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Access quantum

Open Plan

Best for

Learning quantum computing and exploring IBM quantum technology.

  • Access to Qiskit® Runtime as a Service

  • Access to 100+ qubit utility-scale systems

Up to 10 minutes of runtime on utility-scale systems per month.

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Best for

Performing utility-scale quantum research projects and testing business use cases with flexible access.

  • Access to Qiskit Runtime as a Service

  • Access to 100+ qubit utility-scale systems

  • Access to IBM Quantum™ technical support

Pay for what you need. Billed per second.

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Premium Plan

Subscription required

Best for

Executing a strategic quantum roadmap and developing utility-scale quantum algorithms and applications.

  • Access to Qiskit Runtime as a Service

  • Access to 100+ qubit utility-scale systems

  • Access to IBM Quantum technical support

  • Optional access to our Quantum Accelerator offering

Access to additional systems & IBM quantum resources.

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Dedicated Service

Subscription required

Best for

Exploring quantum algorithms and applications with high control over your resources and data.

  • Access to Qiskit Runtime as a Service

  • Access to 100+ qubit utility-scale systems

  • Access to IBM Quantum technical support

  • Optional access to our Quantum Accelerator offering

  • Full system capacity purchased as a service

  • Optional system location on client site

Access to an entirely dedicated quantum system, serviced and maintained for you by IBM.

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For enterprise

Technical services

IBM offers the expertise and support you need to prepare your cybersecurity and strategic plan for the impact of quantum computing.

IBM Quantum Safe™

IBM Quantum Safe prepares your organization for the shift to quantum-safe cryptography. Secure your data and infrastructure, and build the practices, tools, and architecture you need to upgrade your cybersecurity with agility in the future.

IBM Quantum Accelerator

IBM Quantum Accelerator is our full-service offering for clients looking to build on access offered by the Premium Plan. Accelerator clients get personalized support plans to fully prepare for the coming impact of quantum on their industries.

A team having a discussion at an office table

For enterprise

Advance science as part of the IBM Quantum Network

There are 270+ Fortune 500 companies, universities, laboratories and startups in the Network, with access to exclusive meetings and select channels. IBM Quantum Network members collaborate widely, and benefit from close working relationships with our in-house experts.
IBM Quantum Network benefits:
  • People in your organization will see their quantum skills develop rapidly through routine contact with our in-house talent
  • Hear from the brightest minds in the field at our monthly IBM Quantum Network Colloquium and annual IBM Quantum Summit
  • IBM Quantum Premium Plan clients can access our most powerful systems with shorter wait times, hands-on support, and training
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Members include

Explore our case studies

Learn why companies and institutions are partnering with IBM for quantum computing innovation.
A close-up of a microscope.

Charting a new future for the global semiconductor industry.

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A Boeing Jetliner flying in the clouds.

Seeking new ways to engineer strong, lightweight materials.

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Photography of the CERN Large Hadron Collider

Searching for Higgs events and the origins of the universe.

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Researcher architecting molecules that redefine luminescence
Mitsubishi Chemical, JSR, & Keio University
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Exploring new forms of light-emitting materials.

Image for startup section
For startups

Join our Startup Program

Get the support, access, and recognition you need to speed up your time to market. Startup Program members are part of our exclusive IBM Quantum Network, giving startups the opportunity to influence and connect with the finest minds in the field.

Startup program benefits:

  • Access IBM quantum processing units through our Open Plan or Pay-As-You-Go Plan, with the opportunity to apply for IBM Quantum Credits
  • Receive technical support to ensure you get maximum performance out of our quantum technology
  • Invite-only access to startup-specific events, as well as startup-specific skill-building, training and webinars
  • Highlight developments and boost recognition through co-marketing opportunities, with the potential to gain visibility from our IBM Ventures team
  • Meet other professionals from the IBM Quantum Network by participating in IBM-organized events

To be eligible for the program, your startup must be incorporated and have a business model grounded in quantum computing.