software version 10.0, the pickup statuses are not displayed for "YCD_BACKROOM_PICK_IN_PROGRESS" and "YCD_BACKROOM_PICK" transactions.
590110 TS003868409 Sterling Order Management System Software is enhanced to enable the ORDER_CHANGE ON_ADJUSTMENT_INVOICE_CREATION event.
590120 Internal The Customer Account Payment type is enhanced to reverse the unused authorization when a customer account is suspended. For this, configure the ReverseUnusedAuthWhenSuspended flag for the payment type. On running the requestCollection and executeCollection APIs, the open authorized amount that is not collected gets reversed.
590162 Internal The Sterling Order Management Software is enhanced such that it now logs SQL statements. The SQL statements are added and run with the SQL batch execution.
590171 TS004034560 The CAPACITY_CHANGE.ON_STD_CAPACITY_FILLED event is not triggered when the time zone of a node is different from the install time zone.
590239 32261,227,000 Improve dynamic distribution to reduce the number of unwanted authorization reversals. In addition, correct mapping charges to charge transaction requests (CTRs).
590267 Internal When database queries are added to a SQL batch in the order move status, the queries run in a wrong sequence.
590283 TS004105207 To propagate nullification of column values for nullable columns, the CDT transformation is used to transform null values to a constant value during export and import of CDT data to the target database with reverse transformation (constant to null). This functionality does not work for all data types. Fix is provided to allow CDT propagation of null values for nullable columns both during CDT export and import.
590297 TS004064337 If multiApi call modifies the same shipment within the same transaction, zeroing the quantity of a line might fail if the quantity is containerized, even if the container detail is passed for deletion.
590578 TS003128696 For the application setting, Reverse Excess reversal strategy and Partial Reversal Supported, if the unused authorization is expired, then a new reauthorization for the same amount is obtained. However, the unused expired authorization is not reversed. This has a financial impact as banks are charging for the unused non-reversed authorization.
590584 TS004086760 When an unconsumed inventory reservation is present for an item-node combination, a null pointer exception is observed when running the item-based allocation (IBA) agent.
590636 Internal A blank screen is displayed when you open a receipt for a purchase order and clicks Export Table Data for an item or a container.
590642 Internal The ClassNotFoundException or NoSuchMethodException error occurs when the extended database APIs are called by using the IsExtendedDbApi attribute in multiAPI in a multi-threaded mode.
590691 Internal In Sterling Business Center, the Node Field Overrides screen is enhanced to add the following fields:
  • Onhand Safety Factor Quantity
  • Onhand Safety Factor Percentage
  • Future Safety Factor Percentage
590714 TS004181052 New indexes are added for YFS_CHARGE_BREAKUP table.
590764, 591039 TS004270763, Internal The "Invalid Person Info" exception is displayed when two or more createOrder API calls are running parallely in different threads attempt to insert the same PersonInfo details into the Database simultaneously.

Solution: A new yfs property, yfs.maxRetryWaitforPIcommit is introduced. Use this property to specify the maximum number of times a thread should wait for a person info record to be committed in the database. In the file set the value of this property as yfs.yfs.maxRetryWaitforPIcommit =<Integer>. For example, yfs.yfs.maxRetryWaitforPIcommit =2. The default value of this property is set to 1.

For more information about the yfs.waitforPIcommit property, see Implementation

590795 Internal The positive transfer out amount causes return orders to not get purged even when the order reaches the final status in the return pipeline.
590797 Internal A potential performance issue is observed while fetching child containers on calling the changeShipment API. The parent container keys for most of the shipment container records in the database are set to blank.

Solution: To optimize the query while fetching the child containers from the shipment container table, in DB properties set the value of yfs.applyChildContainerQueryOptimization property to Y.

590799 Internal When database queries are added to SQL batch in the Order move status, the queries run in a wrong sequence.
590801 Internal The excess charge is collected and refunded when you complete the following steps:
  1. The Delayed authorization parameter in payment rule is enabled.
  2. The order is created with the payment method as charge, not authorize.
  3. The processOrderPayment API is run twice.
590803 Internal For Inventory Reservation Purge, when the value of lead days is set to 0 (zero), reservations that are expired on the current date are not purged.
590843 Internal The application is enhanced such that the orderModified UBX event is not published for certain modification types when applied to an order or order line. You can configure the yfs.ubx.integration.order.changed.event.ignoremodtypes property and specify the modification types for which the event must not be published. The property considers a list of modification types separated by comma.
590917 TS004218644 In the large order scenarios, the repriceOrder API throws a NullPointerException when you complete the following sequence of actions:
  1. Implements YPMGetOrderPriceUE to return the additional line price in the output.
  2. Creates an order.
  3. Calls the repriceOrder API with ForceReprice=Y.
590977 TS004370010 Defining complex queries topic is updated to include getItemNodeDefenitionList API that supports complex query.
590991 TS004373119 The API Javadoc is updated to show the correct default value for the Action attribute in the OrderLine element. For more information about this attribute, see changeOrder API Javadoc.
591064 TS004415903 When an order is shipped from multiple nodes, the getCompleteOrderLineDetails API returns an incorrect ship node in LineTracking > LineBreakups > Details element.
591082 TS003815024 To push the capacity updates to end of transaction, thus reducing the lock contention on resource pool consumption table, set the value of yfs.persitCapacityAdjustments property to true.

For more information about the yfs.persitCapacityAdjustments property, see Inventory management

591102 TS003442923 In Commerce Call Center, the shipment tracking screen displays an incorrect ship node when the order line gets shipped from multiple ship nodes.

For example, when Line 1 is partially shipped from two nodes, node A and node B, the ship node is incorrectly displayed.

591103 TS002980242 When an order line has multiple shipments, the Commerce Call Center application renders line breakups with incorrect quantities in the Order Line Summary screen.
591109 Internal In the refund configuration, when yfs_payment.suspend_any_more_charges is set to B for an order and the payment type is configured to refund to the same payment method, then the payment method gets suspended for refunds. If the payment type is configured to refund to a new payment method, the system configures a new payment method for generating refunds.

Solution: A new property, yfs.payment.supressAllRefundsIfPaymentSuspended is introduced. To suppress all the refunds when yfs_payment.suspend_any_more_charges is set to B, ensure that the value of this property is set to Y in customer overrides. By default, the value is set to N.

The valid values for yfs_payment.suspend_any_more_charges are N, Y, B, and A. However, the value A, which suppresses all refund processing for both new or existing payment methods is deprecated. Therefore, to suppress all refunds, set yfs_payment.suspend_any_more_charges to B and set the value of yfs.yfs.payment.supressAllRefundsIfPaymentSuspended to Y in customer overrides.

591125 Internal The application is enhanced to perform capacity validation and consumption for the procured quantity at a ship node. A new rule is introduced that can be configured to consider capacity for both ship node and procurement node.
Note: The ConsiderShipNodeCapacityForProcurement and SuppressShipNodeCapacityForProc attributes are introduced to override the node capacity consumption for the procured quantity. For more information about these attributes, see order and promising-related APIs in Javadoc.
591259 Internal When the Hot SKU property yfs.hotsku.lockItemOnInventoryChanges is set to false, demand details corresponding to the order status movements are not updated correctly.

Important: Fix pack 18 is withdrawn and all the defects that were addressed in Fix pack 18 are available in Fix pack 19. For a list of all the defects that are addressed, see Fix pack 19.

Defect ID PMR # Description
588492 Internal A new rule, ENABLE_SHADOW_SOLVER is introduced with the default value set to N. If this rule is enabled for an enterprise, and if the OMPGetExternalCostForOptions UE template is extended to include the SuggestedOption element, the UE input XML includes the SuggestedOption element.
Note: In the OMPGetExternalCostForOptions UE output, if the value of the Overridden flag is set to Y, an additional call is made to the solver. The solver then recalculates the best node from the possible choices in the UE output. For more information about the OMPGetExternalCostForOptions UE, see the Javadoc.
589883 Internal When you complete the following steps, a supply record is updated from non-zero to zero quantity, and the ON_INV_MISMATCH event is raised twice.
  1. Calls the adjustInventory API for an item to adjust inventory, say 20.
  2. Calls the loadInventoryMismatch API for an item-node combination with quantity 0.
  3. Calls the syncLoadedInventory API to process the created inventory mismatch record.
590052 TS00398452 For bundle items, the component shipment lines are checked for any duplicates to avoid duplicate shipment values when the ON_SUCCESS event of Cancel Shipment is invoked.
589934 Internal In RTAM calculations, capacity is read for 90 days even though the monitoring window is set to a lower value.
590000 TS003964588 The Shipment purge performance is improved by correcting the filtering query logic and query timerons.
590090 Internal When Transfer Schedule is Overridden from YFSDeliveryLeadTimeUE, the node cut off time is still considered from a node transfer schedule between ProcureFromNode and ShipNode in ETS calculation.
590064 Internal A security issue is addressed.

For more details, contact IBM Support.

589292, 589988 Internal In the IBM Sterling Call Center of French locale, when the Create Consumer screen gets dirty, the tab is populated with decoded value and the size of the tab grows unexpectedly.
589298 Internal When the value of yfs.hotsku.lockItemOnInventoryChanges=N, the updateFutureInventory API fails with an invalid Item ID error.

Defect ID PMR # Description
588350 TS002964115 The YFSGetDeliveryLeadTimeUE user exit is enhanced to override the consideration of node transfer schedule between two addresses. To enable this feature, set the yfs.yfs.overrideTransferScheduleForProc=Y property in file. To override the transfer schedule for a pair of address, pass the OverrideTransferSchedule="Y" attribute when the UE is called.

Additionally, if the feature is enabled, the UE is called for each combination of address in the procurement determination so that the transfer schedule can be overridden.

This feature is not supported for multi-hop transfers.

588367 TS003400227 Rules are not executed even when the pricing date is between the start date and the end date of the rule.
588441 TS003333877 When you migrate to IBM Sterling Order Management Software version 10 from version 9.5, two resources and permission factory setup entries are missing from IBM Sterling Business Center.
588375 TS003270033 When IBM Sterling Order Management Software is integrated with external applications, to access the console without logging in, ensure that the single sign on (SSO) is implemented.
589722 Internal A security issue is addressed. For more details, contact IBM Support.
589608 TS003707683 The adjustInventory API Javadoc is updated for the SUPPLY_CHANGE_LIST event information.
588611 Internal The application might not return the required exception record from the YFS_CALENDAR_EXCP_SHIFT table if the table has more than 1000 records.

Solution: The past records from the YFS_CALENDAR_EXCP_SHIFT table is not read.

588613 Internal The PricelistLineAttrList elements in the output are not used to calculate the item's price when the YPMPricelistLineSelectionUE is implemented. In addition, a missing LineItemAttributes element that is used for item attribute based pricing is added to the YPMSelectPricelistLineListUE input Javadoc.
588909 Internal When the records are being synced, the Inventory Snapshot agent does not log the YFS_INVENTORY_SUPPLY and YFS_INVENTORY_DEMAND records.

Solution: Logging is enhanced for the Inventory Snapshot agent.

588911 Internal The YFS_AUDIT_PURGE documentation is updated to correct the description for the Table Type criteria parameter. The updated topic is YFS audit purge.
588915 Internal
The node is not considered for sourcing when you complete the following sequence of actions:
  1. Ensure that the carrier pick up schedule and the node calendar is configured.
  2. Ensure that the sourcing rule for the distribution group contains the store node.
  3. Ensure that the sourcing rule configuration, Consider Only those Nodes That Have a Minimum Capacity of 10% within the Next 5 Days is set.
  4. Configure standard node capacity to 150 for all days for both PICK and SHIP type of resource pool on the node.
  5. Place order after the carrier cutoff for 136 units for the node.
  6. Place order of 136 units for the above node after the carrier cutoff time.
  7. Capacity gets consumed for the next day.
  8. Schedule the order.
  9. Execute the findInventory API after the carrier cutoff time and within the working hours for the node calendar.
588917 Internal On completing the following steps:
  1. Sets the Consider Only Those Nodes That Have A Minimum Available Capacity Of X% Within The Next One Day configuration in the sourcing rule.
  2. Configures the resource pool capacity UOM as UNIT.

If capacity on a current date is insufficient for the ordered quantity, the order gets scheduled after the one day window.

588919,588921 Internal The Reservation purge agent does not consider the retention days of purge criteria, but purges reservation record if it has zero quantity or the expiration date is earlier than the current date.

Solution: The Reservation purge is modified to pick up the reservation record for purge if it has zero quantity or the expiration date is earlier than the current date minus retention days mentioned in the purge criteria.

For more information, see Reservation Purge.

589246 TS003681258 The Order audits gets published externally even when the parent transaction is rolled back due to error.
589705 TS003609436 In an instance based on the Oracle database, an ORA-908 error is reported when you complete the following steps:
  1. Performs the nomenclature setup, such as defining the nomenclature codes, definitions, mappings, and configurations.
  2. Creates a custom service to perform the translation by using the nomenclature runtime component.
  3. Invokes the custom service with some valid input data which is missing from codes.
588428 Internal When a shipment with zero quantity or the one created for an order line with zero order line total is canceled, and the linked shipment level hold types are resolved, the hold_flag in yfs_task_q tables for linked transactions are not updated from Y to N.
588430 Internal A synchronization column that is named lockid value gets moved between UI and backend. The value of this column gets updated on UI when the first action on UI is performed.

Solution: This column is not required to be shown on UI and its purpose is backend synchronization. Its updated value is fetched and used from the database directly. As part of the fix, this column value is no longer sent to the UI.

589863 Internal The releaseOrder API backorders the scheduled order, when you complete the following steps:
  1. Creates two nodes N1 and N2, and also creates a node transfer schedule from node N2 to N1 with 5 transit days.
  2. Configures the carrier service pick up for the service PICK_INTERNAL at node N2 where the carrier service has to pick up at 00:00:00 on the applicable days.
  3. Adjusts an inventory at node N2 for 5 quantities. For example, ITEM_1.
  4. Ensures that the YFSGetDeliveryLeadTimeUE is implemented to return 10 days of transit from node N2 to node N1.
  5. Creates the order with the Ship node N2 and the Receiving node N1 for ITEM_1.
  6. Schedules the order. ETS is the current date +1 and the delivery date is current date + 11.
  7. Releases the order. The order is back ordered.
589766 TS003877896 The restoreOrder API does not restore the order history purge from the YFS_CHARGE_TRAN_RQ_MAP_H history table to YFS_CHARGE_TRAN_RQ_MAP table.
587510 TS002963814 During demand updates, an incorrect DEMAND_SHIP_DATE with a time component is observed.

Solution: Set the yfs.yfs.useOnlyDemandDate=true property in the file to enable additional logging and to prevent demand ship date updates to happen with the timestamps.

Note: The above property is exposed for serviceability and logging purposes only.
589915 Internal The getOrderDetails and getCompleteOrderDetails APIs contain incorrect Javadoc encoding, and therefore, generates corrupted API Javadoc that are not fully functional.

Solution: Fixed the API Javadoc encoding for the getOrderDetails and getCompleteOrderDetails APIs so that the API Javadoc are correctly generated and fully functional.

Defect ID PMR # Description
589613 Internal An incorrect capacity consumption is observed when you complete the following steps:
  1. Creates a node, NODE_1 that has a working shift from 08:00 to 16:59.
  2. Sets the locale for NODE_1 to UTC-4, and the install locale is UTC.
  3. Creates the SG_1 slot group with the 08:00 to 16:59 slot in the hub organization.
  4. Creates a resource pool for NODE_1 of the Release type with the slot group SG_1 and adjusts the capacity.
  5. Ensures that there is no capacity available on the current day in NODE_1.
  6. Creates two orders and schedules them such that two units of capacity are consumed on the current day +1.
  7. Creates a reservation, RSV_001 with three lines that have one quantity each for ITEM_1, ITEM_2, and ITEM_3.
  8. Creates an order with one line each for item ITEM_1, ITEM_2, and ITEM_3 by using the RSV_001 reservation.
  9. Schedules the order.
589366 Internal The findInventory API is unable to find availability when you complete the following steps:
  1. The locale or time zone of the Application Install is set to UTC, which is GMT+00:00, and the locale or time zone of the NODE1 node is set to Chile, which is GMT-04:00.
  2. NODE1 has a working calendar of 09:00 to 20:00.
  3. Inventory capacity is defined for NODE1.
  4. The yfs.useNodeLocaleTimeForCapacityCheck property is set to true.
  5. If the current working date and time at NODE1 is 2020-04-30 08:00, and on calling the findInventory API with ReqEndDate=2020-04-30T23:00:00 and ReqStartDate=2020-04-30T00:00:00, the findInventory API fails to find inventory availability.
589465 Internal IBM Sterling Order Management Software is enhanced to support Line as the Node Capacity UOM.
588850 TS003533308 Incorrect capacity consumption is observed when you complete the following steps:
  1. Creates a node, NODE_1.
  2. Creates a resource pool for the UOM RELEASE on NODE_1.
  3. Creates two items, ITEM_1 and ITEM_2.
  4. Adjusts the inventory for QTY 100 each for ITEM_1 and ITEM_2 on NODE_1.
  5. Sets the yfs.persitCapacityAdjustments property to true.
  6. Creates an order with two lines each.
    Line 1 -> ITEM1 | QTY 1.
    Line 2 -> ITEM2 | QTY 1.
  7. Schedules the order.
  8. Calls the unscheduleOrder and the scheduleOrder API from multi API for the above created order.
589320 TS003670485 When two return orders, with related exchanges, are created for one sales order, the getCompleteOrderDetails API output for the sales order does not include the order line information of the second return order's related exchange order in the output.
589410 TS003750365

The changeRelease API starts the ON_SUCCESS event twice.

Solution: When the changeRelease API is run, the flag that is raised by the API is handled properly and the ON_SUCCESS event does not start twice.
588938 TS003376377

In Javadoc, for the getIntegrationErrorDetails API output XML, maximum length of the ErrorString field does not match the underlying table.

Solution: The Javadoc for the length of the ErrorString field of the YFS_REPROCESS_ERROR_VW database view is changed to 2048 to match with the underlying YFS_REPROCESS_ERROR table.
589371 Internal When optimization for a date is enabled, incorrect capacity constraints are observed for a scheduled order with multiple lines if a day does not have sufficient capacity to fulfill the order. This leads to capacity over-consumption.
588117 TS003090334 Incorrect status quantities are observed when an order release status is selected to move out quantity which has zero quantity.

Solution: A validation is run to verify that the order release status that is selected to move out the quantity does not have zero quantity.

Defect ID PMR # Description
588818 TS003416760 In promising logic, the scope of thread lock must be optimized for performance improvement.

Solution: The thread locking optimization is introduced to improve lock performance of Promising functionality.

588603 Internal

In the scheduleOrder API, when an order is scheduled, it does not consider the sourcing rule capacity constraint if the following conditions are true:

  1. In the sourcing rule, Consider Only Those Nodes That Have A Minimum Available Capacity Of <capacity>% Within The Next No Of Day(s) check box is selected.
  2. The resource pool has the UOM UNIT set as capacity.
  3. X% capacity is not consumed for the current date.
  4. An order is created with quantity such that the capacity is insufficient for the current date.
587107 TS002371503 If the Smart Sourcing feature is enabled, and the number of qualified nodes is less than the number of smart nodes that are configured, an order gets scheduled even if the node capacity is reached.
588883 TS003504864 On starting the Application Server, when the mashup elements are registered in the system, a warning message is displayed due to duplicate entries in the mashup XML file.

Solution: In the application logs,the warning message is fixed by removing duplicate entries in the mashup XML file of IBM Sterling Order Management Software.

588913 Internal When a manifest is open for a node whose time zone is ahead of the time zone of installation, the closeManifest API fails with the error Invalid Pickup Date.
588831,589268 TS003571751,TS003702529 In IBM Sterling Field Sales, when the option to configure or reconfigure is selected, the external properties are not stored in the database and not available in the APIs output.

Solution: The external properties are now stored in the database and are also available in the APIs output.

588659 TS003491152 When a procurement assignment gets created such that the start date of the delivery is before the ship date, the scheduleOrder API fails with the exception Min TS less than current Min.
588088 TS003210194

In the file, if the value of YFS_REGION.entity.transactioncache.enabled property is set to false, changes are not observed when the database property management is enabled.

Solution: The fix is present in install_foundation.jar file, which is used to install the fix packs. Ensure to manually patch the fix.

To patch the install_foundation.jar before installing the fix pack, perform the following steps:
  1. Extract install_foundation.jar from the fix pack installation zip file. The install_foundation.jar is present in <FIX_PACK_INSTALLER_ZIP>/files/Foundation10- <FP_NO>_10.0.0.<FP_NO>.zip/smcfs_10_<FP_NO>.jar/ smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar/ patch/scripts/patchInstallService/jar/install_foundation.jar

    Here, <FP_NO> is a variable field, which takes the numeric value of the fix pack number. For example, start the following commands to extract the contents of install_foundation.jar file:

    • jar -xf <FIX_PACK_INSTALLER_ZIP> files/Foundation10
    • jar -xf files/Foundation10* smcfs_10
    • jar -xf smcfs_10* smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar
    • jar -xf smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar
    • jar -xf smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar patch/scripts/patchInstallService/jar/install_foundation.jar

    All the folder paths are relative to the current directory, which contains <FIX_PACK_INSTALLER_ZIP>.

  2. Replace <INSTALL_DIR>/jar/install_foundation.jar with the extracted install_foundation.jar where <INSTALL_DIR> is the IBM Sterling Order Management Software 10.0.0 installation directory.
  3. Install the fix pack
588501 TS003448900 A performance issue is observed when promising APIs are called in the multi-threaded mode.

Solution: This issue is resolved by reading the calendar from the pool instead of creating a new instance every time. Also, the default calendar pool size is increased from 10 to 25. To create a new calendar each time, set the value of the yfs.calendarpool.donotuse.yfcdateutils property to true in file and redeploy the Application Server.

588729 TS003448256 If the inventory cost is enabled, during procurement an inconsistent selection of the procurement node is observed in promising APIs.
588813 TS003536981

During the scheduling process, the ScheduleOrder agent results in null pointer exception.

588974 TS003619054

The order gets intermittently back ordered when the capacity constraint Consider Only Those Nodes That Have A Minimum Available Capacity Of <capacity>% Within The Next No Of Day(s) check box is enabled in multiple sourcing sequences having the same node but different value for constraint.

589232 TS003614359

In the scheduleOrder API, when the constraint Line Ship Complete is enabled in the scheduling rule and the order line is back ordered, the SchedFailureReasonCode attribute is not stamped.

Defect ID PMR # Description
588496 Internal The GDPR_Get_Detail_Data service order header level SQLs is tuned for better performance.
588597 Internal

During the OMPGetReturnOrderPriceUE user exit invocation, the Charge amount related to charge breakup is not in sync with the amount in header charge, if the following conditions are true.

  1. Creates a sales order with header level charges and discounts and takes it to shipped, invoiced, and paid status.
  2. Creates a return order for the entire sales order.
  3. Invokes the processReturnOrder API and implement the OMPGetReturnOrderPriceUE with reset flag value set to yes to remove header level discounts from the return order.
588605 Internal

When you complete the following steps and start the first refund by using customization or manually, the refund sequence is not working as expected.

  1. Creates a sales order worth three lines 1$, 99$, 100$ each. It has three payment methods: Credit card, cheque and other worth 1$,99$ and 100$ respectively.
  2. Completes the sales order lifecycle until shipped and paid.
  3. Creates the return order RO1 for the third sales order line worth 100$.
  4. Runs the processReturnOrder API, which copies all three payment methods.
  5. Deletes all the other tenders except 100$.
  6. Runs the requestCollection API.
  7. Authorizes or releases the return order receipt, closes it, creates invoice and runs the requestCollectionAPI on the return order RO1.
  8. Ensures the financial rule in return order Allow refund to exceed charge amount and Do not allow credit and debit invoices to settle each other is enabled.

Solution: The total alternative refund amount is properly set to 100$ in sales order corresponding to the return order RO1.

588680 TS003452150 In Sterling Business Center Price List Summary screen, a line break <br/> tag in effective date is removed as it is no longer parsed due to security updates.
588657 TS003454699 If the carrier service schedule pushes the delivery date beyond the ReqEndDate, then ReqEndDate is not considered in findInventoryAPI.
588456 TS003428718 In Java v1.8, when yfs.payment.persistCtrMaps is set to Y, the PaymentCollection agent throws ConcurrentModificationException.
586162 TS002465511 The Java docs and default event template for the REALTIME_ATP_MONITOR.REALTIME_AVAILABILITY_CHANGE_LIST event is changed to correctly show the InventoryOrganizationCode instead of the OrganizationCode in the root element of the template.
588594 Internal The input for OMPGetReturnOrderPriceUE user exit is enhanced to include the reset flag, which has the same functionality.
588668 TS003485880

When the effective From date of the transfer schedule is set for a future date, the transfer schedule period displays null and then fails with Null Pointer exception.

Solution: A void check is made on the transfer schedule period object before using it.

Defect ID PMR # Description
588255 Internal When an attribute of type Text is used, and the value corresponds to a number, the item attribute-based pricing incorrectly evaluates the input as a number and does not compare against any text conditions that are created for the attribute.
585176 Internal

When you complete the following steps to reserve capacity, the error message, "Not enough quantity" is displayed:

  1. Logs in to the IBM Sterling Business Center.
  2. Creates a slot group, SG_1 for the inventory.
  3. Creates a Resource Pool with purpose, "INVENTORY" and slot group SG_1.
  4. Adjusts the standard capacity for all days.
  5. Calls the manageCapacityReservation API to reserve capacity for the current day.
587873 Internal When the rule, Minimize Number Of Shipments To Customer Through Transfers Between Shipping Nodes is enabled and the available capacity is equal to the required quantity for the capacity UOM "UNIT”, a long-running promising transaction is observed.
582501 Internal

For the Base rules, incorrect values are printed in the log.

Solution: Serviceability fix to print the correct Base rules in the verbose is enabled.

588493 TS002365705 When you complete the following steps, the capacity consumption is not deleted:
  1. Adjusts the inventory for ITEM_1 at STORE_1.The capacity resource pool exists at STORE_1 with slot groups.
  2. Calls the reserveAvailableInventory API to create reservation RSV_1 for ITEM_1.The capacity is consumed.
  3. Cancels the reservation RSV_1. The capacity consumption is not deleted.
587622 Internal

If confirmRefundDistributionUE is not implemented, and the payment method is set to Suspended for Charge and Refund, the application initiates refund.

Solution: Call the changeOrder API to set the value of SuspendAnyMoreCharges to A. All refunds that are processed for the new or existing payment methods are suppressed.

587062 Internal

When a user performs the following steps, an incorrect capacity consumption is observed:

  1. Adjusts the inventory for ITEM_1 at STORE_1. The capacity resource pool exist at STORE_1 with slot groups.
  2. Calls the reserveAvailableInventory API to create reservation, RSV_1 for ITEM_1. The capacity is consumed, and a reservation ID is provided.
  3. Create an order and pass the reservation ID that you received. Another capacity is consumed.

Solution: The yfs.useDefaultCapctyConsmptnSlotDtls property is added. If you are using capacity with slot group,ensure to enable this property.

587630 Internal

In Release 10.0, the Search Indexing capability for Order and Shipment entities is available for both sharded and non-sharded installations of IBM Sterling Order Management. In earlier releases, it was available only in a sharded instance. By default, the PLT_INDEX_CONFIG and YFS_INDEX_SYNC database tables contain the required entries to support the capability.

587538 Internal

When you complete the following configuration for purchase orders, the ShipmentPurge agent stops purging shipments after one batch of records are processed.

  1. Sets the value of LeadDays appropriately such that all orders with dummy shipments are considered for purging.
  2. Runs the OrderPurge agent. The orders that contain dummy shipments are purged.
  3. Runs the ShipmentPurge agent.

Solution: The throughput of the purchase order ShipmentPurge agent is improved by adding lastMessageKey in the get Jobs () function output of the agent. Due to this enhancement, the ShipmentKey is stamped as lastMessageKey, so those dummy shipments whose order is purged, get processed for the purging process.

588280 TS003353169 While generating sourcing audits for a long-running scheduleOrder transaction, a null pointer exception is observed.
588123 Internal
When you complete the following steps, an asynchronously charged payment method which was voided gets suspended instead of getting deleted:
  1. Create, schedule, release and ship an order.
  2. Invoke the CreateShipmentInvoice API.
  3. Collect the charge synchronously against the invoice, fail the transaction in the executeCollection API and suspend the payment method.
  4. Add a new payment method PM2 and asynchronously charge it.
  5. Void PM2 using the recordExternalCharges API by enabling the cancelPendingAsynchronous flag.
  6. Invoke the capturePayment API with the Delete operation or use call center for this operation.
588258 Internal The item attribute pricing only considers the attribute values assigned to an item having a pricing rule that uses those attributes.
588126 Internal

When you complete the following configuration step, the Store Value card should have charge up to available turned on and partially charged on the order.

In correction mode, the capturePayment API sets a wrong maxChargeLimit on the payment method, when the requested amount passed is more than the funds available on the Store Value card.

588129 Internal

The copyHubModificationRules API does not copy the status modifications to the correct group when the Default_Group is not defined for the target organization.

Solution: Check if the Default_Group exists. If not, create a new Default_Group status modification group.

588135 Internal

The system goes into an infinite loop and keeps refunding back when the Charge record associated with the invoice goes into 'Error' status post shipment and invoice. Set Authorization reversal as ReverseExcess and partial reversal supported, along with RSFN_DONT_CONSIDER_PENDING_CHARGES rule and DO_NOT_CONSOL_DEBITS_OR_CREDITS rule enabled.

  1. Partially ship an order and short pick remaining quantities. Short picked quantities should be cancelled.
  2. Reverse authorization for short picked quantities should be successful.
  3. The order invoice should be created for partially shipped quantities.
  4. Run the requestCollection API to open a charge type CHARGE in OPEN status.
  5. This CHARGE record should fail and its payment tender should be suspended, while running the executeCollection API.
  6. Run the requestCollection API post activating payment tender suspended in above step.

Solution: The charge type CHARGE should be in OPEN status, without running into dynamic distribution error or creating disturbed financials.

588426 Internal The documentation for the yfs.hotsku.maxItemMapSizeInMemory property is updated. For more information, see Hot SKU control parameters.

Defect ID PMR # Description
587293 TS002867880 Entity framework is enhanced to consider ResizeForMultibyte from entity extensions.
588075 Internal Duplicate unexpected termination alerts are raised by the health monitor when the agent or integration servers were running multiple services.
588247 Internal The attribute carrierServiceCode is added for the UBX events orderCreated and orderModified.
588109 Internal The attribute expectedShipDate is added for the UBX events orderCreated and orderModified.
587638 Internal

Problem: The integration server for UBX_Server, that publishes data to UBX, throws an exception UBX0007 ErrorCode when the receiveOrder API confirms a return shipment.

Solution: The JSON data for the UBX event orderShipped is fixed to handle a return shipment created during the receiveOrder API call.

587632 Internal When the GetAvailableInventory API is called for different segmented inventory of the same item in multiple lines, the availability information that is returned is incorrect.
588069 Internal

The inventory purge agent picks inventory reservation records to be purged if it has 0 quantity or a ship date that is earlier than the system date minus the purge criteria's retention days. This selection criteria might lead to incorrectly purging the inventory reservation records that are not expired.

Solution: Inventory purge is modified to pick up an inventory reservation record for purge if it has 0 quantity or an expiration date that is earlier than the system date minus the purge criteria's retention days.

588073 Internal The default value for IgnoreUnpromised is Y in the getAlternateStoreAvailability API. Java input xml documentation is updated.
587634 Internal The order audits are not getting published externally when you enable DB managed property feature. These properties are not DB managed and must be set in customer_overrides.
588063 Internal In procurement sourcing rules with template distribution group, node filtering based on flag Idle Asset is not working.
588015 TS003203055 A null pointer exception is observed in sourcing audits when all assignments are rejected from the getExternalCostForOptionsUE.
588275 TS003353855 The nodes that are removed by using sourcing corrections user exit are considered for replenishment assignments.
587884 Internal The generated demand adjustment JSON is missing the quantity field for phase 1.
588053 Internal Documentation is updated for the yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToExclude and yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToConsider properties. For information about the property, see file. The Real-time availability monitor (RTAM) topic is updated with the information to create activity of related items.
587640 Internal Documentation is updated for Optimistic Lock Avoidance (OLA) being enabled or disabled. For more information, see Consolidate additional inventory agent.
588009 TS003219911 The importOrder API is incorrectly invoking the getDeliveryLeadTimeUE for a completed order.
588057 Internal In some cases, correct override item ID is not stamped on shipments, when the GTIN is enabled and multiple items sharing the same GTIN are ordered in a single order.
587433 Internal The time that is taken by an SQL query is incorrectly printed as 0 in the log files, when verbose trace is enabled for an API.
588061 Internal The Order release status purge topic is updated to explain precisely the functions of Order Release Status Purge agent. For more information, see Order release status purge.
587722 Internal The API getOrderList is enhanced to provide the ability to control the locking of order header database record. A new attribute, SelectMethod is introduced at the API input. For more information, refer to Javadoc of this API.
587636 Internal

Configuration: NA

Condition: NA

Operation: Invoking recordExternalCharges to cancel an asynchronous refund CHARGE.

Solution: The recordExternalCharge API is enhanced to cancel a pending asynchronously closed refund CHARGE. The input flag CancelPendingAsynchronous should only be used to record the fact that an asynchronous request's response will not be received. This API expects the RequestAmount to be passed as less than 0 to cancel a positive authorization or positive settlement requests. When trying to cancel an asynchronously closed negative transaction, a reverse AUTHORIZATION or refund CHARGE pass the RequestAmount as positive. Refer to the Javadoc for more details.

588119 TS002725000

Operation: Invoke the confirmDraftOrder API on return draft orders.

Condition: Payment processing is enabled at organizations processing return orders. Return document type is eligible for payment updates. The return order is in Draft status and its payment status is Not Applicable.

Solution: Return order payment status during draft order confirmation should go to the Authorized status rather being in the Not applicable status. This ensures return orders go to the PAID status, when the requestCollection runs, making return order whose payment processing is done on the sales order, to be eligible for the purge process.

582624 TS002033985 IBM Documentation is updated to remove documentation for start or stop feature from V10 agent dashboard as these actions require UrbanCode® Deploy integration, which is not available. For more information, see Agent and integration server dashboard.
588051 Internal The coupon update fails in IBM Sterling Business Center when you add an attribute group under exclusion condition, saves it and later removes the attribute group and tries to update the coupon.

Solution: The UI is enhanced to pass attribute IsItemAttributeValueRule as N if the targeted rule is not defined on item attribute values.

587959 Internal The default no of threads for the integration services used to push supplies and demands from IBM Sterling Order Management Software to Sterling Inventory Visibility when Sterling Inventory Visibility integration phase 2 is enabled, is increased 1 - 5.
588055 Internal The ShipNode at order line is not updated from order line schedule for drop ship fulfillment, when order control rules When line is backordered, backorder against highest priority node and A line can be fulfilled from single node only are enabled.
587955 Internal When createOrder is called with DemandType (OPEN_ORDER | SCHEDULED) passed under the OLR element, Sterling Inventory Visibility throws the error, Failed to invoke IVIntegrationApi : Remote response: 400: Invalid demandType passed.
587358 Internal

Problem: When the Sterling Inventory Visibility integration Phase 2 is enabled, and the reserveAvailableInventory API is called without passing any value for the attribute DemandType in the input XML, then the API throws an Invalid demandType passed error.

Solution: Since with Phase 2 integration, the reserveAvailableInventory internally calls Sterling Inventory Visibility reservation API, after the fix, it passes the default demand type as OPEN_ORDER, which is supported by Sterling Inventory Visibility.

588138 Internal When a mashup call is initiated from UI, DB lock is acquired on the required records and worked upon. Once the actual API associated with the mashup is complete, the lock is released and the control flows back to the (massageOutput method of the) custom class associated with the mashup. While this happens, if another JVM acquires the lock on the record and modifies it, the lockId gets updated. However, at the mashup later, the thread would be still alive so will the context that is associated to the mashup call and therefore the transaction cache. If a subsequent call to change the entity is made from the massageOutput method of the mashup, which uses the same context (which still has the record in transaction cache) and tries to run the API call, the stale record from transaction cache gets picked up while the record is already updated in DB by another JVM. When API tries to commit the modifications to this stale record, Update failed. The record to be updated might either not be found or it was already deleted or updated by another transaction error is seen.

Solution: A new releaseTransaction method is added in mashup helper. This is invoked from ValidateGetTrackingNoAndPrintLabel before making the changeShipment call so that fresh record from database is fetched for update.

587628 Internal
  1. Create a sales order with two payment methods, one for 2035$ and another for 550$, and complete the order fulfillment until paid status.
  2. Suspend one of the payment methods, say 2035$.
  3. Create a partial return order for 2035$.
Duplicate refund charges are created when a sales order that has one or more payment methods is suspended for charge and refund is corrected and initiated for active tender value of 550$ only. This issue occurs only when the RSFN_DONT_CONSIDER_PENDING_CHARGES rule is enabled.
588067 Internal In the Call Center Create Order screen, the availability column does not show the correct date when an order is created for an item that has node notification set to some hours.

Solution: In Call Center Create Order screen, the availability column should consider the node notification and show the correct date.

586457 TS002507644 A null pointer exception is thrown when a saved return draft order is reopened and edit products on return operation is performed.
588047 Internal The OrderType field is not considered in shipment conditions for pipelines and transactions.
587980 TS003193343 Documentation has been updated with a note saying, Asynchronous inventory updates are not applicable for order line reservations. For more information, see Best practices for improving order performance.
588059 Internal The documentation for inventory purge incorrectly states that inventory reservation records have ship date, which is earlier than the system date minus the purge criteria retention days. For updated documentation, see Inventory Purge.

Defect ID PMR # Description
587030 Internal You can now model a price list line to store the list price on the Item attributes. The Item attributes for a price list line can be an exact match of Item attributes or Item attributes with non-overlapping ranges or a combination of both. Item attributes can be numeric or alphabetic in nature. For more information see, Price list item attributes.
587017 TS002758095, TS002746949 If an order has a backordered release, status modifications that are normally disallowed are incorrectly allowed through override.
587663 Internal The manageCarrierServiceSchedule and manageCarrierServiceOverride APIs are added to create, modify, and delete carrier service schedule and carrier service override. For more information see, Java docs.
587152 Internal The IBM Sterling Business Center application UI is enhanced to create attribute tiers on price list lines, such that the attribute tier price is used when the attributes match. For more information see, Adjusting the prices of items based on item attributes.
587532 TS002874166 The status descriptions are incorrect for line breakup, when there are multiple shipments in different statuses from one release of a return order.
587385 Internal IBM Sterling Order Management Software is enhanced to include an adapter to support future functionality for OMS business users. The new SDF services provided enables to publish data to a common data platform that is consumed by OMS Business User Controls.
587507 Internal IBM Sterling Order Management Software now supports integration with IBM Inventory Visibility for new deployments. For more information see, Integrating with Sterling Inventory Visibility - phase 2.
587827 Internal Sharded deployment is supported in IBM Sterling Order Management Software version 10.0 fix pack 7, or later. The documentation has been updated accordingly. For sharding capabilities see, Planning and configuring sharded and nonsharded deployments.
587765 TS003071920 The nodes added from the OMPGetSourcingCorrectionsUE are not considered for procurement when the rule Minimize number of shipments to customer through transfers between ship nodes is enabled.
587459, 587207 TS002960003, Internal The SFDC-SFS code does not use the session id when a quote is updated.

Defect ID PMR # Description
586838 Internal When the Allow Reservation During Scheduling rule is enabled and an order is scheduled for an item without any inventory, the reservation is alternated for the item and its substitutes while the order is rescheduled.
587079 Internal The restoreOrder API is not restoring HEADER_CHARGES when passed from the YFSGetOrderExternallyUE table.
586556 Internal A data bound error occurs when the printDocumentSet API is called by passing PrintDocument ID as XPath that is larger than 40 characters.
587237 TS002708590 The YFS_ORDER_RELEASE_STATUS records do not update correctly when you complete the following sequence of actions:

1. Create an item and adjust one quantity for that item.

2. Create an order with an order line of three quantities.

3. Call the changeOrder to stamp the ShipNode in the order line.

4. Schedule the order by using the API tester. One quantity must be scheduled and other two quantities must be back ordered.

5. Unschedule the order from application console.

6. Adjust one more quantity for the same item to change the availability to two.

7. Schedule the order by using the API tester. Two quantities must be scheduled and one quantity must be back ordered.

8. Unschedule the order by using application console.

9. Schedule the order again by using the API tester.

586850 Internal The documentation is updated for Optimistic Lock Avoidance (OLA) being enabled or disabled. For more information, see Consolidate additional inventory agent.
576424 TS001510319 Javadoc for the getOrderDetails and getCompleteOrderDetails API is updated.
587083 Internal When an order contains utf-8 special characters, the integration servers fail to publish events to UBX with an http error response code of 422.
587489 Internal A Primary Key Prefix does not match the Colony (Error PLT0601) error occurs when an order is scheduled in a shared environment.
581363 TS001927216 An Attribute Not indexed Error occurs on Schedule Agent Server when Hot SKU optimistic lock avoidance is enabled.
587430 TS002909262 A payment record is not picked up by the GDPR tool, when a payment record does not have the bill to key set but has information tied to a person info key through the associated order.
586817 TS002706378 An incorrect shard is used to update the inventory supply records when a default shard user calls the adjustInventory API for a non-default shard with the lockItemOnInventoryChanges property set to N.
587171 TS002767941 An incorrect shard is used to create the inventory activity records when a default shard user calls the adjustInventory API for a non-default shard with the lockItemOnInventoryChanges property set to N.
587613 TS002903854 You cannot install factory setup as part of FP8.

Description PMR # Description
585279 Internal Support for VISA mandate in refund transactions
Financial service companies such as VISA are bringing in new mandates for merchants or retailers to acquire return authorizations for refund settlement. To support this requirement, payment user exits are enhanced to record the refund authorization information received from payment gateways against a refund settlement. Learn more.
585877 TS002551381 Retail price is not persisted on order lines when a list price is returned from the pricing engine, even if IsPriceLocked flag is set.
585905 TS002507558 The Javadoc is updated to show the Reference_1 attribute correctly as Reference1 for LineTaxes.
586400 Internal Multiple entries for the RESERVED status is observed in YFS_ORDER_RELEASE_STATUS when you retry to schedule an order that has no change in the expected date.
586403 Internal Repricing does not run when the changeShipment API includes more quantity than what is specified in the original order.
586406 Internal The Supplies element in the input of the getExternalCostForOptionsUE displays records for 0 (zero) available quantity.
586524 Internal The description of getCompleteItemList API is updated in Javadoc.
586537 TS002577699 RTAM does not consider the configured safety factor while publishing availability for Bundle Parent item.
586557 Internal A bundle component cannot be released from multiple nodes and gets backordered when the scheduleOrder API schedules a deliver together bundle order.
586558 Internal The monitorItemAvailability API does not calculate the right future available quantity for a bundle parent item with fulfillment mode as deliver together, when one of the component item is available as on-hand but the other component is only available in the future.
586560 Internal The Enhanced return monitor topic is updated.
586611 TS002624513 The classpath provided to generate the upgrade_diff.xml has been corrected in the documentation. For more information, see Post-migration preparation tasks.

Defect ID PMR # Description
585403 Internal Problem: Intermittent issue with the Capacity consumption not being correctly updated.
586119 Internal Problem: When a canceled shipment with a single order is searched by its order number on the shipment search page of IBM Store Engagement, duplicate entries of that order are displayed.
585715 Internal Problem: An SQL exception occurs when a flow is created with a name that exceeds 40 characters in the SERVICE_NAME column of YFS_ASYNC_REQ table.

Resolution: Column size of SERVICE_NAME in YFS_ASYNC_REQ is increased to 128 characters to match size of FLOW_NAME in YFS_FLOW.

585717 Internal For tag-controlled items, if the RevisionNo attribute is not passed as an input under the Tag element while invoking the reserveItemInventoryList API, a null pointer exception error occurs.
585723 Internal The YFS10131 error occurs while receiving an unexpected item for the second time, when the closeReceipt API is invoked from IBM Store Inventory Management.
586164 Internal GDPR_Delete_Data service does not delete PI Data even when business data does not exist.
583508 Internal The loadInventoryMismatch API inserts a record in the yfs_inventory_supply_temp table with ETA as 1899-12-31 in Helsinki timezone instead of 1900-01-01.
584984 Internal Problem: If routing guide is disabled at buyer organization level/shipment planning level, then identical orders are consolidated to one shipment,. However, once Load is created, routing source code gets updated from 02 to 04 preventing any further consolidation on the shipment

Resolution: The update of routing source on the Load and shipment from 02 to 04 in the reported use case is prevented only when yfs.consolidate.shipments.for.preassigned.carrier property is set to Y.

Defect ID PMR # Description
584992 Internal Problem: The findInventory API is not optimizing for number of shipments.

Resolution: This issue is addressed. Also, the Creating a scheduling rule topic is updated to include the limitation.

585406 Internal In the pickup flow, if you enter a backslash character in the user ID, an input validation failure error is observed.
584996 Internal Problem: During the integration of Sterling Order Management with MQ version, 8.0, you encounter an error.

Resolution: The .jar file names for MQ are updated. For more information, see About setting up runtime utilities on IBM WebSphere.

583812 Internal

The YFSConfirmAssignmentsUE is enhanced to populate the procurement information in the UE input provided the Procurements element is part of the UE input template.

For more information about the YFSConfirmAssignmentsUE input template, see the Java docs.

579735 Internal A NullPointerException is observed in the execution of the reserveAvailableInventory API while reading the resource pool capacity.
585408 Internal The Sterling Business Center displays incorrect assigned values in the Manage Attributes Values page for attributes with the same name.
585400 Internal The Node Capacity of UOM Release is not considered correctly when the following steps are performed:
  1. Create two nodes, NODE_1 and NODE_2.
  2. Create two items, ITEM_1 and ITEM_2 and adjust inventory for both the items at NODE_1 and NODE_2.
  3. Create a resource pool of UOM "RELEASE" at NODE_1 and NODE_2 with the standard capacity of 1 for each day.
  4. Create an order, ORDER_1 with two lines, 1 each for ITEM_1 and ITEM_2 with quantity 1.
  5. Schedule ORDER_1.

    Observe that the two shipments are created as two lines that are either scheduled from different nodes or on different dates from the same node.

585226 TS002433797 The application in not considering the current day capacity.
585397 Internal In Sterling Business Center (SBC), the width for the Switch to drop down option does not expand dynamically with the longest organization name.

Defect ID PMR # Description
509409 Internal IBM Sterling Order Management Software is enhanced to generate unique identifier for each User Interface (UI) element to support IBM Call Center for Commerce UI automation.
580729 Internal The IBM Sterling Order Management Software is enhanced to support deployment on JBoss® EAP 7.2 version. JBoss-related documentation is updated to reflect all the required changes.
581971 TS001980614

Problem: The security.propertyencrypter.class property is moved to yfs category. When running entitydeployer, the property value is not available as yfs category properties are loaded later and hence a class instance is not created.

Resolution:The yfs category properties are now loaded while looking for 'security.propertyencrypter.class' so that the class is picked up as expected.

Note that the fix is present in install_foundation.jar, which is used in the FP installation process itself. Hence, it cannot be patched as part of the FP and must be patched manually.

Perform the following steps to patch the install_foundation.jar before installing Fix Pack
  1. Extract install_foundation.jar from the FixPack installation zip file. The install_foundation.jar is present under

    <FIX_PACK_INSTALLER_ZIP>/files/Foundation10- <FP_NO>_10.0.0.<FP_NO>.zip/smcfs_10_<FP_NO>.jar/ smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar/ patch/scripts/patchInstallService/jar/install_foundation.jar

    <FP_NO> is a variable field, which takes the numeric value of the FixPack number.

    For example, you can execute the following commands to extract the install_foundation.jar file:

    jar -xf <FIX_PACK_INSTALLER_ZIP> files/Foundation10

    jar -xf files/Foundation10* smcfs_10

    jar -xf smcfs_10* smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar

    jar -xf smcfs_10_FP/components/a_patch_Platform_10000.jar


    All the paths are relative to the current directory, which contains <FIX_PACK_INSTALLER_ZIP>.

  2. Replace ${YFS_HOME}/jar/install_foundation.jar with the extracted install_foundation.jar.
  3. Perform the installation of Fix Pack
582621 TS002073915 Problem: When overriding addItems_getCompleteOrderLineList mashup from the Add items screen with an SDF service in IBM Call Center for Commerce, a Missing required attribute error is thrown.

Resolution: The issue is resolved.

583254 Internal

Problem: The createInventoryActivity API, when called with CreateForInvItemsAtNode="Y", causes the DB cursors to remain open.

Resolution: The issue is resolved.

583512 Internal

Problem: When you configures the EDGE Deployment, multiple "java.lang.RuntimeException: ContextTracking" warning messages are displayed.

Resolution: The messages are suppressed on using the EDGE Deployment.

583516 Internal

Problem: When transforming data using CDT, NULL values are not allowed for nullable columns.

Resolution: Replace the value with "" or "NULL" to nullify the column value during CDT transformation, provided the column is nullable.

583814 Internal
Problem: The YCM0002 "Mandatory Parameters for the Operation are missing" error message is displayed when you complete following sequence of actions:
  1. Creates a bundle item with components.
  2. In the Applications Manager, configures the "Bundle Component Line" to include CostCurrency attribute under Item element.
  3. Creates an order with bundle item with CostCurrency.

Resolution: The issue is resolved.

583818 Internal Problem: ShortZipCode is never updated on computing even if the ZipCode changes.

Resolution: The issue is resolved.

Defect ID PMR # Description
583885 Internal The IBM Order Management Software is certified to support deployment on WebLogic WebLogic related documentation is updated to reflect all the required changes.
579583 Internal The date and time are not converted as per the user locale time zone in the shipment audit page.
579605 Internal Availability for an item at few nodes is not published by RTAM if nodes more than 9999 are being monitored.
579300 TS001785142 The requestCollection opens multiple authorizations when you complete the following steps:
  1. Enable CTR.
  2. Enable Do Not Consolidate Settlement Or Refund Requests Across Invoices.
  3. Enable Allow Refunding Of Negative Debits Before Sufficient Collection Has Occurred.
  4. Enable Allow Refund To Exceed Charge Amount.
  5. Enable Do Not Allow Debit And Credit Invoices To Settle Each Other.
  1. Create order for 76.13 with two payment methods with 70 (payment method 1) and 6.13 (payment method 2) as max charge limit with same charge sequence.
  2. Create CTR for 76.13.
  3. Run payment API and collect authorization for 70 and 6.13.
  4. Create a credit memo for 5.
  5. Run payment API and settle -5 CHARGE.
  6. Increase the order total by 121.31 and increase the max charge limit for payment method 2 by 121.31.
  7. Run payment API to collect 121.31 authorization.
  8. Suspend payment method used for 121.31 authorization.
  9. Add a new payment method with max charge limit as 127.44 and charge seq as 9999.
  10. Run payment agents.

Unnecessary authorization reversal and new authorization are created in consecutive payment API runs.

576673 TS001579620 The documentation is updated with the information that IBM Order Management Software installation with Installation Mode "Setup Runtime for Docker Build" is supported only on UNIX®. Also, the following topics are updated with the steps required to perform the installation with Installation Mode "Setup Runtime for Docker Build".

Installing Sterling Order Management System Software Professional Edition software:

Installing Sterling Order Management System Software Enterprise Edition software:

582216 Internal Problem: ExpectedShipmentDate and capacity consumption is not updated correctly when the following steps are completed.
  1. Application Install locale/timezone is UTC (GMT+00:00) and node say NODE1 locale/timezone is PST (GMT-07:00).
  2. NODE1 has a working calendar of 08:00 to 22:00 and end of shift is enabled.
  3. Inventory capacity is defined for NODE1.
  1. Current working date and time of NODE1 is 2019-03-01 21:00.
  2. Create an asap order for an item at NODE1.
  3. The ExpectedShipmentDate for order at NODE1 while scheduling is 2019-03-02 22:00 and capacity consumption is recorded for date 2019-03-03.


To see the change in behavior for ETS and capacity consumption when node locale/timezone is different from Install locale/timezone please follow below:
  1. Set the yfs.useNodeLocaleTimeForCapacityCheck property to true.
  2. Create the slot group with non overlapping slots which are in sync with Node working hours, 08:00-22:00.
  3. Create Inventory resource pool with defined slot group.
  4. Upon scheduling, orders for NODE1 will have ExpectedShipmentDate and capacity consumption based on Node working hours as per the Node locale.
582969 Internal The YFSGetExternalOrderForReturnUE user exit is deprecated and the functionality is no longer supported.
582967 Internal You cannot create the custom attribute because the required Value Type (drown- down menu) is not populated in the Object Extensibility screen.

Create the custom attribute and the Value Type (drown-down menu) is populated with Boolean, Date, Decimal, Integer, and Text.

581316 Internal

Cannot get the source timestamp for demand integration with IV.

582973 Internal For items with IS_PICKUP_ALLOWED set to N or BLANK, inventory alert records are created with Delivery method "SHP" even when the monitor rule assigned to the item is created for only Delivery method "PICK".
581877 TS002057784 The findInventory API java documentation is updated with the following note:
Note: Do not pass system reserved LOW or HIGH date for ReqStartDate, ReqEndDate. Target a logical and smaller window for better performance.
582975 Internal Calling changeOrderSchedule on chained order sets the fields CHAINED_TO_ORDER_LINE_KEY and CHAINED_TO_ORDER_HEADER_KEY in the YFS_ORDER_RELEASE_STATUS table to null. The fix ensures that these fields are set and the link is maintained.
581458 Internal The manageProperty java documentation is updated to add Category as a mandatory attribute.
581563 Internal Condition:
  1. Create a SalesOrder with header level charges and discounts, and take it to shipped and invoiced status.
  2. Create a corresponding returnOrder for the sales order (the sales order should be completely returned).
  3. Run processReturnOrder with OMPGetReturnOrderPriceUE implemented to update the header level discounts and charges to zero in the return order.
The OMPGetReturnOrderPriceUE output still considers the return order's header level discounts and charges for calculation.


Invoke the processReturnOrder API.


Implement the OMPGetReturnOrderPriceUE.


The OMPGetReturnOrderPriceUE output is in sync with its UE implementation logic.

581566 Internal Problem: The onDelete event of JsonWriteStore that is used for grid data takes considerable execution time when the grid has large number of records.

Solution: An extensibility property, Ignore OnDelete event on grid refresh is introduced. By default, the value of this property is set to false. When you modify the value to true, it prevents from triggering the onDelete event of JsonWriteStore.

581569 Internal When you complete the following steps, during resourcing the Expected Shipment Date is incorrectly calculated.
  1. Adjust inventory for an item, say ITEM_1 at NODE_1.
  2. Create an order for ITEM_1.
  3. Schedule and release the order.
  4. Create a shipment with ExpectedDeliveryDate as future date.
  5. In the Sterling Store application perform record shortage for the order line.

    The status of the order changes to Backorder.

  6. Again schedule the order.

    ETS is marked as a future date.

581577 Internal Condition: Create a sales order and take it till shipment shipped. Invoice the order, but do not collect the amount.

Operation: Invoke getCompleteOrderInvoiceDetails API with the template that includes the Balance attribute in the InvoiceHeader element.

Solution: Balance should populate the difference between the total amount and collected amount.

581581 Internal The Authorization Expiration Date on the order header is not set to current date when you complete the following steps:
  1. Order is in the Paid status.
  2. Creates a Debit memo.
  3. Creates a Credit memo.
  4. Runs processOrderPayments.
Configuration: The following options are enabled:
  • Do Not Consolidate Settlement Or Refund Requests Across Invoices
  • Do Not Allow Debit And Credit Invoices To Settle Each Other
581583 Internal Applications Manager can be launched not only with Internet Explorer but also with other browsers by using Java Web Start launcher. The following topics are updated appropriately:
581587 Internal The getPage API returns twice as many records are requested in the input.
581591 Internal The Factory setup for IBM Sterling Order Management and Merchandising Workspace integration services are added.
581593 Internal An amount of $5 excess transfer is created from return to exchange order when you complete the following steps:
  1. Set the yfs.yfs.calcPlanRefForAllSuppressRefSettleWaitTillReturnInv=Y property.
  2. Create a return order for $100.
  3. Create an exchange order for $105.
  4. Add a payment method to exchange order and settle $5.
  5. Create an invoice for the return order. A transfer out from return to exchange is created for $100.
  6. Call processReturnOrder on the return order. A transfer out of excess $5 is created from the return order to the exchange order.
579508 Internal Condition:

To avoid the class cast exception, configure the implementation logic for YDMOverrideDetermineRoutingUE as only class and not as a service.


The factory setup through fix pack installation process should be run to mark the Flow_Designable column in YFS_User_Exit table to N for YDMOverrideDetermineRoutingUE.


You cannot implement YDMOverrideDetermineRoutingUE as a service, rather implement as a java class.


The fix pack installation process disables the Invoke through Service configuration in the YDMOverrideDetermineRoutingUE tables, as the product design exposes the YDMOverrideDetermineRoutingUE implementation as class.

579526, 579532 Internal Problem: Product is not honoring the ON HAND only sourcing rule detail configuration.

Solution: Product has been enhanced to consider future inventory window attribute from sourcing rule details. Based on the number of days set in the Future Inventory window, the available supplies are now filtered.

579529 Internal Product documentation has been updated with the description for the yfs.synchLoadedInventory.MultiRec property.

For more information, see Inventory management

582378 TS001510319 The Custom Attribute enhancements section in the What's changed content is updated.
579541 Internal Condition:
  1. Create a sales order with 2 quantity in an order line worth 8$ unit price, take it to completion, marking it invoiced and paid.
  2. Create a return order for 2 quantities and corresponding advance exchange order only for 1 qty worth $9.9, take advance exchange order to completion and invoice the same.
  3. Authorize the return order.
  1. Invoke createOrderInvoice API and run requesCollection API on return order line1.
  2. Invoke recordInvoiceCreation and changeOrder APIs for providing credit memo of $5.
  3. Run requestcollection API on exchange order.
  4. Invoke createOrderInvoice API and run requesCollection API on return order line2.
Now when we run requesCollection API on exchange order an infinite loop error is thrown.


With this fix, when we execute requestCollection API on exchange order, no infinite loop should happen. The nature of fix is to correct distribution happening between first partial transfer in ($8) from return order and invoice ($9.9) of exchange order.

580194 Internal When RTAM is run in OP2, quick sync, with FromLastNumberOfHours set, only the first alert for each item is picked up.

Defect ID PMR # Description
580198 Internal A security issue is addressed.

For more details, contact IBM Support.

579550 Internal The documentation related to yfs.massageapiinput.registerextnpoint property has been updated.
579554 Internal A Null Pointer Exception (NPE) is observed in the getATP API when Nodes have non-tracked inventory and inventory item does not exist in the database.
579556 Internal A new property, ycd.ignorepickupstatus, has been added to control whether shipment status information is always displayed for PICK orders. If this property is set to "Y", the Where is my shipment? link in the Sterling Call Center UI always displays the shipment information regardless of pipeline status. For more information, see file.
579558 Internal When prioritization is enabled for Distribution Group, intermittently Null Pointer Exception (NPE) is observed in RTAM.
579735 Internal Intermittently, a NullPointerException is observed in the execution of the reserveAvailableInventory API, while reading the resource pool capacity.
579739 Internal Problem: Sub models with dynamic instantiation are not stable. Multiple child items are seen during reconfigure, after model change for models with dynamic instantiation.

Solution: The product code is enhanced to handle the model change and to allow reconfigure gracefully.

579740 Internal When User Tracing is enabled with single-sign on implementation, actions performed are not captured in the trace.
579741 Internal The Javadoc is updated for the loadCustomPricingRulesUE user exit.
581819 Internal The findInventory input with a very high ReqEndDate when passed in the API input causes an infinite loop.
579742 Internal Problem: When you attempt to re-configure a bundle item, hung thread is observed.

Solution: Enhanced the product code to fix the hung thread issue.

579618 Internal The Foundation Upgrade reports broken link has been fixed. For more information, see Upgrade Reports for Sterling Order Management System Software.
579722 Internal Updated the adjustedInventory API in the Javadoc to include the following note:

The ABSOLUTE adjustment type is not meant for supplies with INFINITE availability type.

579723 Internal Issue: On deletion of a category (after certain actions like moving an item from the category), it is still seen on the left panel of Sterling Business Center under the catalog tree.

Resolution: On deletion of a category (after certain actions like moving an item from the category), it should not be seen on the left panel of Sterling Business Center under the catalog tree.

579725 Internal Creating an Order by passing the Order\PriceInfo@TotalAmount attribute causes the TotalAmount to show double the actual total amount.
Note: Ensure not to pass this attribute. For more information, see Javadoc.
579726 Internal The return order screen in the Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) application does not display properly, if the customer's name contains the "Ā" character.
579728 Internal The YFS_Order_Header and YFS_Opportunity entity definitions are updated to support resizing for multibyte characters and to define CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME and CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME data types to be PersonName, matching the YFS_PERSON_INFO table.
579731 Internal If Capacity Slot Groups are configured and if the application install locale and Node locale are in different time zones, capacity consumption for the promising APIs does not work as expected.
579732 Internal The yfs.hotsku.updateInventoryAfterAPIOutput property is introduced to alter when inventory database updates happen during a transaction. Set this property to "Y" to commit inventory updates to the database after the API output. If this property is set to "N", then inventory updates are committed to the database at the end of the transaction. By default this property is set to "N" and it is only applicable when yfs.hotsku.lockItemOnInventoryChanges is "N".

This property is introduced to handle the case where yfs.yfs.hotsku.lockItemOnInventoryChanges=N and the modifyFulfillmentOptions API is called on a scheduled order with the last remaining quantity of an item. The Commerce Call Center application throws the error "Inventory not Available for Order Line" because the API is trying to unschedule and reserve the remaining quantity in the same transaction.

576644 Internal Catalog index build fails intermittently when the agent is run with multiple threads.
580771 Internal Problem: In the Configurator UI, when a decimal value is entered in the QTY field, continuous pop error occurs.
Solution: Product is enhanced to fix the continuous pop error.
579737 Internal Option classes that are displayed in the output of the generateConfigurationBOM API should be in the same sequence as defined in the model.
579612 Internal Java wrapper processes of sender utility are not being exited automatically.
580151 Internal For Oracle database, if NLS_LENGTH_SEMENTICS is set as CHAR before creating tables, and the DB driver version is 11 or later, the dbverify generates alter statements for the table to reduce the column length, even when the database column length is more than the entity XML column length.
580152 Internal The length of the column CONTEXT_NAME in table YFS_STATISTICS_DETAIL must be increased to match the maximum length of the user exit names.
582216 Internal Problem:

The ExpectedShipmentDate and capacity consumption are not updated correctly when the following steps are performed.

  1. Application Install locale/timezone is UTC (GMT+00:00 and node say, NODE1 locale/timezone is PST (GMT-07:00).
  2. NODE1 has a working calendar of 08:00 to 22:00 and end of shift is enabled.
  3. Inventory capacity is defined for NODE1.
  1. Current working date and time at NODE1 is 2019-03-01 21:00.
  2. Create an asap order for an Item at NODE1.
  3. The ExpectedShipmentDate for order at NODE1 on scheduling is 2019-03-02 22:00 and capacity consumption is recorded for date 2019-03-03.


To see the change in behavior for ETS and capacity consumption when node locale/timezone is different from Install locale/timezone, perform the following steps:
  1. Set the yfs.useNodeLocaleTimeForCapacityCheck property to true.
  2. Create a slot group with non-overlapping slots which are in sync with Node working hours (08:00-22:00).
  3. Create Inventory resource pool with defined slot group.
  4. Upon scheduling, orders for NODE1 contains ExpectedShipmentDate and capacity consumption based on Node working hours as per Node locale.
580222 TS001907883 The topics in IBM Documentation are rearranged to follow the sequence of migrating the transaction data first and then the history data.

For more information about the migration sequence, see Running data migration.

579747 Internal Shipment records without shipment lines are purged by Purge Shipment transaction even though the corresponding Purchase Order is present in the YFS_ORDER_HEADER table.
580059 Internal In the English language pack, the product name is updated from "IBM Sterling Order Management Suite" to "IBM Order Management System".
579720 Internal The yfs.hotsku.updateInventoryAfterAPIOutput property is introduced. For more information, refer the following topics:
579721 Internal The send invoice agent processes the same invoice multiple times.
577867, 579514 TS001674429 For resource pool of type RELEASE, incorrect node capacity consumption is observed when the following steps are performed:
  1. Create a node, say STORE_1. Configure sourcing such that this node is considered.
  2. Create ITEM_1 and adjust inventory for this item on STORE_1
  3. Create a Resource pool RP_1 at STORE_1 of type RELEASE.
  4. Create an order with Order Line Reservation at current date for ITEM_1 and STORE_1. Make sure that 1 capacity is consumed for Resource pool RP_1.
  5. Call scheduleOrder and releaseOrder APIs in a multi-API call.
580153 Internal When the consolidateAdditionalInventory agent is run for the yfs_inventory_demand_addnl records that are created because of a hot SKU, orphaned records are observed in the YFS_INVENTORY_DEMAND_DTLS table.
580154 Internal A new property, ycd.ignorepickupstatus, is added to control whether or not the shipment status information is always displayed for PICK orders. If this property is set to Y, the Where is my shipment? link in the Commerce Call Center UI always displays the shipment information regardless of pipeline status. For more information refer to file.
580155 Internal Problem : When an order has two free gift lines applied due to promotion and both the free lines are then canceled, an error is thrown.

Solution : After the fix, when an order has two free gift lines applied due to promotion and both the free lines are then canceled, no error is thrown.

580157 Internal The yfs.yfs.persitCapacityAdjustments property is used to push the database updates for capacity on the commit event of a transaction. The functionality has been enhanced to handle an additional scenario when scheduleOrder API is run on an order with reservation.
579756 Internal The "Create a Resource Pool" topic is updated with an appropriate note. For more information, see Create a Resource Pool.
579734 Internal RTAM in Quick Sync Mode is not accepting the extended REALTIME_AVAILABILITY_CHANGE_LIST event template.
579517 Internal If the overall order total change is 0, unable to make modify order line charges post invoicing.
580190 Internal A security issue is addressed.

For more details, contact IBM Support.

580763 Internal Inventory Purge is deleting Demand and Supply without considering the retention days.
582338 Internal An order does not move to the Scheduled status when you complete the following steps:
  1. Create an Order with one Order Line of quantity, say 40.
  2. Ensure that all 40 quantities are available at 40 different nodes.
  3. Call the scheduleOrder API.

Defect ID PMR # Description
576415 Internal

Problem: If multiple supply records are available for supply are being updated, incorrect inventory picture is observed after syncLoadedInventory API.

Solution: A new property, yfs.synchLoadedInventory.MultiRec, is added. When this property is enabled, the syncLoadedInventory API calculates the inventory picture against multiple supply records.

576650 Internal

DBClassGenerator does not use the right statement variable for the setValuesOnDeletePreparedStatement method for the numeric data type, as a result, the ‘dbclassgen’ target returns the 'cannot find symbol' error, when the data type of the primary key of an extended table is ‘NUMBER’.

577103 Internal

Condition: Exposing properties in the format required so that the same might be managed through database. Operation: Edit sandbox.cfg file to set DATABASE_PROPERTY_MANAGEMENT=true, run setupfiles.cmd (or sh) and loadProperties.cmd (or sh). Solution: Properties introduced should be manageable in database as well when DATABASE_PROPERTY_MANAGEMENT parameter is enabled in the sandbox.cfg file.

577138 TS001584731

The Installing gulp and its dependencies topic is updated with the required fixes.

578285 Internal

Problem: The health monitor startup script does not accept JVM arguments.

Solution: The health monitor startup script is enhanced to accept JVM arguments on a UNIX installation. The JVM arguments can be supplied as follows:
./ -jvmargs "<jvm_arguments>"
For example,
/ -jvmargs "-Dabc=foo -Dxyz=pqr"
578538 Internal

The Javadoc description for the behavior of InsertMissingAttributeAllowedValues flag is updated for the manageItem API.

578637 Internal
Problem: Realtime Activity Based Monitor in activity-based mode (01) is enhanced to consider only specific activities. Solution: As part of this change, two properties are exposed, as follows:
  • Set yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToConsider= [ "," separated list of purpose ] to make RTAM activity-based consider only the activities with "purpose" specified in list in this JVM or agent server. For example, yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToConsider=70,90
  • Set yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToExclude= [ "," separated list of purpose ] to make RTAM activity-based not to consider only the activities with "purpose" specified in list in this JVM or agent server. For example, yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToExclude=70,90
  • If the property is not specified in a JVM, the default behavior of processing all activities by MO-1 is considered.
  • Full sync continues to process all items.
  • Both properties cannot be defined for a JVM.
578693 Internal

The product name "IBM Sterling Order Management Suite" is changed to "IBM Order Management Software".Known Issue: Some of the screens in the Application Console and Applications Manager UI might still show the old product name. This issue will be addressed in a later fix pack.

578707 Internal

The name "IBM Sterling Business Center" is renamed to "Business Center"

579100 Internal

Problem: The application server startup is slow due to JMX MBean initialization, which occurs during server startup. Solution: The JMX MBean initialization, which occurs during server startup might take more time due to stale entries in the yfs_heartbeat table. This initialization can be done asynchronously in a parallel thread by setting the value of yfs.jmx.initialize.async property to true (By default, the value is set to false) in the file. This property ensures that the server startup activity is not blocked due to JMX initialization. By default, this initialization happens synchronously during server startup.

579511 Internal

For pricing rule assignment and pricing rule seller assignment, if the assignment id is not passed, a new assignment is created. This issue is fixed by using key fields other than the assignment id to retrieve the assignment. In case you need to have two different assignments or more with same OOB column values but different extended column values, you must pass the assignment id. Additionally, the fix makes sure that an assignment id is assigned to the assignments created because of global assignment (CreateGlobalSellerAssignment or CreateGlobalCustomerAssignment).

579640 Internal
Two new yfs properties are added for JMX initialization.
  • The JMX MBean initialization can be turned off by setting the following property in the file. By default, JMX MBean initialization is enabled during server startup.
  • The JMX MBean initialization can be done asynchronously in a parallel thread during server startup by setting the following property in the file. This property ensures that the server startup activity is not blocked by JMX initialization. By default, this initialization happens synchronously in the server startup thread.
578572 TS001775715

Creating an order with item id that contains trailing spaces fails when validate item flag is turned on.

578176 TS001676143

When createOrder and generateWorkOrder APIs are called in a single transaction boundary and person info has different value for IsCommercialAddress attribute, system throws "Could not find entity (probably changed lockid)" error message.

579712 TS001868380

Documentation is appropriately updated for migration steps. For more information about the migration steps, see Premigration data validation.

579972 TS001874046 The documentation is appropriately updated for encrypting properties. For more information about the encrypting properties, see Encryption through property files.

Defect ID PMR # Description
551653 Internal When backward compatibility is enabled for payment, setting the yfs.payment.persistCtrMaps to Y and deleting a managed transaction request for an expired authorization does not take care of deleting associated records in the YFS_CHARGE_TRAN_RQ_MAP table.
574433 Internal When an agent's executeJob method or an integration service throws an error while processing, there is a gradual memory built up within the ErrorContextMediator object that is associated with the agent or integration server. If a large number of errors are thrown over a long period of time, it might result in OutOfMemory error.
575865 TS001462521 The documentation is updated with steps to download and install Db2 version for Sterling Order Management System Software release 10.0. For more information, see Configuring Db2 on Unix or Linux®.
575893, 575894, 575895 TS001461672, TS001461647, TS001448216 Deployment of EAR on the WebSphere Application Server fails with error "org.eclipse.wst.common.internal.emf.utilities.FeatureValueConversionException: IWAE0014E Failed to convert ASYNC to Enumeration."
576640 Internal Configuration: Create a shareable assignment for a pricing rule, create customers C1 and C2, where C1 is the parent of C2. Pricing rule is assigned to Customer C1.
Condition: N/A
Operation: Call the getOrderPrice API and pass C2 as the customer.
Problem: Pricing is not applied on the order.
Solution: N/A
576641 Internal Problem: In the Catalog Management Screen of Sterling Business Center, when you perform a basic search for adding an item to a category, all the items, including the ones that are already assigned to the current category are displayed.
Solution : Only those items which are not assigned to the current category are displayed.
576646 Internal The drop-down lists in the Dojo-based IBM Sterling Store screens may not work in the newer mobile versions of Google Chrome.
576648 Internal

Problem: The CSRF token authentication error is observed when the Enter key is pressed in the report/record receipt screen, while focus is on the Receiving Quantity text box.

Solution: Both the Enter key and the Save button in the report/record receipt screen can receive items, pressing the Enter key does not throw the CSRF token authentication issues anymore.

576649 Internal The getOrderList API is enhanced to return a list of orders based on TotalAmount and Currency as input criteria.

For more details, see the getOrderList API Javadoc.

576651 Internal When the full set of available attributes is not used in the range-based pricing, there is a noticeable white space between some of the attribute fields.
576653 Internal
The YCP0427 error is observed when you complete the following steps:
  1. Configures a Synchronous service as Start-->DB(YFS_EXPORT)-->Stop.
  2. Enables the ON_SUCCESS event of Resolve Exception transaction.
  3. Configures an action on the ON_SUCCESS event to call the service configured as part of step 1.
  4. Creates an asynchronous service. (Start-->JMS(Is Reprocess is checked)-->API (createOrder)-->Stop.
  5. Sends the incorrect createOrder input XML to the new service so that error occurs while processing the message.
  6. Corrects the input message and marks the exception for reprocessing.
  7. The integration server picks the message from the YFS_REPROCESS_ERROR table for reprocessing.
576790, 577416 Internal

Intermittently, the optimization on Cost or Number of shipments does not return optimal solution. The problem is observed in multi-line scenario where required quantity on an order line cannot be fulfilled from any single node.

Solution: Set yfs.yfs.solver.exploreMoreNodeDateOptions=true in to see a change in behavior.
MaximumRecords may have to be set at a higher value to see optimal solution when this property is enabled. For more information about this property, see file.

576792, 576795 Internal The OMPGetExternalCostForOptionsUE suppresses Transfer Order creation, if ShipNode does not have any inventory.
576794, 577423 Internal The product is enhanced to consider reservations created for an item with inventory segments.
576796 Internal The extended tag attributes are not read by the createOrder API, when the out-of-the-box OrderLineInvAttRequest element attributes are not passed in the input of the createOrder API.
576823 Internal A null pointer exception is thrown during the scheduleOrder transaction, when hot SKU is enabled along with YFSGetExternalInventoryForItemListUE.
576824 Internal The Javadoc for YFSPurgeOrderToExternalDataStoreUE and Purge order details to an external system topic are updated with correct information.
576830 Internal For RTAM in the activity mode, Bundle Parent is monitored at all nodes of a distribution group, if the component item has activity for any Node in the Distribution Group.
576831 Internal Incorrect on-hand available quantity is getting calculated in YFS_INVENTORY_ALERTS on implementing YFSGetOverriddenDGForItemUE when extra ship nodes are being added to some Distribution groups, which are being monitored.
576832 Internal The agent Server fails to start intermittently with an error: DataType specified does not exist in DataTypes.xml (ResourceName).

Solution: Initialization of entity repository is fixed to take place only once even if it is called by multiple threads.

576833 Internal

The output of getAvailabilityCache API does not show any information about future quantity or its availability.

Solution: The Javadoc of getAvailabilityCache API has been updated to include the following attributes:
  • FirstFutureAvailableDate
  • FutureAvailableDate
  • FutureAvailableQuantity
  • OnhandAvailableDate
  • OnhandAvailableQuantity
576834 Internal The actions performed are not captured in trace when User Tracing is enabled with single-sign on implementation.
576835 Internal In the processOrderPayments API, when attributes other than PaymentKey and SecureAuthenticationCode are passed to the PaymentMethod, the SecureAuthenticationCode may not be used by the payment collection user exit.
576837 Internal Entry is not getting created in the YFS_TASK_Q table when an order is restored using restoreOrder API. Therefore, the order is not getting purged again.
577559 Internal The version Info is not available in Fix Pack 1 for V10.