Video conferencing

While you won’t be able to meet with your students in your usual classroom environment, today’s video conference technology makes virtual meetings instant, seamless and productive.

How video conferencing can help your virtual classroom

Video conferencing tools like Cisco Webex Meetings can help your remote classroom connect and collaborate:

  • Keep students connected and engaged during this period of social distancing
  • Continue to have class at the same time to keep a level structure and consistency
  • Screen share your presentations
  • Record your class sessions and make them available for students to review later
  • Meet with students who need additional, one-on-one support, or in small groups

Useful tips

Video conferencing tools like Cisco Webex Meetings can help your remote classroom connect and collaborate:

  • Join your classroom video conference five minutes early and tell students they should join a few minutes early as well.
  • Provide information on video conferencing etiquette to students before the first class, including the use of the mute feature, avoiding excess noise, the best position for their cameras, etc.
  • Make sure drapes and curtains are closed if there are any windows in the room, as daylight can interfere with camera performance.
  • If you are having trouble with choppy video or audio on Webex, turning your video off may help. If necessary, you and your class can always dial into the conference over the phone.
  • Familiarize yourself with the various layouts available. You may find that the gallery view is best to see your entire class at one time.

Free video meeting tools

We use and recommend the following free video meeting tools to use in your remote classroom:

Cisco Webex Meetings

For fewer than 100 participants

Cisco Webex Meetings provides resources to support teachers, students, and parents as they transition to remote learning. Learn about Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) compliance and the responsibility of the school district offering Cisco services to faculty and students.

IBM Watson Media

For more than 100 participants

IBM Watson Media provides live video streaming services that you can use to broadcast to large classrooms or to broadcast virtual assemblies. You can also share videos on-demand with your class. Learn more about broadcast tools.